D35IB001EN - K - IMSI - CQC - At-Line - Web Manual PDF

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what is measurable
and make measurable
that which is not.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Instruction Manual and Safety Information

CarboQC At-line
CboxQC At-line

instrument software: from 1.004.022

(Original Instructions)
This document may contain errors and omissions. If you discover any such errors, or if you would like to see
more information in this document, please contact us at our address below. Anton Paar assumes no liability
for any errors or omissions in this document.

Changes, copyright, trademarks, etc.

This document and its contents may be changed or amended by Anton Paar at any time without prior notice.
All rights reserved (including translation). This document, or any part of it, may not be reproduced, changed,
copied, or distributed by means of electronic systems in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm, or any other
process) without prior written permission by Anton Paar GmbH.
Trademarks, registered trademarks, trade names, etc. may be used in this document without being marked
as such. They are the property of their respective owner.

Further information
Published and printed by Anton Paar GmbH, Austria
Copyright © 2019 Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria
Address of the instrument producer: Anton Paar GmbH
Anton-Paar-Str. 20
A-8054 Graz / Austria – Europe
Tel: +43 (0) 316 257-0
Fax: +43 (0) 316 257-257
E-Mail: info@anton-paar.com
Web: www.anton-paar.com

Date: 03 July 2019

Document number: D35IB001EN-K

1 Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................................ 4
2 CarboQC At-line / CboxQC At-line – An Overview ............................................................................. 6
2.1 Functional Components .................................................................................................................. 7
3 Installing the Instrument ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 General Hints .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Hose Connections .................................................................................................................. 9
3.1.2 Filter ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Installing the Instrument at the Line ................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Installing the Instrument with a PFD (Plus) ................................................................................... 10
3.4 Switching the Instrument On/Off ................................................................................................... 10
3.5 Initial Commissioning .................................................................................................................... 11
4 Operating the Instrument ................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Main Screen .................................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 Softkey Functions ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Quick Access Area ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.4 Menu Navigation ........................................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Entering Text or Numbers ............................................................................................................. 13
4.6 Selecting from a List ..................................................................................................................... 14
5 Instrument Settings ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.1 PIN Protection ............................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Setting the Language .................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Setting Date and Time .................................................................................................................. 15
5.4 Setting the Measurement Units ..................................................................................................... 16
5.5 Output Quantities Displayed ......................................................................................................... 16
6 Measurement Settings ........................................................................................................................ 17
6.1 Methods ........................................................................................................................................ 17
6.1.1 Assigning a Method to a Measurement ................................................................................ 17
6.2 Adjusting the Transported Sample Volume – Rinsing Time ......................................................... 17
6.3 Setting the Type of Residual Gas ................................................................................................. 18
6.4 Activating or Deactivating the FillingCheck™ ............................................................................... 18
7 Measurements ..................................................................................................................................... 19
7.1 General Hints ................................................................................................................................ 19
7.2 Performing Single At-line Measurements ..................................................................................... 20
7.3 Performing Measurements Using the PFD (Plus) ......................................................................... 20
7.4 Tips for Correct Measurements .................................................................................................... 21
8 Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................... 22
8.1 Rinsing the Instrument .................................................................................................................. 22
8.2 Cleaning Routines ......................................................................................................................... 22
8.3 Cleaning the Filter ......................................................................................................................... 23
8.4 Cleaning Housing and Display ...................................................................................................... 23
9 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 24
9.1 Maintenance Routines .................................................................................................................. 24
9.2 Battery .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix A: Technical Data ................................................................................................................. 26
A.1: Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 26
A.2: Instrument Data and Operating Conditions ................................................................................. 27
A.3: Wetted Parts ................................................................................................................................ 28
Appendix B: EU Declaration of Conformity ......................................................................................... 29

D35IB001EN-K 3
1 Safety Instructions

See the Reference Guide for a comprehensive description of the instrument.

Download Anton Paar documents for free from the Anton Paar website: http://www.anton-paar.com

1 Safety Instructions
• Read this document before using the instrument. • Ensure that all operators have been trained
• Follow all hints and instructions in this document beforehand to use the instrument safely and
to ensure the correct use and safe functioning of correctly.
the instrument. • Ensure that the instrument is sufficiently super-
• The manual is a part of the product. Keep it for vised during operation.
the complete working life of the product and • In case of damage or malfunction, do not con-
make it easily accessible for all persons tinue operating the instrument. Do not operate
involved with the product. If you receive any the instrument under conditions which could
additions to or revisions of the manual from result in damage to goods or injuries or loss of
Anton Paar, these must be treated as part of life.
the manual. • If liquid has been spilled over the instrument,
clean and dry the instrument with a cloth.
1.1 Liability • Set up and use the instrument so that it cannot
accidentally drop, and pressurized hoses and
• This document does not claim to address all fittings cannot be accidentally torn off.
safety issues associated with the use of the • Do not expose the instrument to direct sunlight
instrument and samples. It is your responsibility for extended periods of time.
to establish health and safety practices and to • Operate the instrument only with a relative
determine the applicability of regulatory limita- pressure below 8 bar (116 psi).
• If compressed gas from a gas bottle is used to
• Anton Paar GmbH only warrants the proper operate the PFD (Plus), ensure that the operator
functioning of the instrument if no modifications is properly trained in the use of compressed gas
are made to mechanics, electronics, or software. bottles, and that all safety instructions of the gas
• Use the instrument only for the purpose de- bottle supplier are adhered to.
scribed in the document. Anton Paar GmbH is • Do not use the instrument for acids and alkalis
not liable for damages caused by incorrect use with concentrations above 5 % w/w, hydrofluoric
of the instrument. acid, organic solvents, chlorinated liquids, or
• The results delivered by the instrument depend poisonous substances.
not only on the correct functioning of the instru- • Do not fill liquids with temperatures above
ment, but also on various other factors. We 40 °C (122 °F).
therefore recommend that you have the results
checked (e.g. plausibility tested) by skilled • Charge the battery only indoors under dry con-
persons before consequential actions are taken ditions.
based on the results. IMPORTANT: For safety instructions concerning
the PFD (Plus), see also the manual of the
PFD (Plus).
1.2 Installation and Use
Operation in areas with risk of explosion
• The installation procedure shall be carried out
only by authorized persons who are familiar • The instrument is not explosion-proof and
with the installation instructions. therefore must not be operated in areas with
• Use only accessories, consumables or spare risk of explosion.
parts supplied or approved by Anton Paar

