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Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 3 – 12

Blackwell Science, Ltd

Black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes): an increasingly

important disease of potato

A. K. Leesa*† and A. J. Hiltonb

Programme of Host–Parasite Co-Evolution, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA; and
Agronomy Department, Scottish Agricultural College, Craibstone, Aberdeen AB21 9YA, UK

In recent years black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) has become an economically important disease problem in potato
(Solanum tuberosum). It is characterized by silvery lesions on the tuber surface which result in a deterioration in skin
quality. In addition to causing tuber blemish symptoms, C. coccodes also causes symptoms on stems and foliage, resulting
in crop losses in some countries, and is implicated as a factor in the potato early dying disease complex. In the past, the
incidence and severity of black dot might have been underestimated, as tuber symptoms were often mistaken for silver
scurf (Helminthosporium solani ). Inoculum of C. coccodes can be both seed tuber- and soilborne, and disease control is
difficult as there are few chemical control methods and little resistance in commercial cultivars. Cultural control options
offer the only potential means to control this disease at present. Current developments in rapid and specific PCR-based
detection methods are being used to address epidemiological questions.

Keywords: disease detection and diagnosis, epidemiology, potato tuber disease, soilborne disease, tomato anthracnose

complexes of soilborne parasites including Verticillium dahliae

Introduction and C. coccodes [Tsror (Lahkim) & Hazanovsky, 2001].
Black dot is a tuber blemish and foliar disease of potato The relative importance of black dot on potato has
caused by the fungus Colletotrichum coccodes (synonyms increased, in part due to the growing market for fresh,
C. atramentarium and C. phomoides). Early reports of the prepacked potatoes, which has resulted in an increase in
disease in potato and tomato date back to the early 19th the demand for washed potatoes with a high-quality
century, and are described in detail by Dickson (1926). In appearance. As a consequence of this demand, skin
general, these reports did not regard black dot as a serious blemish diseases of potato such as black dot, silver scurf
problem in potato, and the pathogen was later described (Helminthosporium solani) and black scurf (Rhizoctonia
by Chesters & Hornby (1965a) as common, but rarely of solani), once considered to be of minor importance, are
economic importance on potato in the UK, and by Zitter now viewed as a serious problem. The British Potato
et al. (1989) as a weak pathogen of potato roots. However, Council estimates that black dot and silver scurf cause up
there have been increasing numbers of reports of dis- to £5 million in losses to ware crops annually in the UK
ease incidence and crop damage caused by C. coccodes (Anon, 1998), and there can be additional losses to the
(Thirumalachar, 1967; Mohan & Davis, 1987; Barkdoll seed industry, particularly to the export market. It is also
& Davis, 1992; Dillard, 1992; Johnson & Miliczky, possible that until recently, black dot symptoms on tubers
1993b; Johnson, 1994; Tsror (Lahkim) et al. 1994; Read were often mistaken for silver scurf symptoms, and
& Hide (1995a); Andrivon et al. (1997); Denner et al. that the importance of the distribution of the disease has
(1997); Tsror (Lahkim) et al., 1999b). therefore been underestimated. For a review of silver scurf
It has also been demonstrated that potato early dying (PED), on potato see Errampalli et al. (2001b).
characterized by stunting, wilting, premature senescence and
reduced yields (Powelson & Rowe, 1993), is associated with
The disease
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Colletotrichum coccodes can colonize all underground
Accepted 22 August 2002 parts (daughter tubers, stolons and roots), basal stems

