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• Tells us only if treatment effect is significant or not

Presentation Title Goes
OF SQUARES • If treatment effect is significant, does not tell us the
…presentation subtitle. nature of the significance

Violeta Bartolome
Senior Associate Scientist-Biometrics
Crop Research Informatics Laboratory
International Rice Research Institute

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What to do after ANOVA – if treatment Partitioning Sum of Squares (PSS)

effect is significant
PSS breaks the treatment
BlockSS sums of squares into
• Mean comparison – if treatments have no known components.
• Partition sum of squares – if treatments have a The maximum number of
known structure components is equal to
o Treatments can be grouped TreatmentSS the Treatment df, i.e.
o Treatment levels are quantitative number of treatment levels
minus one.
o Treatments are a combination of 2 or more factors
and at least one factor is partitioned

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Three ways of partitioning sums of Group Comparison
squares Example 1: 3 varieties tested:
Traditional variety A
New varieties B and C
• Group Comparison
• Orthogonal Polynomials SV df SS MS F-value

• Factorial Comparison Blocks 3 0.587 0.196

Varieties 2 1.040 0.520 5.84*

Error 6 0.533 0.089

Total 11 2.16

Objective is to compare yield of traditional variety with

average yield of new varieties H0: µA = ½(µB + µC)

Pairwise comparison will not answer this objective.

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Group Comparison Group Comparison

To answer objective, we have to do between group To compute sum of squares for each component
and within group comparisons. we have to construct single df contrasts.

Contrast coefficients should be assigned to each level of

SV df SS MS F-value
the treatment factor. Sum of contrast coefficients should
Blocks 3 0.587 0.196 be zero.
Varieties 2 Between
1.040 0.520 group comparison
A vs (B and C) 1
Group 1 Group 2
B vs C 1 Within group comparison Components Sum
Error 6 0.533 0.089

Total 11 2.16 A vs (B & C) 0

B vs C 0
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Group Comparison Group Comparison

Group 1 Group 2
If Treatment SS = Component 1 SS + Component 2 SS
A B C Then contrasts are orthogonal or independent
A vs (B & C) -2 1 1 0
Contrasts are orthogonal if the sum of the products of the
B vs C 0 -1 1 0 corresponding coefficients of any two comparisons is zero.
Contrast coefficients to be assigned to one group should be
Group 1 Group 2
equal to the number of members of the other group. Components Sum
Assign a negative sign to either of the groups. A vs (B & C) -2 1 1 0
Treatment levels not included in the B vs C 0 -1 1 0
comparison should be assigned a 0 coefficient.
Product 0 -1 1 0

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Group Comparison
Group Comparison
ANOVA table
To visually check for orthogonality, treatments should SV df SS Total equals
MS Variety SS
be compared only once. Blocks 3 0.587 0.196
Varieties 2 1.040 0.520 5.84 *
A vs B&C 1 0.960 0.960 10.70 **
A B C D B vs C 1 0.080 0.080 0.89
A,B vs (C,D) -1 -1 1 1 0 Error 6 0.533 0.089
Total 11 2.16
B vs C 0 -1 1 0 0
Product 0 1 1 0 2 Results indicate that the significant variety effect is
mainly due to the difference in yield of the traditional
and the new varieties.
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Group Comparison
Presentation of Results Example 2: Consider a variety trial involving 5 varieties
and 4 replications laid out in RCB.
Variety Mean 4.5

Japonica group V1 V2

Yield (t/ha)
Traditional 4.0 b
4.0 Indica group V3 V4 V5
New 4.6
Difference 0.6** The following comparisons are of interest :
3.0 Japonica group vs Indica group (V1, V2) vs (V3, V4, V5)
Traditional New

Within Japonica group V1 vs V2

Within Indica group V3 vs V4 vs V5

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Group Comparison Group Comparison