4 D35IB001EN-K
1 Safety Instructions

Operation with explosive samples 1.5 Conventions for Safety Messages

• The instrument must not be filled with fluids of
the explosion group IIC according to The following conventions for safety messages are
EN 60079-14, e.g. carbon disulfide. used in this document:

General precautions
• Observe and adhere to your national safety
regulations regarding the handling of all sub- Description of risk
stances associated with your measurements Danger indicates a hazardous situation which, if
(e.g. use safety goggles, gloves, respiratory not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
protection, etc.).
• Before a measurement, check the wetted parts
of the instrument for chemical resistance to the
samples and cleaning agents used. WARNING
• Take measures that spilled liquids cannot get
Description of risk
into plug connections or venting slots of electri-
Warning indicates a hazardous situation which, if
cal appliances.
not avoided, could result in death or serious
1.3 Maintenance, Service, Repairs
• Service and repair procedures may be carried
out only by authorized personnel or by CAUTION
Anton Paar GmbH.
Description of risk
• For repairs contact your local Anton Paar repre- Caution indicates a hazardous situation which, if
sentative. The instrument must not be returned not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
without the filled out “Safety Declaration for injury.
Instrument Repairs” and must be cleaned
before return.
• You must not return instruments that are con- NOTICE
taminated by radioactive materials, infectious Description of risk
agents, or other harmful substances that cause Notice indicates a situation which, if not avoided,
health hazards. could result in damage to property.

1.4 Disposal
• Concerning the disposal of the instrument,
observe the legal requirements in your country.
• Concerning the disposal of the samples and
cleaning agents, observe the legal requirements
in your country.

D35IB001EN-K 5
2 CarboQC At-line / CboxQC At-line – An Overview

2 CarboQC At-line / CboxQC At-line – An Overview

CarboQC At-line / CboxQC At-line are measuring The instrument can be operated AC-powered or
instruments to determine the content of dissolved powered by the integrated rechargeable battery.
CO2 / CO2 and O2, respectively, in beverages. Both
For at-line measurements, you can easily connect
instruments provide various methods to measure
the instrument directly to the line using hoses.
sugar based soft drinks, soft drinks with low sugar
concentration, diet drinks, beer, strong beer, You start a measurement by simply pressing the
sparkling wine, and mineral water. <Start/Stop> key after you have selected the appro-
priate sample ID and measuring method. After a
CarboQC At-line / CboxQC At-line use the patented
short time, the measuring result will be displayed on
Multiple Volume Expansion Method (MVE) to deter-
the screen and automatically transferred to the data
mine the dissolved CO2 content selectively without
memory. The measuring result can be printed imme-
the influence of other gases. The analysis is based
diately or later from the data memory, or it can be
on highly accurate measurements of absolute pres-
exported to a PC.
sure and temperature. Additionally, the package
pressure and the content of residual gas (usually The data logger function enables you to carry out
air) will be determined. measurements automatically in defined intervals
over a specified period of time.
CboxQC At-line can determine both the content of
dissolved CO2 and oxygen (O2) in beverages in one Clean the measuring chambers at the line by con-
single measuring procedure. The O2 content is necting the instrument to a tap with process water.
measured using an optochemical sensor during the
For checks and adjustments, combine the instru-
filling of the instrument.
ment with a PFD (Plus) filling device.
CarboQC At-line and CboxQC At-line are especially
For the measurement of non-carbonated samples
designed for use at the line in process environ-
out of thin-walled packages in the laboratory, the
ments. The fixed handle allows to easily carry the
PFD (Plus) can be optionally equipped with a mod-
instrument, to set it down upright, or to hang it up. A
ular stand for pressure control unit.
carrying strap is optionally available for safe and
convenient operation under at-line conditions. TIP: For detailed information about the PFD (Plus),
see the manual of the PFD (Plus).
CarboQC At-line / CboxQC At-line cannot be
connected to the Anton Paar instruments DMA, Soft The instrument can be optionally equipped ex fac-
Drink Analyzer, or Alcolyzer. tory with RFID and Bluetooth interfaces for easy
sample identification and data transfer.

6 D35IB001EN-K
2 CarboQC At-line / CboxQC At-line – An Overview

2.1 Functional Components




Fig. 1: Front view of the instrument

1 Rubber protection 5 Inspection window to the measuring chamber

2 <Rinse> key 6 Arrow keys
3 Softkeys 7 <Start/Stop> key
4 Color LC display 8 Power key

Keys on the front

power key to switch the instrument on and off

<Start/Stop> key to start and stop a measurement

(only operative when the main screen is on display)

<Rinse> key to start and stop a rinsing procedure

(only operative when the main screen is on display)

arrow keys to navigate in the quick access area, in menus, or in selection/character lists

softkeys to select a menu item and to navigate in a menu

On the main screen, the right softkey activates the function selected in the quick access area.

TIP: For faster up and down navigation, keep the arrow keys pressed.

D35IB001EN-K 7
2 CarboQC At-line / CboxQC At-line – An Overview


1 1

Fig. 2: Top view of the instrument

1 Lugs for the carrying strap 3 Ball valve

2 Handle 4 RFID interface (optional)


7 8 9



Fig. 3: Rear view

1 Type plate with serial number 7 USB interface

2 Drainage boreholes to the measuring chamber 8 RS-232 interface
3 RFID/Bluetooth sticker (optional) 9 Power inlet
4 Sample inlet 10 Cover for protective vents
5 Sample outlet with ball valve 11 Battery
6 Protective covers

