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Volume Information
Source: Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Nov., 1992), pp. 443-446
Published by: SF-TH Inc
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Accessed: 15-06-2017 17:45 UTC

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INDEX TO VOLUME 19 (1992) 443

storm of controversy in the letters section of Foundation with the articles

cited in the first note to his article in this issue. He has also published
articles in Extrapolation, Monad, and several critical anthologies.


#56 = pp. 1-160; #57 = pp. 161-288; #58 - pp. 289-448.


Alkon, Paul. Remaking the Past. 122.

Barbour, Douglas. 0 Canada! 419.
Benford, Gregory. Science and Art Mutually Dependent. 140.
Bozzetto, Roger. News from France. 277.
Bukatman, Scott. Interaction without Activism. 257.
Csicsery-Ronay, Jr, Istvan. Gender-Neutral Terms for Humankind. 279.
. Postmodern Technoculture, or The Gordian Knot Revisited. 403.
DiTommaso, Lorenzo. History and Historical Effect in Frank Herbert's Dune. 311.
Easterbrook, Neil. The Arc of Our Destruction: Reversal and Erasure in Cyberpunk.
Evans, Arthur B. New and Recycled Translations of Jules Verne. 261.
. New SF Study from France. 430.
Feehan, Ellen. Frank Herbert and the Making of Myths: Irish History, Celtic
Mythology, and IRA Ideology in The White Plague. 289.
. Irish Fantasy. 265.
Fekete, John. The Post-Liberal Mind/Body, Postmodern Fiction, and the Case of
Cyberpunk. 395
Fischlin, Daniel, Veronica Hollinger, & Andrew Taylor. "The Charisma Leak": A
Conversation with William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. 1.
Fitting, Peter. In Response to Pamela Sargent. 276.
. Reconsiderations of the Separatist Paradigm in Recent Feminist Science
Fiction. 32.
Geier, Manfred. Stanislaw Lem's Fantastic Ocean: Toward a Semantic Interpretation
of Solaris. 192.
Gibson, William. SEE Fischlin.
Gordon, Joan. The Plutophiliac Critic: Implications for the Scholar of "The Fork in
the Road." 151.
Hayles, N. Katherine. The Rip Van Winkle Syndrome. 131.
Helford, Elyce Rae. "We Are Only Seeking Man": Gender, Psychoanalysis, and
Stanislaw Lem's Solaris. 167.
Hollinger, Veronica. Excursions into New Territory. 417.
. SEE Fischlin.
Holt, Philip. H.G. Wells and the Ring of Gyges. 236.
Howell, Yvonne. Arkady Natanovich Strukatsky, 1925-1991.
Jakaitis, Jake. Ridley Scott and Philip K. Dick. 251.
James, Edward. The Science Fiction Foundation in Trouble. 278.
Joshi, S.T. On Rottensteiner on Lovecraft in SFS #56. 437.
Ketterer, David, & Esther Rochon. Outside and Inside Views of Rochon's The Shell.
.A Typology of SF. 109.

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Kleiner, Elaine. Romanian "Science Fantasy" in the Cold War Era. 49

