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OYER BIG GAME N.ttoHi Beak * treat 0a>
Ms—week, Hew Tort
(Continued From Page One) OapHal Steak - Beegbt . test
THE MOUNT VERNON Qsetai . lageht- Spites

Billions Lost In New Stock Prices the manner in which they handled
the big crowd and many comments
wsre heard of the reasonableness
of their prices.
* The people of Salem v e n t away TRUST COMPANY Eastchester Savings
Stock Market Crash Following is a list of prices fromi Mid-Continent Pet
1:10 tape of selected active leaders Mlwourl JCan ft Tex• • • • • . . . 41 K from Mount Vernon saying that
In the markets today: Missouri Pec
liSOP.M. Monty Ward
14 everything that could be dealred
6 6 * from the school authorities, the BOUGHT, SOLD, QUOTED
Nash Mot 6 8 * city officials, and In fact, every
United States Steel Heads List of Issues Moving Down—Ten, Prices JNeaT K i l l • a • e • • • e e • * e e • • * 1 Oj
citisen of Mount Vernon, was given
4V % "T&W*

15 and 20-Point Redactions Recorded. Advance Burnley . . . . II Nat Cash Reg it them to make their stay not only
Airny Corp , i». i .. i s * Nat Da<ry Produs . . . . . . . . . 61 a pleasant one, but one long to be 2
Aid Chem and Dye . . SCO Nat Pow A Lt 1 7 * remembered by the city of Salem.
(Continued From Page On*) Allla-Chalm "In conclusion, I want to say