8 D35IB001EN-K
3 Installing the Instrument

3 Installing the Instrument

3.1 General Hints 3.1.2 Filter
The instrument can be used to measure directly at
the line or tank. For checks and adjustments, con-
nect the instrument to a PFD (Plus) to fill directly A filter must be installed before the sample inlet
from glass bottles, PET bottles, or cans. of the instrument to prevent particles from
entering the measuring chamber and blocking
the stirrer.
Compressed gas supply for the operation
with a PFD (Plus) There are several filter types available, see the
• With CarboQC At-line: optional accessories in the Reference Guide.
Use clean and oil-free compressed air. You may The filter does not wear and can be reused after
also use nitrogen gas. cleaning (see section 8.3).
Do not use CO2 gas since it will impair the CO2 TIP: For the measurement of hoppy beers, we
measuring result. recommend to use the at-line pulp filter with L-hose
• With CboxQC At-line: connector, mat. no. 174774, together with the pulp
filter fixture, mat. no. 173371.
Use nitrogen gas (N2 ≥ 99.999 %).
Do not use compressed air since its oxygen
content will impair the O2 measuring result. 3.2 Installing the Instrument
For details see the manual of the PFD (Plus). at the Line
3.1.1 Hose Connections Parts required
Use polyurethane hoses to connect the instrument - polyurethane hose 4x6 mm
to the sampling point or the filling device. - at-line filter CarboQC/OxyQC
- T-hose connector 6 mm
To connect a hose (all parts are supplied with the instrument)
TIP: For at-line measurements, keep the hoses
• Cut the hose to the desired length.
between the line and the filter as short as possible.
We recommend using a hose cutting tool in
order to get a straight cut. Badly cut hoses lead
to leaky hose connections.
To install the instrument at the line
• To connect a hose to a fitting, push the hose 1. Connect the outlet of the line or tank and the
into the fitting as far as it will go. inlet of the at-line filter by an appropriate hose.
2. Connect the outlet of the at-line filter and the
To disconnect a hose sample inlet of the instrument by a polyure-
thane hose 4x6 mm.
• To disconnect a hose from the fitting, press the
3. Connect a polyurethane hose 4x6 mm to the
ring on the fitting towards the fitting and pull out
sample outlet of the instrument.
the hose.
4. Connect a T-hose connector 6 mm to the free
NOTICE end of the hose and lead the hose end into a
Only take apart connections if it is really neces- waste vessel.
sary to do so as frequent handling may damage
the fitting.

D35IB001EN-K 9
3 Installing the Instrument

3.3 Installing the Instrument with a 4. Connect the 6 mm fitting of the hose connector
6 mm/4 mm with the sample inlet of the instru-
PFD (Plus) ment by a 10 cm (4 in) piece of the polyure-
thane hose 4x6 mm.
For details on installing the PFD (Plus), see the
5. Connect a polyurethane hose 4x6 mm to the
manual of the PFD (Plus). Choose an appropriate
sample outlet of the instrument.
compressed gas supply according to the information
given in section 3.1. 6. Connect a T-hose connector 6 mm to the free
end of the hose and lead the hose end into a
Parts required to connect the instrument to waste vessel.
the PFD (Plus)
- polyurethane hose 2.5x4 mm, 3.4 Switching the Instrument On/Off
supplied with the PFD (Plus)
- filter 4 mm, AC-powered operation
supplied with the at-line PFD filter set
- hose connector 6 mm/4 mm,
supplied with the instrument NOTICE
- polyurethane hose 4x6 mm, When you use the instrument AC-powered,
supplied with the instrument do not plug in the power cable unless you
- T-hose connector 6 mm, have verified that the correct line voltage
supplied with the instrument (AC 100–240 V, 50/60 Hz) is available.

To connect the instrument to the TIP: In case of large voltage fluctuations or electrical
PFD (Plus) power outages, the integrated rechargeable battery
serves as an integrated UPS (Uninterruptible Power
Supply) as operation of the instrument will continue
• To operate the instrument AC-powered, connect
the power adapter to the power inlet on the rear
of the instrument, and the power cable to the
power adapter.
Then connect the power cable to your AC power
- The instrument will turn on automatically.
- The start-up procedure takes approximately
20 seconds. When the main screen comes
up, the instrument is ready for measurements.
• Pressing the power key (on the front of the
1 2 3 4
instrument) during AC-powered operation will
Fig. 4: Connecting the instrument with a PFD (Plus) reboot the instrument.

1 CarboQC At-line or CboxQC At-line • To switch the instrument off, disconnect it from
2 Filter 4 mm the AC power supply and press the power key
3 Hose connector 6 mm/4 mm on the front of the instrument.
4 PFD (Plus)
Battery-powered operation
1. Place the instrument beside the PFD (Plus).
• To switch the instrument on, press the power
2. Connect the sample outlet of the PFD (Plus)
key on the front of the instrument.
and the inlet of the filter 4 mm by a polyure-
thane hose 2.5x4 mm. The start-up procedure takes approximately
20 seconds. When the main screen comes up,
Mind the correct flow direction (arrow on the
the instrument is ready for measurements.
3. Connect the outlet of the filter 4 mm with the • To switch the instrument off, press the power
4 mm fitting of the hose connector 6 mm/4 mm key on the front of the instrument.
by another polyurethane hose 2.5x4 mm.

10 D35IB001EN-K
3 Installing the Instrument

3.5 Initial Commissioning

1. Connect the instrument with the supplied power
adapter to the AC power supply. The instrument
will turn on automatically (see section 3.4).
TIP: The integrated battery is only 70 % charged
when shipped. To benefit from the full capacity of
the battery, charge the battery completely (see
section 9.2) before you operate the instrument
2. Define the general instrument settings (see
section 5).
3. Perform a CO2 system check (see the Refer-
ence Guide).

D35IB001EN-K 11
4 Operating the Instrument

4 Operating the Instrument

4.1 Main Screen

5 6 7 8


Fig. 5: Main screen (example: CboxQC At-line)

1 Softkey functions 6 Sample ID

2 Status bar 7 Symbol for the charge status of the battery
3 Output field 8 Time
4 Header 9 Quick access area
5 Method 10 Consecutively numbered measurement

Header Symbols in the header

On the left side of the header, you find the currently
used method and sample ID. On the right side of the Symbol Description
header, you find the symbol for the charge status of The battery charge status symbol
the battery and the current time. On instruments informs you about the battery charge
with RFID/Bluetooth option, the RFID symbol or the status. See section 9.2 for details.
Bluetooth symbol may also show at the left of the
The plug symbol will show when the
battery symbol.
instrument is operated AC-powered,
and the battery is fully charged.
Output fields
The RFID symbola shows in the header
Select a display layout for the output quantities as of the main screen when an RFID tag is
described in section 5.5. The available output quan- read.
tities are also described there. The Bluetooth symbola shows in the
Output field “O2” (CboxQC At-line only): header of the main screen when data is
sent to a Bluetooth printer.
If the measured O2 value is out of range, the O2
value will still be displayed, however, highlighted by a only on instruments with RFID/Bluetooth option
a yellow background color to signal that the mea-
surement result is not valid. Status bar
The status bar shows the status of the instrument or
a measurement. If applicable, a progress bar will
show the progress of activities.

