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IADC/SPE 143095

Well Control When Drilling With a Partly-Evacuated Marine Drilling Riser

K. Falk, B. Fossli, C. Lagerberg, Ocean Riser Systems; A. Handal, S. Sangesland, Norwegian University of
Science & Technology

Copyright 2011, IADC/SPE Managed Pressure Drilling and Underbalanced Operations Conference and Exhibition

This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Managed Pressure Drilling and Underbalanced Operations Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, USA, 5–6 April 2011.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have
not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not
necessarily reflect any position of the International Association of Drilling Contractors, or the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or
storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the International Association of Drilling Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of IADC/SPE copyright.

The Low Riser Return System (LRRS) is a method used for managing wellbore pressure during offshore drilling
operations by adjusting the mud level in the marine riser by returning mud and cuttings to surface via a subsea
pump in a separate conduit. It is a single mud gradient, open MPD system particularly designed for subsea
The LRRS can be used in two application modes. The first has a full riser during static conditions using
conventional mud weights and the capability to lower the fluid level to compensate for the ECD effect during
circulation and drilling as needed. With this technique, conventional well control procedures are used. The second
technique involves using higher than conventional mud weights and lower fluid levels for both static and dynamic
(circulating) operations. With this technique, modified well control procedures must be used. Both of these
methods improve safety margins, allow for better pressure control, and increase efficiency for most well
This paper focuses on the well control issues of drilling with a partially evacuated marine drilling riser. Two cases
using data from deepwater US GoM wells illustrate how the LRRS gradient fits well inside the drilling window.
Kick margins and kick detection are improved compared to conventional drilling operations, and riser margin can
be achieved even for relatively deep water, which allows for safer disconnections. Improved cementing by
compensating for density and ECD effects is another important result of applying this system.
We conclude that this technology can greatly improve safety in drilling of deepwater exploration and production
wells as well as for infill drilling in depleted fields; enabling safe access to more reserves and improving recovery.

Introduction to the Low Riser Return System (LRRS)

The Low Riser Return System (LRRS) is a patented method of managing pressure during drilling by adjusting the
mud level in the marine riser and returning mud and cuttings to surface using a subsea pump and a separate
conduit. By using this method for managing the height of mud in the riser at any one time (level adjustment), the
annular and bottom hole pressure can be changed and proactively managed. The system can be used for purely
ECD compensation purposes (conventional mud weight) or in combination with a heavier than conventional mud
weight and lower static level in the riser.
The benefit of using a “conventional” mud weight is that “conventional” well control procedures can be used. In
static conditions the riser is full to the flowline outlet or just below. As circulation commences, the rig pumps will
be ramped up slowly. The circulation up the annulus will increase the bottom hole pressure and the ECD
component builds up. The level will then be lowered using the subsea pump and the control system will
continuously adjust the level of the mud in the riser to compensate for the increasing BHP due to the ECD effect.
Controlling rates of the rig pumps and the subsea lift pump will keep the bottom hole pressure or any fixed point in
the wellbore near constant and within the desired pore and fracture pressure window. This method can be used to
drill the longer hole sections in wells with narrow operational mud windows, such as in depleted formations and to
avoid losses during drilling, cementing and completion.
2 IADC/SPE 143095

The full effect of the LRRS technology will only be achieved by increasing the mud weight and using a lower than
conventional static riser level. In most cases this allows for managing higher and lower wellbore pressure
requirements (both planned and unplanned) by a simple adjustment in the fluid level. This gives a much higher
degree of operational maneuverability as far as being able to operate in a better balance between pore pressure
and fracture pressure, and can be applied to all subsea drilling operations after the marine drilling riser has been
installed. Normally, the relative effects of the LRRS system will be inversely proportional to well depth from RKB.
Thus the potential benefits and effects of using higher than conventional mud weights are more significant in the
upper part of the well than in the deeper sections. This makes LRRS system particularly beneficial for deepwater
drilling for several reasons related to well control and well integrity:
1. Improved safety margins while drilling (larger margin towards kick or loss)
2. Improved kick and loss detection
3. Improved kick margins
4. More likely to achieve a riser margin
5. Possible to circulate out a kick without closing a BOP element
6. Partially or completely self regulating with respect to inflow and kicks
7. Improved cementing operations which improves zone isolation
8. Barrier and well integrity improvements (fewer common barrier elements)
Drilling with heavier mud weights and a partially evacuated marine drilling riser requires that new well control
procedures and equipment for managing hydrocarbon influxes are developed.