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4 A. K. Lees & A. J. Hilton

(Andrivon et al., 1997; Andrivon et al., 1998) and foliage in plant weight and height compared with plants inocu-
(Mohan et al., 1992; Johnson & Miliczky, 1993a; lated individually and control plants [Tsror (Lahkim) &
Johnson, 1994) of the potato plant. Infection of potato Hazanovsky, 2001]. However, Sedegui et al. (2000) found
tubers by C. coccodes results in the development of silvery that in cultivar Superior, V. dahliae was the primary
lesions on the tuber surface, characterized by the pro- pathogen causing early dying, and no increase in disease
duction of black microsclerotia (Dillard, 1992). Symptoms severity or yield loss was observed when plants were
are commonly observed at the heel end of the tuber and coinoculated with both pathogens.
the lesions can appear brown, with a poorly defined
margin. In contrast, silver scurf lesions are silver, with a
Infection and symptom development
clearly defined margin. To confirm identification of these
two diseases requires examination of tubers with a hand All underground parts of a potato plant are susceptible to
lens or microscope to observe the characteristic black infection by C. coccodes (Ducomet, 1908; Schmiedeknecht,
microsclerotia of black dot, or conidiophores of H. solani 1956; Andrivon et al., 1998). Early reports suggested that
(Errampalli et al., 2001a). roots, stolons, stems and daughter tubers were colonized
Microsclerotia of C. coccodes can also be seen on by internal growth of mycelial hyphae developing from
roots, stems and stolons, and are commonly observed in infected seed tubers or by contact of healthy plant parts
maincrop cultivars in the UK from late June onwards with infected debris (Ducomet, 1908). When infected
(J. E. Danaher and A. J. H., unpublished data). Symptoms segments of seed were sown in pots in the glasshouse, initial
of disease caused by C. coccodes on potato foliage are symptoms were observed on roots, stems and stolons 2, 8
usually associated with wounds caused by windblown soil, and 8 weeks after planting, respectively (Andrivon et al.,
particularly sand, and appear initially as water-soaked 1998). This rapid development of symptoms on roots
lesions that subsequently turn dark brown to black. has led to speculation that roots provide the initial site of
Infected plants sometimes appear wilted, with the lower infection (Komm & Stevenson, 1978). Recent experi-
and middle leaves becoming chlorotic (Mohan et al., ments have shown that both the planting of clean seed
1992; Johnson, 1994). Disease symptoms on potato in infected soil, and infected seed in clean soil in the
foliage have not been reported in the UK. glasshouse, result in rapid infection of all underground
plant parts (J. E. Danaher and A. J. H., unpublished data).
Stems, stolons and roots grown from infected seed were
Effects of disease
infected with C. coccodes immediately after planting, and
Silvering of the tuber skin by C. coccodes causes a red- it is speculated that this is due to systemic growth of the
uction in skin quality, which can result in crops being fungus from infected seed. Visual symptoms of black dot
rejected for the fresh prepack market. Infection by C. did not develop on stems and stolons until 6 and 8 weeks
coccodes can also cause limited yield reductions and weight after planting, respectively, and the severity of symptoms
loss in storage. Hunger & McIntyre (1979) observed that on daughter tubers was dependent on the duration
tubers with more than 60% infection lost an average of between haulm senescence and harvesting (J. E. Danaher
10% of fresh weight after 18 weeks of storage, while and A. J. H., unpublished data).
tubers with 0 –1% infection lost only 5%. These findings The environmental conditions that favour disease
were attributed to damage to the periderm which in- development are still unclear. However, the extensive
creased skin permeability. In the UK, a series of artificially geographic distribution of this disease (Mordue, 1967)
and naturally infected field experiments showed that suggests that infection in the field can occur under a wide
although total crop yield was rarely affected by black dot range of conditions. In in vitro tests, the optimum temper-
symptoms, the yield of marketable ware-sized tubers was ature for conidial germination was shown to be 22°C, and
sometimes decreased and the number of small tubers in mycelial cultures grew most quickly between 25 and 31°C
the sample increased (Read & Hide, 1995a). (Dillard, 1988). Reports on environmental conditions
In contrast to the earlier reports of Chesters & Hornby that favour black dot development in the field are limited.
(1965a) and Zitter et al., 1989, who did not consider However, in irrigation studies black dot was favoured by
C. coccodes to be an important disease of potato, artificial wet soil conditions (Firman & Allen, 1993; Hide et al.,
inoculation of potato foliage with C. coccodes was shown 1994).
to cause significant yield losses in the state of Washington,
USA. In field experiments in 1991, 1992 and 1993, Johnson
Distribution and host range
(1994) noted a 7, 12 and 11% yield loss, respectively, in
the cultivar Russett Burbank, and in two glasshouse Black dot is widely distributed throughout the potato-
experiments yield losses were 32 and 19%, respectively. growing regions of the world, including Africa, Asia, Aus-
Tsror (Lahkim) et al. (1999b) observed significant yield tralasia and the Americas (Mordue, 1967). The majority
reductions of 22–30% in five cultivars planted in artifi- of reports of the disease come from North America (Raid
cially inoculated soil. & Pennypacker, 1987), Europe (Andrivon et al., 1997),
Yield losses may also result from PED syndrome. Coin- Australia (Harrison, 1963), and South Africa, where the
oculation of four cultivars varying in susceptibility to V. disease is prevalent due to the susceptibility of local culti-
dahliae and C. coccodes resulted in significant reductions vars (Denner & Marais, 1989). In a survey of bacterial