General Electric dropped in the issue. The high for the Am

Am Agrlc Chem
Am Can
Beet Bug
•••»•• II
Neva Cons Copr
H H NT NH and H
1 4 1 * N Am
V* * e « e * » a e e e a * e e « e e e e e
1 »w that while we did not win, our boys
1 1 8 * played a wonderful game against
.101 a still more wonderful team. I un-
#am?, Wtbbtr $c Co XAV1ER
to 255V4 off 41% points from year was 595. At 275 theAm Car and Fdy i t K Pack Mot 86 derstand that Mount Vernon la to ESTABLISHED 1880
the previous close near 1 p. m. stock was off $195,000,000 on Am Loco Am
its 7,200,000 shares, that the 600,000 shares outstand- Am Rad and Stand Sent* . . 15% Para
and Fgn Pow
87% Pao
104U Pan Am B
Gas and El 61 : :ay Salem next
6 1 * demonstration we have just had
from Salem, I think we ought to
and from the
, Members N e w York Stock Exchange PRINTING CO.
Fam Las ., 67 Mount Vernon Trust Co. Building 80 EAST FIRST ST.
jreak meant a loss of $298,- ing. Am Smelt and Ret
Am Bug Ref 1 71
It Penn RR 9 8 * begin to organise now and see to
It that the support given our team 20 East First Street, Mount Vernon, N. Y,
Despite the failure of Thomas Am T and T Peoples Gas 298 OAKWOOD S l t S
>,000. 161ft Phillips P e t S I * will be even more generous than New York Boston Chicago
At l p. m. steel was at Lamont to issue a statement, Am fob 8
Anae Copr Mng
SOS Pub Svc NJ
>9% Pure Oil
< . . . . 9 4 * the support given the Salem team
by a city of only 40,00 population.'" Philadelphia Albany
193% off 10 points; General the fact that the bankers Andes Copr , 41
Allege Witchcraft!
Atch Top and San Fe ....." 166 R CA 61 TRY ARGUS WANT ADS.
Motor off 5%; American Tele- were conferring was sufficent Atl R KO 21 "Charges" of witch-craft will be1i
phone and Telegraph 247 off to slow down the reactionary Auburn Auto Ref 41 Reading 1 2 1 * lodged by Mount Vernon high school
190 against Salem, Mass., High It was
19; Radio 49 off 95/8; Con- tendencies. Bald Loop Rem Rand
t m Rep Iron and Steel 44
91 learned this morning following the
solidated Gas.104 off 13%; A few
and New York Central 195 off banking pool brought new Calumet
orders issued by
buying into many of the lead- Can Dry
the * e» o . » . . . • • • • . . . . . . . • « 1z5% Reynolds Tob B
Bendlx Avla
Beth Steel
A Arizona
Rio Grande Oil
Sears Roebk
Shell Un Oil
62 * defeat of the local team by the
2 2 * Salemltes last Saturday. The charg-
1 1 7 * es will be based on the following
21 evidence:
The situation became so ers.
serious that another confer- After touching 198, Steel Case
Can Pao
. . .
Cero D e P a s Corp
. . . . . .
• ••*•••
901 Simms
South Pao
Cons Oil
1 * found
(a) A bottle of witch hasel
after the game In the Sa-
lem dressing room.
ence of bankers was called.
Charles E. Mitchell, chair-
was 198 bid. That sudden Cheaa * Ohio :; e e a e e e e e
turn gave some confidence and Ch Get West . ; . ;
Ch Mil Stp A Pac
South Rwy . . .
Stan Brands
Stan G and El
(b) A broom similar to the one
used by the old hag who flies over
the moon, found In back of the Former Sing Sing Convict
. i i ii
man of National City Bank, other stocks quickly followed. Ch H Stp * P PI • » • e • e e 41 18 Stan O Calif
Stah O N J
i • e • e e 6 8 * stands after the game.
68* • (c) Evidence supported by affi- Weds Boyhood Sweetheart are conveniently available for you at The
shortly after 1 p. m. entered Radio C o r p o r a t i o n sold Ch Ch
ic Nw
Rock Isl Pac Stan O N Y . . . . . . . . 19 davits showing that Salem rooters
the offices of J. P. Morgan down to 47%, but soon after Chrysler Mot . . . • • e e e e < 118* 8tudebaker Corp
41* Tex Corp
. . . • • • • • > . 67* made the following Inquiries of
New Tork. Oct. 88.—(UP)—Vin- American National Bank & Trust Com-
id company. Mitchelfs bank this bids of 51 were heard. Colo Fuel and Iron 46* Tlrnken Rol Brg . . . 67 Mount Vernonites:
99 cent Gaffney, former Inmate of
among thefivestrongest in- Anaconda came up to 98 Cons Oas Col Graph II
110* Transcontnl Oil . . . 8*
"W'lch to the way to New York 7"
"Wlch trolley car shall I take?" Sing Sing, was married to his boy- pany, here in your own community!
itutions in the United States from around 96 and General Conti Can 61 Vn Carbide and Car
TTn o of Cal
"Wlch time Is it. please?" hood sweetheart yesterday only a
lich have pledged their aid Motors got above 50 after Corn Prods 1 0 6 *
Un P a e : 2 4 5 *
"Wlch would you rather do or few doors from the spot where he
go Ashing?" Commercial Banking
Curtlss Wright 13%
prevent a stock crash simi- equaling its low of last week Du Pont De Neme and C o . . 110 United Aircraft 66* (d) A book of Mother Goose killed a man for whose murder he
lar to Thursday's. at 49. Elec I'ow and Lt 4 1 * United Corp 8 7 * rhymes with the pictures of the was sent to prison eleven years 4%% Interest Accounts
Brie RR «0'4 U8 Freight 107 * old witch missing, found in the ago.
On the Curb prices were Word went around that (len Am Tank 104 U 8 Rubber 4 3 * Greenburgh woods, near the dead Gaffney and Misa Kathryn W. Certificates of Deposit
forced down in proportion to George Whitney of J. P. Mor- General Asphalt 6 3 * U 8 Steel
Utile P o w and Lt A
1 9 6 * bodies of Cock Robin, Dorothy Ar-
4 8 * Mowen, his bride, met when they Safe Deposit
declines on the big board. gan and company was buying Gen Electric
Gen Foods
53 Warper Bros Pie . . . . ,
nold, the Cardiff Giant and the went to school together at the
47 * crew of the Hesperus.
Middle West Utilities broke stocks from the floor. This General Motor 60 West Air Brake
West Electric 160
60 * Sacred Heart school. They made
The charges are being made a childish promise to be married Foreign Exchange
119 points to 275; Cities Serv- furthered the recovery in Gold Dust Glmbel Broa Rt 25
49 Willys Over 14
through the department of weights "when they grew up," but Gaffney
and measures. No manuscripts will became involved with the Gopher Investments
ice to 28%, off 17S/L; Electric many sections. Goodrich BF 60 * Wworth F W 84 * be returned unless accompanied by
Bond & Share 15% to 95%. A partner of J. P. Morgan OdNorth Ore 25 Yellow Truck A Coach
Curb Stocks
1 5 * a stamped self-addressed enelope. gang as he reached his majority
and shot and killed Charles Tucker
And others 4 to 10 points. stated that there would be no Gt North P F
Ho»e Sound
60 Am Superpower 31 * Girls
please bring a cake. Boys 18 at Tenth avenue and 51st street in
The decline of 119 in Mid- statement forthcoming today Hupp Hudson Mot 61 Assoc Gas A
Cities Svc
2 9 * He was convicted and sentencedAll these services are rendered under the
die West Utilities wiped out as the situation did not war- Indian Mot Car 26