LRRS Applications
LRRS is designed to control and manage the well pressures. The system has two parameters that can be
changed to obtain the desired pressure in the wellbore namely the mud density (gradient) and the annulus/riser
mud level.
Its main applications are related to wells with challenging pressure regimes, such as:
• High pressure combined with a narrow drilling window in deep and medium-deep water. For such cases a
heavier mud combined with a low mud level will give a better fit to
the drilling window. The benefit is also useful for shallow water if
there are shallow hazards such as shallow gas, shallow water flow
or mud volcanoes.
• High ECD (equivalent circulation density) combined with narrow
drilling window. In sections with narrow margins the increased ECD
can be compensated by lowering the mud level. This is the case
both during drilling and cementing. Surge and swab related to
tripping can also be accounted for. A typical example is highly
depleted reservoirs.
• Low formation pressures. Reducing the total static head by lowering
the level can allow the use of a better drilling mud that might be too
heavy for conventional drilling.
• Uncertain formation pressure and strength or drilling salt sections.
The System
ORS have two versions of the LRRS designated: LRRS Light and
LRRS Heavy:
1. LRRS Light is used for ECD compensation and improved kick loss
detection. LRRS Light uses conventional well control procedures,
and requires minimal incremental rig integration.
2. LRRS Heavy uses a heavier than conventional mud, which would
in most cases fracture the formation if the mud level were to be
brought to surface. This system is dependent on the LRRS well
control procedures [4], including implementation of a subsea drilling Figure 1: LRRS Light
choke with some additional equipment and well control training.
IADC/SPE 143095 3

Figure 1 illustrates LRRS connected to a conventional LP marine drilling riser. An important element of the LRRS
is the Subsea Return Pump Module connected to a modified riser joint via a suction hose. The LRRS Control
System operates the Subsea Return Pump controlled by a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) located on the rig.
Pumps are controlled automatically or manually in order to obtain the required mud level in the riser. A nitrogen
purging system makes sure there are no explosive gas mixtures in the partially-evacuated riser. A wiper element
is installed above the diverter element and the evacuated riser is close to atmospheric pressure.
The pump module is launched by a launch and retrieval system over the side of the rig or through the secondary
moonpool on dual activity rigs. An option for running the pumps on the riser also exists. The modified riser joints
are installed like normal riser joints. The pump suction hose can be connected to the riser outlet using a ROV.
For LRRS Light, the basic barrier philosophy will be similar to that for
conventional drilling. The primary barrier will be the drilling fluid and the
secondary barrier will be the subsea BOP. With LRRS the pressure sensors
that monitor the riser fluid level will be part of the primary barrier in that they
are needed to verify the integrity (density and height) of the drilling fluid and
for volume control purposes. The well barrier envelope for the primary and
secondary barriers of a typical subsea well is shown in Figure 2.
Often in conventional drilling there is a series of common barrier elements in
the primary and the secondary envelope. A failure to any of these shared
elements will leave the well without any barrier. For the LRRS Heavy, we will
improve on this situation in that there are generally fewer common barrier
elements. For example, the primary barrier will not be dependant on the
structural integrity of the last casing, the cement, the wellhead or the BOP
body if: The formation has sufficient strength with relation to the primary mud
pressure and the internal well pressure at seabed is lower than or equal to
the seawater pressure.
In moderate water depth, <4500 ft, the LRRS may alleviate the
shortcomings of conventional well control technology, since it would not be
dependant on the integrity of structural elements in order to maintain the
primary barrier. The reason for this is that with the LRRS the mud pressure
will not fracture the formation behind the last casing and there will be less
pressure inside the riser at mudline than sea water pressure outside the
riser. Hence a structural failure of the casing, wellhead, BOP, or riser will not
constitute a well control event, since the bottom hole pressure would
increase with the LRRS.
In deep water, typically below 5000 ft, the LRRS may be dependent on the
same common barrier elements, as in conventional drilling.
ƒ Primary Barrier elements
1. Drilling Fluid
2. Riser pressure sensors (level control)
3. Drilling riser
4. BOP Body (common)
5. HP wellhead (common)
6. Casing (common)
7. Casing seal assembly (Common)
8. Cement behind casing (common)
ƒ Secondary Barrier Elements Figure 2: Barrier
1. Casing & cement diagram with primary
2. Casing seal assembly (fluid) blue, and
3. HP wellhead secondary (red)
4. SS BOP Body
5. SS BOP element
6. Choke line and Choke line valves
7. Kill line and Kill line valves
4 IADC/SPE 143095

Case Description
Two cases have been chosen to illustrate the potential using the LRRS; Case 1 represents a typical GoM
example while Case 2 is based on publicly available Macondo data1 as illustrated in Table 1. The casing program,
pressure window and mud data for Case 2 are taken from the investigation reports [1], [2] and [3], and may not be
the exact numbers encountered in the well. The two cases represent challenging wells, but with different water
and total drilling depths to show the relative effects on system applicability.

