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1) Why did you choose to be a teacher?

2) How are you going to help the below average students?
3) Which teaching strategy for you is the best?
4. how to become an effective teacher?
Answer: one should kn0w her role and be determined to overcome challenges
in passionate n evrything she teach and b able to conquer negativities n
her students behaviour.she w0rk hard n0t just f0r da benifits of her own but f0r da
welfare of her students..
5. • What is your educational background? (Or I see you went to [insert school name
here]. What was the most rewarding part of attending that university?)
• What are you currently reading for enjoyment?
• What do you want to be doing in five years?
• List five adjectives that describe yourself.
• What is one of your weaknesses, and how are you working to improve it?
• What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?
• To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
• What activities might you coach or advise as a member of the teaching staff?
• When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
• Why do you want to teach at the ____ level?
• What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
• What is your favorite subject to teach? Why?
• What is your least favorite subject, and how do you overcome your indifference
toward it to teach it well?
• What do you like most about teaching as a career?
• What is your least favorite aspect of teaching?
• What is your philosophy of education?
• What role do standards play in your classroom?
• Describe your teaching style.
• How do you organize your classroom?
• How do you structure your time to manage all of the duties associated with
• What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
• What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today?
• What is the most difficult aspect of teaching today?
• What are the qualities of an excellent teacher?
• Describe the "worst" lesson you have taught. What did you learn from it?
• What is your approach to classroom management?
• What role have parents played in your classroom?
• How do you motivate your students to become active learners in your classroom?
(Or: How do you encourage class participation?)
• Tell us about a troubling student you have taught and how you helped him or her.
• Describe your best professional development experience.
• Describe your ideal lesson.
• Describe your planning process for a major project or unit.
• Explain your experience with [insert teaching strategy here].
• What plans do you have for the integration of technology in your own classroom?
• What experience have you had with team-teaching? What is your opinion of it?
• How have and will you address your students' different learning styles?
• How do the assignments you give offer students the opportunity to express their
creativity and individuality?
• How do you modify your teaching to reach students who are struggling to perform
at grade level?
• How do you provide support for students with exceptional ability?
• What would you tell your incoming class in a "back-to-school" letter at the start of a
new school year?
• How would you deal with a student who regularly missed school or your class?
• If most of the students in your class failed an assignment, test, or project, how
would you respond?
• What would your students say they had learned after spending a year in your
class? (Or: What do you want students to remember about your class?)
• How would you establish and maintain good communication with the parents of
your students?
• What steps would you follow to deal with a student who displays consistent
behavioral problems in your classroom?
• Under what circumstances would you refer a child to the administrator's office?
• What could a visitor to your class expect to see?
• What do you hope to learn from your mentor?
• How would you take advantage of resources within the community to enhance your
• Why should you be hired for this position?
1. Describe the concept of k-12. Do you think, deped is prepared enough in the
implementation of k12?
2. How do you handle a case of a child who is socially isolated?
3. how did you handle your past students?
4. What are the strategies in learning process.
5. How do you maximize students participation?
You are free to share your ideas..

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