ANOVA Table Outline

SV df Comparison Contrast V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Block 3
Japonica vs Indica V1,V2 vs V3,V4,V5 3 3 -2 -2 -2
Variety 4
(V1, V2) vs (V3, V4, V5) (1) Within Japonica group V1 vs V2 -1 1 0 0 0
V1 vs V2 (1)
V3 vs V4,V5 0 0 -2 1 1
V3 vs V4 vs V5 (2)
Within Indica group
Error 12 V4 vs V5 0 0 0 -1 1
Total 19

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Table of means for grain yield (t/ha) When treatments are quantitative
(Ave. of 3 reps)
• Interest usually is not to compare treatment means
N-rate (kg/ha) Mean
• Most often the interest is to estimate an optimum rate
0 4.306
• To estimate an optimum, a response curve between
60 5.982 dependent variable and the treatment should be
90 6.259
• Partitioning the treatment sums of squares into
120 6.895 orthogonal polynomials will guide us on the
appropriate relationship to use to estimate the
If the interest is to estimate the optimum N-rate, response curve
would a pair wise comparison answer this objective?

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Orthogonal Polynomials Orthogonal Polynomials

Table of coefficients for equally spaced factors

• Seeks the lowest degree polynomial that can No. of

adequately represent the relationship Levels Trend T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
between crop response and treatment 3 Linear -1 0 +1
Quadratic +1 -2 +1
• The coefficients for equally spaced factors 4 Linear -3 -1 +1 +3
can be found in common statistical tables
Quadratic +1 -1 -1 +1
• They are used exactly the same way as in Cubic -1 +3 -3 +1
group comparison 5 Linear -2 -1 0 +1 +2
Quadratic +2 -1 -2 -1 +2
Cubic -1 +2 0 -2 +1
Quartic +1 -4 +6 -4 +1

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Orthogonal Polynomials
Orthogonal Polynomials
ANOVA for grain yield (t/ha)
SV df MS F
Trend 0 kg N/ha 60 kg N/ha 90 kg N/ha 120 kg N/ha Sum Rep 2 0.2134 <1
N-rate 3 3.6602 11.07**
Linear -0.760639 -0.084515 0.253546 0.591608 0
Linear (1) 10.6619 32.24**
Quadratic 0.402911 -0.644658 -0.322329 0.564076 0 Quadratic (1) 0 .1869 <1
Cubic (1) 0.1315 <1
Cubic -0.095346 0.572078 -0.762770 0.286038 0
Error 6 0 .3307

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Presentation of Results
Factorial Partitioning

• Involves partitioning both the main effect(s) and the

• Partitioning main effects may use either or both the
Yield (t/ha)

group comparison and orthogonal polynomial

y = 0.0212x + 4.4265
r = 0.985*

0 30 60 90 120
Nitrogen rate (kg/ha)

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Factorial Partitioning Factorial Partitioning
Consider a split plot experiment with 6 nitrogen rates as ANOVA Table Outline
mainplot and 4 varieties as subplot replicated 4 times. SV df SV df
Varieties: Block 3 RxV 15
IRRI-released IR5, IR8 Nitrogen Rate (R) 5 LxV (3)

UPLB released C4-63 Linear (1) QxV (3)

Quadratic (1) CxV (3)
Traditional Peta
Cubic (1) Error 12
Error (a) 15 Total 19
For nitrogen, the interest is to estimate the optimum rate Variety (V) 3
so we partition using orthogonal polynomial.

The interaction effect should be partitioned

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Orthogonal Polynomial for Nitrogen Partitioning the Interaction effect

• Choose unequally space orthogonal polynomial Could be done easily with CropStat using the interaction
• Partition up to cubic only – it will be biologically partition option.
difficult to explain a relationship more than the third