© 2003 BSPP Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 3– 12

Black dot disease of potato 5

and fungal seedborne diseases on imported and domestic morphology) from 435 isolates obtained from diseased
potatoes in Israel, up to 34% of batches imported from tomato fruit and leaves.
Holland in 1998 were contaminated with black dot [Tsror Isolates of C. coccodes from potato were found to
(Lahkim) et al., 1999a]. A survey undertaken in the UK in be morphologically indistinguishable from those from
1989–90 found that black dot, silver scurf and black scurf tomato, and were also capable of causing anthracnose on
occurred in 75, 86 and 85%, respectively, of potato crops tomato (Illman et al., 1959). In in vitro tests, similar levels
surveyed (Read et al., 1995). of variation were observed in isolates of C. coccodes
Within the UK regional differences in the incidence of obtained from tomato roots, tomato anthracnose and
the disease have been observed (Bradshaw et al., 2002). In black dot of potato (Chesters & Hornby, 1965a). Temper-
a crop survey in England and Wales in 1999 and 2000, the ature optima for the germination of conidia were
relative incidence of black dot varied from 100 and 70% described by Dillard (1988): germination of conidia was
in the south-east and midlands to 18% in the south-west greatest at 22°C, no conidia germinated at 7°C, and fewer
and 8% in the north. Observations by the authors in Scot- than 70% germinated at 10 or 31°C. The growth rate of
land suggest that incidence of black dot is low compared cultures was greatest at 25–31°C, and optimum at 28°C
with that in the south-east of England. and a pH of 6.
Apart from black dot on potato, C. coccodes also causes Variation in pathogenicity was examined by Barkdoll
anthracnose in tomato crops, characterized by sunken, & Davis (1992), who assessed nine isolates of C. coccodes
water-soaked, circular lesions (Dillard, 1989), and is for their ability to cause disease symptoms on the foli-
able to infect at least 35 additional hosts from 13 families age of potato cultivar Russett Burbank. These workers
including the Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae and Solanaceae induced wounding on the potato plants before inoculating
(Chesters & Hornby, 1965b). Raid & Pennypacker with a conidial suspension of the individual isolates.
(1987) identified 15 weed species that acted as altern- Disease was subsequently measured, and differences in
ative hosts for C. coccodes when root and foliar inocula- the pathogenicity of the nine isolates were observed on
tions were carried out in tomato fields in Pennsylvania, the foliage. There is also limited evidence to suggest that
USA. However, more than 50% of the infected plants physiological races exist among isolates of C. coccodes,
were symptomless and when symptoms did occur, e.g. Andrivon et al. (1998) inoculated hemispherical eye
they generally appeared as inconspicuous chlorotic or cores of the potato cultivars Spunta, Bintje and Desirée
necrotic flecks. This is in agreement with the work of with five isolates of C. coccodes using a 5 mm mycelial