Table 1: Case data – Last Wellbore Section

Variables used in simulations: Case 1 Case 2
Conv. Mud Weight [ppg] 16 14
TVD [ft]: 25,000 18,304
Wellbore: Vertical Vertical (assumption)
Mud line [ft]: 2,117 5,067
Mud type: OBM OBM
Open hole [ft]: 20,000 – 25,000 (8 ½” hole) 17,168 – 18,304 (8 ½” hole)
Drilling Mud Window
The drilling mud window defines the operational area for mud weights. If the pressure gradient in the open hole
section drops below the formation pore pressure gradient, there is a risk of inflow into the well. Conversely, if the
pressure gradient in the open-hole section exceeds the formation strength, losses may occur.
For conventional drilling, the mud gradient will be a vertical line starting at flowline level at atmospheric pressure
conditions. The sea water gradient will be lower than most drilling fluid densities. The combination of deep water
and the rapid increase in pore/fracture pressures below the mudline result in a conventional mud gradient not
fitting very well into the mud window.
Since the mud gradients normally are plotted in relation to the drill floor level (RKB), the LRRS mud gradient
approaches zero at the mud/gas interface in the riser and approaches a straight vertical line in very deep well
intervals. Hence the LRRS gradient is now a curve which shifts to the left of the conventional line. The examples
below will show how the LRRS shifts the mud gradient profile so that it has a better fit within the operational

Drilling Window for Case 1

Gradient (ppg)
7 9 11 13 15 17


Depth (ft TVD)

13 5/8” Csg

11 7/8” Liner

Frac_Data 9 3/8” Liner
22000 Conv.

Figure 3: Case 1 - GoM well showing mud gradients for Conventional vs. LRRS.

This paper does not intend to compete with or criticize other reports or conclusions, but simply to show how the
LRRS could be applied in drilling this challenging well. The case is used since the data is publically available.
IADC/SPE 143095 5

Figure 3 shows the drilling window for Case 1. The planned conventional mud gradients are represented by black
vertical lines (only the gradients in the open hole sections are shown). The graph also shows that 8 casing/liners
and 8 different mud weights were planned for in the well. The conventional mud gradients almost cross the pore
and fracture gradients and thus, the risk of taking an influx or a loss is significant.
The green line represents the LRRS mud gradient with only one mud weight. The LRRS gradient is close to zero
(air gradient at atmospheric pressure) in the riser above the mud level. Since the gradient calculation assumes a
completely filled riser the LRRS gradient appears to increase with depth even though only one density is used.
In this well, the LRRS gradient fits into the drilling window from the first casing depth (surface casing) to total well
depth. It would be possible to drill the entire well using a mud level in the riser of 1600 ft below RKB and a mud
weight of 17.2 ppg.
The LRRS gradient line does not approach the pore and fracture limits. This gives a significant reduction in risk of
the LRRS of getting into an influx or loss situation compared to conventional drilling approach (represented by the
vertical black lines).
With LRRS the primary barrier in this well is always in place. Furthermore, one is free to select casing points
based on other criteria than the gradient envelope. The well can be drilled with higher kick margins even if the
casing program was reduced from 7 casing strings below surface casing (conventional) to 4 casing strings. Use of
LRRS would reduce both drilling time and cost in addition to the improved safety margins.

Drilling Window for Case 2

Figure 4 shows the mud gradient window for Case 2. The mud gradients for conventional drilling are represented
by vertical lines (black). The green sloping lines represent the LRRS gradient.
The graph shows that LRRS mud gradients fit better within the operating window. (Note - in the real operations
there were substantial problems experienced with loss and gains throughout several of the hole sections likely
due to small pore and fracture pressure margins). Using the LRRS the mud gradients fits the drilling window. As a
result the possibility/likelihood of loss by exceeding the fracture pressure is significantly reduced allowing for safer
and more efficient drilling.