12 D35IB001EN-K
4 Operating the Instrument

4.2 Softkey Functions 4.3 Quick Access Area

The softkey functions correspond to the softkeys Use the arrow keys to select a quick access function
below the display (the assignment of keys adapts to on the right side of the main screen. Activate the
the active selection). The following softkey functions function with the right softkey. The following quick
are available: access functions are available:

Function Description Icon Function

Back Leaves the menu and goes to the “Status” function
next higher menu level. Use it to check the measurement status.
Cancel Aborts an operation. The status indicator can assume 3 states:
• green check mark: status OK
Delete Initiates deleting a value, or deletes
the next character to the left. • yellow symbol with exclamation mark:
there is a warning message
Done Finishes an entry.
• red symbol with lightning: there is an
Edit Switches into editing mode allowing
error message
you to enter values or change the
current selection. “Sample” function
Use it to select a measuring method or a
Enter Enters a character.
sample ID, and to set the rinsing time or
Menu Opens the menu. the measurement units for CO2/O2a.
New Initiates entering a new value. “Data” function
Next Continues with a procedure, or Use it to view measurement and check
selects the next item to the right. data stored in the data memory.
No Rejects a proposition. “Check” function
Use it to initiate a system check.
OK Confirms a selection, or finishes a
procedure. a CboxQC At-line only

Prev Selects the next item to the left.

Print Prints the selected data. 4.4 Menu Navigation
Start Starts a procedure.
Write Writes method/sample ID onto an • Use the softkeys to switch menus and to trigger
RFID tag. selection-specific activities.

Yes Accepts a proposition. • Use the arrow keys to navigate within menus
and to select an item.
On the main screen, the right softkey can assume With longer screen content, a black scroll bar will
the following functions according to the icon select- show on the right side of the scrollable area. Use
ed in the quick access area: the arrow keys to scroll through the content.

Function Description
4.5 Entering Text or Numbers
Check Quick access to the system checks.
Data Quick access to the measurement After you have switched into editing mode, you see
data. a selection bar on the right side of the screen:
Sample Quick access to the method list and 1. Use the arrow keys to select the next charac-
sample ID list for making a selection. ter/digit to enter.
Also quick access to the setup of the
rinsing time and the measurement TIP: Keep the arrow keys pressed to scroll through
units for CO2/O2a. the selection bar fast.

Status Quick access to the measurement Select the red left arrow , if available, to edit
status and any associated warning the previous position (one character to the left).
or error message. Select the red left arrow with shaft , if avail-
a CboxQC At-line only
able, to delete the last character.

D35IB001EN-K 13
4 Operating the Instrument

2. Press <Enter> to enter the selected character 4.6 Selecting from a List
at the current position.
Press <Prev>, if available, to move the current After you have switched into editing mode, you see
position one character to the left. a selection list folded out:
Press <Delete>, if available, to delete the char- 1. Use the arrow keys to select your choice.
acter left of the current position.
2. Press <OK> to confirm the selected value.
The editing line will show the whole current text/
number. Press <Cancel> to abort selection.
Both keys switch back from editing mode into
TIP: To enter a negative number, you need to
normal operation.
delete all digits first. Only then will the negative
sign “–” be available.
3. Press <Done> to finish character entry and to
confirm the entered text/number.
Press <Cancel> at any time to abort character
entry and to discard the entered text/number.
Both keys switch back from editing mode into
normal operation.

14 D35IB001EN-K
5 Instrument Settings

5 Instrument Settings
See the Reference Guide for comprehensive infor- To change the active PIN
mation, e.g. printer installation.
1. Press <Menu> and enter the currently active
5.1 PIN Protection 2. Select Setup > PIN Settings.
3. “Active PIN” is preselected.
You can protect access to the menu by a PIN
(personal identification number). After you have set Press <Edit> and enter the currently active PIN.
PIN protection, you can still use all functions of the 4. Select “New PIN” and press <Edit>.
quick access area, perform measurements and
5. Enter the new PIN.
checks, select methods and sample IDs, set the
rinsing time and the CO2/O2 measurement units 6. Select “Confirm new PIN” and press <Edit>.
without the need for entering a PIN. 7. Repeat the PIN that you have entered before.
You may change the PIN at any time. 8. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main
The instrument comes with menu access protected
by the PIN “0000”.
5.2 Setting the Language
To activate PIN protection
1. Press <Menu> and select Setup > Language.
1. Press <Menu> and select Setup > PIN Settings.
2. Press <Edit>.
2. Select “Set PIN protection” and press <Edit>.
3. Select the preferred language.
3. Select “On” from the selection list.
4. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main
4. Select “New PIN” and press <Edit>.
5. Enter your 4-digit PIN.
6. Select “Confirm new PIN” and press <Edit>.
7. Repeat the PIN that you have entered before.
5.3 Setting Date and Time
8. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main Date and time are automatically saved with mea-
screen. surement and check data. During operation, the
Every time you press <Menu> while PIN protection current time is displayed on the right of the header.
is activated, you will have to enter the active PIN
and confirm it with “OK” to be able to continue. To set the date or time
IMPORTANT: Be sure to remember the set PIN as 1. Press <Menu> and select Setup > Date and
you will not be able to deactivate PIN protection Time > Date and Time.
without it.
2. Select “Date” or “Time” and press <Edit>.
With the 12 hour clock selected, also select the
To deactivate PIN protection appropriate time of day from the selection list
1. Press <Menu> and enter the active PIN. “12h-Format”.
2. Select Setup > PIN Settings. 3. Enter the current date or time/time of day,
3. “Active PIN” is preselected.
4. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main
Press <Edit> and enter the active PIN.
4. Select “Set PIN protection” and press <Edit>.
5. Select “Off” from the selection list.
6. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main

D35IB001EN-K 15
5 Instrument Settings

To set the date or time format 5.5 Output Quantities Displayed

1. Press <Menu> and select Setup > Date and
Time > Date and Time Format. You may select your preferred display layout for the
measurement quantities displayed in output fields
2. Select “Set the date format” or “Set the time on the main screen.
format” and press <Edit>.
1. Press <Menu> and select Setup > Display
3. Select one of three date formats (DD = day,
MM = month, YYYY = year):
2. Press <Edit>.
- YYYY-MM-DD 3. Select one of the available display layouts:
CarboQC At-line a CboxQC At-line a
Select one of two time formats (24 hour clock or
12 hour clock): CO2 CO2 | O2
CO2 | T CO2 | O2 | T
- 24h CO2 | T | P CO2 | O2 | T | P | Air
- AM/PM CO2 | T | P | Air
4. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main
a CO2 = CO2 content, O2 = O2 content,
screen. T = temperature, P = pressure, Air = Air