Bremer (1954). Further research is necessary to deter- plug cut from the margin of an actively growing colony.
mine the role of weeds as hosts and inoculum sources Plants were then grown in a glasshouse before being har-
in nature. vested and assessed for the presence of disease. Symptoms
on stolons and tubers showed significant isolate by culti-
var interactions. In recent studies, Nitzan et al. (2002)
The pathogen showed that four multimember vegetative compatibility
groups (VCGs) could be defined from 110 isolates of
Taxonomy and variability
C. coccodes originating from Israel, the Netherlands and
Colletotrichum coccodes is an imperfect fungus belonging France, and that VCG diversity might be associated with
to the Melanconiales. Colonies of C. coccodes grown on pathogenic characteristics of isolates. Further work is
media are dominated by white, sparse aerial mycelium needed to improve understanding of the extent of patho-
and by abundant, black sclerotia that are distributed genic variation in C. coccodes.
evenly over the agar surface (Davis & Johnson, 2002). In addition to phenotypic characterization, the use of
Acervuli produced in culture, and on stems, roots, tomato biochemical techniques has allowed great advances to be
fruit and potato tubers, normally in association with made in understanding inter- and intraspecific variation in
sclerotia, are round to elongate, approximately 200 –300 Colletotrichum. For example, isoenzyme analysis showed
µm in diameter, and produce septate and branched that isolates of C. coccodes could be distinguished from
conidiophores (McIntyre & Rusanowski, 1975). Conidia other species of Colletotrichum pathogenic to strawber-
are formed in honey, orange to salmon-coloured masses and ries, but no intraspecific isozyme variation was evident
are 16–24 µm long by 3 – 4 µm wide, straight, fusiform within C. coccodes (Bonde et al., 1991). Several molecu-
and abruptly tapered to each end (Sutton, 1992). lar studies have used random fragment length polymor-
Knowledge of the variability among isolates of C. coc- phism (RFLP), ribosomal coding nuclear DNA (rDNA)
codes has focused on studies of culture morphology and sequence analysis, and random amplified polymorphic
pathogenicity. Kendrick & Walker (1948) found that DNA (RAPD) assays to investigate the systematics of
147 isolates of C. coccodes obtained from tomato fruits Colletotrichum. Fingerprints generated using RAPD ana-
showed a considerable range of growth characteristics lysis with four primers permitted reliable differentiation
when cultured, varying in colour, the presence of prostrate between isolates of 10 species of Colletotrichum (Freeman
or aerial mycelia, and in the size and number of sclerotia et al., 1993). New species groupings in the genus were
formed. Similarly, Tu & Poysa (1997) found at least 15 proposed based on rDNA sequence analysis, and a clear
distinct biotypes of C. coccodes that varied in several relationship between morphological and molecular data
phenotypic characteristics (e.g. pathogenicity, cultural was demonstrated by Sherriff et al. (1994). Molecular

