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3-D Seismic Reflection Survey

at the M-Area Seepage Basin,
Savannah River Site

To use high-resolution three dimensional seismic reflection surveying techniques to delineate
subsurface pathways for DNAPL contaminant migration at the USDOE Savannah River Site M-Area
seepage basin.

Chlorinated solvents are typical of the types of contaminants found in former industrial sites. These
solvents form a dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) that can migrate through the vadose zone
and into the ground water. Below the water table DNAPLs tend to accumulate in highly concentrated
discrete layers or pools in structural lows or «sinks» above low permeability geologic layers. Because
concentrations of DNAPL in the subsurface can be highly localized and can occur at differing
structural levels, the determination of the distribution of the contamination can be difficult. If
DNAPLs could be detected by non-invasive techniques their remediation would be greatly facilitated
and would be achieved at a lower cost. Three dimensional seismic reflection surveying affords a non-
invasive means to acquire the detailed subsurface information necessary to design a remediation

From 1952 to 1982 an estimated 13 million pounds of cholorinated solvents comprised of mostly
trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetracholorethylene (PCE) were used at the SRS M-Area to degrease
reactor fuel and target elements. Residual solvents, an estimated 2 million pounds, were released into
the M-Area process sewer system leading to the M-Area seepage basin. The original M-Area seepage
basin, constructed in 1958, was an eight million gallon unlined surface impoundment designed to
contain uranium wastes and waste solvents. The basin was closed in 1988, subsequently backfilled,
and covered with an impermeable cap. Chlorinated solvents have been detected in the groundwater
near the M-Area seepage basin since 1981. The contamination occurs in weakly consolidated Eocene
age sediments above a confining clay layer known as the «Green Clay» at depths to 180 feet. The
water table occurs at a depth of 120+ feet. Environmental remediation strategies have included:
groundwater pump and treat, soil vapor extraction, in situ air stripping, and in situ bioremediation.

Seismic Reflection Research:

During 1995-1996 ESRI collected three high-resolution 2-D dimensional seismic reflection profiles
near the M-Area seepage basin. These profiles were designed to image shallow (to 200 ft) subsurface
geologic structure and to test the hypothesis that seismic reflection amplitude versus offset (AVO)
techniques could be used to detect DNAPL contamination. The results of the pilot study indicated that
quality seismic reflection data having frequencies 90-300 Hz could be obtained on 1 foot CMP
spacings to image the Green Clay interval. Furthermore, an AVO response was interpreted as coming
from DNAPL saturated sediments. The success of the pilot study led to the proposal of a three
dimensional seismic reflection survey to image the contaminated areas and the Green Clay
interval. The area covered by the M-Area seepage basin seismic survey is 320 x 420 feet. The survey
was designed so the midpoints could be binned on either 4 foot or 2 foot intervals («flexi-binning»
Geophysical Exploration & Development Corporation patented process). The nominal CMP fold of
the target horizon is 12. Acquisition of the seismic survey was completed by ESRI in July 1997. Data
processing and interpretation will be ongoing through 1997. These data will be processed for AVO
attributes and integrated into the existing geophysical/geological database for M-Area seepage basin.

United States Department of Energy
Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Links to Acquisition/Processing Parameters with Illustrations
3-D Seismic Survey Design Parameters 2-D Seismic Survey Design Parameters 2-D Seismic Data
Processing Parameters

3-D Seismic Survey Design Parameters

Source: Sledge hammer 8 hits per SP

Recording instruments: Geometrics StrataView RX 120 Channels

Geophones: Geospace 40 Hz, 3 elements per string, bunched

Receiver lines: Station interval 8 ft, line spacing 20 ft.
Template: 4 lines, 30 stations / line Shot lines: Shot interval 8 ft, line spacing 20 ft.
CDP fold: 12 fold, 4 ft or 2 ft bins Sample rate: 0.5 ms
Record length: 500 ms Low-cut filter: 50 Hz
Recording format: SEG-2 Notch filter: Out

Checking geophone patch location 3-D shot on seismograph monitor

3-D Seismic Reflection Survey at the M-Area Seepage Basin, Savannah River Site

2-D Seismic Survey Processing Parameters

Reformat SEG-2 to SEG-Y
Debias / Notch filters 60, 120, 180 Hz
Spherical divergenece
Spiking deconvolution
Bandpass filter
F-K filter
Trace edits / Geometery
CMP sort
Datum statics (262.5 ft, 2953 ft/s)
Iterative surface consistent residual statics & Stacking velocity determination
NMO / Mute / AGC
CMP stack w/ root n scaling
Banpass filter / 5 pt trace mix
Trace mute to top of data
Finite difference migration
Bandpass filter
Trace amplitude balance / AGC
Raw and processed field record from Line M-2. Processed shot after 80-300 Hz bandpass filter,
spherical divergence, spiking deconvolution, and F-K filter

2-D Seismic Survey Design Parameters

Source: Sledge hammer 8 hts per SP
Recording instruments: Oyo DAS-1 96 channels
Geophones: Geospace 40 Hz, 3 elements per string, bunched
Group interval: 2 ft. Shot interval: 2 ft.
Near offset: 29 ft. Far offset: 219 ft.
Sample rate: 0.5 ms Record length: 500 ms
Low-cut filter: 3 Hz Recording format: SEG-2
Notch filter: Out

Sledgehammer Seismics Three 40Hz geophones were MSB-9 well cluster--M-Area

Source bunched per recording station. Seepage Basin. A VSP was
collected in well MSB-9A for
velocity control.

