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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
District of Tuy
Luna St. Tuy, Batangas

Name: Jerico Santiago

Strand/Level/Section: HUMSS 11-Confucius

“How should I conduct myself inside the company during the immersion period?”

It is the nature of humans to judge someone for the fact for the fact that being judgemental is one of the
defensive mechanisms a person can use. To whatever degree or extent, one will not be judged if he/she faces
everybody respectably, most especially with the physical and social aspect. Hence, keeping oneself
presentable is the key to avoid this mishap and this mind-set is a powerful weapon which can be utilized in
professional occupation or career in practice jobs or immersion.
Immersion plays crucial role in the lives of Senior High School students, whether they picked the
Academic Track, Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood Track, or Arts and Design Track since it attests the
initial potential of a learner in relation to his/her chosen course as it serves as a practice for a specific job.
Likewise, attendance in immersion sessions are an essential components because the additional skills will be
attained in order to boast opportune time of students in terms of their employment after graduation.
Consequently, although it is just a prerequisite for a student to be able to graduate, seriousness is a
must. Everything should be settled, mentally or intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Truly,
talking about the physical side, neatness should be achieved for how a person views another person affect the
career itself. In the same manner, the attitude expressed towards the co-workers and the management of the
company or institution where a person was hired should be observed.
Furthermore, to keep oneself not just healthy but also respectable, proper haircut must be seen in the
students undergoing immersion. Absolutely, a person with proper haircut freshens himself as it avoids the heat
felt by them. In addition, proper uniform indicates the personality of someone as well as the reputation of the
company where he/she works. Thus, it must also be included in the qualifications to enter a job.
Parallel to this, good communication skills both to the student and the superiors, should be obtained
since there is no place for those people who tends to be shy in the real world. Really, a person must show that
he/she deserved to be heard by everyone.
Demonstrated above were just some of those things that should be remembered when attending
immersion sessions. All in all, if those traits and reminders are executed, good performance will be
accomplished while the lips are curving and eyes shout superb fulfilment.
Additionally, humility should be addressed for nothing gets opportunity without it, as well as the
presence of enjoyment, willingness, and dedication. Above all, we need to ask for the help of God as we will
need His guidance as we make decisions and take actions.

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