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Topic: Finding Common Grounds

Employ appropriate pitch, stress, juncture and intonation to perform the
activities for oral fluency.

 To form a group and perform the intonation activities for oral fluency
using the commonly used expressions.

Group 1
Say “How are you?” in the following situations:

 to a friend
 to a friend you haven’t seen for 3 years
 to your teacher
 to a six-month old baby
 to someone you found doing something they shouldn’t
 to someone you’re not sure is still on the other end of the phone

Group 2
Say “How are you” in the following situations:
 to someone you meet for the first time
 to someone you haven’t seen for 3 years
 to someone who just recovered from sickness
 to someone who has recently lost a member of the family
Group 3
Say “Thank you” to the following people:
 someone who helped you carry your bag
 someone who gave you a present
 someone who opened the door for you
 your boss allowing you to take a leave

Group 4
Say “Please” in the following situations:
 when you’re requesting for something
 when you make an order
 when you are offering something
 when you give a command
Group 5
Say “Excuse me” in the following situations:
 when you want to interrupt in a conversation
 when you want to clarify something
 when you are correcting someone
 when you want to get a person’s name
 when you’re asking for directions

Be guided with the following rubric:

Performance Rubric
Excellent Good Fair Poor Unacceptable
(5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
A perfect A perfect A perfect A perfect A perfect
center of pitch, center of pitch, center of pitch, center of pitch, center of pitch,
stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, and
juncture, and juncture, and juncture, and juncture, and juncture does
intonation are intonation are intonation are intonation are NOT occur in
maintained ALL maintained maintained maintained different
of the time in MOST of the SOMETIMES in OCCASIONALLY situations.
different time in different in different Students have
situations. NO different situations. situations. little sense of
tendency situations. Students tend Students sharp intonation.
towards Students tend to sharp or flat or flat
sharping or to sharp or flat throughout consistently
flatting note. in extreme their vocal with some
registers or range at times. moments of
vocal “breaks.” perfect pitch.

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