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characterization of Colletotrichum species has been per- Epidemiological studies are reliant on methods to quan-
formed, including C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides and C. tify pathogens, and real-time PCR is a quantitative detec-
fragariae from strawberry plants (Buddie et al., 1999) and tion method based on a modified PCR technique. The
C. graminicola from turfgrass (Backman et al., 1999). assay uses two primers and an additional dual-labelled
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a fluorogenic probe to allow the continuous monitoring of
powerful technique because it generates numerous DNA amplicon synthesis during thermocycling, and requires
fragments from small quantities of initial template DNA; no post-PCR sample handling for target quantification
can determine the genetic and molecular basis of biologi- (Orlando et al., 1998).
cal phenomena in phytopathogenic fungi; and is repro- PCR and real-time PCR tests have been developed
ducible (O’Neill et al., 1997). AFLP has been used for the recently for the sensitive, specific and quantitative detec-
genetic characterization of Colletotrichum pathogens of tion of C. coccodes from potato tissue and soil (Cullen
alfalfa (O’Neill et al., 1997). This study showed that the et al., 2002). Two sets of primers were designed to
diversity detected within Colletotrichum species by AFLP sequences within the ITS1/ITS2 regions of C. coccodes
was consistent with previously published taxonomy based isolates described by Sreenivasaprasad et al. (1996).
on morphology, rDNA sequence and RAPD analysis. A Outer primers Cc1F1 (ACCTAACTGTTGCTTCGGCG)
similar study of C. coccodes from potato would reveal and Cc2R1 (AAATTTGGGGGTTTTACGGC), and
whether isolates from different geographical regions differ nested primers (which allow increased sensitivity of
or are clonal. Preliminary evidence from AFLP studies detection in a second round of PCR amplification)
suggests there is little variation between isolates of C. coc- Cc1NF1 (TGCCGCCTGCGGACCCCCCT) and Cc2NR1
codes obtained from potato (A. K. L. and A. J. H., unpub- (GGCTCCGAGAGGGTCCGCCA), were shown to be
lished data). specific to C. coccodes when tested against a wide range
of other fungal and bacterial plant pathogens including
eight other Colletotrichum species (C. acutatum, C.
Isolation, detection and identification
capsici, C. dematium, C. fragariae, C. gloeosporioides, C.
Detection of C. coccodes in plant and soil samples has so graminicola, C. linicola and C. trifolii) representing the
far been based on conventional isolation techniques six phylogenetic groups of the genus. The sensitivity of
followed by identification of the fungus on the basis of this assay using the nested PCR approach was the equiv-
morphology and host specialization (Sutton, 1992). A alent of 0·12 sclerotia g−1 soil.
selective medium was developed by Farley (1972) for the Real-time PCR primers CcTqF1 (TCTATAACCCTTT-
isolation and enumeration of C. coccodes from soils, and GTGAACATACCTAACTG) and CCTqR1 (CACTCA-
could be used to recover the pathogen from artificially and GAAGAAACGTCGTTAAAATAGAG) and a probe
naturally infested soil and from overwintered tomato CcTqP1 (CGCAGGCGGCACCCCCT) were also shown
skins. Later work by Platt & Bollen (1995) described the to be specific to C. coccodes. The real-time assay was able
use of selective media for the isolation of Verticillium and to detect DNA of C. coccodes to femtogram levels in soil
C. coccodes from potato stems, and demonstrated that samples. Low levels of inoculum in fields can hinder
recovery of the pathogens was dependent on the selective sensitive detection, but the C. coccodes diagnostic test
media used. Isolation of fungi by the use of selective media has been shown to be efficient in detecting C. coccodes in
still requires identification of the species isolated, does not naturally infested soils and is being used as a tool to study
provide a truly quantitative measure of pathogen inci- the epidemiology of the disease.
dence, and is time-consuming. Similarly, a bioassay for the
detection of C. coccodes in soils was recently described by
Ecology and its epidemiological consequences
Carnegie et al. (2003), who showed that determining
plant infestation based on the occurrence of infected bait The potential of seed tubers infected by C. coccodes to
plant roots was a sensitive method for the detection and cause disease was first shown in Canada (Dickson, 1926).
quantification of inoculum, especially in naturally infested When infected seed tubers were planted in the field, plants
soils with a low level of infestation. However, this test grew poorly while stems and daughter (progeny) tubers
requires a 9 –12-week baiting period before results are displayed disease symptoms. Similarly, when tubers of
obtained. A significant improvement in identification once-grown stocks of cvs Desirée and Pentland Crown
and classification of fungi has come from RFLP, poly- were selected according to the severity of black dot and then
merase chain reaction (PCR), RAPD and rDNA sequence sown in the field, the daughter tubers from severely infected
analysis. seed showed significantly more disease than on those
PCR is a diagnostic method widely used for the detec- plants from black dot-free tubers (Read & Hide, 1995a).
tion of plant pathogenic fungi (Miller, 1996), including Dashwood et al. (1992) found that the overall frequency
a range of seed and soilborne potato pathogens such of infection by C. coccodes in roots of plants grown from
as Helminthosporium solani (McKay & Cooke, 1997; seed tubers was twice as high as that found in the roots
Olivier & Loria, 1998; Cullen et al., 2001: Errampalli of micropropagated plants, indicating that tuber-borne
et al., 2001a), Spongospora subterrranea (Bulman & inoculum contributed significantly to the infection level.
Marshall, 1998; Bell et al., 1999), and Rhizoctonia solani Evidence of the scale of seed tuber-borne inoculum as a
(Lees et al. 2002). source of infection can be obtained from disease surveys

