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My Educational Philosophy Statement

Selma Robles

Texas A&M University Commerce


Selma Robles

ETEC 424.01W

Professor Wolfe

July 13, 2019

My Educational Philosophy Statement

Phil Collins states, “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” My

purpose as an educator is to learn from my student’s character, culture, and abilities. Learn from

them to be able to teach in ways they can adapt that information and become successful

cognitively in subject matter and in life choices that will impact their personal, family, and

community relations. Teaching to me involves a passion to connect with my students, it involves

analyzing how they interpret uniquely and how their learning style will be defined.

My enthusiasm for helping students learn is my best quality as an educator. I enjoy being

involved as children develop and master their abilities and feel it’s the most rewarding

experience. My passion into teaching came about when I worked as a Parent Educator. I learned

about the growth of a child in different stages of life and became ecstatic with the early

childhood stage. I was intrigued with how much development the brain and body advance in

such little amount of time. I wanted to become part of this development and wanted to make

positive impacts in the children’s progress to set a strong foundation in their learning. The idea

of me becoming an educator became my reality and I began my journey into welcoming young

children to explore and learn from each other and from the world around them through their

curiosity and exploration.

As a biliterate individual, I know I can reach out to more students, families, and

communities. I feel connected to those students that are learning English as a second language

and want to maintain their maternal language of Spanish. English is my second language and at

one point I was also learning the language. I feel I can relate to those individuals by sharing the

common language of Spanish and similarities in culture. This will help me build a connection

where they feel I can understand their knowledge process as they learn the English language.

Students will feel safe in a learning environment that shares similarities to theirs at home and

culture diversity will be implemented in the classroom so that all students are respected and

represented. I want to be able to give back to the Spanish speaking community and be an

advocate for bilingual education to entrust both languages so that the students learn to be

successful using both English and Spanish.

My teaching ideals are based on the student-centered philosophy of progressivism. I feel

that students should be given proper guidance and tools to be able to explore and interact among

each other. I would use a well-designed classroom management plan, a consistent routine, and

allow time for problem solving skills to develop in all subject areas to promote student learning.

I believe it is important to build a curriculum that reaches language development, intellectual

development, social-emotional development, and motor development to help build on students’

learning at all grade levels. Children learn in diverse ways and developmental readiness is

different among all students. Cultural and language differences also play an important part in

emphasizing the curriculum in the classroom and must be respected and considered. As an

educator, I want to keep in mind each of the student’s personal abilities and differences to reach

out to every student and accommodate the needs necessary to build their knowledge. My

responsibility will be to serve as a guide to stimulate their curiosity and exploration as they use

hands on learning and partner interaction to develop their education. I will provide modifications

or challenges based on the student’s abilities. My goal is for every student to feel engaged and

participate at their unique level and partake a positive experience in learning.

Student’s need to learn in an environment that will help them gain the knowledge to

succeed not only academically in content matter but in real life scenarios as well. As an educator

I plan to learn as much as possible about my students to build a relationship that involves respect,

trust, and compassion from one another. If I promote a safe and welcoming classroom

environment and take the time to learn about their weaknesses and strengths to build on their

knowledge. I feel I can succeed as an educator. My goal is to teach bilingual early childhood

education to set a strong foundation for these students, be the first to introduce the English

language, and be the first experience in a learning environment.

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