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AYUSHMAN Spagyric Herbals

Website:, Email:, Whatsapp: 08827775111

Health - Toner
1. C H T - PLUS
Indication - This is a "Complete Health Toner" Remedy.
Useful in - all kind of weaknesses e.g.- hypo liver and gastric disorders , general debilities ,
low B.P., nervous weakness , muscular weakness , tiredness , weak immunity ,
neurasthenia , lethargy , bradycardia , regulates -proper & natural growth of whole system
of body , helps to regulate- hormonals and digestive gland's secretions e.g.- insulin ,
thyroxins , growth hormones , testosterone etc.
2. C H T - M
Indication - specially made for whole boby and organ's hyper-functions. This is a minus
addition of CHT-Plus. Useful in all kind of hyper activity e.g.- nerves and brain, heart,
digestive and hormonal glands etc.
3. Immune - Plus
Indication - natural Immunity booster , falling ill again and again , Low Blood Pressure ,
General Weakness , anorexia neurasthenia , vitiation of Blood and Lymph , protects
from contagious and infective diseases , keeps away a wide range of pathogens,
improves bone marrow cells activity, helps to increase haemoglobin lavel, digestive and
liver functions etc.
4. Haemo - Plus
Indication - useful in sickle cells anaemia, general anaemia, Hb count and platelets
general debilities, improves bone marrow function, low Blood Pressure, strengthens
heart health, stimulate immune system, increases oxygen lavel, bradicardia,
neurasthenia, anorexia,increases metabolism etc.
Skin - Care
ONLY 2 DOSE in a Month *
* Most effective and natural Anti-Acne treatment.
* Eleminates bacteria, germs and toxins from skin.
* Maintains increased hormonal lavels.
* Effective in all types of Acne-vulgaris / Pimples.
* Purifies blood and lymph naturally etc
This is a "Complete Face Care" Solution. very effective and natural "Facial Spray"
Useful in Acne-vulgaris / Pimples, Melasma, Cloasma, dark circles, black heads and
white heads, wrinkles, dark spots, acne spots, suitable for all types of skin e.g.- oily, dry
etc.,useful in infective, non-infective and allegetic skin problems. Restores Natural,
Healthy and Glowing skin etc.
7. Derma - Cure
Effective and useful in all Acute and Chronic, Infective and Non-Infective skin diseases -
Eczema, Psoriasis, skin allergies, erruptions, vitaligo, ring worm, itching, mumps, pussy
wounds and all other skin problems.
8. Derma - Ex
This is an External Remedy for local application only useful in all skin problems e.g.-
infective, non-infective, skin allergies etc.,Eczema, Psoriasis, Ring Worms, Itching,
dryness, skin infections etc. Gastro - Intestinal
Gastro - Intestinal
9. Liv - On
Useful - in increasing functions of all secretory and hormonal glands e.g.- liver, gall
bladder, gastric and bile juice secretion, diuretic, sperm and semen glands, pancreatic
and thyroid glands etc. INDICATION - Jaundice, Gall Stones, Bile Juice Secretion,
Urobilinigen, Uric Acid, Insulin secretion, thyroid hormones Secretion, Sperm Count,
difficult urination etc.
10. Gastro - Care
Indication - this Remedy covers from Elementary Canol to Rectum, useful in all
digestive and gastric disorders e.g.- indigestion, gastritis, flatulence, abdominal
distention, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, chronic colitis, anorexia, stomach pain etc.
11. Enzo - Mine
Useful to secret digestive enzimes and gastric juice, increases metabolic rates,
improves liver function, increasing hunger and digestion, anorexia, regulate all digestive
functions naturally.
12. Colin - Cure
Indication - useful in all infective and non-infective, acute and chronic stomach,
intestines / colonic problems, chronic dysentery, loose motions, cramps, colitis, helpful
in colonic wound, going motion again and again etc.
13. Laxo - Plus
Very effective in - regulating liver, gall bladder, stomach, small and large intestine's
functios, useful in constipatio, irritable bowls, anorexia, gastritis, intestinal worms and
also useful in all other symptoms due to constipation e.g.- loss of hunger, headache,
uneasiness etc. best benefit of this Remedy is - no habbit forming, regulates colonic
functions naturally, mild laxative.
14. Vomit - Off
Useful in all types of acute and chronic vomiting e.g.- vomiting in pregnancy, nausia,
vomiting during travels, vomiting due to stomach upsets, chronic vomiting due to any
reason, vomiting or nausia due to any stomach infection etc.
15. Aci - Nil
Useful in - hyper activity of stomach, controls excess secretion of hydrochloric acid,
heart burn, acid reflux, mild acidity, helpful in other related symptoms of acidity e.g.-
heart beat, heart burn, headache, indigestion, constipation, loss of hunger, gastritis,
restlessness etc
Kidney & Urinary - Care
16. Renol
Indication - ' A complete kidney Care formulation ' Useful in all hypo-functional diseases
of kidney e.g.- frequent urination, less urination, forceful urination, kidney stones, uric
acid, creatinine, dialysis, urobilinogen, prostate gland enlargement, detoxification and
also helpful in other related problems due to kidney function deficiency e.g.- swelling of
lower feet, diabetes militus, hypertension e
17. Uro - Care
Useful in all problems of urinary system. According to patient's condition, the dose of
this Remedy e.g.- Diluted / Undiluted form, must be suggested by the prescriber. This
Remedy is very useful in - Urine Retension, urine burning, difficult urination and
prostate enleargement, mild diuretic, urinary bladder problems, urinary infection, renal
stones, urethral strictures etc.
Carcino - Care
18. Gr - Ex
Indication - useful in all types of internal and external growth or swelling, cancerous or
non-cancerous growth, wounds or pussy wounds in any part or any organ of body e.g.-
Cardiomegaly, liver cirrhosis, hepatomegaly, uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst, tumours,
lymphoma, ganglionic or lymphatic cyst, carbuncles, boils, abscess, gangrenous
wounds etc.
