Workshop Humanities 010319

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8th to 10th of March, 2019

Human Language data has a lot of useful observable properties in terms of significant patterns and
variations. Whether in the domain of sociolinguistic variables; psycholinguistic influences upon
language acquisition, language use and comprehension; patterns of lingustic properties in the corpus;
speech recognition and so on, variation analysis remains a very significant statistical ability to test,
analyse and efficiently predict and model how any causal factor (either in the society or in human
nature) is capable of significantly influencing language usage and the patterns in the usage.

Data analysis softwares as well as programming languages now a days are making many such efforts
feasible and accessible to everyday researchers. But several GUI softwares are heavily priced and some
free liscenced tools have limited functionality. Programming languages however are mostly free to use
and can solve all kinds of problems either through inbuilt packages, or a code written from scratch. R
programming language is one of the most frequently used tools specialized for statistical data analysis
and a widely demanded skill set across recruiters in data science and machine learning.

Starting Date : 8th March (Friday)

Duration : 3 Days.
Venue : CIS IT Lab, UoHyd (South Campus)
Time : 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Course fee : Students Rs. 1500, Others Rs. 2000

This workshop aims to equip students & researchers of linguistics with strong basics in R programming
language and the some basic familiarity in statistics with creation and handling of arranged data, it's
statistical analysis, as well as a clear understanding of which kind of statistical analysis is suitably tailor
made for which type of properties in a linguistic data along with the specific inference goals.

Workshop Roadmap
Sections Content
Day 1 (08/03/2019): Calculation with R, Importing and Exporting Data, Operations on Data Frames.
Day 2 (09/03/2019): Graphical Data Exploration, Task automatization in R.
Day 3 (10/03/2019): Basics of statistical methods, statistical Analysis, modelling and interpretation.

Distribution of handout materials and software installation guidelines and other relevant
facilities will be available on 8th of March at registration desk before the session begins. Each
day will have two sessions with lunch & refreshment in between. First half will have theoritical
as well as coding sessions and second half will have dedicated hands on sessions. Certificates
will be provided to all registered participants with full attendance only.

Coordinator: Prof. K. Rajyarama; Primary Resource Person: Dr. Abhijit Debnath.

Register at:


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