$71, ,400,000 of market value rant it.

Insp Cons Corp
Intl Harvest
Intl Nickel .
El Bond A Share
30 * El Investors
Goldman Sachs Trading . . 66%
4 1 * Newmont Miig
l i t fj
, . , . , . 190
to 30 years, but escaped from the
Tomt>s prison only a few days be-
fore he was to be taken to Sing
Sing. The young man, thin and
Supervision of the U. S. Government
agile, broke through the prison

Bank Quotations
Int T and T
Johns Manville
Kansas City South
Kennecott Corp
Niagara and Hudson Pwr . . 1 7 *
Ohio Ohio
74 * Sheaffer Pen
bars and leaped from the housetop
to housetop to make his getaway.
He reached New Jersey before he
was captured and taken to prison
Kresge SS 4 0 * Stan Oil of Ind 53*
FOR UNLISTED SECURITIES Lehigh Valley . . . » 7 7 * Untl Lt and Pwr A 82 (Continued From Page One) under heavy guard.
uotations for Over-the-Connter Securities are unofficial. Those Mack Trucks 85 Utlls Pwr and Lt 20* Gaffney came back from prison
S sd la these tables are obtained from several brokers and dealera. Miami Ccpr 87 * Aks-Ark Nat Gas ."-. 1 0 * revolver and a .38 caliber In the a few weeks ago, stout, inclined to
other. This man, the police were baldness and with the air of a well
New York Banks to do business man. Miss Mowen
told, was very nervous while in the had waited for him through the
Blit Asked Bid Asked admitted that at least he would store and did not speak.
Bank of U . B.
American Union . . . 200
Central National . . . 206
150 151
Fifth Avenue
DEATH OF VON have been able to
Von Buelow waa born of one of
avoid it in 1914.
The other
ilies on May 3, 1849, at Klein in height and weighed about 176 thronged in the streets.
the oldest Meckleburg noble fam- being about five feet ten Inches while h u n d r e d s of persons
was much taller
years, and yesterday, in the Sacred
Heart church, they were married