5.4 Setting the Measurement Units Table 1: Available output quantities

CO2 content of dissolved CO2 in the

You may change the measurement units at any sample
time, and your measurement data will be re-calcu-
O2a content of dissolved O2 in the
lated accordingly.
1. Press <Menu> and select Measurement Temperature sample temperature
Settings > Measurement Units. (saved in the data memory)
2. Select the output quantity (“CO2”, “O2”, Pressure / During filling/measurement, the
“Temperature”, “Pressure”, “Air”) and press Pack. Press current pressure will be displayed
<Edit>. (“Pressure”).
3. Select one of the available units: After the measurement has
finished, the package pressure
CO2 g/L, mg/L, MPa, kg/cm2, vol., will be displayed (“Pack. Press”)
% w/w and saved in the data memory.
O2 ppm, ppb, mg/L, µg/L, The package pressure will be
%Air-sat., %O2-sat. calculated by the instrument
using the measured CO2 value,
Temperature °C, °F, K
the Air Index, and the measured
Pressure bar, mbar, kPa, psi temperature.
Air ppm, mg/L Air Index / calculated content of residual gas
N2 Index / besides CO2 (air, N2, O2)
4. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main O2 Indexb (only an approximate value, not
screen. an accurate analytical result)
a CboxQC At-line only
b CarboQC At-line only

4. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main


16 D35IB001EN-K
6 Measurement Settings

6 Measurement Settings
6.1 Methods
Methods are preset measurement settings, which Seven of the predefined methods account for the
you can assign to a measurement by the method different solubility of CO2 in different beverages.
name. “CO2-Std.” is for measuring CO2 standards.
The instrument comes with 8 predefined methods Choose a method that most closely accords with
(see table 2), which cannot be changed or deleted, your sample.
as well as 21 custom methods, which can be edited
(see the Reference Guide for detailed information
on custom methods).
Table 2: Predefined methods

Method Sample type Concentration range

Beer beer 10–14 °Plato
Strong Beer strong beer > 14 °Plato
Cola sugar-based soft drinks 8–12 °Brix
Mid sugar-based soft drinks 3–8 °Brix
Diet diet drinks 0–3 °Brix
Mineral mineral water
Spark.Wine wine, sparkling wine 9–13 % vol alcohol
CO2-Std. CO2 standard CO2: 6.43 ±0.04 g/L @ 20 °C
Air: 23.5 ±2.5 ppm @ 20 °C

6.1.1 Assigning a Method to a Measurement 6.2 Adjusting the Transported

1. In the quick access area, activate (“Sample” Sample Volume – Rinsing Time
We recommend to fill a minimum sample volume of
2. Select “Method” and press <Edit>. 100 mL per measurement to avoid sample carry-
3. Select the appropriate method (according with over. The transported sample volume depends on
the type of your sample) from the list. the rinsing time, the filling pressure, and the position
4. Press <Back> to return to the main screen. of the ball valve at the sample outlet of the instru-
All subsequent measurements will use the selected
Use the rinsing time setting to adjust the transported
method until you assign a new one.
sample volume.
The assigned method is shown in the header. It is usually necessary to set different rinsing times
for at-line measurements and measurements with a
PFD (Plus). It may even be necessary to set different
rinsing times for different at-line sampling points.
If you have equipped the PFD (Plus) with a modular
stand for pressure control unit in order to measure
carbonated samples as well as non-carbonated
samples, you will measure with two different pres-
sures. In this case, adjust the rinsing time to the
respective pressure mode.
Another way of performing at-line measurements
uses pre-rinsing (see section 7.2).

D35IB001EN-K 17
6 Measurement Settings

To set the rinsing time 6.3 Setting the Type of Residual Gas
1. Lead the waste hose with the T-hose connector
into a vessel for volume measurement, e.g. a For the calculation of the content of residual gas,
graduated cylinder. you need to specify which type of gases your sample
contains besides CO2: nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2),
2. Adjust the flow rate: or air (N2 and O2).
a. For at-line measurements, open the ball
valve at the sample outlet (switch to “ON”). For example, set “N2 Index” for samples that have
b. For measurements with the PFD (Plus), been filled under nitrogen atmosphere.
close the ball valve at the sample outlet 1. Press <Menu> and select Measurement Set-
(switch to “OFF”). tings > Residual Dissolved Gas.
3. You can set the rinsing time in the menu as well 2. Press <Edit> and select the type of residual gas
as in the quick access area. from the selection list.
a. In the menu (press <Menu>), select CarboQC At-line: N2 Index, O2 Index, Air Index
Measurement Settings > Rinsing Time. CboxQC At-line: N2 Index, Air Index
b. In the quick access area activate
3. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main
(“Sample” function) and select “Set the
rinsing time”.
4. Set the rinsing time in the range between 10
and 240 seconds, default setting is 20 seconds. 6.4 Activating or Deactivating the
5. Perform a measurement.
6. Check that at least 150 mL of the sample has
been consumed. Use the automatic FillingCheck™ only when you
7. If the consumed sample volume is not as operate the instrument with the PFD (Plus).
required, increase or decrease the rinsing time IMPORTANT: For at-line measurements deactivate
accordingly. the FillingCheck™.
8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 until the consumed sample
volume is adequate. To activate or deactivate the FillingCheck™
1. Press <Menu> and select Measurement Set-
tings > FillingCheck™.
2. Press <Edit> and select “On” to activate or “Off”
to deactivate the FillingCheck™.
3. Press <Back> repeatedly to return to the main

18 D35IB001EN-K
7 Measurements

7 Measurements
7.1 General Hints TIP: The closed ball valve ensures a lower sample
To achieve correct measurement results, the instru- If you measure out of closed beverage packages,
ment must be in proper condition. Consider also the avoid pressure reducing components in the filling
tips for correct measurements in section 7.4. line.