Latham, Rob. Approaches to Popular Narrative. 423.
Lehman, Steven. The Motherless Child in Science Fiction: Frankenstein and Moreau.
Matheson, TJ. Marcuse, Ellul, and the Science-Fiction Film: Negative Responses to
Technology. 326.
Moylan, Tom. Utopian Studies: Sharpening the Debate. 89.
Mullen, R.D. The Black Mencken (and Black David H. Keller). 267.
- The Books and Manuscripts at Fullerton. 156.
- Brief Notices. 269, 435.
- Counting the Countless Awards. 149.
T lhe Frustrated Utopian. 146.
. Futures Past: A Visual Guidebook to SF History. 440.
? The Great Pioneer. 266.
. Isaac Asimov (1920-1992). 271.
. The Lovecraft Revisionists. 144.
- The Machine Slows Down. 156.
. A Man with a Mission. 145.
. Reference Reference and Personal Privilege. 430.
- Toward an Annotated 1984?
Nicol, Charles. Mormon and Mammon. 128.
Nixon, Nicola. Cyberpunk: Preparing the Ground for Revolution or Keeping the
Boys Satisfied? 219.
. In Response to John J. Pierce. 440.
Parker, Jo Alyson. Gendering the Robot: Stanislaw Lem's "The Mask." 178.
Perrakis, Phyllis Sternberg. Touring Lessing's Fictional World. 95.
Philmus, Robert M. Brief Notice. 435.
Damon Knight's Monad. 155.
The Strange Case of Moreau Gets Stranger. 248.
Pierce, John J. On Three Matters in SFS #57. 439.
Proietti, Salvator. Frederick Philip Grove's Vision of Pastoral Utopianism. 361.
Rickman, Gregg. The Nature of Dick's Fantasies. 105.
Rochon, Esther. SEE Ketterer.
Rottensteiner, Franz. In Response to S.T. Joshi. 439.
Lovecraft as Philosopher. 117.
Science Fiction in Weimar Germany. 141.
Samuelson, David. Botching the Science in Science Fiction. 100.
Sargent, Pamela. On Peter Fitting's "Reconsiderations" in SFS #56. 271.
Stavans, Ilan. A Mexican Study. 425.
. Schaffler's Mexican Anthology. 263.
Sterling, Bruce. SEE Fischlin.
Stoinov, Julian. Sofia Letter: Farewell to Totalitaria. 153.
Swirski, Peter. Stanislaw Lem: A Literary Movement Revisited. 411.
Taylor, Andrew. SEE Fischlin.
Vallorani, Nicoletti. Huxley's (Ir)resolution. 135.
Wagar, Warren. Pschopath, Mystic, or Postmodernist? 260.
Weissert, Thomas P. Stanislaw Lem and a Topology of Mind. 161.
Westfahl, Gary. "The Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe Type of Story":
Hugo Gernsback's History of Science Fiction. 340.
Whalen, Terence. The Future of a Commodity: Notes Toward a Critique of
Cyberpunk and the Information Age. 75.

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INDEX TO VOLUME 19 (1992) 445

Willingham, Ralph. Dystopian Visions in the Plays o

Wolfe, Gary K. Asimov as Mega Novelist. 133.
Zins, Daniel L. SF Strategies in Contraversy. 124.


Armitt, Lucy, ed. Where No Man Has Gone Before: Women and Science Fiction.
(Hollinger). 417
Attebery, Brian. Strategies of Fantasy. (Mullen) 270.
Boos, Florence S., & Carole G. Silver, eds. Socialism and the Literary Artistry of
William Monis. (Salmon). 137.
Botting, Fred. Making Monstrous: "Frankenstein, " Cnticism, Theory. (Ketterer). 432.
Bozzetto, Roger. L'Obscur objet d'un savoir. (Evans). 430.
Burgess, Scott Alan. The Work of Dean Ing: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide.
(Mullen). 145.
Burgess, Michael. Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horor and The
Work of Robert Reginald. (Mullen). 430.
Carter, Lin. Lovecraft: A Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos. (Mullen). 435.
Cedarstrom, Lorelei. Fine-Tuning the Feminine Psyche: Jungian Pattems in the Novels
of Doris Lessing. (Hayles). 131.
Collings, Michael R. In the Image of God: Theme, Characterization, and Landscape
in the Fiction of Orson Scott Card. (Nicol). 128.
Collins, Robert A., & Robert Latham, eds. Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review
Annual 1990. (Mullen). 269.
Davis, John Philip, ed. Science Fiction, Social Conflict, and War. (Zins). 128.
Davis, J. Madison. Stanislaw Lem. (Swirski). 411,
Dick, Philp K. In Pusuit of Valis: Selections from the Exegesis. (Rickman). 105.
Dick, Philip K. The Selected Letters of Philip K Dick 1974. (Rickman). 105.
Fisher, Peter S. Fantasy and Politics: Visions of the Future in the Weimar Republic.
(Rottensteiner). 141.
Foote, Bud. The Connecticut Yankee in the Twentieth Century: Travel to the Past in
Science Fiction. (Alkon). 122.
Franklin, H. Bruce. MIA. or Mythmaking in America. (Mullen). 269.
Guardamagna, Daniela. La Narrativa di Aldous Huxley. (Vallorani). 135.
Huntington, John, ed. Critical Essays on H.G. Wells. (Mullen). 146.
Jameson, Fredric. Postmodemism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. (Csiscery-
Ronay). 403.
Joshi, S.T. H.P. Lovecraft: The Decline of the West. (Rottensteiner). 117.
Kerman, Judith B., ed. Retrofitting Blade Runner: Issues in Ridley Scott's Blade
Runner and Philip K Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. (Jakaitis).
Ketterer, David. Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy. (Barbour). 419.
Kies, Cosette. Presenting Young Adult Horror Fiction. (Mullen). 270.
King, Jeanette. Doris Lessing. (Perrakis). 95.
Lambourne, Robert, et al. Close Encounters? Science and Science Fiction. (Samuel-
son). 100.
Laurel, Brenda. Computers as Theatre. (Bukatman). 257.
Lewis, Linda. The Promethean Politics of Milton, Blake, and Shelley. (Philmus). 435.
Levitas, Ruth. The Concept of Utopia. (Moylan). 89.
Mallet, Daryl F., and Robert Reginald. Reginald's Science Fiction and Fantasy
Awards. (Mullen). 149.
Malmgren, Carl D. Worlds Apart: Narratology of Science Fiction. (Ketterer). 109.

