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Hari, Tanggal :Sabtu , 22 Juni 2019 Mata Ujian : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas : XI-CI Waktu : 07.30-09.30

A. Choose the correct answer! B. Precious E. brave

C. Coward
The text is for number 1 to 4 The text is for number 5 to 7
Nowadays, many people realize that agriculture is
AGUSTINUS ADISUCIPTO much more important than other supporting tools in
(1916-1947) economic develpoment. In Indonesia, agriculture should be
Born in Pungkursari, Salatiga, Central Java, the priority of development for good reasons.
Adisucipto was known as the founding father of the First, the agriculture’s contribution in the beginning
Indonesian Air Force. He was the first Indonesian who flew for the development of the country was the highest of all
the first Indonesian airplane. He was also the founder of the sectors. At present, almost half of the total of Indonesian
School of Aviation, which later became the Air Force labourers work in the agriculture sector, but the
Academy. contribution of the agriculture sector does not reach 30
A descendant of an empu who was one of Prince percent.
Diponegoro’s troops, Adisucipto was predicted to have a Second, the agriculture sector is expected o fulfill
short life. Mbah Wiryo, Adisucipto’s grandfather, said that his the need for food in the country. As the population increases
grandson was like Palgunadi, a courageous and honest at alarming rate each year, food supply must also increase
wayang character who dies young. That was why but the agricultural production per capita never increases
Adisucipto’s father insisted that his son go to School tot more than one percent each year and in extreme cases, it is
Opleidings van Indische Arisen (STOVIA), a medical school stagnant.
for Indonesians during the Dutch Colonial period, to become Last but not least, without agricultural development,
a doctor. However, Adisucipto’s determination to become a the growth of the industrial sector will be hampered because
pilot was so strong that he dropped out of his medical school because the growth that comes from industry will create a
to enter the aviation school. wider gap to the internal economy in that country. In turn,
At the Militaire Luchtvaart Opleidings, a school of this gap will create serious poverty problems, wider
aviation in Kalijati, West Java, he showed an excellent record. inequality of income distribution, and increased
He finished his studies in 2 years and was also one of two unmeployment.
Indonesians who received an advanced pilot license. For his It is therefore, obvious that the government should
excellent performance, Adisucipto was appointed secretary make agriculture the priority of national development.
of the Koninklijk Nederlands-Indische Luchtvaart
Maatschapij, the Dutch aviation company. 5. The text is about ...
After the proclamation, of the Republic of Indonesia, A. the importance of agriculture in the economic
Adisucipto formed the Air Force together with Suryadarma, development
who later became the firstCommander of the Indonesian Air B. the agriculture contribution in the development of the
Force. country
C. the growth of industrial sector in the country
1. What is the purpose of the text? D. the quality of agriculture in the country
A. To talk about Adisucipto’s achievements E. the process of developing the agriculture
B. To explain how Adisucipto became a pilot 6. What is the precentage of the contribution of the
C. To relate Adisucipto’s life and career agriculture sector to the Indonesian economic
D. To tell about Adisucipto’s struggle in aviation school development?
E. To describe Adisucipto’s strong willingness to study A. Less than ten percent
aviation B. About twenty percent
2. Adisucipto is one of Indonesian’s prominent heroes C. About thirty percent
because he was... D. Below thirty percent
A. The founding father of the Indonesian Air Force E. Above thirty percent
B. The first Indonesian pilot in the world 7. According to the text, in order to support economic
C. The head of the School of Aviation development, the government should ...
D. The grandson of Prince Diponegoro A. Produce more food as the priority
E. A very brilliat Air Force official B. Reduce labourers in the agriculture sector
3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? C. Supply more food for the national needs
A. Adisucipto dropped out of his medical school D. Increase the industrial sector as the first priority
B. Adisucipto finished his studies in 2 years E. Prioritize the development of agriculture
C. Adisucipto got an advanced pilot license
D. Adisucipto demonstrated high level achievements in The text is for number 8 to 11
aviation at the Militaire Luchtvaart Opleidings TWO DUCKS AND A TURTLE
E. Koninklijk Nederlands-Indische Luchtvaart Maatschapij Two ducks that lived in a big lake had a friend who
was the Dutch aviation company was a turtle. One year there was a very little rain and the
4. The word ‘courageous’ (par. 2) has the closest mening lake began to dry up. One of the ducks said to the other,
with... “Soon, there’ll be no water in this lake. Let’s go and look for
A. Famous D. Curious lake.”