Gradient (ppg)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
5000 36” Csg
28” Csg
22” Csg

9000 18” Liner

Depth (ft TVD)

16” Liner

13000 13 5/8” Liner

15000 11 7/8” Liner

17000 9 7/8” Liner

Figure 4: Case 2 - GoM well showing mud gradients for Conventional vs. LRRS.
Kick Margin Case 2
Kick margin is normally defined as the maximum volume of gas that can be circulated out of the well without
fracturing the weakest formation in open hole. The actual pressure is an input parameter to kick margin calculations.
6 IADC/SPE 143095

Figure 5 zooms the 16” section for Case 2, and the figure illustrates that LRRS will have reduced kick and fracture
probability. The LRRS mud gradient is sloping and hence fits the deepwater drilling window better – allowing for
greater margins towards both pore-pressure gradient and fracture-pressure gradient.

Gradient [ppg]
9 10 11 12 13
Fracture probability
Depth [ft MD/TVD]



Kick probability
Pore Pressure Gradient
Fracture Pressure Gradient


Figure 5: Case 2: LRRS and conventional mud gradients for 16” section.
Conventional mud gradient crosses pore-pressure gradient.
Riser Margins
A Riser margin is present if the mud weight used is sufficiently high to balance or just exceed the pore pressure if
the drilling riser is disconnected from the BOP.
In nearly all conventional deepwater operations, the pressure at the disconnect point inside is higher than the
external seawater pressure thus resulting in no riser margin. If a riser margin is not present, a riser disconnect
leaves the well with only the secondary barrier.
The LRRS Heavy allows the use of heavier muds, thus it is possible to obtain a riser margin in most section of
many deepwater wells.

Riser Margin Case 2

Table 2 indicates that the Case 2 well was drilled conventionally without a riser margin. Using the LRRS it is
possible to achieve riser margins in all, except the last section if the conventional casing program was used as a
basis. Note however that there was a pore pressure regression in the reservoir section (Figure 4). With a slightly
modified casing program, setting the 9 5/8” casing below the high pressure peak at approximately 17,700 m, a
riser margin would be achievable throughout (See table *).
Table 2: Riser Margin - Case 2 LRRS vs. Conventional Drilling.
Casing/liner LRRS Conventional
Mud Weight Static Mud Level Riser Margin Mud weight Riser Margin
[ppg] [ft] [ppg]
22” Casing 12.6 1700 Yes 9.6 No
18” Liner 12.8 1700 Yes 10.1 No
16” Liner 14.0 1700 Yes 11.1 No
13 5/8” Casing 14.5 1700 Yes 12.3 No
11 7/8” Liner 15.7 1700 Yes 13.3 No
9 7/8” Liner 16.2 1700 Yes 14.0 No
8 ½” x 9 7/8” OH 15.8 1750 No* 14.2 No
IADC/SPE 143095 7

Getting a good cement job is a challenge, especially related to narrow drilling windows. Conventionally this
challenge can be solved by reduced circulation rate and using a low-density cement. Unfortunately, this can result
in inadequate cement jobs and poor zonal isolation as discussed below. Using the LRRS it is possible to achieve
improved cementing by compensating for density and ECD effects.

Cementing in Narrow Drilling Windows

The limited pore/fracture window often limits the density of the cements that can be used and may lower the
compressive strength of the hardened cement. This usually requires the use of light weight lead cement (filler)
and a smaller amount of conventional (tail) cement. The volume of tail cement may be just enough to cover the
zone(s) of interest plus some excess. Fluid losses, channeling, or an underestimation of the excess volume
required could leave the desired zone inadequately covered and thus not a barrier to prevent flow. The lead
cement, if left across a reservoir or pressured section, may not have enough compressive strength to provide a
long-term pressure seal. The cement may not be strong enough to avoid cracking when the casing is pressured
(and expands). In all cases, an effective barrier to the annular flow of fluids/pressure may not be present over the
life of the well. Note. Use of lightweight lead cement is a common and effective option and is not only used when
a narrow pore/fracture gradient window is encountered.
The limited pore/fracture pressure may also limit circulation rates while pumping the flushes, spacers, cements,
and displacement fluids during the cement job. This reduces the overall displacement efficiency potentially leaving
pockets of gelled mud, mud filter cake and cuttings beds. This can result in a flow channel in the annulus.
If the cement has insufficient strength (green or unset) when the casing is pressured a micro-annulus around the
casing can be formed. This can happen even if the cement fully fills the annulus. Again this reduces the cement's
effectiveness as a barrier.
Another issue of consideration is timing for setting of the casing seal assembly or liner hanger seal in deep water
and deep wells. The hydrostatic head of the mud/liquid above the seal is lost. Hence only a small leak of fluids to
the formation above the cement may initiate a cross flow between formations, before the cement is cured. Since
this effect has seen little attention pre Macondo, little work has been performed to shed light on this effect. The
LRRS may reduce the risk of gas migration during the cement curing period. In any rate operators should
evaluate their procedures as to when the casing/liner seals are set after a cement job.

