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Studying history is important in every human life, because of this we get an idea on how our world has been

shaped by event in the past. We also learned a lot of mistakes and lessons by understanding the deepest
meaning of it.

Studying History we can see and imagine the life of our forefathers
before like how they live without any technology.

the past by looking at thing from the past

Studying History also knowing people what happened in
Studying History will teach us lesson to give everything importance
in a way we seek for it.

Studying History is a good way by preserving one heritage.

Studying History help me to know more something about the pass and also it makes me realize
that every individuals pass has a good preservation for the future hopeful of this country .

Studying History is like a rose. Why? Because you cannot pick one of its petals just to smell it, but
instead you just need to look it, you need to care for it just to stay much unique and valuable.

Studying History is important now a days because it will help our youth to
investigate more something that related in our daily life.
Studying History is not easy, because reading for it is not enough for
you to understand it, but you need to analyze every description and information that
was stated in that story.

Studying History can help our community specially our country to be much
progressive by relating in the pass life.

Studying History shows us everything that happen in our pas,

even that is good or bad it always give people source of
information to live much easy.
Relevance of History

 History help us understand people and society

 History help us understand people and society
 History contributes to moral
 History contributes to moral
 History provides identity
 History provides identity
 Studying history is essential
 Studying history is essential
for good citizenship
for good citizenship
Nature of History

 History is the study of present in the light of the

 History is the study of present in the light of the pass
pass  History is the study of man
 History is the study of man  History is concerned with man in time
 History is concerned with man in time  History is concerned with man in space
 History is concerned with man in space  History provides an objective record
 History provides an objective record of happening
of happening  History is multisided
 History is moltisided  History is dialogue between the events of the
 History is dialogue between the events of the past and progressively emerging future ends
past and progressively emerging future ends  History is not only narration but it also
 History is not only narration but it also analysis
History is the study of life in society, in
 the past in all
Continuity and aspect, in are necessary
 Continuity and coherence are necessary
relation to present developments and future hopes.
 History is It is the story of
 History is relevant  History is necessary
 History is necessary
man time, an inquiry into the pass based on evidence.

History is the analysis and interpretation of human past enabling us to study continuity and changes that
are taking place overtime. It is an act of investigation and imagination that seeks to explain how people
have change overtime.
Their are two eyewitness, survivor during the battle arguing about the real death of
are most famous and young General of the Philippines Gregorio H. del Pilar.
Telesforo, Agoncillo ( Survivor of The Battle Of Tirad Pass) Teodoro Agoncillo Account

John McCutcheon Richard, Henry Little

Richard, Henry Little

Vicente Enrique ( Survivor of The Battle Of Tirad Pass)

Battle of Tirad Pass in one of the unfolding controversy
in the Philippine History. Did he died on the top of the mountain or he
Tirad Pass, also called as Pasong Tirad, is one of the was at the hilltop when he was shot?
most famous historic destination in the Philippines. It Did it happen while he was rallying his troops
is well known to be the place where Philippine to fight the enemies? Did the bullet of the riffle
General del Pilar frought his last. This unfolding penetrated to his heart or to his neck? Was the
controversy discussed about the real death of del Pilar last man standing defending the pass? Was he
occured during the Philippine-American War in the riding a white horse? Was he 23 or 24 years of
age when he was killed in the historic battle?
year 1899. There were many different version of the young
generals death, conflicting as they are, but his
love of country can never be doubted.
“ It is reported that while Del Pilar was fighting the troops of
General March, and was surrounded by the dead and the wounded
who fell by the side, he valiantly inspired his troops by his
example.He was standing on the trenches, inspiring his men when
bullet plowed through his heart and he fell among his comrades.

Article from the Manila Freedom

John McCutcheon

“ Del Pilar was the last to fall. He had been shot in the
shoulders, he received a shot from a Krag-Jergensen at the
nape of his neck and the bullet pass through his mount.”

The general still encouraging his men while watching the Americans coming within the
range. The one word of young Generals said “ We are fighting for our motherland”.
Philippines National Agency

Teodoro Agoncillo Account

“ In the morning of December 2, 1899, Major and his well-armed men proceeding
against Del Pilar.The Filipino troops still guarding the narrow pass
hit the Americans. Unfortunately, Igorot guided the Americans tp the secret trails.
The Americans slowly and quietly went up and surprised Del Pilar and
his men. Del Pilar was killed by a bullet that passed through his neck that cause of
his death.