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Black dot disease of potato 7

of tubers for planting: C. coccodes was readily isolated classified as an airborne pathogen. Other potential
from two stocks of certified seed tubers of cultivar Sup- sources of inoculum include crop debris and alternative
erior in Indiana, USA, when sections of tuber were plated host plants. When disease-free seed tubers were sown in
onto the selective medium potato–dextrose–tergitol agar the field, and dried stem pieces infected with C. coccodes
(Komm & Stevenson, 1978). A larger survey of the inci- were applied to growing plants, premature death of the
dence of C. coccodes on potato seed tubers was conducted plants occurred and sclerotia developed on the stems
in Washington State, USA ( Johnson et al., 1997). In this (Dickson, 1926). Although this experiment showed the
study, 1 cm slices of periderm and medulla of tubers were potential for sclerotia surviving on crop debris to cause
plated onto a potato extract medium and the incidence of disease, it is unclear how long this inoculum can survive
C. coccodes isolation following 2 weeks incubation at on plant material and whether it would represent a sign-
23°C was measured. The incidence of C. coccodes in lots ificant source of inoculum in a crop rotation.
of certified seed originating from nine states in the USA Some alternative hosts have been identified that may
and two provinces in Canada ranged from 0 to 90% in provide a source of inoculum of C. coccodes (Raid &
1994, and from 0–53% in 1995. Pennypacker, 1987; Eberlein et al., 1991). Four C. coccodes
It is believed that potato seed tubers are an important isolates that produced lesions on potato foliage also colon-
factor in the introduction of the pathogen to noninfested ized eastern black and hairy nightshade, although some
fields. Once soil is infested, it can then act as an effective caused no symptoms (Eberlein et al., 1991), thus indicat-
source of inoculum. Colonization of tubers by C. coccodes ing that these plants may serve as sources of primary inoc-
was highly correlated with the number of colony-forming ulum for isolates that are pathogenic to potato. However,
units found in the soil, and four isolates of C. coccodes the complete host range of C. coccodes is as yet unknown.
obtained from soil all caused symptoms on leaves of In view of its ability to infect alternative hosts, con-
potato following artificial inoculation, suggesting a signif- siderable work has been carried out (Wymore et al., 1988;
icant role of soilborne infection on disease (Barkdoll & Yu et al., 1997) to examine the possibilities of using C.
Davis, 1992). A soil and tuber survey conducted in Idaho, coccodes as selective postemergence bioherbicide to
USA showed that C. coccodes was isolated from all the control velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), a major annual
potato fields surveyed in 1988, but was not found in areas weed of wheat and soybeans in North America.
of native vegetation (Barkdoll & Davis, 1992). Other
work has shown that when clean seed was sown in a field
artificially inoculated with C. coccodes, daughter tubers
Controlling black dot
had significantly more disease than control plants grown
Cultural control
in uninoculated soil (Read & Hide, 1988).
Colletotrichum coccodes survives long-term in the field Crop rotation can be used to reduce levels of inoculum
in the form of sclerotia on seed tubers and crop debris, of a number of soilborne pathogens (Honeycutt et al.,
and in soil. Fifty-three per cent of sclerotia of C. coccodes 1996). However, when potatoes were grown in two-,
buried at a depth of 2·5 cm in a loam soil in seed trays and four- and six-course rotations with spring barley between
maintained in a moist state for 83 weeks in a glasshouse 1982 and 1988, previous cropping was found not to affect
remained viable (Blakeman & Hornby, 1966). In con- the incidence of black dot (Hide & Read, 1991). Reducing
trast, no conidia survived for more than 3 weeks when a the level of potential inoculum can also be achieved by
spore suspension was applied to an adhesive mesh and controlling other hosts of C. coccodes. Raid & Pennypacker
buried in garden soil. More recently, a field study in New (1987) identified 15 weed species in Pennsylvania, USA
York, USA investigated the effect of placing sclerotia of C. that could be infected when plants were inoculated at
coccodes obtained from tomato on the surface of the soil, the seedling, vegetative or senescent stages. Further
or buried to depths of 10 and 20 cm below the soil surface. research is necessary to determine the role of weeds as
After 8 years, 55, 91 and 92% of sclerotia (surface, 10 cm, hosts and inoculum sources in nature before control
20 cm, respectively) were found to be viable (Dillard & strategies can be made.
Cobb, 1998). Recent results (Cullen et al., 2002) using a Crop rotation and other measures designed to reduce
PCR-based detection technique showed that C. coccodes soilborne inoculum of C. coccodes may be of limited value
was detectable in naturally infested field soils collected because of reintroduction of the pathogen on potato seed
from three different UK sites that had not been planted stocks (Komm & Stevenson, 1978). Pre-plant solarization
with potatoes for 5, 8 and 13 years. The viability of the and mouldboard ploughing were shown to be effective in
inoculum from all three sites was confirmed using baiting the control of C. coccodes, with crops showing a 45%
tests. This evidence suggests that once soil is infested, reduction in disease incidence when solarization/tarping
soilborne inoculum becomes the predominant source of was carried out for 8 weeks and temperatures reached
infection. 56°C in the top 5 cm of the soil. Mouldboard ploughing
In semiarid regions, frequent wind storms early in the to a depth of 30 cm reduced black dot by 34%, and was
growing season have the potential to distribute C. coc- twice as effective as ploughing to 60 cm (Denner et al.,
codes widely (Johnson, 1994). Other reports [Mohan 2000).
et al., 1992; Johnson & Miliczky, 1993a; Tsror (Lahkim) As development of black dot symptoms coincides with
et al., 1999b] suggest that C. coccodes should also be haulm senescence, it is speculated that the method of

