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Designs Law

and Practice
Design within Australia and how Australia
compares to its international peers

IP Australia Economic Research Paper 08

A joint research project of IP Australia and the

Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (IPRIA)
at The University of Melbourne

Michael R. Falk
Haiyang Zhang
Paul Drake
Kwanghui Lim
Brett Massey
Benjamin Mitra-Kahn
Megan Richardson
Designs Law and Practice 2019


Executive summary........................................................................................................3

Introduction .....................................................................................................................5

The designs system...................................................................................................... 7


Comparisons at the country level.............................................................................11

Comparisons of industries within Australia.......................................................... 13

Comparisons of industries across countries....................................................... 15

Factors that may affect registrations...................................................................... 21

Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 21

Appendix: Datasets and data-related issues..................................................... 24

References.................................................................................................................... 26

List of project contributors....................................................................................... 28

Designs Law and Practice 2019

Design is a central component of Australia’s To place these findings in context, we compare
innovation system. The designs legal system the design intensity of industries across national
represents a potentially powerful instrument by contexts. We find that those product classes in
which to nurture design investment. Yet, to date, little which Australians focus are ordinarily the domain
empirical evidence has linked design registrations to of resident filers. A potential implication is that
design inputs or investments. Australian residents tend to register designs in
industries for which proximity to the market confers
This study brings together two approaches for
competitive advantages.
comparing the design intensity of countries and
industries. We assess how Australia compares to a A central finding of this study is that the design
sample of its trading partners, and how Australian IP intensity of a country increases with its design
industries compare to one another, on two attributes. labour intensity. The structure of a country’s design
Design IP intensity is assessed by measuring the workforce appears to matter also: our analysis
intensity with which a country or industry makes use indicates that a country’s design IP intensity is
of the registered designs system. Design labour positively associated with the degree to which its
intensity is assessed by measuring the extent to design labour is concentrated across industries.
which a country or industry employs people in
This study aims to contribute insights into IP
design-related occupations.
Australia’s ongoing policy analysis and review of
Our findings reveal that Australia’s design labour the designs system. In identifying countries worth
force is small, after controlling for the size of our emulating among our peers, our analysis indicates
industrial sector, and compared to design labour that Australia should look to design leaders, but also
forces of other countries. That said, Australia’s to countries like Denmark and Sweden which have
design economy is productive: Australia is close to smaller but strengthening design economies.
the expected level of design IP intensity given its
This study holds insights of relevance for
design labour intensity. However, based on 2011–16
policymakers and the community. Design is often
data, Australia lags its competitors both in the rate at
essential to building market acceptance for new
which our design labour force is growing and in its
technologies, products and services; as such, it is a
rate of growth in design IP generation.
major source of the value generated by knowledge-
To better understand Australia’s position, we based economies. As knowledge and services are
examine design registration patterns within Australia. increasingly important for economic growth, the
We identify those sectors in which there is the interplay of designs law and practice represents a
greatest difference between residents and non- lever for building prosperity.
residents in their shares of a sector’s total design
filings. Across many of those sectors, non-residents
register, certify and renew more designs than
Australian residents.

Designs Law and Practice 2019

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Designs Law and Practice 2019