SRS Seismic Lines

Sample Start
No_Samp End CDP Start SP End SP Time Range
Line_Name Rate CDP Comments
les (trace) (Station) (Station) (ms)
(usec) (trace)
A-1A 1000 1001 200 1580 100.5 790 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack section
A-1B 1000 1001 212 1089 100.5 544 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack section.
A-2 1000 1001 195 1851 100.5 925.5 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack section
A-3 1000 1001 203 2622 101 1311 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack section
A-4 1000 1001 204 1565 101 782 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack section
A-5 1000 1001 244 3030 113 1520.5 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack section.
CNF-1 1000 1001 210 1567 106 788.5 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack section.
CNF-2 1000 1001 202 2257 100 1130 0-1000 Final stackand migrated final stack section.
F-1 1000 1000 206 536 101 268 0-1000 Final stack section & migrated stack section
F-2 1000 1000 249 1290 124.5 645 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack sections
F-3 1000 1000 216 1676 101.5 837.5 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack sections
H278 1000 1001 199 4056 100 2030 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack
H278B 1000 1001 268 2286 131.5 1143 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack sections.
L-1 1000 1001 201 1261 100 630.5 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack sections
L-2 1000 1001 216 892 100.5 445.5 0-1000 Final stack and migrated stack sections
L-3 1000 1001 212 1502 101 750.5 0-1000 Final stack and migrated stack sections
L-4 1000 1001 232 1594 101 796.5 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack sections.
L-5 1000 1001 218 652 101 326 0-1000 Final stack and migrated final stack sections
M-1 500 0 0 0 0 0 Final stack section.
M-2 500 0 0 0 0 0
M-3 500 0 0 0 0 0
MCB-1 1000 1001 209 1079 99.5 539.5 0-1000 Final stack section.
SRS-1 2000 550 4 2717 2 1359 0-1098 Final migrated stack section
SRS-10 2000 500 3 1197 1.5 598.5 0-998 Final migrated stack section. SRS10NEW, 1 ms SR,1000 ms RL
SRS-11 2000 500 3 1687 1.5 843.5 0-998 Final migrated stack section. SRS11NEW, 1 ms SR,1000 msRL
SRS-12 2000 500 3 1397 1 698 0-998 Final migrated stack section.
SRS-13 2000 500 7 2217 3.5 1108.5 0-998 Final migrated stack section. SRS13NEW, 1 ms SR,1000 ms RL
SRS-18 2000 0 6 798 3 399 Final migrated stack section
SRS-2 2000 550 3 2450 1.5 1225 0-1098 Final migrated stack section. SRS2NEW, 1 ms SR, 1100 ms RL
SRS-21 2000 0 5 958 2.5 479 Final migrated stack section.
SRS-23 2000 0 7 1137 3.5 568.5 Final migrated stack section
SRS-25 2000 0 6 699 3 349.5 Final migrated stack section
SRS-26 2000 0 6 478 3 239 Final migrated stack section.
SRS-27 2000 550 6 1227 3 613.5 0-1098 Final migrated stack. SRS27NEW, 1 ms SR, 1100 ms RL
SRS-28 2000 550 6 703 3 351.5 0-1098 Final migrated stack section.SRS28NEW, 1 ms SRS,1100 msRL
SRS-29 0 0 4 433 2 216.5 Final migrated stack section.
SRS-3 2000 0 429 4081 12 1838 Final migrated stack section
SRS-3EXT 2000 0 2 428 2043 1830 Final migrated stack section
SRS-4 2000 500 3 2458 1.5 1229 0-998 Final migrated stack section
SRS-5 2000 500 7 1597 3.5 798.5 0-998 Final migrated stack section. SRS5NEW, 1 ms SR, 1000 ms RL
SRS-6 2000 550 3 1778 1.5 889 0-1098 Final migrated stack section. SRS6NEW, 1 ms SR, 1100 ms RL
SRS-7 2000 501 596 4117 19 1779 0-1000 Final migrated stack section
SRS-8 2000 550 3 1819 1.5 909.5 0-1098 Final migrated stack. SRS8NEW, 1 m SR, 1100 ms RL
SRS-9 2000 500 6 2335 3 1167.5 0-998 Final migrated stack section

ESRI-USC Seismic and Geophysics Group

ESRI has extensive capabilities for the acquisition, processing, interpretation and modeling of seismic
reflection and refraction data. In recent years ESRI has collected and processed numerous high-
resolution seismic reflection surveys using vibroseis, sledge hammer, buffalo gun and EWG-1 (weight
drop) sources. In addition, ESRI has collected 3-D high resolution seismic reflection data, numerous
VSPs and S-wave reflection data.