Nama: ……………………………………… PAS Tulis Genap Kls XI CI BAHASA INNGRIS Page 1

“Yes, answered the second duck, “But first let’s say Lastly, censoring harmful materials in the internet is
good bye to our friend, the turtle.” an international problem. If a global solution is required
When they told the turtle they were going to leave, he said, then it can be achieved by international co-operation.
“I’ll die here without any water and without any friends. Children are particularly vulnerable to the offensive and
Take me with you.” The ducks answered, “We can’t. We are harmful content in the internet.
going to fly, and you have no wings.” From the reasons listed above, it is obvious that the
The turtle thought for a minute and then said, government have to censor dangerous materials on the
“Please wait here.” Then he went away and found a strong, internet to protect the nations from negative influence of it.
straight stick. He brought it back to his friends, put the
middle of it in his mouth and said, “Now if each of you takes 12. What should the government censor in the internet?
me one end of the stick in his mouth, you can lift me up and A. The internet content.
carry me with you.” B. The offensive and harmful content.
“That is dangerous,” said the ducks, “if you try to C. The sound, picture, and graphic content.
talk while we’re carrying you through the air, you won’t be D. The communicative and distributive content.
able to hold the stick, so you’ll fall down along way and E. The published World Wide Web video content.
break your shell.” 13. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is ….
“All right,” answered the turtle, “I promise not to A. the government should censor harmful internet
talk while we’re in the air. So the ducks took the stick and problems
flew away, with the turtle between them. All went well until B. moving picture and graphic has powerful influence in
they were flying over a town. Then some people saw them the internet
and shouted, “Look, those ducks are carrying a cat!” The C. the government should regulate a rule to protect the
turtle got very angry, “A cat? I’m not …” he said, but he did nation from internet
not get any further, because when he opened his mouth, the D. censoring child pornography needs international
stick came out of his mouth and the poor turtle fell to the government cooperation
ground. E. censoring harmful material in the internet needs
international cooperation
8. The word angry (par. 5) can be best replaced by… 14. The following doesn’t need to be censored in the
A. formidable D. furious internet ….
B. scared E. curious A. sexual content
C. hazardous B. violence content
9. Why did the ducks firstly refuse to take the turtle with C. informative content
them? D. negative graphic content
A. The turtle was very heavy E. extreme racial hatred content
B. The turtle had no wings 15. The organization of the text above is ….
C. The turtle treated them badly A. orientation – events – reorientation
D. The turtle has no friends B. identification – descriptions
E. The turtle could not swim C. general classification – descriptions
10. Why did the turtle fall to the ground? D. thesis – arguments – reiteration
A. He was so fat and heavy E. isssue – arguments for – arguments against –
B. He opened his mouth conclusion
C. He did not want to fly 16. ‘Did you get compensation for your car?’
D. He got angry ‘No, I didn’t. If only …’
E. He wanted to go down A. I would insure it D. I wouldn’t insure it
11. What can we learn from the text? B. I could insure it E. I should insure it
A. Silence is gold C. I had insured it
B. Use a stick to kill a turtle 17. Beni : Will you go with us to Puncak next
C. Action speaks louder than words week?
D. Hold your temper to gain safety Oky : I wish I could. I will have my final
E. Every cloud has its silver lining examination next week.
Beni : I see
The text is for number 12 to 15 From the dialogue we can conclude that ...
The internet is the fastest growing and largest tool for A. Oky and his friends will go to Puncak together
mass communication and information distribution in the B. Beni has to cancel his plan to go to Puncak
world. There has been increasing concern about damaging C. Neither Beni nor Oky will go to Puncak
internet content from violence and sexual content, which can D. Beni insists Oky to go with him to Puncak
gives negative influence on the culture identity. The E. Oky will study for his exam instead of going to Puncak
government should censor some materials on the internet 18. Neither the students nor the teacher … to wear T-shirt in
based on the following reasons. class.
Firstly, child pornography in the media is never A. permit D. is permitted
tolerated. They are apparent victims of harmful and B. permits E. have been permitted
offensive content in the internet. The internet should be no C. is permitting
exception to these basic standards. Truly offensive material 19. There was a road construction near our office; therefore,
such as pornography and extreme racial hatred are no …
different, simply because they are published on the World A. people preferred taking that road to work
Wide Web as opposed to a book or video. B. many people were passing that road
Secondly, people recognize that moving pictures and C. cars were directed to that road
sound are more graphic and powerful then text and D. it was very quiet in that road
photographs or illustrations to influence people’s minds. E. we had to take a different route to work
There is also normally more regulation of videos from the 20. I remember .... in this park when I was a kid. It was one
internet then cinema films. It is because the viewer of a of my happiest moments.
video is a captive audience with the power to rewind, view A. play D. to play
again and distribute more widely. B. plays E. played
C. playing

Nama: ……………………………………… PAS Tulis Genap Kls XI CI BAHASA INNGRIS Page 2

21. These novels belong to my sister. She really keens on ...
A. reads D. reading
B. to read E. to be read
C. being read
22. It was difficult for children ... themselves to the new
A. they adapt D. being adapted
B. to adapt E. adapted
C. adapt
23. A few days after the interview, I received a letter … me
the job
A. he offered D. offering
B. offered E. it was offering
C. being offered
24. Having read the document carefully, …
A. the manager signed it
B. the manager signature was affixed
C. the document is signed by the manager
D. it was signed by the manager
E. the document that is signed by the manager
25. Talking excitedly to each other, they forgot to finish the
The underlined words mean …
A. Although they talked excitedly
B. In order that they could talk excitedly
C. Because they were talking excitedly
D. When they had talked excitedly
E. If they talked excitedly

B. Answer the questions correctly!

Make a sentence with following words!

1. Due to
2. Furthermore
3. Even though
Change the verb in the bracket into a correct form!
Then write down the FACT of the subjunctive!
4. I wish I (can finish) ________ cleaning the house before my
mother came home.
5. I would rather she (meet, not) _________ him now.
Translate the sentence into English!
6. Setelah memenangkan kompetisi melukis international
bulan lalu, Robby diberi beasiswa untuk belajar melukis
di Italia.
Translate the sentence into Indonesia!
7. Inspired by a natural disaster which happened in Aceh
several years ago, the author made a novel telling about
the struggle of a Tsunami victim to survive.

8. Change the verb in the bracket into a correct form!

a. Would you mind (put)__________ your pet snake
somewhere else?
b. “Why did Rina come so early? Didn’t you tell her that
the meeting was delayed?”
“Oh my God, I forgot (tell)_________ her about it”

9. Make a sentence in the form of past continuous by

using the word ‘enjoy’

10. Make two possible questions from the statement

Ria and her family will go on a tour to Europe soon.

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