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The figure in the margin indicate full marks

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
[Answer Question no.1 and any five questions taking at least one from each group]

1. Answer any ten questions: 10 x2=20

a) What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?
b) Distinguish between software interrupt and non-maskable interrupt.
c) Why data bus is Bidirectional?
d) Mention the differences between JZ and JNZ.
e) What do you mean by Virtual memory?
f) State the function of stack pointer.
g) What do you mean by polling?
h) Draw the RZ signal graph for 1010110.
i) Full form of HTTP, FTP
j) Draw a block diagram of hybrid LAN.
k) What is micro Instruction?
l) What are the differences between TDM and FDM?
m) What is the difference between guided and unguided media?
n) What do you mean by T-State?
o) What do you mean by zero address instruction?

Group – A
2. a)Briefly describe how a DMA data transfer is performed in a computer system with
suitable block diagram.
b) Explain parallelism in micro-instruction and state its advantages
c) What is flag register of microprocessor?
d) Write down the functionalities of ALE. 6+3+4+3

3. a) Draw the Timing Diagram of STA.

b) Briefly describe the addressing modes.
c) Explain the function of instructions: i) XCHG ii) DAD iii) SPHL 5+5+(2+2+2)

4. a) Show the timing diagram of opcode fetch Operation. 4

b) State how the bus AD7-AD0 is demultiplexed in 8085 6
c) What do you mean by cache memory? What is the function accumulator. 3+3

5. a) Write an assembly language program in 8085 to find the second maximum among
the ten numbers stored in memory location.
d) How many T – State are required to execute the following 8085 instructions?
i) LXI ii) ADD iii) MOV
c) What do you mean by interrupt? 8+6+2

6. a) What is program counter? What is the use of INTA and INTR? 2+(2+2)
b) Distinguish between RAM and ROM. 3
c) What is TRAP? What is memory mapped I/O & I/O mapped I/O. 2+3
d) What is the use of HOLD? 2

Group – B
7. Draw the Manchester and Differential Manchester encoding signal graph for the bit
stream 1010100110. Draw the NRZ-L and NRZ-I encoding signal graph for the bit
stream 0101011001. What are the transmission modes w.r.t. the direction of flow?
Explain with the diagram. [(3 x 2) + (3 x 2) + 4 = 16]

8. How can we categorize the computer network? Describe each category with block
diagram representation. What do you mean by VLAN? Write down the features of
Ethernet technology. [9 + 4 + 3 = 16]

9. a) Describe briefly 7 layers of OSI model. Draw the OSI model block diagram. (5)
b) Describe Optical fibre technology with suitable diagram. (3)
c) Differentiate between bit rate and baud rate. (2)
d) Explain the token ring technology with the appropriate diagram. (3)
e) How many types of noises are there? (3)

Group – C
10. a) Explain Client – Server Model.
b) Describe the purpose of DNS protocol in the internet.
c) Discuss the idea of web-based e-mail. 5+5+6

11. Write short notes on (any four): 4x4

a) Web Server
b) Dynamic host control protocol
c) Video conferencing
d) Web Browser
e) OSI Model
f) WAN

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