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Needs improvement Fair Good Excellent

2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts

Dribbling Needs improvement Fair Good Excellent

Student cannot dribble the basketball Student can dribble the basketball while Student can dribble the basketball with Student can dribble the basketball with
with control while moving moving good control and proper positioning excellent control, proper positioning,
-Dribbles with palm of hand -Does not have good control -Student dribbles with head up and both hands
-Rigid stance, knees not bent. -Cannot dribble with head up -Student dribbles with finger pads, - student dribbles with head up, finger
-Sometimes dribbles with finger pads knees bent pads, knees bent
-Able to pivot while dribbling

Shooting Needs improvement Fair Good Excellent

-Student cannot shoot the ball Student can sometimes shoot the ball Student shoots the ball correctly. Student shoots the ball demonstrating
successfully. successfully. -Student follows through. the "BEEEF" technique
-Student does not follow through. -Student sometimes follows through. -Student is usually successful in -Bend/Balance, Elbow, Eyes, Extend,
-Student uses two hands to shoot -Student uses two hands instead of one shooting. Follow-through
to shoot. - student demonstrates excellent

Passing Needs improvement Fair Good Excellent

-Student cannot pass the ball -Student can sometimes pass the ball Student passes the ball correctly <BR> Student passes the ball with precision
successfully<BR> successfully<BR> -Student follows through on pass<BR> and accuracy<BR>
-student does not follow through on -Student sometimes follows through the -Student usually completes the pass to Student passes so that their teammate
pass<BR> pass<BR> a teammate<BR> can receive it with ease
-student cannot get the pass to -Student sometimes make sure the pass Student usually makes sure their
teammates<BR> recipient is ready for the ball teammate is ready for the pass
-student does not make sure the pass
recipient is ready for the ball

Sportsmanship Needs improvement Fair Good Excellent

Agues with other teams, not interested Discourages others from trying to play, Helps others on the team, does not Clearly takes on a leadership role for
in team play negative attitude about game interact with the other team in a the team. Knows the rules and follows
negative manner them even when if it means going
against own team

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