Chase (new)
Chth'm-Phenix new 148

Public tstpd)
BDELOW LAID Flotteck near Hamburg as the son
of the later Prussian minister and pounds. He is believed to be about
secretary of foreign affairs, Bern- S3 years old. This man had but
hard Ernst Von Buelow. He studied one revolver in his hands when IDENTIFY BODY ^ MOUNT VERNON
Cntln'nt'l new ex rts 62
first National 7800
Trust Companies
SS0 TO REVERSES at Lausanne, Lelpslg and Berlin. Kennedy entered the store but the
He served with the Rhelnish hus-
sars in the Franco-Prussian war, store manager is certain he had
being promoted to the rank of two at first. This bandit was cool OF MAN FOUND
lieutenant. and did all the talking. He was
Bid' Asked Bid Asked
Former Chancellor of Ger- Concluding his studies, he was the one that went to the cash regis-
BankNT A T
Bronx (new) . . . . . . IS
Inter. Germ'c ( n e w ) 78
Irving (new) . . . . . . 80
Lawyers T A G . . . . 810
Today—Was Figure In
sent to Rome In 1874 as secretary
man Empire Diet In Rome of legation. During the following ter. ,
three years-he occupied the same
position at Petersburg, Vienna and cast an alarm to all nearby com-
The police immediately broad-
Corn Exchange . . . . 165 176 Manufacturers I t ! 116 Athens. From 1878 to 1884 Bue- munities but no trace of the men (Continued From Page One)
County 116 406 Murray Hill 110 481 Pre-War Days low was secretary of the German was found. The witnesses were
Empire 610 660 New York 810 886 embassy at Paris; from 1884 to unable to tell definitely whether a tal but died there, of a fractured
186 1888 charge d'affaires at Peters- third man waited at the wheel of skull.
fidelity II 68 Times Square ISO Rome, Oct. 88— (UP)— Prince burg; from 1888 to 1898, envoy at the automobile or not although the
S uaranty . . . . . . . . . . 110
iterstate (new) . . . 65
Title Guar'nty (new) 170
United States 4000 4600 Bernard Von Buelow, the German Bucharest and from 1898 to 1897,police believe that the pair would
empire's fourth chancellor who he waa German ambassador to not take a chance In this way and phine Klopp, of Briarcllff Manor,
met his greatest d e f e a t as s Italy.
Briarcllff, Oct. 28. — Mrs. Jose-
think there must have been a third put her babies, W a r r e n , five
Insurance Companies
Bid Asked Bid Asked statesman when he failed to keep man in the party. Kennedy told months, and Ernest 2H years old,
Aetna Life (new) . 120 128 Brooklyn Fire (now) 10 33 Italy faithful to the triple entente, the police he la positive he could Into a baby carriage yesterday aft-
Aetna C and 8 new 210
American Alliance
American Reserve
City of New York . . f 00
Conn. Gen. Life . . . .8825
Glenn Falls II
died here today.
Prince Von Buelow
ola and had been 111 for several
months, lingering at tho point of
identify both men in the store. ernoon and started to walk with
The store manager said that he them to visit a lunchroom on the
knew the identity of most of the 8aw Mill River road.
persons who had given him the Second Mortgages Purchased
As she approached Klopp's place
Automobile (new) 60 66 North River (new) . 77
Investment Trusts Holding end Finance Companies
Bid Asked Bid

death throughout last week. His
death occurred at 6:60 a. m. af-
ter continued unconsciousness.
It was understood Von Buelow's
FOMJPPORT endorsed checks and yesterday the pushing the carriage six feet from
police made efforts t o locate them the edge of the road an automobile
so that payment could be stopped coming In the opposite direction
before this morning. shot across the road and struck

A l e x Hamilton • . . 16 81 body would be returned to Gross her. Warren was killed. Ernest
Fixed Trust Bhrs A . 8 8 * 8 4 * Flottbeck. near Hamburg, the Non-Support Case Heard By suffered a fractured leg and Mrs. PBONESt OAKWOOD 4S7S — FAIRBANKS ltTt
Am. t, A E C pfd . . 40
Amer. Founders . . . l i t i s 131
Alliens* Corp. II

Inv. Trustee Shrs . . 18
Pengar Unite 180 —-
81 scene of his birth.
With the opening of the world
Mass. Investors . . . . 14% 67% war. Prince Bernhard Von Buelow,
City Judge Bernstein WOMAN BADLY Klopp a broken nose.
The driver of the automobile,
Henry Weldner, of 4314 Richard-
son avenue, the Bronx, was unable SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY
Colonial Corp 29* l°U

Broad River Pwr .

