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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mapeh – MUSIC – Grade 8

1st Quarter

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Listen perceptively to music of Southeast Asia.
2. Sing songs of Southeast Asia.
3. Analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
instrumental pieces heard and performed.
a. Topic: Southeast Asian Music
b. Materials: Power point presentation
c. Reference: Mapeh LM pp. 10 -12


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
- Please stand up for our opening - one student will lead
Prayer. The prayer
- Greetings: Good morning, class! - Good morning , mam.
- How are you today? - We’re fine!
- May I first check the attendance. Class – ( The class monitor
Monitor, who is absent today? Will tell who is

There is no absent for

the boys and girls.
B. Review
- who can give me a short recall - The lesson was all
About the lesson last meeting? About the vocal and
Instrumental music of
- Very Good! What are the instruments - It is divided into two:
Lao Orchestra? Sep Nai and Sep Noi
- What is the most popular folk music - Khene
Instrument of Laos?
Now class, Let us watch this video - ( students are liste-
- Performance. ( The teacher will ning and watching)
Play vocal music of Cambodia)
- Did you enjoy watching? - Yes, mam
- What can you say to the video? - The girl performed
Beautifully. She is a
singer from Cambodia

- What do you think is the message - The message of the

Of the songs? - song is all about
- Why do you say so? - Even though, she is
Singing in different
Language, I can feel
- The motion of the music
- Very Good! Music is our universal
Language. Even though we have
Different races, we can communi-
Cate to them through music.
-Do you want to explore other music - Yes, mam!
For adjacent countries?
D. Lesson Proper
- Very Good! After you listened
To the music, you’ve got the idea
Of our lesson today. “ The
Music of Cambodia.
- We already know the characteristics
Of music of Laos. Today we will
Identify the instrumental and vocal
Music used by country Cambodia.
- Cambodia is one of the most
Beautiful countries of
Southeast Asia .
- What is highly influenced by ancient - Art music
Forms as well as hindu forms.?

- What is the musical - Pinpeat

Ensemble of Cambodia?
-Very Good! What is Pinpeat - Pinpeat – is a Cambo-
Dian musical
ensemble .
- How many instruments player were
Needed to form the Pinpeat? - They are nine or ten
- Very Good! Let us go to the
Instrumental music of Cambodia, - They are samphor, Oneat
What are they? Chhing, Kongvong , and

- Cambodian music is always part of

Their court dances, masked plays,
Shadow plays and religious ceremonies.

E. Application
- This time, we are going to have an - Be responsible.
Activity. But before that, what are - Participate actively.
The standards in doing a group - Avoid unnecessary noise.
Activity? - Time management.
- work as a group.
- Let the students view and listen the - ( Students are listening,
Video clip of some songs from singing and analyzing the
Indonesia and Malaysia, learn rhythmic pattern)
how to sing the two songs
Entitled Burung Kakatua and
Rasa Sayang. ( The teacher will
Sing first and the students will

- ( Class Performance)
- Let us clap our hands.
- This time, I will let you sing by group.
I devided you into five groups. This
Will be your evaluation. I will be
You rubrics in our group activity.
- How did you find the song? - It is very beautiful and fun.

F. Generalization

- I hope you enjoyed the lesson. We

Are almost done. Now it’s time to
Share what you have learned. Class,
What have you learned in today’s lesson? - It was all about Cambodia
What are the vocal and instrumental music
Of Cambodia- Pinpeat? - samphor, oneat, kongvong,
Skorthom and chhing.

- What are the example song of

Indonesia and Malaysia? - Burung Kakatua and Rasa Sayang.
-Very good! Each of the music
Of Southeast Asia is connected
To everyone. They share the same
Cultures and traditions. In this
Scenario, these culture and music
Must be preserved because this
Is our foundation of peace and unity
Even if we differ from tastes and races.
-Is there any questions?
- Your performance earlier serve as your

EXCELLENT No rhythmic and melodies errors. All 5

of the elements of music are observed
correctly. All of the members of the
group participate. Consistent while
learning and in performance.
Good No rhythmic errors; noticeable 4
melodic errors. Most of the elements
of music are observed correctly. All of
the members of the group participate.
Consistent while learning and in
Fair No rhythmic errors; noticeable 3
melodic errors. Most of the elements
of music are observed correctly.
Majority of the members of the group
participate. Consistent while learning
and in performance.
Needs Improvement With rhythmic errors; noticeable 3
melodic errors. Most of the elements
of music are observed correctly. Some
of the members of the group
participate. Consistent while learning
and in performance.
Poor With rhythmic errors; noticeable 1
melodic errors. Most of the elements
of music are observed correctly. Few
of the members of the group
participate. Inconsistent while
learning and in performance.

V. Assignment
1. Compare and contrast the characteristics of Southeast Asia
Cambodia Music.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher I

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