Design capability is increasingly recognised as a The report is divided into seven sections inclusive of
source of competitive advantage among countries, this introduction.
and as central to how firms in a diverse range of
• Section 2 provides an overview of the
industries strive to outperform their rivals (Gruber
designs legal system in Australia and the
et al., 2015). Australia’s design workforce is small,
international context
compared to those of our competitor countries,
though productive (Figure 1). However, Australia • Section 3 briefly sets out the study’s methodology
lags its global peers in the rate at which its design • Section 4 explores how Australia compares to
workforce is growing, and in its rate of growth in its international peers for design labour intensity
design intellectual property (IP) generation. and the intensity with which Australians use
design IP
Recognising the importance of design for Australia’s
future, IP Australia initiated a collaboration with the • Section 5 explores how industries within
Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia Australia vary in design labour intensity and
(IPRIA) at The University of Melbourne to produce a design IP intensity
comparative study of designs law and practice. This • Section 6 presents analysis of the design
study explores both design across industries within intensity of industries across national contexts
Australia, and how Australia compares for design • Section 7 discusses potential factors that
with its international peers, including several major may affect registrations patterns and offers
trading partners. concluding remarks.
Recent studies have assessed the suitability of A central finding of this study is that the intensity with
registered design rights as a source of potential which a country makes use of the designs system
information about design innovation (Filitz, Henkel increases with the design labour intensity of its
& Tether, 2015; Tucci & Peters, 2015). Yet, there is a workforce. Our findings also suggest that a country’s
lack of research connecting design registrations with design IP intensity is positively associated with the
design inputs or investments (de Rassenfosse, 2017). degree to which design labour is concentrated
across its industries. The question this raises is
Our study brings together two well-established
how extensively the designs system encourages
approaches for measuring design activity:
investment across the design community at large.
Design IP intensity is a measure of the number of
To gain greater understanding of Australia’s position,
designs registered in a country or industry.
we explored the industries and products in which
Design labour intensity is a measure of the number design filers focus (by “design filers” we refer to
of persons employed in design related occupations, applicants of registered designs). Within Australia,
either at the country or industry level. residents and non-residents focus in contrasting
sectors when registering designs. Australians typically
Both these intensity measures are normalised to
focus in furniture, building materials and clothing
account for country or industry level differences.
manufacturing. By contrast, non-resident applicants
This study is the first to our knowledge that brings maintain a focus in industries such as computer and
together these methods to explore, simultaneously, telecommunications equipment manufacturing.
the relative size of design labour forces, and their
productivity in design IP generation.

Designs Law and Practice 2019

We identify those product classes in which there is Taking a narrow view of design, we identify from
the greatest imbalance between residents and non- among our global peers several countries that are
residents in terms of their shares of a class’s total worthy of emulation as design leaders. We identify,
design filings. Of those product classes in which the as well, several followers with strengthening design
focus of Australian and non-resident filers is most economies. Denmark and Sweden are examples
divergent, non-residents dominate within a large of countries that are low in design IP intensity and
share. We find this to be the case also for certifications low in design labour intensity also, but which are
and renewals of registered designs. A potential growing at a high rate on both measures.
implication is that non-residents focus more strongly
In the Australian context, we identify industries
on product classes with longer design lifecycles.
which appear to underutilise the designs system,
This research was conceived to generate inputs into given their design labour intensity. This lays ground
IP Australia’s Designs Review Program. As such, our for further research to address the strengths and
focus in studying design IP intensity is on registered weaknesses of Australia’s designs system.
design rights. Those design artefacts which are
protected by other forms of IP or which are not
protected at all fall outside the scope of this study.

Figure 1: Design intensity of Australia and its international peers, 2016

58.6 163.6
Design IP intensity
55.1 228.4
A measure of the design Switzerland
count in total registered 30.9 123.2
applications by a country’s Denmark
residents plus, for EU
29.7 153.0
countries, by its nationals United Kingdom
at the EUIPO, divided by
20.0 116.6
the Value Added (USD Sweden
billions) of a country’s
industrial sector. 12.3 125.6

Design labour intensity 7.7 100.0

New Zealand
A measure of the total
7.4 88.7
number of persons Australia
employed within a
country in design-related 5.2 128.9
occupations, divided
by the total employees 5.0 78.0
United States
(thousands) in a country’s
industrial sector. 1.7 132.9
Canada Design labour intensity

Design IP intensity

Sources: IP data: WIPO IP Statistics Databse (2018). Labour data: Various (see Table 3 in Appendix). Regional statistics:
World Bank Open Data (2018).

Designs Law and Practice 2019


In legal terms, designs are a form of legal intellectual Today, there are substantial differences across
property right which protects the visual features jurisdictions in how the interface between copyright
of a product. These visual features may include and designs laws is regulated (Derclaye, 2018).
a product’s shape, configuration, pattern and/ Countries differ in their positions regarding the grant
or ornamentation. For designs to be eligible for of copyright in registrable or industrially applied
protection as registered designs in Australia, they designs, and whether unregistered design rights
must be new and distinctive or original. Similar are available (in addition to or instead of registered
standards generally apply in other jurisdictions designs). Countries vary also in whether designs and/
which offer design registration. or copyright protections are extended to functional
artefacts. Within some jurisdictions, designs can
Global context
attract protection under unfair competition laws or
Over recent decades, various initiatives have led to as trade marks. These policy differences may affect
increased harmonisation of design laws in different the degree to which designers are oriented toward
jurisdictions. For example, industrial designs have the designs system or look to other systems for IP
been a focus of several international treaties for protection (or alternatively do without IP protection
the standardisation of intellectual property rights. for their designs).
In recent decades, European Union (EU) member
countries have taken steps to harmonise their
Australian context
designs law, in accordance with the EU’s Design The first Australian Commonwealth Designs Act was
Directive of 1998 and the Design Regulation of 2001. enacted in 1906. The current Designs Act 2003, in
In 2002, the EU introduced a pan-EU Registered operation since 17 June 2004, grants protection to
Community Design (RCD) as well as an unregistered visual features which, when applied to a product,
design right option. provide it a unique appearance.