Cementing – Case 2
Cementing Pressures vs. Depth
Pressures (psi)
11500 12000 12500 13000 13500 14000 14500
17 150

17 250

17 350

17 450 Fracture

17 550

17 650
Depth (ft)

17 750

17 850

17 950
18 050 Fracture
Static P (Mud and Cmt)
18 150
Conv Cmtg P (Circulating)
LRRS Cmtg P (Circulating)
18 250

Figure 6: Cementing operations using LRRS to compensate for the ECD effects.
8 IADC/SPE 143095

The example illustrated in Figure 6 shows a narrow pore-fracture window in an 8 ½” section during cementing
operations. The dashed red line shows the annular pressure profile of 14.2 ppg mud to 17 160 ft and 16.7 ppg
cement below to 18 300 ft.
With convention circulation, the ECD effect shifts the hydrostatic pressure profile to the right (dotted orange line)
where it exceeds the fracture pressure which can lead to formation fracturing, lost returns and ultimately an
unacceptable cement job.
However, with LRRS (Light and Heavy), the fluid level in the riser can be dropped to compensate for the ECD
effects (dotted green line) to reduce or eliminate the risk of fracturing the formation thereby obtaining a better
cement job and zonal isolation. If only conventional circulation techniques are available to use, one would be
required to reduce the densities of various volumes of the cement/spacer slurries in order to compensate for the
ECD effects.

Influx and Loss Detection

Influx and loss detection is improved in LRRS compared to conventional drilling. If an influx occurs during steady-
state operations, more volume needs to be pumped out of the hole than what goes in. As a consequence, the
pump speed and power will increase, which will be picked up by the control system linked to the level in the riser.
Note that the level in the riser is not affected by rig movement like the conventional mud line on a floater.
Potentially it may no longer be required to put the well on observation for flow checks or wait for a sufficiently
large pit gain to accurately detect an influx. Pit gain would be the ultimate result but with more accurate flow
measurements, well control procedures may be initiated earlier.
When a potential influx is detected the procedures is to immediately turn down or stop the LRRS return pump.
This will increase the riser level and hence BHP.

Procedures for Circulating Out an Influx with LRRS Heavy

With LRRS Light the influx can be safely circulated out using conventional well control procedures, while LRRS
Heavy requires special LRRS well control procedures. The LRRS well control procedures are based on Drillers
Method circulating out with constant drill pipe pressure adjusting a subsea choke. Detailed procedures have been
presented by the authors at the IADC Well Control Conference South East Asia in Bangkok (Nov. 2009) [4] and
Europe, Aberdeen April 6, 2010 [5]
In this paper only the principle differences between conventional circulation procedures and the LRRS Heavy
procedures are explained as follows;
1. Drilling with a LRRS Heavy means that the mud weight is higher than maximum achievable kill mud
weight conventionally.
2. The well may not be shut in with the drill pipe full of drilling fluid as conventional. Either of the two
alternatives below would prevent the formation from “seeing” the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling fluid
from surface:
a. Install a drillpipe differential pressure valve.
b. Initialize the LRRS circulation procedures and U-tube the drill string prior to closing the well.
3. The choke line incorporates a subsea choke valve and a low-pressure bypass from the choke line into the
main bore of the riser a distance above the outlet to the LRRS pump.
4. The well can be brought to overbalance dynamically by increasing the mud level in the riser, hence
normally no need to weigh up the mud
5. The BOP is normally closed during a kick circulation but there may not be a hurry to shut in well by
closing a BOP element
6. The kick is circulated out of the well using the Constant Drill Pipe Pressure (CDPP) principle where CDPP
is kept constant by regulating the pressure on the subsea choke valve. Alternatively, a minor influx can
also be circulated our without shutting in the well (closing a BOP element) and regulating the liquid height.
However, this is not the primary method.
IADC/SPE 143095 9

