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The differences in the expression of fractalkine and its receptor in

conditions of tonsillar hypertrophy and chronic tonsillitis
Elif Koclu Hetemoglu a,*, Seda Turkoglu Babakurban a, Yunus Kasım Terzi b,
Feride Iffet Sahin b, Selim Sermed Erbek a
Başkent University Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Fevzi Cakmak Avenue 5th Street No: 48 06490 Bahcelievler, Ankara, Turkey
Başkent University Department of Medical Genetics, Sehit H. Temel Kuguoglu Avenue No:34 06490 Bahcelievler, Ankara, Turkey


Article history: Objective: Fractalkine, member of chemokine family, is involved in many inflammatory processes
Received 2 December 2017 in the human body. The aim of this study is to compare expression levels of fractalkine ligand and its
Accepted 2 December 2018 receptor in chronic tonsillitis and hypertrophic tonsil samples.
Available online xxx
Methods: The study was conducted at Baskent University Departments of Otorhinolaryngology
and Medical Genetics. It is designed as a prospective, non-randomized, controlled clinical study.
Total 97 samples, obtained from adenotonsillectomy due to chronic tonsillitis or tonsillar
Chronic tonsillitis
Hypertrophic tonsil
hypertrophy, were participated in the study. Fractalkine and its receptor expression levels were
Fractalkine expression determined and comparison was made between the tissue groups. c.839C > T (T280 M)
polymorphism of fractalkine receptor was analyzed, then relationship between polymorphism
and the expression level of fractalkine receptor was investigated.
Results: Fractalkine receptor expression was significantly higher in the hypertrophic tonsil group
than chronic tonsillitis group (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Fractalkine, member of chemokine family, and its receptor may play role in preventing
chronic-recurrent tonsillitis.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction Chronic tonsillitis is persistent and repetitive inflammation of

palatine tonsils. Tonsillar hypertrophy is a process characterized by
Palatine tonsils are components of the secondary lymphoid the palatine tonsil enlargement, which is not always accompanied
system. They constitute one of the body’s first lines of defense by the infective process. Although this hypertrophy may be
against pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation due to associated with chronic tonsillitis, presence of hypertrophic tonsil
pathogen proliferation and activation on tonsil tissue causes patients without history of chronic tonsillitis shows us that these
tonsillitis. Especially in chronic cases, surgical excision is the two diseases are emerging at the same tissues with different
most appropriate therapeutic approach [1]. pathophysiological mechanisms. Hypertrophic tonsils and chronic
tonsillitis have been compared in terms of histological features,
oxidant-antioxidant amounts, variable inflammation markers and
* Corresponding author. statistical differences have been found [2–4].
E-mail addresses: (E. Koclu Hetemoglu), (S. Turkoglu Babakurban), (Y.
Chemokines are the strategic molecules play role in
K. Terzi), (F.I. Sahin), (S.S. transporting leukocytes in homeostatic and inflammatory
Erbek). conditions such as adhesion, proliferation, cell maturation
0385-8146/© 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article in press as: Koclu Hetemoglu E, et al. Auris Nasus Larynx (2018),
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ANL-2551; No. of Pages 5