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haulm destruction may play a role in disease reduction. In generally more susceptible to the disease than later-
field experiments, the supplementation of chemical haulm maturing genotypes (Read, 1991; Andrivon et al., 1997).
destruction with root cutting resulted in a lower incidence A more detailed study found that the symptoms of black
of black scurf (Dijst et al., 1986). Early harvesting of dot that developed on the roots, stems and tubers of
crops also reduces the severity of tuber diseases (Hide cultivar Bintje (second early) were more severe than those
& Boorer, 1991; Hide et al., 1994). As infection of dau- on the maincrop cultivar Roseval (Andrivon et al., 1998).
ghter tubers by C. coccodes occurs early in the season These authors speculated that the more vigorous growth
( J. E. Danaher and A. J. H., unpublished data), early harvest- of Roseval enabled the stems and stolons of infected
ing of the crop can reduce the length of time the tubers are plants to grow away more rapidly from the inoculum
in contact with the infested soil. source, and suggested that protocols based on root
investigation may be useful for investigating cultivar
response to black dot and pathogenicity of C. coccodes
Chemical control
As no specific fungicides have been developed to control In a survey conducted in the USA, black dot symptoms
black dot in potatoes, studies have focused on the poten- were more common on tubers of thin-skinned than thick-
tial of seed treatments used for other seedborne patho- skinned (Russett-type) cultivars (Hunger & McIntyre,
gens, such as R. solani and H. solani. At present, chemical 1979). However, as Russett-type cultivars are not popular
control of black dot is best described as ineffective. In the for table consumption in Europe, use of these cultivars is
past, mercurial fungicides gave effective postharvest con- unlikely to provide a suitable control option. Read (1991)
trol of black dot ( Jellis & Taylor, 1974), but these chemi- believed that skin discoloration caused by black dot was
cals are no longer acceptable in modern agriculture. More more noticeable on white-skinned rather than red-skinned
recently, in South Africa, naturally infected seed tubers of cultivars. This is in contrast to observations by Jellis &
cv. Vanderplank were dipped in the fungicides prochloraz, Taylor (1974), who suggested that the disease was more
thiabendazole, captofal, chloramizol sulphate and com- noticeable on coloured tubers.
binations of each, before being planted in the field (Marais, In field experiments in the UK, significant differences
1990). Although a mixture of chloramizol sulphate and between black dot disease symptom severity on daughter
prochloraz significantly reduced the severity of black dot tubers of 12 (1987) and 15 (1988) commercial potato
on daughter tubers compared with the control, none of cultivars was observed when disease-free seed was sown
the other treatments showed any effect. In the UK, Read in naturally and artificially infected soils (Read, 1991).
& Hide (1995b) assessed the efficacy of eight fungicides The cultivars Desirée, Maris Piper, Maris Peer and Record
including pencycuron, which is effective at controlling were among those cultivars severely affected by disease,
black scurf (Adams & Malcolm, 1988), and thiabenda- whereas Cara, Pentland Crown and Romano were the
zole, which is effective at controlling silver scurf (Hide least affected. Tsror (Lahkim) et al. (1999b) found that
et al., 1980). To ensure that only the effect of seedborne cultivars Cara and Nicola were less susceptible to tuber
inoculum was assessed, tubers infected with C. coccodes infection than Alpha, Desirée and Agria.
were immersed in fungicide before being planted in a field In future, understanding the mechanisms behind
where potatoes had not been grown for 17 years. Fenpi- resistance should provide information that will assist in
clonil significantly decreased the amount of black dot producing cultivars with improved disease resistance.
compared with the control, but the other fungicides tested Standard methods have been developed to identify resist-
had no effect. However, these workers found that ance to black dot under controlled environmental con-
when four isolates of C. coccodes were grown on media ditions (Gans et al., 2002; A. J. H. and A. K. L., unpublished
amended with fenpiclonil (> 5 mg L−1), insensitive sectors data). These tests will allow the genetic basis of resistance
were formed. Similarly, Uribe & Loria (1994) found to be studied, and therefore cultivars with improved levels
resistant sectors growing from inhibited colonies of C. of resistance to black dot to be produced.
coccodes when grown on media amended with fenpiclonil,
and suggested this was due to spontaneous mutation.
Storage conditions
Soil fumigants can also be used to control fungal soil-
borne inoculum in the field. In a field experiment in South Following harvest, potato tubers may be stored for up to
Africa, the soil fumigant methyl bromide applied at 9 months before use. The first stage of storage in the UK
126 g m−2 reduced the incidence of black dot from 41% in is dry curing, which involves blowing air at 15°C through
unfumigated soils to 1% in fumigated soil (Denner et al., boxes for 10 –14 days, and is important to reduce the
1998). However, the use of soil fumigants on a large scale excess moisture that can encourage the development of
is unlikely to be economically acceptable. silver scurf (Hardy et al., 1997) and contamination with
Erwinia spp. (Pringle & Robson, 1996). Drying potatoes
for 2 weeks after harvest reduced black dot symptoms in
Cultivar resistance
store compared with potatoes that were placed in a damp
At present, little information is available on the levels of plastic bag, but reducing humidity in store from 95 to
naturally occurring resistance to black dot in commercial 75% had no effect on reducing black dot development
potato cultivars. In field surveys, early cultivars are (Hide & Boorer, 1991). This suggests that condensation