Measurement process
WARNING • To start a measurement, press the <Start/Stop>
Risk of injuries if hazardous liquid leaks from key.
the instrument. The O2 measurement is carried out while the
Before you fill any sample or cleaning liquid into measuring chamber is rinsed and filled. After the
the instrument: filling process has finished, the CO2 measure-
• Ensure that all safety instructions concerning ment starts. While the stirrer stays on, the piston
the use of chemicals are met (see section 1). moves down to the first volume expansion and
• Make sure that all wetted parts are resistant to on to the second one. At each expansion, the
the liquid to be filled in. temperature and pressure of the sample are
measured. From these measurement data, the
IMPORTANT: Store the instrument in the environ- CO2 value is calculated.
ment in which you are going to measure. The progress of the measurement is indicated
by a red progress bar in the status bar. When
Checks before the measurement the measurement is finished (after approx. 55 s
with CarboQC At-line / after approx. 90 s with
Before you start a measurement, check that CboxQC At-line), the status bar turns green.
- the ball valve is closed, The results are displayed and saved to the data
- the hoses are correctly and tightly connected, memory. The display is frozen. The displayed
- the T-hose connector is attached to the waste data can be printed immediately, or you can view
hose, them later in the data memory, print or export
- the waste hose leads into a sink or a waste them from there.
vessel, You can convert the method of the last result
- the waste vessel is large enough for the into a different method for display. The result of
known number of samples, the conversion will not be stored.
- the right pressure mode is set
(at a PFD (Plus) equipped with a modular
stand for pressure control unit), To stop a measurement
- the transported sample volume has been set • To stop an ongoing measurement, press the
correctly, <Start/Stop> key again.
- the appropriate method has been set,
No data will be stored.
- the appropriate sample ID has been set,
- appropriate cleaning agents are at hand.

D35IB001EN-K 19
7 Measurements

7.2 Performing Single IMPORTANT: Before you start a measurement, en-

sure that the gas distribution in the sample package
At-line Measurements is balanced. To establish an equilibrium, shake the
package horizontally
1. Install the instrument at the line or at the tank as • at least 15 times with CarboQC At-line
described in section 3.2. (CO2 measurement only),
2. Select the appropriate method and optionally • for at least 3 minutes with CboxQC At-line
the sample ID. (CO2 and O2 measurement).
3. Open the sample valve at the line or tank. The shaking is best performed by a laboratory
4. Open the ball valve at the sample outlet of the
instrument (switch to “ON”) to condition the To condition CboxQC At-line before
starting O2 measurements
5. Press the <Rinse> key.
If there is water in the measuring chamber, purge
Wait until the displayed O2 and temperature
the system with N2 before starting any measure-
values are stable.
ment. Purge until the displayed oxygen value is in
6. Close the ball valve at the sample outlet (switch the measuring range to be expected from the mea-
to “OFF”). surements.
TIP: If the pressure level is < 1 bar, position the TIP: Pierce packages with the PFD (Plus) and lower
instrument vertically to ensure bubble-free filling. the sample tube only into the headspace of the
7. Make sure that the measuring chamber is free package, so that the measuring chamber is purged
of bubbles. with the pressurized N2. Once the displayed value is
in the expected measuring range, lower the sample
Strong bubble formation indicates that CO2 is tube and start the measurement.
being lost yielding a too low CO2 value.
8. Press the <Start/Stop> key on the instrument to To perform the measurement on the
start the measurement. instrument
9. Measure the next sample or rinse the instrument
1. Insert the package into the PFD (Plus) as
with deionized water.
described in the manual of the PFD (Plus).
2. Close the ball valve at the sample outlet of the
7.3 Performing Measurements Using instrument (switch to “OFF”).
3. Select the appropriate method and optionally
the PFD (Plus) the sample ID.
For details about the operation of the PFD (Plus), 4. With a pressure control unit:
see the manual of the PFD (Plus). If you have changed the pressure mode, set the
correct rinsing time.
5. Press the <Start/Stop> key to start the measure-
The measuring chamber will be rinsed with
Be aware that PET bottles for non-carbonated sample.
beverages, e.g. juices or non-sparkling mineral 6. Check through the inspection window that the
waters, are usually not designed to withstand the sample flow near the end of the filling procedure
standard 6 bar (87 psi) overpressure of the is bubble-free.
PFD (Plus).
The measuring chamber must be free of bubbles
If you are going to measure samples from pack-
before the piston begins to move downwards.
ages of this kind, observe the following instruc-
tions: If the bubbles will not disappear, check that the
• Reduce the supply pressure for the PFD (Plus) pressure at the compressed gas supply of the
adequately; PFD (Plus) is 6 ±0.5 bar (87 ±7 psi) relative,
• or use a PFD (Plus) equipped with the modular and clean the filter.
stand for pressure control unit, and measure 7. Wait until the measurement has finished.
only in pressure mode “LOW”; Press <Print> to print the displayed result.
• or do not use a PFD (Plus) for filling; use a 8. Remove the package from the PFD (Plus) as
peristaltic pump instead. described in the manual of the PFD (Plus).

20 D35IB001EN-K
7 Measurements

After the measurement Correct filling pressure (in the lab)

If no further measurements are to be performed, When the sample is being filled, the pressure shown
rinse the measuring system with deionized water on the instrument must be higher than the package
(see section 8.1). pressure of the sample. If the pressure during filling
is too low, bubbles are generated in the measuring
chamber, which will cause too low CO2 results.
7.4 Tips for Correct Measurements A too low filling pressure may be caused by a too
low pressure at the gas supply of the PFD (Plus)
Correct zero point (reference value is 6 ±0.5 bar / 87 ±7 psi relative
pressure) or by a clogged filter.
Regularly perform a CO2 system check with CO2-
free, deionized water. Thereby you survey the zero A clogged filter is the cause of gas bubble formation.
point of CO2 measurements and the faultless func- See section 8.3 on how to clean the filter.
tioning of the instrument. The passed system check See section 6.4 on how to activate FillingCheck™.
(result: 0 ±0.03 g/L CO2) is a prerequisite for correct
measurement results. With a CO2 system check,
the tightness of the measuring chamber will also be Correct sample preparation with the
verified. PFD (Plus)
For CboxQC At-line, also perform weekly O2 system When you use the PFD (Plus) for filling, the gas
checks with pure nitrogen (N2 > 99.999 %) to check distribution between headspace and liquid in the
the zero point of O2 measurements. sample package must be brought into a state of
equilibrium. You can achieve this by shaking the
Correct sample amount package horizontally before you insert it into the
PFD (Plus).
The transported sample volume depends on the set
rinsing time, the filling pressure, and the position of Constant sample temperature
the ball valve at the sample outlet of the instrument.
When you use the PFD (Plus) for filling from pack-
Fill a minimum sample volume of 150 mL per mea-
ages, the measurement results will depend on the
surement to avoid sample carry-over.
sample temperature. This does not come from a
When you measure different samples, we recom- deficiency of the instrument, but is due to the fact
mend pre-rinsing before the measurement: press that the dissolved gases are differently distributed
the <Rinse> key, then press the <Start/Stop> key between headspace and liquid depending on the
directly to start the measurement. temperature. The lower the temperature, the higher
the solubility of gases in the liquid.
Correct measuring method Therefore, either measure sample packages always
at the same temperature, e.g. 20 °C, or use a cus-
Check that the correct measuring method has been
tomer specific method. Only then will the results be
set on the instrument. A wrong method will lead to
wrong results.