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CropStat Output Graphical presentation
10000 It seems that C4-63 and IR5
1 REP 2 .108696E+07 543478. 3.82 0.058 6 IR5 have the same response to
2 NITROGEN 5 .304137E+08 .608275E+07 42.80 0.000 6 IR8 nitrogen.
3 Linear 1 .202550E+08 .202550E+08 142.51 0.000 6 Peta
4 Quadratic 1 .966009E+07 .966009E+07 67.97 0.000 6

yield (kg/ha)
5 Cubic 1 404408. 404408. 2.85 0.120 6 To confirm this observation,
* LF RESIDUAL 2 94282.9 47141.5 0.33 0.729 6
6 NITROGEN*REP 10 .142128E+07 142128. 0.41 0.934 12
we may partition variety into 3
7 VARIETY$ 3 .898847E+08 .299616E+08 85.81 0.000 12
groups: C463,IR5 vs IR8 vs
8 NITROGEN*VARIETY$ 15 .693419E+08 .462279E+07 13.24 0.000 12
9 L x V 3 .607186E+08 .202395E+08 57.97 0.000 12
10 Q x V 3 .521363E+07 .173788E+07 4.98 0.006 12 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
11 C x V 3 980488. 326829. 0.94 0.435 12
Nitrogen rate (kg/ha)
* LF RESIDUAL 6 .242914E+07 404856. 1.16 0.349 12
* RESIDUAL 36 .125691E+08 349143.
* TOTAL (CORRECTED) 71 .204718E+09 .288335E+07

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Factorial Partitioning Group Comparison for Variety

ANOVA Table Outline Always sort factor levels
SV df SV df
Block 3 RxV 15 Comparison Contrast C4-63 IR5 IR8 Peta
Nitrogen Rate (R) 5 LxV1 (2)
Peta vs C4-63, IR5,
Linear (1) LxV2 (1) 1 1 1 -3
C4,63, IR5 vs IR8 vs IR8
Quadratic (1) QxV1 (2) Peta
IR8 vs C4-63, IR5 1 1 -2 0
Cubic (1) QxV2 (1)
Error (a) 15 CxV1 (2) C4-63 vs IR5 1 -1 0 0
Variety (V) 3 CxV2 (1)
V1:C4-63, IR5 vs IR8 vs Peta (2) Error 12

V2: C4-63 vs IR5 (1) Total 19

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CropStat Output
======================================================================== 10000
1 REP 2 .108696E+07 543478. 3.82 0.058 6
2 NITROGEN 5 .304137E+08 .608275E+07 42.80 0.000 6 IR8
y = 23.463x + 4207.2
3 Linear 1 .202550E+08 .202550E+08 142.51 0.000 6 Peta r = 0.992**
4 Quadratic 1 .966009E+07 .966009E+07 67.97 0.000 6 8000
5 Cubic 1 404408. 404408. 2.85 0.120 6 C4, IR5
* LF RESIDUAL 2 94282.9 47141.5 0.33 0.729 6
6 NITROGEN*REP 10 .142128E+07 142128. 0.41 0.934 21
7 VARIETY$ 3 .898847E+08 .299616E+08 85.81 0.000 21 6000
8 V1:C4,I5 vs IR8 vs Peta 2 .867287E+08 .433644E+08 124.20 0.000 21 y = -0.1423x 2 + 40.374x + 3742.6
9 V2:C4 vs IR5 1 .315595E+07 .315595E+07 9.04 0.005 21 R2 = 0.9869**
10 NITROGEN*VARIETY$ 15 .693419E+08 .462279E+07 13.24 0.000 21
11 L X V1 2 .603906E+08 .301953E+08 86.48 0.000 21 4000
12 L x V2 1 328060. 328060. 0.94 0.341 21 y = -0.1764x 2 + 14.615x + 4561.7
13 Q x V1 2 .508911E+07 .254456E+07 7.29 0.002 21 R2 = 0.907*
14 Q x V2 1 124523. 124523. 0.36 0.561 21
15 C x V1 2 918896. 459448. 1.32 0.280 21 2000
16 C x V2 1 61592.0 61592.0 0.18 0.680 21
* LF RESIDUAL 6 .242914E+07 404857. 1.16 0.349 21
* RESIDUAL 36 .125691E+08 349143.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0
* TOTAL (CORRECTED) 71 .204718E+09 .288335E+07
0 30 60 90 120 150 180

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