Influx Simulation – Case 2b

This section displays how LRRS can react to an influx. The simulations are based on a transient two-phase flow
model specifically adapted for the system. The flow simulator is a one dimensional drift-flux model, where a
mixture impulse equation and a mixture energy equation are solved simultaneously with the pressure equation
and a slip relation. Also two separate mass balance equations are solved with updated velocities. In the
simulations any changes of LRRS or fill pump flow rates occur suddenly. The level controller is set to constant
level and any flow of gas into the well is immediately compensated by the LRRS subsea pump pumping out the
same amount until inflow is detected and a control procedure has been initiated.
We have simulated dry gas and a compressible water based mud of density 15.4 ppg at surface conditions. The
mud level in the riser is initially 1805 ft below the rig floor. The well consists of a 21” marine riser combined with
BOP and a 9 7/8” casing. The casing shoe is located at 17168 ft TVD with 8 ½“ open hole below. The well is
assumed vertical with a uniform 5” drill string. The flow rates from the rig pumps are 317 gal/min throughout the
The control system keeps the mud level
BHP Pore Fracture
in the riser constant until an influx or
loss has been detected. As soon as an 13 800
influx is detected, the return pump is set 13 700
to idle and the fill pump started,
13 600
resulting in a mud level increase in the
riser. This is a part of the LRRS well 13 500
Pressure (psi)

control procedures, and will be followed 13 400

by closing in the well at the subsea BOP 13 300
(not simulated here). 13 200

To illustrate kick detection we have 13 100

simulated a case with bottom hole 13 000

pressure below the pore pressure. 12 900
Figure 7 shows pressure vs time. The 12 800
green line represents the bottom hole 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pressure. When the influx was detected Time [min]
3 mins after it started, the subsea pump
was set to idle, causing the level and
the BHP to increase. Figure 7: Case 2b Pore pressure, fracture pressure, and
dynamic bottom hole pressure versus time
Figure 8 shows the influx flow rate, total
gas volume in the well and LRRS
subsea pump rate vs time. Since the Influx Influx volume LRRS pump
subsea return pump was set to keep the
200 400
riser mud level constant, pump speed
has increased by 12 % after 2 bbls of 180 360
Volume [gal] / Influx [gal/min]

influx. 160 320

Pump rate [gall/min]
140 280
When the pump is slowed to idle, we
120 240
see that in this case it will take less than
one minute to stop the influx (only by 100 200

increasing the level in the riser). The 80 160

total gas volume in the well increases 60 120
from zero to 67 gal during the four 40 80
minutes duration of the kick. This 20 40
equals a PI of 49 stb/d/psi based on 86 0 0
ft reservoir exposure. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

We observe from the simulations that Time [min]

the subsea return pump will give a good Figure 8: Case 2b Influx rate, total gas volume in well and
indication of a kick. Furthermore, when LRRS subsea pump rate
the kick is detected, the level can be
increased to prevent further influx. This is an important benefit compared to a conventional drilling system where
further inflow can only be safely hindered by closing in the well. For this specific case there is still a large pressure
adjustment available to the level in the marine riser to give a bottom hole pressure that is safely above the pore
10 IADC/SPE 143095

This paper shows how the Low Riser Return System allows the mud gradient to better fit into the operating
window in medium to deep water and therefore can significantly reduce the risk of an influx or a loss. This is the
case both during the drilling and the completion phases. The system can also greatly improve kick detection and
hence reducing kick size as well as improving quality of primary cementing.
As a result, this technology can greatly improve safety in drilling of deepwater exploration and production wells
and infill drilling in depleted fields, enabling safe access to more reserves and and ultimately increased recovery.
BOP Blow Out Preventer
CDPP Constant Drill Pipe Pressure
ECD Equivalent Mud Density
ORS Ocean Riser Systems AS
LRRS Low Riser Return System
MD Measured Depth
TVD True Vertical Depth
VSD Variable Speed Drive

[1] BP incident investigation team, Deepwater_Horizon_Accident_Investigation_Report.pdf, BP, 8. September
[2] Emilsen et al (Add Wellflow), Report-Dynamic Simulations Deepwater Horizon Incident BP, Appendix W of
Deepwater_Horizon_Accident_Investigation_Report.pdf, BP, 29. August 2010.
[3] Halliburton, HAL-Production.Casing.Design.Report.4.15.2010.moderate.pdf, BP, 15.April 2010.
[4] Børre Fossli, Ocean Riser Systems , Sigbjørn Sangesland, NTNU; Drilling and Well Control Procedures
using a partially evacuated Marine Drilling Riser; IADC Well Control Europe, Aberdeen April 13-14 2010.
[5] Børre Fossli et al, Well Control Procedures in Subsea Drilling Using a Partly Evacuated Marine Drilling
Riser, IADC Well Control Asia Pacific, Nov. 2009, Thailand

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