D35IB001EN-K 21
8 Cleaning

8 Cleaning
• Use a peristaltic pump (only for cleaning pur-
NOTICE poses):
• To prevent damage to the O-rings, ensure that
a. Disconnect the instrument with the at-line
the instrument is about half filled with deionized
filter from the line.
water when it is not used for some time (e.g.
b. Connect the outlet hose of the peristaltic
over the weekend) or when it is shipped.
pump with the inlet of the at-line filter.
• Make sure beforehand that the wetted parts of
c. Operate the pump as required.
the whole measuring system are resistant to all
liquids that you are going to fill. • Use a syringe (only for cleaning purposes):
• For CboxQC At-line: Do not use any cleaning a. Disconnect the instrument from the line.
agents that contain abrasives, chlorine, or hypo- b. Fill the instrument through the sample inlet.
chlorite. Even the chlorine concentration in tap
water is high enough to damage the oxygen
With a PFD (Plus)
sensitive layer of the sensor.
In combination with a PFD (Plus), fill the instrument
For instructions on cleaning the PFD (Plus), see the with cleaning liquid as follows:
manual of the PFD (Plus). 1. Fill a PET bottle with the cleaning liquid.
2. Insert this bottle into the PFD (Plus).
3. Proceed as you would with a measurement
WARNING (see section 7.3).
Rinsing liquids with a low flash point are a
potential fire and explosion hazard.
• Make sure that all hose connections are tight
8.2 Cleaning Routines
before you use ethanol.
• It is recommended to use a syringe to fill Regularly perform a thorough cleaning of the instru-
hazardous cleaning agents. ment to ensure a constant and high accuracy of your
• Perform the cleaning routines as given in
8.1 Rinsing the Instrument table 3.
• Always rinse with deionized water before and
- To rinse the instrument with cleaning liquid, after rinsing with a suitable cleaning agent.
press the <Rinse> key on the instrument.
• Always leave some deionized water in the
- To stop rinsing, press the <Rinse> key again.
measuring chamber after cleaning.

At-line operation • Visual inspection of the drainage boreholes

(see 2, fig. 3): If liquid leaks from the drainage
When you use the instrument at-line, fill it with clean- boreholes at the rear of the instrument, the CO2
ing liquid in one of the following ways: measuring chamber is no longer tight. Contact
your local Anton Paar representative.
• Connect the instrument to a tap with process
Table 3: Cleaning routines
a. Disconnect the instrument with the at-line
filter from the line. Interval Cleaning routine
b. Connect the inlet of the at-line filter with a After each If the instrument is going to be
process water tap. measurement idle for more than 10 minutes,
Do not use ordinary tap water because series rinse it with deionized water.
deposits due to water hardness will impair
the inlet and outlet valves. Daily, CO2 system check with CO2-
c. Open the process water tap. before starting free, deionized water, see the
measurements Reference Guide

22 D35IB001EN-K
8 Cleaning

Table 3: Cleaning routines (cont.) 7. Blow compressed air in reverse flow direction
through the filter.
Interval Cleaning routine
8. Reconnect the filter to the hoses in the correct
Daily, Rinse the instrument with: flow direction.
after finishing • warm, deionized water
measurements • suitable cleaning agenta With a PFD (Plus)
(e.g. glass cleaner / pH < 10 or
ethanol) 1. Make sure that the activating lever of the
• deionized water PFD (Plus) is in the “OFF” position.
Clean the instrument housing. 2. Press the <Rinse> key on the instrument and
Weekly Rinse the instrument with: wait 20 s for the measuring chamber to open.
• warm, deionized water 3. Disconnect the filter from the hoses.
• suitable cleaning agentab 4. Connect the filter in reverse flow direction to the
(e.g. glass cleaner / pH < 10 or hose coming from the PFD (Plus).
• deionized water 5. Insert a 0.5 L PET bottle with deionized water
into the PFD (Plus).
Clean the instrument housing.
6. Fix the filter outlet positioned over a sink or a
Clean the filter. waste vessel.
Perform a visual inspection of 7. Lower the safety shield of the PFD (Plus) and
the drainage boreholes. move the activating lever to “ON”.
a Adhere to the instructions of the manufacturer Air with sample residues will spray out of the
concerning the concentration of the cleaning agent
and its soaking time.
b For a weekly application with a maximum soaking 8. Lower the sample tube into the PET bottle.
time of 5 min, we have tested and can recommend:
Edisonite® Super. 9. Flush the filter with approx. 200 mL of deionized
10. Raise the sample tube and let air flow through
8.3 Cleaning the Filter the filter for about one minute.
11. Move the activating lever to “OFF”.
If the filter is clogged, carbonated samples will
generate gas bubbles there during filling. 12. Press the <Rinse> key to stop the rinsing pro-
At-line operation 13. Reconnect the filter to the hoses in the correct
flow direction.
1. Disconnect the filter from the hoses.
2. Connect a hose to a process water tap.
3. Connect the filter to this hose in reverse flow
8.4 Cleaning Housing and Display
If sample has been spilled over the instrument
4. Fix the filter outlet positioned over a sink or a housing, always wipe it off immediately.
waste vessel.
1. Clean the instrument housing and the display
5. Rinse the filter with process water. with a soft tissue and (warm) water.
6. Disconnect the filter from the hose. 2. Dry with a soft and dry tissue.

D35IB001EN-K 23
9 Maintenance

9 Maintenance
9.1 Maintenance Routines
For maintenance service and contract information, contact your local Anton Paar representative.