Telesforo Carrasco ( Survivor of the Battle of Tirad Pass)

The First man circumnavigate the Globe

The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan is often credited as being

the first person to have circumnavigated the globe, but the reality of his journey
is a bit more complicated.
Magellan’s death meant that he personally failed to circle the world,

Though Magellan didn’t complete the journey and isn’t rightfully called
“the first person to circumnavigate the globe,” he was the first person
to plan a successful expedition. Before his death, he also contributed to
the “Age of Discovery” by finding a way to the Pacific Ocean from the
 It was Magellan who named the Pacific Ocean. After experiencing some tumultuous weather on the
Atlantic side of South America, sailing through the Strait of Magellan and into the Pacific Ocean was a
sailor’s dream. He called it “Mar Pacifico”, or “peaceful sea,” and believed it would only be a short time
before they arrived at the Spice Islands.
 Elcano was recognized by King Charles I as being the first man to circumnavigate the world.
Although, as noted, Enrique may have beat him to the punch, and there were 17 other crew members
who also completed the journey, including the Italian scholar Antonio Pigafetta, who technically by
longitude at least would have finished the circumnavigation before they reached Spain. Further, as the
Philippines had already been explored before they left on this particular expedition, it’s possible some
of the remaining crew at one point or another had been there, meaning they technically would have
made it around the globe before getting back to Spain as well. Although, in these latter cases, we’d
have to include their travels before this expedition if that is the case.
 Elcano was given an annual pension and a coat of arms that featured a globe and read, in Latin, “you
went around me first” (Primus circumdedisti me). Fifty years later, on the anniversary of the
expedition, his male heirs were awarded the hereditary title Marques de Buglas. Elcano himself died of
malnutrition in the Pacific Ocean on the Loaisa expedition in a second attempt to reach the Spice
 Initially, the Magellan expedition was planned to find an alternate route to the Spice Islands. Heading
east instead of west would have saved them a lot of time, but the Pope had negotiated a treaty
between Spain and Portugal that gave Portugal access to the eastern waters and Spain the western
waters. Therefore, the expedition had to find a way to the Pacific Ocean. Because of the rivalry
between Spain and Portugal, Magellan—a Portugese man—was considered a traitor to his country
because he was working for Spain.
 As noted, in his will, Magellan stipulated that Enrique should be set free upon his death. Specifically,
it stated: ” And by this my present will and testament, I declare and ordain as free and quit of every
obligation of captivity, subjection, and slavery, my captured slave Enrique, mulatto, native of the city of
Malacca, of the age of twenty-six years more or less, that from the day of my death thenceforward for
ever the said Enrique may be free and manumitted, and quit, exempt, and relieved of every obligation
of slavery and subjection, that he may act as he desires and thinks fit; and I desire that of my estate
there may be given to the said Enrique the sum of ten thousand maravedis in money for his support;
and this manumission I grant because he is a Christian, and that he may pray to God for my soul. “
 It would be another 58 years before a second circumnavigation of the globe was completed by
Englishman Sir Francis Drake. Like Magellan’s expedition, only one ship survived the ordeal.
 Elcano was not the crew’s first choice to lead the expedition after Magellan’s death. However, their
first choices—Duarte Barbosa and Jao Serrao—died within four days of being voted into a position of
leadership. Joao Lopez Carvalho later took over, but the men were unimpressed with his weak
leadership. When his ship the Trinidad sprung a leak just before they left the Spice Islands, Carvalho
stayed with the ship with the mindset to return later, and it was Elcano who was able to command
the Victoria safely home.
Expand for References
\The event that marked the birth of Christianity in the Philippines 485 years ago is still under dispute,
with this city renewing its claim that the historic first Mass celebrated by Spanish colonizers was held here
and not in Limasawa, Leyte.

v 488 years ago Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan "rediscovered" archipelago in March 1521 and made
history. Little did he know that more than 400 years later, two places will contest the site of the recorded First
Mass in the Philippines, whether it was held in Limasawa Island in southern Leyte or in Mazzua or Masao in
Butuan. The controversy makes a mockery of the Philippine history when Limasawa and Masao both
commemorated the anniversary of the recorded First Mass in respective places.
The issue sparks when Dr. Gregorio Zaide and his daughter, Sonia, in several editions during the 1980s of their
widely-disseminated history textbook, insisted that the recorded First Mass was held in Masao, Butuan and in
the process, dismissed the Limasawa claim as erroneous.
In this world were so many people live in different places , we cannot hide the reality of everything. Those facts in
our pass
This world is like a diary, theres a lot of pass experience, full of everything happened in so many
The world is
In all human life, human pass, human experience, there's a lot of an arguments just to prove everything, they
seek for any supported evidence for them to get what they really want, to claim, to change the real story behind
of that event. But because of people claiming, some of it has a possible to turn in a bad treatment for every
individuals specially in our History. There's a time that the reality change through the work of people, they use
their different analization for them to distincquist the reality.

Sometime the reality

The unfolding controversies need to have a real answer by the support or providing them a fact evidence of

The arguments for Masawa in Butuan and not Limasawa in Samar-Leyte as the site of the first Mass celebrated in
our country are strong. There are incontrovertible eyewitness accounts of the people of that time:

Antonio Pigafetta, the official chronicler of Magellan’s voyage.

Another argument forwarded is that at that time Masawa in Butuan had some primacy over Limasawa since Masawa
had a safe and rich harbor while Limasawa did not have one at that time.

But as time and events passed, the name Masawa became equated with Limasawa.

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