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McCaffery, Larry, ed. Stonning the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and
Postmodem Science Fiction. (Fekete). 395.
McKnight, Stephen, ed. Science, Pseudo-Science, and Utopianism in Eady Modem
Thought. (Christianson).
Mickel, Emanuel J. SEE Verne.
Morse, Donald E., & Csilla Bertha, eds. Mor Real than Reality: The Fantastic in
Irish Literature and the Arts. (Feehan). 265.
Moskowitz, Sam. AfterAll These Years. (Mullen). 266.
Munioz, Gabriel Trujillo. La Ciencia Fictio3n: Conocimiento y Literatura. (Stavans).
Palmer, Jerry. Pot Boilers: Methods, Concepts, and Case Studies in Popular Fiction.
(Latham). 423.
Penley, Constance, and Andrew Ross. Technoculture. (Csicsery-Ronay). 403.
Pickering, Jean. Understanding Dons Lessing. (Perrakis). 95.
Rose, Jonathan, ed. The Revised Orwell. (Mullen). 428.
Ross, Andrew. Strange Weather. Culture, Science, and Technology in theAge of Limits.
(Csicery-Ronay). 403.
. Ross, Andrew. SEE Penley.
Schaffler, Federico. Mds alId de lo imaginado: Antolog(a de cienci-ficcid mexdcano.
(Stavans). 263.
Schultz, David E., & S.T. Joshi, eds. An Epicure in the Tenible: A Centennial
Anthology of Essays in Honor of H.P. Lovecraft. (Mullen). 144.
Schuyler, George S. Black No More (new edition) & Black Empire. (Mullen). 269.
Shelden, Michael. Orvell: The Authorized Biography. (Mullen). 428.
Sorell, Tom. Scientism: Philosophy and the Infatuation with Science. (Benford). 140.
Stephenson, Gregory. Out of the Night and Into the Dream: A Thematic Study of the
Fiction of J.G. Ballard. (Wagar). 260.
Stevens, David, & Carol D. J.R.R. Tolkien. (Mullen). 435.
Sutin, Lawrence. SEE Dick. In Pursuit of Valis.
Sweitzer, Darrell, ed. Discoveling Classic Horror Fiction. (Mullen). 435.
Touponce, William F. Isaac Asimov. (Wolfe). 133.
Verne, Jules. The Floating Island (new edition) & The Complete Twenty Thou
Leagues under the Sea, ed. & trans. Emanuel J. Mickel. (Evans). 261.
Williams, Paul. sEE Dick. The Selected Letters.
Zentz, Gregory L. Jupiter's Ghost: Next Generation Science Fiction. (Samuelson). 100.

Ray Cummings

The Fire People

Around the Universe: An Astronomical Comedy

The first is reprinted from Argosy-Allstory Weekly, 10/21/22-11/18/22,

the second from Science and Invention, 7/23-12/23.

ISBN 0-9633169-1-5. Paper. $9.95 + $1.25 mailing.

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