Table 4: Maintenance routines

Interval Maintenance routine

After 20,000 measurement cycles, • General equipment check

the instrument requires maintenance. • Hardware maintenance:
replacement of the maintenance kit (includes piston drive
O-rings, the drying agent, the piston drive motor) and the
O2 sensor head (CboxQC At-line only)
• Calibration and adjustment of the instrument

Annual preventive maintenance: • General equipment check

Regardless of the instrument’s count of • Hardware maintenance:
measurement cycles, at least annual pre- replacement of the maintenance kit (includes piston drive
ventive maintenance of the instrument is O-rings, the drying agent, the piston drive motor) and the
mandatory to ensure proper operation. O2 sensor head (CboxQC At-line only)
• Calibration and adjustment of the instrument

semiannual preventive maintenance: • Hardware maintenance:
If the instrument is used in a tropical en- replacement of the drying agent
vironment or under similar conditions, or • Resealing with Glisseal lab grease
if the instrument is subjected to strong
temperature fluctuations, perform a pre-
ventive maintenance every half-year.

9.2 Battery Symbol Battery charge status

The instrument is equipped with an integrated The battery is fully charged.

rechargeable battery. With the standard battery,
mat. no. 107632, the instrument can be operated for The battery is charged approx. 75 %.
up to five hours, with the optional high-performance
battery, mat. no. 107633, for up to ten hours. The battery is charged approx. 50 %.
The battery charge status symbol in the displayed
header indicates the charge status of the battery: The battery is charged approx. 25 %.

The battery is discharged and needs

blinking to be recharged.

The instrument is AC-powered, and

blinking the battery is being charged.
The instrument is AC-powered, and
the battery is fully charged.

24 D35IB001EN-K
9 Maintenance

To recharge the battery

1. Connect the instrument to your AC power supply
using the power adapter.
Risk of acid burns 2. Switch the instrument on.
Damaged batteries may be leaky.
A blinking battery symbol in the displayed
• Do not use damaged batteries.
header indicates that the battery is being
The symbol in the displayed header
WARNING indicates that the battery is fully charged.
If the battery cannot be recharged anymore, or if
Improper handling of the battery may lead to
the capacity of the battery decreases dramatically,
fire or explosion.
contact your local Anton Paar representative.
• Do not short-circuit the battery.
• Do not throw the battery into an open flame.
• Charge the battery only in the instrument with
the original power adapter coming with the
• Charge the battery only indoors under dry
ambient conditions.

D35IB001EN-K 25
Appendix A: Technical Data

Appendix A: Technical Data

A.1: Specifications
CO2 measurement
Measuring range 0 g/L to 12 g/L (0 vol. to 6 vol.) at 30 °C (86 °F)
0 g/L to 20 g/L (0 vol. to 10 vol.) < 15 °C (59 °F)
Repeatability s.d. 0.04 g/L (0.02 vol.)
Reproducibility s.d. 0.1 g/L (0.05 vol.)
Resolution 0.01 g/L
Measurement units g/L, vol., mg/L, MPa, kg/cm2, % w/w
O2 measurementa
Measuring range 0 ppm to 4 ppm
Repeatability s.d. 2 ppb (in the range < 200 ppb)
Reproducibility s.d. 4 ppb (in the range < 1000 ppb)
10 ppb (in the range from 1000 ppb to 2000 ppb)
20 ppb (in the range from 2000 ppb to 4000 ppb)
Resolution 0.1 ppb (in the range from 0 ppb to 99.9 ppb)
Measurement units ppm, ppb, mg/L, µg/L, %Air-sat., %O2-sat.
Sample temperature –3 °C to +40 °C (26.6 °F to 104 °F)
Accuracy of the temperature sensor 0.2 °C
Measurement units °C, °F, K
Pressure sensor range 0 bar to 10 bar (0 psi to 145 psi) absolute
Repeatability s.d. 0.01 bar
Reproducibility s.d. 0.08 bar
Measurement units bar, kPa, psi, mbar
Sample volume from 150 mL
Typical measuring time CarboQC At-line: approx. 55 seconds
CboxQC At-line: approx. 90 seconds
a only available on CboxQC At-line

26 D35IB001EN-K
Appendix A: Technical Data

A.2: Instrument Data and Operating Conditions

Dimensions (L x W x H) 262 mm x 209 mm x 176 mm (10.3 in x 8.2 in x 6.9 in)
Weight CarboQC At-line: approx. 2.1 kg (4.6 lbs)
CboxQC At-line: approx. 2.7 kg (6 lbs)
Power supply
AC power (adapter) AC 100–240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1.5 A
indoor use only
Battery Li-ion battery 11.1 V, 2.25 Ah, charging time: approx. 2 hours
optional: Li-ion battery 11.25 V, 2.6 Ah, charging time: < 2 hours
Integrated protection
Maximum off-line operation: up to 10 hours
Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
Air humidity 10 % to 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing
Degree of protection IP67
Overvoltage category II
(power adapter)
Interfaces 1x RS-232 (plug 9-pin D-sub)
1x USB (socket type B)
optional: Bluetooth, RFID

Serious injuries due to high voltage at parts of the instrument are
possible if you do not abide by the following regulations:
• Connect only devices to the interfaces that comply with PELV
(protective extra-low voltage) according to EN 61140 or with
SELV (safety extra-low voltage) according to EN 60950.

D35IB001EN-K 27
Appendix A: Technical Data

A.3: Wetted Parts

The following materials are in contact with the samples and cleaning agents:

Material Part
Brass, nickel-plated fitting
EPDM O-ring
(ethylene propylene diene monomer)
NBR (nitrile butadiene rubber) O-ring
PEEK (polyether ether ketone) stirrer bearing, cover of the measuring chamber
POM-C sleeve of the inlet valve
(polyoxymethylene copolymer)
PSU (polysulfone) measuring chamber
PU (polyurethane) hose
Stainless steel at-line filter, standard filter, sieve, inlet valve and outlet valve,
stirrer, piston, temperature sensor, pressure sensor
Viton O-ring

Chemical resistance of the O2 sensor (CboxQC At-line only)

Resistant against • acidic agents (HCl, H2SO4, max. 4–5 %, at room temperature)
• CIP (5 % NaOH, 5 % KOH, 80 °C/176 °F)
• steam sterilization (121 °C/249.8 °F, 1.5 bar/21.8 psi)
• 3 % H2O2
• ethanol
Not resistant against • chlorine gas
• organic solvents (CHCl3, toluene, acetone, etc.)
• bleaching solutions containing hypochlorites

28 D35IB001EN-K
Appendix B: EU Declaration of Conformity

Appendix B: EU Declaration of Conformity

D35IB001EN-K 29

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