19. Inflame
Indication - useful in swelling of internal or external organs, extra fluids in any part or
organ in body, running nose, mucous secretions, leucorrhea, facial or lower limbs
swelling, hyper activity of any gland or hormonal glands, hyper thyroidism, wounds, pus
forming wounds, gangrenous wounds, pain due to swelling, any type of excess
secretion, excess urination etc.
20. Arsh - Cure
Indication - useful in Piles, Bleeding Piles, specially formulated for bleeding
hemorrhoids, anal bleeding, burning, pain, anal fissures, itching etc.
Woman - Care
21. Gyno - Fit
This is a complete menstrual care formulation for all types of menses troubles and
deficient uterine and ovarian functions in women e.g.- amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea,
menorrhagia, pain and cramps during menses, early menses or period missing, helpful
in infertility, helps to regulate menstruation naturally. diluted or undiluted dose must
required as patient's condition.
22. Lico - Ril
Indication - this Remedy is very effective in acute or chronic uterine and ovarian
diseases e.g.- Leucorrhoea, uterine, ovarian and veginal infections, white or redish
discharge, pussy wound, swelling, cyst, running nose, pain, cramps, veginal itching, any
pus forming uterine growth etc.
23. VT - EX
Specially made for women personal care - 'for external application only’
useful in - veginal pain, itchin, infection, Frigidity and veginal tightening etc
Hair - Care
24. Kesh - Jal
Kesh-Jal is a " Complete Hair Fall Solution " For external use only. Made of Disttilled
Water Base and conditioner. Indication - useful in hair fall, hair loss, thin and damaged
hair, dandruff, itching, scalp skin infection, headache, insomnia etc.
25. Kesh - Oil
Kesh-Oil is a " Complete Hair Care " Remedy. For external use only. This Remedy is
made of vegetable oil base. Indication - useful in hairfall, hair loss, thin and damaged
hair, dandruff, itching, scal skininfection, headache, insomnia etc.
Man - Care
26. Man - Power
Man-Power Remedy is specially formulated for man. Indication - useful in Erectile
Dysfunction, low sex drive, low libido, muscles power stregthening, sensory and motor
nerve weakness, low blood circulation, it helps to regulate and maitain natural lavel of
testosterone and other sex hormones as much body supports and helps to promote
natural healthy sexual life etc.
27. Timer - M
Timer-M is our special formulation for men who are suffering from Premature
Ejaculation, early ejaculation, nocturnal emissons, hyper activity of sensory nerve and
brain, restlessness, over excitement, it calm downs hyper activity of brain and helps to
tranquilize naturally etc.
28. Timer - Ex
For External Use Only This Remedy is an external version of Timer-M. Local application
is also important and effective, it helps to control hyper activity of sensory and other
verves and maintains natural ejaculation timing etc.
Bone, Ligament & Cartilage
29. O S T
Indication - good and effective for bone, ligament and cartilage degeneration, increases
bone mineral density, prevents cartilage and bone tissue degeneration, joint pain,
osteoporosis etc. and helps to maintain healthy bone and cartilage.
30. Artho
Indication - very effective for bone and joint problems e.g.- Cartilage or bone
degeneration, joint pain, knee pain, swelling in joints, lumbago, cervical pain etc.
31. Rheumo
Indication - very effective in bone, joint and soft tissue inflammation, joint pain and
swelling, gout, arthritis, rheumatoid bone disease, cervical, lumbago etc.
32. Pain - Cure - RL
Indication - 'for external use only' this is a complete pain care Remedy, useful in all
kinds of pain, it is more than a pain killer because it repairs internally to the damaged
tissues and heals musculoskeletal pain e.g.- bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons,
nerves etc.
Heart - Care
33. My - Heart
Indication - very effective in hypertension / high blood pressure and all hyper-activity of
heart, tachycardia / increased heart rates and all other symptoms related to
hypertension e.g.- discomfort, restlessness, dither, sweating, headache, insomnia,
tiredness etc.
34. My - Heart - Plus
Indication - very effective in hypo-tension / low bood pressure and all hypo-activity of
heart, bradycardia / decreased heart rates and all other symptoms related to hypo-
tension e.g.- lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting, discomfort, restlessness, dither,
weakness, lethargy etc.
Brain, Nerves & Muscles
35. No - Fits
This Remedy is very effective to control hyper-activity of nervous system and brain, It
calms down all hyper-active body functions. Indication - Headache, Migraine,
Convulsions, Fits, Epilepsy, Hysteria, High heart beat / Tachycardia, Restlessness,
Giddiness, Vertigo Insomnia, Nerve and muscles pain, Sciatic and other pain, common
fever etc.
36. Nervo - Mine
Indication - useful in hypo-functions of all nervous systems and brain, tonifier of nerve
and brain. This Remedy is Plus-Addition of 'No-Fits'. helpful in - Paralysis, Paralytic
pain, bradycardia / low heart beats, all kinds of fits, convulsions, nervousness,
weakmemory, depression, nervous exhaustion, fatigue, This is a complete 'Nerve &
Brain' power booster Remedy.
37. Neuro - Care
This Remedy is very effective to control hyper activity of Sensory and motor nervous
systems. This Remedy is very useful in - Sciatic pain, nerve pain, muscles pain,
Numbness and muscular cramps in any part of body, paralitic pain, tendon and ligament
pain, also helpful in cervical, lumbago, backache, giddiness, vertigo etc.
38. Neuro - Plus
This Remedy is very effective to energize weak muscles , weak nervous systems,
tendons, ligaments etc. This Remedy is Plus-Addition of 'Neuro-Care'. More effective in
- hypo-functions of motor and sensory nerve , Helpful to treat all Neuromuscular
Problems e.g.- Paralysis, Paresthenia , Numbness,Muscles weakness,Muscles
atrophy,Myalgia,Muscles twitches etc

