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Lesson 1

Sexuality as an Important Component of One’s Personality.

 is everything about being a male or female
 is the most important aspect in masculine or feminine identification
 is everything about being a male or female
 is the most important aspect in masculine or feminine identification
 provides a sense of self-worth when sexual understanding is positive
a. the name given at birth
b. the toys played with
c. the clothes worn
d. the friends played with
e. the roles and responsibilities at home

Sex is a major aspect of personality.

 The process of sexual development begins from birth to adulthood thus it is a
continuous developmental process throughout life.

1. To promote wholesome family and interpersonal relationships
2. To provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to establish and
practice healthful behaviors
3. To produce students who are responsible and have healthy sexuality

Sexuality refers to your total self.

1. Physical Self - the way you look as a man or a woman
2. Mental Self - the way you think as a man or a woman
3. Social Self – the way you interact with others
4. Emotional Self - the way you feel about yourself and others
5. Ethical Self - the way you value relationships

The Wonder of Me
By Bernadette Borja Rosaroso

Look at me in the eyes,

Tell me who am I.
Think of me just like you are,
As I take you as mine.
Gaze into my innermost world,
You’ll learn who I am.
Interact with me,
And acquire a little of myself.
Feel my soul
And together we’ll discover each other’s world.

Sexuality refers to your attitude and behavior toward yourself.

 Sexuality towards others
 How you see yourself
 How you think of yourself
 How you love yourself
 How you feel about yourself
 means taking high sense of responsibility for all your actions since
this can affect self-esteem, decision-making, and behavior

 The way you see yourself is influenced by many people. It is important to

maintain good relationships with others. They will support you and give you
confidence, provide companionship and will keep you from being lonely.

Healthy sexuality encompasses the following characteristics:

 SELF-LOVE - your acceptance of yourself
 SELF-KNOWLEDGE - your understanding of your feelings and your character
 SELF-CONFIDENCE - your awareness of the things that you can do well
 SELF-RESPECT - your regard for yourself as a worthwhile person
 SELF-EXPRESSION - your way of showing your individuality in expressing
yourself as a man or as a woman

 is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act
 refers to femininity or masculinity of a persons’ role and behavior as defined by

 is the quality of being male or female
 is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings

Health Attitudes That Influence Sexual Behavior

 appreciates own body
 takes responsibility for own behaviors
 knowledgeable about sexuality issues
2. Family
 communicates effectively with family
 able to express love to your family members
 perform your duties and responsibilities at home
3. Peers
 express love and intimacy in appropriate ways
 have the skills to evaluate readiness for mature relationship
 interact with both genders in appropriate and respectful ways
 respect both gender in all aspects

SEX - centered on the biological basis of being a male or female

GENDER - is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act. It
refers to femininity or masculinity of a person’s role and behavior
GENDER EQUITY - permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights
GENDER ROLE - refers to set of roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a man
or woman should feel, think, and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society
 is often an outward expression of gender identity
 is manifested within society by observable factors such as behavior and
 Your gender role demonstrates the typical characteristics of a person in
his or her behavior.

SEXUALITY - is an integral part of what we do and who we are; it is the way in which
we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings. It is the total expression of an
individual’s self-concept

Sexual Behavior Standards

 behaviors that have come to be accepted by society

Social and Cultural Norms

 are some of the factors which influence gender roles


 Thus, turning a boy into a mature man and a girl into a mature woman
 To develop in a boy the characteristics of the personality belonging to his sex,
and in a girl the characteristics of her own sex

 Assessing Your Health - means evaluating your well-being periodically. This
includes your sexuality. Figure out what you can do to improve your health if it is
not as good as it can be.
 To develop in a boy the characteristics of the personality belonging to his
sex, and in a girl the characteristics of her own sex
 Communicating Effectively - communication skills help you avoid
misunderstanding by expressing your feelings in a healthy way. This means if
you listen to what people say, they will want to listen to you as well.
 Practicing Wellness - can be accomplished through information about good
 Setting Goals - or aiming for something that will give you a sense of
accomplishment. Just be sure to be realistic with your target goal.
 Refusal Skill - is a way to say no to something that you don’t want to do. This
skill requires practice. But first, you must feel strongly about what things you want
to avoid.
 Evaluating Media Messages - is being able to judge the worth of media
messages. It is a big challenge knowing that most media messages are very
 Making Good Decisions - means making choices that are healthy and
responsible. You must have the courage to make difficult decisions and stick to

D - Determine the problem

E - Explore the alternatives
C - Consider the consequences
I - Identify your values
D – Decide
E - Evaluate
Factors Affecting Sexual Attitudes and Behaviours
1. Family
2. Culture
3. Peers
4. Media

Double Standard of Morality

 gives the impression of men being superior to women. In as much as we would
like to practice gender equality, the rules for human conduct and human
appropriateness are not alike for both sexes as practiced in most areas in the

A. Boys and men are permitted to stay out more and up to a later time than the girls
and women.
B. Boys and men are permitted to stay out more and up to a later time than the girls
and women.
C. Women are expected to remain virginal until they marry, while it is generally
acceptable for men to have sexual experience before marriage.
D. Women are socially judged and legally penalized for adultery and for having
children out of wedlock.
E. Men who stay at home to do household chores instead of having jobs to earn
money for the family are considered by some as “under de saya”.

VIRGIN - refers to a person who has not had sexual interaction

VIRGINITY - is the quality or state of being chaste

Staying Virgin until marriages keeps you:

1. SOCIALLY - free to develop appropriate relationship with others
- free from exploitation by others
- free from guilt, doubt, disappointment, and loss of reputation
- free from pregnancy & venereal diseases
- free from having to choose a hurry-up wedding and an illegitimate child

How does one stay a virgin?

 KNOW your attitudes and standard
 How does one stay a virgin?
 ACT choose friends with high standards. Stay away from dangers and
Be kind, firm, and proud of your values

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