2 E. Koclu Hetemoglu et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

and proinflammatory gene expression [5,6]. Although there are >%80 obstructive adenoid tissue in choana went to adenoidect-
similarities between amino-acid sequences, chemokines are omy. Patients with immunodeficiency, malignancy, ciliary
grouped by position of the cysteine residues in the N terminal dysfunction, cystic fibrosis and congenital syndrome were
ends. These subgroups are C–, CC–, CXC–, CX3C–. After excluded. 3 groups were formed from obtained tissues:
being stimulated by chemokines, intracellular functions are adenoidectomy materials (n:33), tonsillectomy materials due to
regulated by G protein binded signal pathways. chronic tonsillitis without tonsillar hypertrophy (n:32) and
Fractalkine is the only member of CX3C– subgroup. Its tonsillar hypertrophy without chronic tonsillitis (n:32).
genetic code located on 16th chromosome and consists of
373 amino acids [7]. Fractalkine expression was first described 2.2. Genotyping
in endothelial cells, which are activated by interleukin 1 (IL1)
and tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa). Further studies showed
that fractalkine had wide mRNA distribution in human body [8– Tissues were sent to DNA extraction with ‘tissue DNA isolation
11]. Fractalkine and its receptor (CX3CL1, CX3CR1 respec- kit’ (NucleoSpin Tissue DNA Isolation Kit, Macherey-Nagel
tively) expressions have been shown in B cells of germinal GmbH&Co., Düren, Germany). Target areas of fractalkine gene
center of palatine tonsils [12]. Fractalkine genotype distribution were amplified with forward (50 -AGAATCATCCA-
has also been investigated in tonsil tissue and c.839C > T GACGCTGTTTTCC-30 ) and reverse (50 -CACAGGACAGC-
(T280 M) single nucleotide polymorphism was found related CAGGCATTTCC-30 ) primers. Length of sequence known DNA
with decreased risk of chronic tonsillitis [13]. Chronic tonsillitis fragments obtained from PCR reaction were truncated by site
is an infective, inflammatory disease, therefore altered specific restriction endonuclease enzyme. 311 base pairs (bp)
fractalkine and its receptor levels may play role on this amplicon was digested with restriction enzyme BsmB1 (R0580L,
New England BioLabsInc, Ipswich, U.K.) to detect c.839C > T
process. The aim of this study was to determine differences
infractalkine and its receptor expression levels between chronic (T280 M) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The enzyme
tonsillitis and tonsillar hypertrophy. We also investigated the cut pattern is shown in the Table 1. After restriction enzyme
presence of fractalkine ligand and its receptor in adenoid tissues digestion, samples were run on % 2 agarose gel. There are cutting
and the correlation between expression level and polymorphism patterns of randomly chosen 19 patients in Fig. 1. Accorging to the
of fractalkine receptor in these tissues. cutting areas genotypes were determined.

2.3. Fractalkine and its receptor expressions

2. Materials and methods
Tissues obtained from the surgeries were sent to Department of
This study was conducted at Baskent University Departments Medical Genetics on the same day as surgeries. From these
of Otorhinolaryngology and Medical Genetics. It was designed as tissues, RNA isolation was performed using guanidiumisothio-
a prospective, non-randomized, controlled clinical study. Local cyanate and phenol-containing tripure (Roche Diagnostics
ethics committee approved the study and informed consents were GmbH, Mannheim, Germany). These RNAs were transformed
obtained from all of the participants and their family. into complementary DNA (cDNA) with Transcriptor High
Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit (Roche Diagnostics GmbH,
2.1. Collecting samples Mannheim, Germany). Expression levels of fractalkine
(CX3CL1) (Assay ID: 102721), fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1)
Total 97 samples from patients under 18 years old were used in and GAPDH (housekeeping gene) (Assay ID: 141139) were
the study. These samples were obtained from tonsillectomy determined via Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)
(adenoidectomy) surgeries due to chronic tonsillitis or tonsillar technique. Semi quantitative RT-PCR was performed with the
hypertrophy, between January–June 2015. Paradise criteria were LightCycler1 480 II System: after first denaturation at 95  C for
used to decide tonsillectomy [14]. A questionnaire was applied for 10 min, 45 cycles; 95  C for 10 min, 60  C for 30 s, at 72  C 1 s.
searching frequency of acute tonsillitis. Patients with more than Expression levels were investigated using 2DDCt technique and
seven episodes in the previous year, five episodes in each of the comparisons were made between the tissue groups.
previous two years or three episodes in each of the previous three
years grouped as chronic tonsillitis. Patients with snoring 2.4. Statistical analysis
examined for tonsillary and adenoid hypertrophy. Brodsky scale
was used to diagnose tonsillar hypertrophy, grade 3–4 patients SPSS software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences,
went to surgery. After medical treatment, patient with snoring and version 20.0, SSPS Inc, Chicago, IL) was used for statistical

Table 1
The enzyme cut pattern to detect c.839C > T (T280 M) single nucleotide polymorphism.

