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School of Arts and Science
Distance Education
Semester II-2019
Advanced English Grammar

Allotted time for preparation: From Saturday, September 15th to Saturday
September 28th

Unit coverage: Units 1-10

Learning objectives: Students will be able to:

 Use online tools as Google Apps to explain

and illustrate through examples grammar
 Design interactive material to exemplify
and demonstrate accurate grammar usage
and use.

The following task has been designed to foster greater capacities in the development

of both technological and communicative skills. In the technological areas, this task

will allow you to create interactive material on clouds and apps offered by Google.

In the communicative field, grammar is important to convey accurate units of

meaning; thus, it is important that students at this level are capable of understanding

the nature and the uses of rules in context. For better learning outcomes, it is

advisable that you read the following steps. As professional growth is aimed to be

fostered, plagiarism, unreliable information, lack of research and irresponsibility are

highly penalized with the lowest score possible. For these reasons, it is strongly

recommendable to verify all instructions and rubrics provided on Campus.

 To begin with, your tutor will assign any content from units 1 to 10 in your book.
You have to check your campus profile to verify which topic you will be asked to
develop in your presentation.
 This activity is to be taken individually; therefore, any evidence of cheating or
plagiarism will be penalised with the lowest score possible based on the
assessment policies from the University of El Salvador.
 Once you have checked on campus and verified which topic you will explain,
access your institutional e-mail. You can do it through Gmail or by clicking on
the following link: “Institutional Mail”.

 Once you are on the main page, go to the main menu and click on “Drive”

icon .
 To create a blank document, click on the “New” button on the upper left side of
the main page and choose Google Slides.

 On Google Slides, you will create a presentation as if you were working on

Power Point.
 You may select a theme or you can create one from scratch.

 To add more slides to your document, you may click on the following
icon or use the CTRL+M command.
 You may insert images, textboxes, forms and lines using the following icons.

 You may also insert transitions and animations using the following tools.

 For more tools and options, you may also click on the tabs on the menu bar
to see other functions that could help you out constructing your
 Once you have finished your Google Presentation, you will need to share it.
 Since the official means of communication and assignment submission is
Campus, you will need to complete the following steps.

 On you Slide document, you will click on the button “Share”

 A new window will pop up. Click "Get shareable link" in the top right of the

"Share with others" box.

 Copy the link provided below.

 Create a word document and paste the link you copied there.
 This document is to be named as follows:
“GAI114ED_Last names_ Given names_ Given Topic”.

For example,
“GAI114ED_Ramos Quinteros_Dennis Antonio_Simple Present.”

 Your presentation has to be at least 10 slides long.
 You must include the rules explanations from the book. You will be asked to
include the numbers of the pages you are consulting.
 You must consult your book for references and take two examples from it.
You will also add three examples created under your own understanding of
the rules.
 It is not allow sharing your work with your classmates. As
aforementioned, this task is to be done individually. Only your tutor and you
will be able to see the development of your presentation.
 Once it is finished, you will need to share the final product on campus.
 Use appropriate font and suitable transitions. To better exemplify, include
some images that clarify the use of the structures.
 The background colours have to harmonically combine with the colour of the
font used in titles, subtitles and contents.
 The size of the font neither does have to be too small nor too big. It should be
appropriate for any sort of audience.
 For better outcomes, consult the rubrics attached to this assignment. Do not
doubt in asking your tutor for extra feedback.

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