© 2003 BSPP Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 3– 12

Black dot disease of potato 9

on the surface of the tubers rather than relative humidity methods could also be used to provide growers with a
encourages symptom development. Dry curing has been measure of C. coccodes levels on seed stocks and in the
shown to be particularly effective in reducing the disease field, and therefore to make decisions regarding disease
in store when tubers are harvested in wet conditions and prevention or control strategies such as avoiding planting
come into the store covered in mud. It is thought that susceptible cultivars in fields with a high risk of disease
drying reduces the development of disease from recent caused by soilborne C. coccodes.
infections, and also the number of new infections initiated At present, no chemical is available to control seed or
from inoculum in the soil (Hide et al., 1994). Work carried soilborne inoculum of C. coccodes effectively (Marais,
out to assess the effects of storage conditions on disease 1990). The identification of such a chemical would offer
incidence (Mawson, 1999) found that prevention of con- a short-term solution to disease control, whereas growing
densation during storage decreased levels of silver scurf, cultivars with resistance would be more environmentally
but increased levels of black dot on tubers. The author acceptable. Present-day cultivars possess only limited
speculated that as both pathogens were present at high resistance to black dot, and new sources of resistance
levels, competition between the pathogens might have would have to be identified, possibly among wild Sola-
resulted in an increase in black dot. This is supported by num species. As it can take 8–10 years for new cultivars
the work of Hide & Hall (1993), who found that black dot of potato to be developed, growing crops with improved
increased when silver scurf was constrained by imazalil host resistance would be a long-term prospect. Until other
treatment. methods are found, cultural practices that reduce sym-
ptom development must be utilized. Many growers and
packers are now more aware of controlling storage
Summary and future developments temperature in order to maintain potato quality and, as a
The increasing importance of black dot can largely be result, refrigerated potato stores that reduce the risk of
attributed to changes in consumer practices. In the past, condensation are now being used widely. Other options
potatoes were bought predominantly from traditional include early harvesting of crops at risk of black dot to
greengrocers where produce tends to be sold loose and avoid symptom development; and, in areas where soils are
unwashed. In supermarkets, however, potatoes are sold contaminated, increasing the length of time between
freshly washed in packs, making appearance critical. As potato crops in order to reduce levels of inoculum. When
an increasing number of people shop in supermarkets and new chemical products and cultivars are developed, these
are willing to pay the additional cost for washed potatoes, should be used not in isolation, but as part of an inte-
growers will have to continue to produce potatoes with grated approach incorporating risk assessment through
high skin quality in order to attract premium prices. diagnostics, cultural control methods in the field, and the
Unless supermarket demand for blemish-free potatoes use of appropriate potato storage conditions.
changes, the pressure to control diseases such as black dot
and silver scurf will continue. In addition, underestima-
tion of the amount of disease caused by black dot, and the
growing use of fungicides to control silver scurf, may A. K. Lees is funded by the Scottish Executive Environment
also have contributed to the increasing importance of the and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD). A. J. Hilton
disease. conducted research on potato skin blemish diseases
Twenty years ago it was thought that planting clean funded by the British Potato Council while at the Scottish
seed could reduce the severity of blemish diseases on Crop Research Institute.
daughter tubers, but because soils were likely to become
increasingly contaminated with inoculum of these patho-
gens, other methods of control would have to be found in
the future (Hide & Adams, 1980). The realization of this Adams NM, Malcolm AJ, 1988. Control of Rhizoctonia solani
prediction may be reflected in the increasing reports of in potatoes in the UK with pencycuron. Proceedings of the
Brighton Crop Protection Conference, Pests and Diseases.
disease problems caused by C. coccodes, and it is now
Farnham, Surrey, UK: BCPC, 959–64.
thought that soilborne inoculum is the main source of the
Andrivon D, Ramage K, Guérin C, Lucan M, Jouan B, 1997.
disease problem in the UK.
Distribution and fungicide sensitivity of Colletotrichum
Despite the common occurrence of tuber-blemishing
coccodes in French potato-producing areas. Plant Pathology
diseases caused by C. coccodes and H. solani, limited 46, 722–8.
information is available on the control of these diseases. Andrivon D, Lucas JM, Guérin C, Jouan B, 1998. Colonization
In order to develop improved disease control strategies, of roots, stolons, tubers and stems of various potato (Solanum
there are several areas of disease epidemiology that tuberosum) cultivars by the black dot fungus Colletotrichum
require further investigation, including the relationship coccodes. Plant Pathology 47, 440 –5.
between seedborne and soilborne inoculum of C. coc- Anonymous, 1998. Quality. Eyewitness 1, 13.
codes, and the quantitative contribution of these sources. Backman PA, Landschoot PJ, Huff DR, 1999. Variation in
Using PCR and real-time PCR tests to quantify levels of C. pathogenicity, morphology, and RAPD marker profiles in
coccodes on seed tubers and in soil will provide answers Colletotrichum graminicola from turfgrasses. Crop Science
to these questions (Cullen et al., 2002). In the future these 39, 1129 –35.

© 2003 BSPP Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 3 –12

10 A. K. Lees & A. J. Hilton

Barkdoll AW, Davis JR, 1992. Distribution of Colletotrichum Denner FDN, Millard CP, Wehner FC, 1998. The effect of seed-
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Plant Disease 76, 131–5. incidence of black dot on potatoes. Potato Research 41, 51– 6.
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Harrison JG, Toth IK, Cooke DEL, Duncan JM, Claxton JR, solarization and mouldboard ploughing on black dot of
1999. Detection and quantification of Spongospora potato, caused by Colletotrichum coccodes. Potato Research
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© 2003 BSPP Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 3– 12

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