Region Enzyme Length of PCR sequence Cutting pattern

Wild type (CC) = 118 + 118 + 75
c.839C > T (T280 M) BsmB1 311 bp Heterozygous (CT) = 194 + 118 + 75
Homozygous mutant (TT) = 194 + 118

Please cite this article in press as: Koclu Hetemoglu E, et al. Auris Nasus Larynx (2018),
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E. Koclu Hetemoglu et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Gel electrophoresis image of the amplification products of the fractalkine gene region, length of sequence known DNA fragments were truncated by site
specific restriction endonuclease enzyme BsmB1. Patient no 1 has 194 + 118 (Homozygous TT), patient no 2,4,5 have 118 + 118 + 75 (wild CC), patinet no 3 has
194 + 118 + 75 (heterozygous CT) cutting pattern.

assessments. Chi-Square test, Student-t test, Mann–Whitney U differences of fractalkine and its receptor between chronic
test, Kruskal–Wallis test were used for comparing the findings. tonsillitis and tonsillar hypertrophy conditions. Due to our results,
fractalkine receptor expression is significantly higher in tonsillar
3. Results hypertrophy group than chronic tonsillitis group. This result gives
us rise to thought that elevated levels of fractalkine receptor may
Total 97 tissues were included in the study. 56 of them were play role in preventing chronic-recurrent tonsillitis. There are
from males, 41 were from females. Mean age was some studies that support anti-inflammatory effects of fractalkine
5.94  2.95. There were no statistically significant difference receptor. Ahadzadeh et al. [15] showed that CX3CR1 reduces
in terms of age and gender. Allele frequencies of three groups renal injury in mice with angiotensin 2 induced hypertension by
were compared and there was no significant difference (Table 2). modulating the invasion of inflammatory cells. Kim et al. [16]
Expressions of fractalkine and its receptor were investigated reported that CX3CR1+ macrophages and CD8+ T cells induced
in chronic tonsillitis and tonsillar hypertrophy group. Although protective IgA production by B cells independently of mesenteric
there was no significant difference in fractalkine expression, lymph nodes and Peyer patches. Castro-Sanchez et al. [17]
fractalkine receptor expression was significantly higher in showed that CX3CR1- mices have more neuroinflammation and
tonsillar hypertrophy group than chronic tonsillitis group neurodegeneration by overproduction of proinflammatory
(p = 0.005) (Fig. 2). markers in Parkinson disease. Another idea, undiscovered
Chronic tonsillitis and tonsillar hypertrophy groups were chemokines may stimulate the same receptor and induce many
combined to create tonsil group to analyze if there was genotype other inflammatory processes. These processes may be revealed
differences between tonsil and adenoid tissues. There was no with new studies.
significant difference between genotypes of tonsil and adenoid The mechanism of tonsillar hypertrophy without chronic-
groups (p = 0.342). recurrent infection has not been explained yet clearly. Another
The expression levels of fractalkine receptor and ligand did hypothesis for elevated levels of fractalkine receptor expression
not differ according to the fractalkine receptor genotype in tonsillar hypertrophy can be associated with effect of
distribution (p > 0.05) fractalkine on hypertrophy mechanisms of tonsil tissue.
We could not find correlation between fractalkine receptor
4. Discussion genotype distribution and expression level. Because of this we
suggest that nucleotide substitution is not on a specific area that
As a chemokine, fractalkine is expressed by variable tissues. It can change expression level.
is also expressed in tonsil tissue, which is a part of the immune We considered tonsils as a whole tissue and did not separate
system [12]. Although fractalkine expression has been shown on into cell groups. Previous immunohistochemical studies have
tonsil tissue before, there is no study investigating expression shown CX3CL1 and CX3CR1 expression on germinal centers

Table 2
Demographic data and allele frequencies of the groups.

Chronic tonsillitis group Tonsillar hypertrophy group Adenoid group p Value

Age in years (mean + SD) 6.44  3.02 5.34  2.4 6.03  3.33 0.720
Gender (Male/Female) 16/16 20/12 20/13 0.630
Alleles (CC/CT/TT) 22/9/1 22/10/0 19/12/2 0.609
Allele frequency C/T (%) 53/11 (82,8/17,2) 54/10 (84,3/15,7) 50/16 (75,7/24,3) 0.402

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4 E. Koclu Hetemoglu et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Means and +/ standart errors of the expression levels of CX3CL1 and CX3CR1 in chronic tonsillitis and tonsillary hypertrophy groups.

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hypertrophy and chronic tonsillitis may be due to memory B
cells in germinal centers. Further immunohistochemical studies Acknowledgments
can support this hypothesis.
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