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Assessment 1 (Key Concepts) Educational Measurement

Measurement Assessment and Evaluation  Measurement involves the use of standardized instruments
Evaluation – Involves interpretation and analysis of data  Educational measurement is more difficult because it involves
gathered from measurement and assessment, ranking, measuring quantities and qualities that aare more abstract,
appraising, judging, interpreting and analyzing, unseen and cannot be touched.
Assessment - Ongoing process of gathering and organizing  (OBJECTIVE)Testing – one of the procedures that can be
evidence of what a student can do into interpretable form. used to measure knowledge of a subject matter
- Obtaining information relative to some known objective or  (SUBJECTIVE)Perception – through rating – another way
goal. of measuring
- All tests are assessment but not all assessment are test  Educational Measurement
- We assess to determine whether or not an objective or goal Indicators, Variables, Factors
has been obtained.  Indicator (I)– presence or absence of a measured characteristic
Measurement – quantifying an individual’s achievement,  I=1 if the characteristic is present
personality, attitudes, habits, skills.  I=0 if the characteristic is absent
 Variable (x)– Group of indicators
 X= class participation
 I1, I2, I3,....In denotes participation of student
Evaluation  N= total number of participation
Learning/ Assessment  X = (∑𝑛𝑥=1 𝐼𝑥 )/𝑁
Assessment  Factor – Group of variables
(Gathering and organizing information about traits) Evaluation
e.g:X1 = computational skills
Measurement (Interpreting X2 = reading skills
• SMART and judging
• General data about
X3 = Vocabulary
(Quantification of Traits)
(Declarative traits and X4 = Logic and reasoning
) • Test making
• Traditional (Pen and X5 = Manual dexterity
• Specific Paper)
What to evaluate? (educational context)
(Procedural • Alternative (Performance
) based, Portfolio,  Teaching (teachers)
 Learning (students)
 Curriculum/Program (subject)
Why assessment is given emphasis in the subject?
 Assessment is on going process of finding evidences of learning
 It gives a more deeper analysis of the students abilities, what he
can and cannot do.
Roles of Assessment  Concerned with the actual task performance rather
 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING – done during and before learning than the output or product of the activity.
 Placement – done prior to instruction  The learning objectives in process oriented
 Placement of student according to aptitude or performance based assessment are stated in directly
achievement observable behaviors (Learning Competencies)
 Aptitude – area of discipline a student would  Product oriented performance based asssessment
most likely excel  Performance based tasks require performance-based
 Achievement – Extent to which a student assessment in which the actual student performance
attained the goal or objective is being assessed through a PRODUCT, that
 Equivalency tests - PEPT demonstrates levels of task achievement.
 Formative – done during instruction
 Diagnostic – done during instruction
 ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING – done after instruction ACTIVITY
 Summative assessment – evaluates achievement at the  Discuss the difference between assessment and evaluation.
end of instruction  Create an instructional objective on a specific topic and discuss
 ASSESSMENT AS LEARNING – assessment as a subject. on how you are going to assess student learning before, during
Assessment Targets and after instruction. Discuss further, the learning
Target Description
target/targets that you are going to assess. There is no limit as
to how many targets you are going to assess as long as you can
Skills Ability to demonstrate achievement provide assessment tools to assess such targets. Follow the
related skills following format:
Knowledge Mastery of substatiative subject matter 1. Topic
2. Specific Objective
Reasoning Ability to use knowledge to reasoning and Kind of learning Target
solve problems
Affective Attainment of affective states such as
Level of Cognitive/Knowledge Target (If cognitive)
attitudes, interests and self efficacy 3. Assessment Before Learning
Products Ability to create achievement-related Sample Question/Test Item
products 4. Assessment During Learning
Sample Question/ Test Item
 Performance Based Assessment (SKILLS and PRODUCTS) 5. Assessment After Learning
Assesses the demonstration of their learning. An alternative Sample Question/Test Item
assessment that is designed to encompass a better overall
representation of student progress
 Process oriented performance based assessment

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