PnbUo Utility SecnrlHes
It Mstropol. Edison ( 6 ) 108
Miss. River Pwr (6f 98
a skilful diplomat of the old school
Asked Germany,
Decision waa reserved this morn-
and for nine years chsneellor of ing by City Judge Bernstein on a
attracted international motion made by Emanuel B. End-
attention by his unsuccessful effort llch, attorney for Mrs. Johanna
to bring Italy into the war on the Schilling, of 181 North Seventh
HURT IN CITY; to explain how his car crossed the
road. He was arrested charged
with manslaughter.
We have funds for the purchase of food amortising aecond
latere Pwr 7% pfd II II
Inland Power . . . . II
Pub Ser of Col T % pf 108
il leaned

side of Germany.
Previous to that he had been a
avenue, for a Judgment for non-
potent Influence In the swaplng of her estranged husband, Frederick
German foreign policy along peace- Schilling,
107 North
for support

r. Lithe (1.66) . 41 Tl Key;s Fibre A . . . . . 40 41 ful and conciliatory lines. He w»» According to the complaint and (Continued From Page One) INTERNATIONAL PROJECTOR
Merck A Co. pfd (T) 76 81 decidedly opposed to sabre rattlln* the answer filed by J. Edward
Qulnn, attorney for Schilling, tha CORPORATION HAD DISPUTE WITH
De pfd Cf) • • • • • • • • III I I I and on more than one ocesaion wife was thrown out of the window
Ways to
Nat'l Casket Co. <•> ISO 170 defendant, who has admitted mak- Into the street by the Impact of
Bnp*Bk-CoTlen (7) . . • I 100 Roxy Theatre
during the pre-war years, rebuked
8% . 4 * the Kaiser for displays of aggres- ing an agreement with his wife on the crash. Pereisa said the other Th© International Projector Cor- MAYOR OCTOBER 10,
November 17, 19SS, to pay 817.50 poration is controlled by General
Crewell Pub. ( 5 ) . . . 810 141 Singer Mfg (10) . . . 490 610 siveness. car was being driven at a fast rate Theatres Equipment, Inc., which LATER RESIGNING