Despite such initiatives, there remains significant Australia has no strict requirement of substantive
variation across national jurisdictions in respect of examination for a design to be registered; however, for
design legal standards (Table 1). These include terms a design owner to enforce their right in a registered
of protection, availability of protection for component design they must request that it be certified through a
parts, whether substantial examination is required, substantive examination procedure.
whether multiple designs can be registered with
Australia has tended to follow the United Kingdom
a single application, costs of registration, and the
(UK) in its designs law (Alexander, 2018). Australia
nature of remedies for infringement.
has differed from the UK though in allowing visual
Some countries provide a grace period, over features of designs that serve a functional purpose
which design owners can test their designs in the to be registered as designs.
marketplace without losing their ability to register
their designs. In addition, many IP offices publish
designs after a defined period, timed from either
filing or grant of registration. Some offices allow
design owners to request a deferral of publication
within a defined time.

Designs Law and Practice 2019

Table 1. Design protection legal standards: terms and scope of protection

ta Pu
ive M
ult Pa blic
Ex ip Gr rti a
am le ac al tion
d e pr
ina e p od def
tio sign erio uc err
n s d ts al

Country IPR name Term of protection

1. Australia Designs 5 years x2 terms (from filing) ☑ ☑

Industrial 5 years x2 terms (from grant);
2. Canada ☑ 12 mths
Design 15 years (from filing)
3. China 10 years ☑ 6 mths ☑
4. Denmark Designs 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ 12 mths 6 mths
European Union
5. RCD 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ 12 mths ☑ 30 mths
6. Finland Designs 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ ☑ 12 mths ☑ 6 mths
Designs &
7. France 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ 12 mths ☑ 36 mths
8. Germany Design 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ 12 mths ☑ 30 mths
Design &
9. Italy 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ 12 mths ☑ 30 mths
10. Japan Design 20 years (from filing) ☑ 6 mths ☑ 36 mths
11. South Korea Design 20 years (from filing) ☑ ☑ 12 mths ☑ 36 mths
12. New Zealand Designs 5 years x3 terms (from filing) ☑ 15 mths
13. Norway Designs 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ ☑ 12 mths ☑ 6 mths
13. Singapore Design 5 years x3 terms (from filing) ☑ ☑ 18 mths
14. Sweden Designs 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ 12 mths ☑ 6 mths
15. Switzerland Design 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ 12 mths ☑ 30 mths
16. United Kingdom Reg, design 5 years x5 terms (from filing) ☑ ☑ 12 mths ☑ 12 mths
17. United States 15 years (from grant) ☑ 12 mths ☑
Notes: (a) The National People’s Congress Standing Committee, China’s legislative body, has released draft laws including a term extension
to 15 years; (b) substantive examination may be available upon request in certain countries; (c) in Australia, a component part may be
registered if it is made part of a complex product and made separately; (d) the period granted for deferral of publication in Japan and Korea
is timed from registration, rather than from filing as in other countries. Sources: Authors’ compilation drawing on various sources (Arnold &
Siedsmav. 2018; Derclaye, 2018; Tucci & Peters, 2015).