Lungs, Troat & Respiratory

39. Respiro - M
Indication - ' For Moist Cough ' Useful in - bulgumatic / wet cough, dyspnea, rhinitis,
allergic cough and cold, common cold, runny nose, stuffy nose, respiratory tract
infection, lungs abscess, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, sinusitis etc.
40. Respiro - D
Indication - ' For Dry Cough 'Useful in - useful in dry cough, nervous and allergic cough,
irritation, itching and sore throat, infection, dyspnea, asthma, whooping cough etc.
41. Respiro - C
Indication - ' For Chronic Cough 'Useful in - all chronic cough, old age cough, wheezing
and shortness of breath, asthmatic cough, nervous cough, whooping cough and all
other symptoms related to chronic cough etc.
Diabete & Thyro - Care
42. Glyco - Gone
Glyco-Gone is specially made for non-insulin-dependent / Type-2 diabetics but helpful
in Type-1 also. It helps to regrowth / regenerate pancreatic Bita-cells, Helps to promote
natural insulin secretion and reduces insulin resistance in body. It stimulates all
glandular functions and secretory organs e.g.- liver / hepatic, pancreas, thyroids,
stomach functions etc., increases metabolic rates and eleminates body toxins etc.
43. Inflame - Plus
Indication - useful to stimulate and regulate naturally all organic and endocrine's hypo-
functions e.g.- liver, pancreas, gall bladder, stomach, renal, hypothalamus, pineal,
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, ovarie, testes and all other glands etc.
44. D ' Tox
D ' Tox is a wonderful Remedy to detoxify and clean our body internally, Increases
effectiveness of other Remedies or treatments. helps excretory organs to eleminate
toxic and waste materials from body e.g.- increases- blood cells, metabolic rates, liver,
kidney, large intestine functions, diuretic, blood and lymph purification, strengthens
heart and nervous systems, helps to protect contagious diseases etc.
45. Virol
Helpful in - Eleminating toxic and other foreign matters e.g.- virus, bacteria etc. from
body, natural purifier of blood and lymph, helps to protect contagious / infectious
diseases, falling ill again and again, controls hyper activity due to any infectious
condition e.g.- fever, heart beat and pulse, headache, restlessness, excess sweating
etc. and all other problems related to fever or infections.
46. Drishti - ED
Drishti Eye Drops - is a complete eye care drops, very useful and effective in acute /
chronic, infective / non-infective eye problems e.g.- conjunctivitis, cataract, glaucoma,
burning, soring, tearing, pain and other various diseases of eyes

AYUSHMAN Spagyric Herbals

Website:, Email:, Whatsapp: 08827775111

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