Germany's Interests Buelow con- a week for her support, now denies of speed.
stantly argued, could best be served that he was ever legally married to
through diplomacy. He depended her, and denies that a child by the accident was due to Pereisa and 1929. The General Theatres Equip-
acquired the majority of the com-
Clifford told the police that the mon stock of the company July 6,
(Continued From Page One)
largely upon diplomacy to resolve marriage was his.
WCAL MAN IN FIRE SWEEPS the "iron circle" which England.
that Pereisa struck his automobile. ment Co. exchanged one common was out of town when the dispute
Mr. Endilch produced .marriage Clifford said that it was Pereisa stock voting trust certificate for took place.
Russia and France were declared certificate, dated October 36, 1899, who was driving at the fast rate each common share of Internation-
to have forged about Germany. and a birth certificate, showing of speed. Four persons In Cliffords al Projector and also offered to The statement that she did not Serial or Installment Share*
care to remain with the administra-
When diplomacy failed to pre- that the marriage had been con- car were shakened up by the crash. purchase for cash all the Interna- tion, made by Miss Brush In her — Depositing a deflnits
SUIT OVER WILL POSTOFFICE vent the war, Von Buelow was summated.
commonly accused by his oppo- According to the complaint, a er employed by the Mount Vernon
nents of being responsible for Judgment waa given to the plaintiff Wood
Germany's Isolation. To tha mili- against her husband In Mount Ver- driving a truck in South Third ave-
Ernest M. Baptlste, a truck driv- tional Projector's preferred at 3115 letter of resignation to Mrs. Walter
Working Company was
P. Goodnough, chairman of the
commission. Is believed to be a gen-
sum every month, just
what you can afford on
non for 8391.37 in June, 1929, and nue below Sandford boulevard eral Indictment of the policy of the
taristic factions he represented
Charges Against August Peekskill Building Burned— "velvet globe without the Iron 8385 Is now due on another claim. Saturday when an automobile the present administration in meddling which the earnings for
hand." and to his policies they at- in the affairs of various depart- the past 41 years havf
Nlewenhouse to Be Dismissed Damage Over $3,500 driven by William Stewart of B40 ments.
tributed the fact that Germany on South Ninth avenue crashed into averaged 6% per annum.
by his sister-la-law, Peekskill, Oct. 18—Fire dam-
M. Nlewenhouse, of aged the Peekskill postofflce here
the opening of the war found her-
self encircled by
Failed In 1S14
In December 1914, he waa given
FIVE AUTOS IN the truck. Both cars were badly
damaged. Baptlste told
that Stewart abandoned his auto-
meblle In the middle of
Miss Brush's resignation was ac-
cepted this morning during
commission's session at the city
hall. The members at the meeting
Income Shares—$100.00 ptf
today. Dead letters, and office share and in multiples up
Roehelle, sgslnst
to be dismissed by the court,
. Frank L. Toung today. Mrs.
and mall awaiting delivery were
an opportunity to redeem hlmielf.
renhouse, of Mount . Vernon Is supplies* were destroyed. Stamps Possessing strong Influence In Ital-
ian political circles, he" was sent
ling to an order leaned by saved. The loss amounted to | 3 , - to Rome with the mission of hold-
CITY STOLEN way and started to run away. Bap-
tists followed, the
through the lots below Sandford
boulevard. Baptlste finally halted
refused to make "any statements
for publication," and refused
swer when they were asked If the
rumors that they would resign
to an- to $1000, on which we pay
5% per annum. PostmsB
ing Itnlv faithful to the "triple (Continued From Page One) Stewart and forced Stewart to a share. International Projector were true.
thonee names her husband, When the (Ire was discovered at alllsnce." Being a member of the brings check every six
try Nlewenhouse, former New 7 a. m. today by William Shine the triple alliance, Italy waa more or 11:11 o'clock. When he went to show vers
him his registration snd dri- manufactures motion picture pro-
licenses. After Stewart gave
Asked for a copy of the letter of
»helle resident, as co-defendant fire department wee called. Fire- less morally pledged to enter the get it at I p. m., It waa gone. The jector machines and accessories for Miss Brush's resignation they said months.
August, his brother, In a suit men found the blase started In an war on the side of Germany and automobile was found abandoned Baptlste his run
his name, he continued,on theatres, schools, churches and In- It was not for publication, and an
leaving the car In the high-
recover her shsre of a legsry attlo from an overheated chimney. Austria, the other partners of the In Peiham Manor Just over the way. Police brought his machine to dustrial plants. employe of the commission added Thousands of men and
to her husband. They spread rubber mats and can- alliance. As against the conces- Mount Vernon line. Its main factories are housed In that instructions had been issued women in Monnt Ver-
Aft automobile owned by Joshua the rear of police headquarters. a ten story fire proof building In that no information was to be given
Justice Toung grants a motion vas ovsr the mall cases and tables sions which the allies promised non and Its vicinity
te dismiss the complaint as agaln»t to protect froi.i water. Italy and the danger to which the I, Oersn, of 134 Overlook street, Automobiles of Justus Bouse of ew York city which is owned by out for publication. have found the • _ • £
