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ELT Material Development Assignments

Direction: You are to write a learning material for each of the following items. Please keep
in mind the materials you write should be clear and doable for the students. Explain
in detail the procedures or steps in teaching them to students.

(1) Project-based Learning

Title: Food for Thought.

Description: Your local farmers have experienced difficulties to sell their products in
the local markets because they have to compete with overseas farmers
who export their products to Mataram. Your students would like to help
local farmers market their products in your neighbourhood to improve the
economic condition of the locale.

Instruction: Develop a learning material that will engage students to food selling in
the neighbourhood. You can create price list, graphic display of what
every family should require to buy for healthy food, and campaign
banners for the choice of local food. Be creative and thoughtful.

(2) Problem-Based Learning Assignment

Title: Saving Jangkuk River of Mataram

Description: Every day people dump their household waste and any hazardous trash
into Jangkuk River. The condition of the river is getting worse and worse
from time to time. Flood happens for sure when the rainy season comes.
You would like to assign your students to solve the problem of flood
experienced by people in the downstream of the river.

Instruction: Develop a learning material and procedures that engage students in

understanding , analysing and solving the issue described above.
Remember to include these four basic parts of problem-based learning, i.e. :
(1) Statement of the problem, (2) Statement of the proposed solution (3),
Supporting evidence and (4) Conclusion.

(3) Discovery Learning

Title: Saving the drop-outs

Description: Every day young children sell food or toys at intersections of Mataram
city. They drop out schools and are tempted to earn money in their
childhood. No one knows why these young kids leave home and work for
petty money. You would like to assign your students to investigate why
these kids drop out and work on the streets of Mataram.

Instruction: Develop a learning material and procedures that engage students in the
discovery of facts and new knowledge through the following steps: (1)
stimulation, (2) problem statement, (3) data collection, (4) data processing,
(5) verification and (6) generalization.

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