Seismic Data Acquisition

ESRI has the following recording systems for seismic reflection/refraction acquisition: 120 channel
Geometrics RX 24 bit seismograph 48 channel Geometrics 2401X seismograph
Seismic recording cables have 20 feet take-outs. Receivers are 40 Hz geophones, 3 phones per string.
ESRI owns an EWG-1 weight drop seismic source as well as standard buffalo gun and sledge hammer
During 1996, ESRI collected over 30 miles of 2-D high resolution seismic reflection data employing 2,
5, 10, 15, and 20 ft group intervals, in excess of 20, 000 shot points, using mini-vibrator (primarily)
and sledge hammer seismic sources. In addition, a 3-D high resolution seismic survey was collected.

Seismic Data Processing and Analysis Laboratory

ESRI’s Seismic Data Processing and Analysis Laboratory is located on the fourth floor of the James F.
Byrnes Building on the campus of the University of South Carolina. The data processing platforms
dedicated entirely to seismic applications include a Sun Microsystems Sparc 20 workstation and a
Sparc 10 workstation, a 133 MHz Pentium PC and a 486 PC. Peripherals include: 4 mm (2) and 8 mm
(4) tape drives, approximately 25 Gb disk space, and a 24 inch B & W Versatec plotter. All of the
computers are on the ESRI computer network which affords access to a 36 inch color HP plotter, B &
W and color printers, Intergraph workstations, and numerous PCs.

Seismic Data Processing

ESRI uses the following seismic data processing software:
SierraSEIS, Western Atlas Software. 2-D batch seismic reflection processing. Vista, Vista for
Windows, Seismic Image Software. 2-D, 3-D interactive seismic reflection processing. Seismic Unix,
Colorado School of Mines, Center for Wave Phenomena SeisRefA, Oyo Inc. Seismic refraction
processing software.
During 1997 ESRI will be acquiring Landmark/Advance Geophysical’s ProMAX 2-D, 3-D & VSP
seismic processing software.

Seismic Data Modeling and Interpretation

ESRI uses the following software for the interpretation and modeling of seismic data:
SeisWorks 2-D & SeisWorks 3-D, Landmark Graphics Corporation. Two and three dimensional
seismic reflection interpretation software. Mira, Oklahome Seismic. Synthetic seismogram generation.
GXII, GX Technology. 2-D seismic modeling. AVO/Unix, Hampson-Russel Software Services, Ltd.
AVO attribute generation and analysis. Mesa, Seismic Image Software. 2-D seismic modeling. Field
Design, Seismic Image Software. 3-D seismic survey design software.

Past and Present Research Projects

Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing for Savannah River Site
The Earth Sciences and Resources Institute, University of South Carolina, has engaged in a multi-year
seismic aquisition and processing program at the U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Nuclear
Site. This project includes the acquisition of seismic data with ESRI's seismic recording system.
Processing of the raw seismic data was performed on Sun Workstations at the Institute's seismic
processing and imaging laboratory. The seismic (and well geophysical data) were loaded into
Landmark Graphics Corporation's geophysical software packages for interpretation.

In the Field List of SRS Seismic Lines Seismic Line Map

3-D Seismic Reflection Survey at the M-Area seepage basin, Savannah River Site
ESRI-USC used high-resolution three dimensional seismic reflection surveying techniques to
delineate subsurface pathways for DNAPL contaminant migration at the USDOE Savannah River Site
M-Area seepage basin. Because concentrations of DNAPL in the subsurface can be highly localized
and can occur at differing structural levels, the determination of the distribution of the contamination
can be difficult. If DNAPLs could be detected by non-invasive techniques their remediation would be
greatly facilitated and would be achieved at a lower cost. Three dimensional seismic reflection
surveying affords a non-invasive means to acquire the detailed subsurface information necessary to
design a remediation program. Link to Project Description
DNAPL Imaging Using High-Resolution Seismic

Recent Publications and Presentations

Using High-Resolution Reflection Seismic To Image Free Phase DNAPL'S At the M-Area, Savannah
River Site Seismic Reflection Investigation of the Crackerneck Fault: Post-Cretaceous Faulting in
Atlantic Coastal Plain Sediments at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina.

Past and Present Project Sponsors

United States Department of Energy Georgia Geological Survey SCANA Corporation United States
Air Force Westinghouse Savannah River Company South Carolina Department of Health and
Environmental Control Geraghty and Miller, Inc. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
(Water Resources Division) USGS Environmental Technology and Engineering Kleen Sites, Inc.

Contact Us
Mike Waddell , Research Associate Professor, Phone 803-777-5905, Fax: 803-777-6437.
Bill Domoracki, Research Assistant Professor, Phone 803-777-0591, Fax: 803-777-6437

Thank You!
We would like to acknowlege assistance provided by the following: Mr. John Stockwell at the Center
for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines. Blair Parker and Karen Meador, software trainers, at
LandMark Graphics Corporation. Jack Hannan, technical support, at LandMark Graphics Corporation

Seismic collection truck containing computers

and seismograph

Seismic rig containing sound wave

generation apparatus......the thumper.

Mike Waddell in data collection truck during

seismic shoot at the Westinghouse Savannah
River Site.

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