August Nlewenhouse, in h i s order The fire was quickly extinguish- Italian coast leln would he exposed waa stolen from Cottage avenue 175 Central parkway and Edwin the Cinema Building Corporation, Mayor James Berg was closeted method of Syatemarlo
•A file here today. ed. The office here is a first class If she entered the war against sometime Saturday morning. Mr. Black of 820 MacClellan avenue, a subsidiary of International Pro- with the members of the commis- Saving an easy way of
In her affidavit, Mrs. Newen- postofflce. Britain, Von Buelow's persuasion Gersh told the police he left the collided at Westchester avenue and cago and owns about 1500 patents sion for some time this morning, jector. It also has a plant In Chi- accumulating money.
eharges that her husband could accomplish nothing. ear on Cottage avenue at 9:60 Overlook street according to a re- but no Information would be given
lowed her and her four eh Il- Italy refused to recognise her o'clock and at 13:48 p. m., It was port made to the police. on Ite products. In 1938 total In- out concerning his statements.
ia March, S i l l . Prior to that
New York, Oct. 81— (UP)— The obligations to the triple alliance, gone. An alarm was sent out to
various cities and villages of the TO GIVE I-ECTURE.
come before Interest, depreciation
and taxes was 3781.583. This com- Helen K. Sullivan, senior super-
Home Building and
The commission appointed Miss
treated her "cruelly end ta- 9,000 ton freighter Oakmar, lum- and derided to throw
lly." She allege* that her ber laden from the Pacific coast the allies. Returning to Berlin county. The automobile has not
her fate with
as yet been recovered,
pares with 8788.810 In 1927.
There Is no funded debt. Capital visor
Loan Association
in charge of girls* activities,
id was "aided and abetted" empty handed. Von Buelow found Cyrus 8. Rogers, C. S., of San to art as superintendent for the
his brother in these * alleged for New York, went aground near himself more unpopular than ever. Emily Heffcrman, of 309 Sheri- Francisco, Cal., will give a free lec- stock outstanding consists of 25.000 time being, and gave no Indication
shares of $7 cumulative preferred
14 So. 3rd Ave., Mt. Vernos
Of cruelty. Csstle Island, Bahamas Sunday. Following the failure of his Ital- dan boulevard, told the police that ture on Christian Science at the of what action would he taken on
iett In February, 16SI, a win, and the Merrltt Chapman and Scott ian mission, he ceased to be an her automobile was stolen from Woman's club auditorium, 110 shares of no par value and 1.000,000
of Wllhelmlna Heffen. e rela- tug Warbler put out of Key West Important Influence in German Overlook street Saturday afternoon Crary avenue, Mount Vernon, on ferred of no par common. The pre- appointment of permanent super-
e t Henry Nlewenhouse. was last night to assist, according to ad- political affairs, except as a shrewd between 3:80 and 8:30 o'clock. It Thursday evening at 8:15 o'clock, the extent of 87* a dividends are in default to intendent. rtifc on-ictciis of rM*
share, the pre- The resignation of Mrs. Walter
la the surrogate's court of the vices here today. critic and observer who always re- waa recovered at 11:41 o'clock Sat- under the auspices of First Church
Under the terms of that
Via to receive 11,001, She COMMUNISTS liOSK APPEAL
tained a certain following that re- urday night, having been aband- of Christ, Scientist, Mount Vernon, ferred
mained convinced to the last that oned at Nuber avenue and Milling- election
Is entitled to vote for the H. Hoffman, secretary to the super-
of the majority of direc- intendent, made for personal rea- Mount Vernon
68 that an assignment was Washington, Oct. 88. — (UP) — his policies, If faithfully carried ton street,
whereby the brother-in-law The supreme court today refused out, would have saved Germany George Robinson of s i Beer
As of January 1, 1939, total cur-
sons, was also accepted,
Four members of the commis- Trust Company
te receive the benefit of this to consider the, appeals of three from the war. rent assets were 81.841,643, current sion, Mrs. Walter F. Goodnough, Invite Your Rankin*
street, New Bochelle, reported te The original branch of tha Uni- liabilities were 1378,899 and net Mrs. Herbert L, Baker, Mrs. George
Mrs. Nlewenhouse charges communists arrested Armstice day. In a book published In 1111, the police that his automobile was versal Sunshine society will hold a working Barrow and Mrs Leo Feist, attend- Busines*.
ler husband did not support 1928 at Woodlawn, Reaver county. which mr.y be considered his polit- stolen from Union avenue some- rummage sale on Thursday, Friday Book valuecapital was f l , 388,844.
applicable to the com- ed the meeting Mrs. Franklin F,
"wt he is try- Penn. Each was sentenced to five ical memoirs. Von Buelow wrote time Saturday. The car was found and Saturday of this week at 189 mon stock was |8.83 a share. Fry was absent. The meeting, it
away from years In prison for violation of the that he would have been able to abandoned at Wallace avenue South Fourth avenue. Mrs. Owen (Copyright 1939, by tha was said, took place because tha tober I t , waa not
t aad the children. states strict sedition law. avoid the war. Many of hit critics Saturday nlahL Tegan is in charge. Bell Syndicate, Inc.) regular meeting, scheduled for Oe> of a «uoxurn.
ssj H *
ejs •
ssi *^"^ *•
ssj e n ^™

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

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