North America Europe

Asia Pacific


Designs Law and Practice 2019


In this report, we bring together two sets of number of employees in the country’s industrial
measures used in prior research. Design IP intensity sector (thousands). At the industry level, in analysing
is measured as the number of designs registered both design IP intensity and design labour intensity
within a country or industry. Design labour intensity we control for the size of an industry, calculated as
is measured as the number of persons in a country its total number of employees.
or industry employed in design-related occupations.
Measuring product class focus
We focus our analysis on what are termed relative
design intensities, as discussed below. To look at the product class focus of design filers,
we examine the share of registered applications
This study is distinguished from prior research in
in Locarno classes. The Locarno scheme is a
several key respects. First, this is the first study to our
framework of product classes and subclasses used
knowledge that brings these two methods together.
by many IP offices to classify registered designs.
Second, our study spans two levels of analysis:
the level of countries, and the level of industries Data
which span national contexts. Third, the study is Design IP data
distinguished by the large variety of data sources on
which we rely (see Table 3 in Appendix A). For design IP data at the country level we rely
on data from the World Intellectual Property
Measures Organization (WIPO) and the design registries of
Measuring design intensity national IP offices.

In analysing design intensity at the country level, In analysing design in Australia, we use Intellectual
we bring our design data into context relative to the Property Government Open Data (IPGOD) 2018.
part of an economy likely to make use of designers’ This database contains data on 197 756 design
services in generating registered designs. To applications filed at IP Australia between 1972 and
this end, we see how countries compare after 2017. In using this dataset, we focus on applications
accounting for the size and sectoral composition of filed between 2005 and 2016 and which were
their economies. registered by 2017. This is to confine our analysis to
the period covered by the current Designs Act 2003.
To measure the design IP intensity of a country, we
calculate the number of its residents’ registered To assess registrations at the industry level, we
designs, divided by the Value Added (USD billions) employ methods to identify the focal industries of
of the country’s industrial sector. As defined by the filing firms. Applicants were matched by Australian
World Bank, the industrial sector encompasses Business Number (ABN) to entities in the Australian
manufacturing, mining, construction and utilities Business Registration dataset. This enabled us to
(electricity, water and gas). The sum of Value Added identify the industries of filing firms and gauge the
across industries is equal to an economy’s Gross total volume of registrations within an industry. In
Domestic Product (GDP). Weighting countries’ design those cases where a registered design was linked to
registration totals by their GDP could give a distorted several applicants with identifiable industries, these
view as it incorporates the Agricultural sector. This were assigned an equal share of the focal design.
sector, we would expect and find, does not make Design labour data
strong use of registered designs or design labour.
Design labour is measured using labour data from
To assess the design labour intensity of a country, population censuses and labour force surveys.
we calculate the number of people employed there This provides coverage of thirteen countries
in design-related occupations, divided by the total over the period from 2011 to end-2016. The data

Designs Law and Practice 2019

were sourced from national statistical agencies of Occupational and industry

countries in our sample. Census data from Australia schemes
and the UK were accessed through the Queensland
University of Technology’s Creative Industry Faculty We define occupations as in the latest version of the
Digital Media Research Centre. International Standard Classification of Occupations
(ISCO-08) at the four-digit level. Industries are defined
The first step in analysing design labour was to as in the International Standard Industry Classification
identify a list of design-related occupations (Table (ISIC Rev 4) at the (divisional) two-digit level.
2). We constructed the list by reviewing relevant
prior literature (e.g. Haskel et al., 2011; Vallance, In the part of this report focused on industries in the
2015). We consulted with stakeholders working in IP Australian context, industries are analysed using
and design. Design occupations were selected in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial
four categories. Except where otherwise indicated, Classification (ANZSIC) 2006, as it provides for
throughout this report we measure design labour as analysis at a higher level of detail.
employment in all design-related occupations. There is a challenge in producing internationally
comparable statistics of design employment:
countries use different classification schemes to
Design as a set of occupations define occupations and industries. We adapt and
utilise methods set out in prior research (Pratt,
In definitions of design used for legislative
Nathan & Rincon-Aznar, 2015; Nathan, Kemeny, Pratt
or regulatory purposes, an industrial design
& Spencer, 2016).
constitutes the aesthetic or visual aspect of
an article (WIPO, 2014). In economics and These methods involve cross-referencing
management research, ‘design’ refers also occupational and industry categories from across
to a set of practices by which artefacts are schemes to identify commonalities among them.
imbued with functional, symbolic and aesthetic Detail about the method, and a full list of occupational
information (Eisenman, 2013; Moultrie & Livesey, codes used in our analysis, are available by
2014). Relatedly, design is characterised as a contacting the Office of the Chief Economist.
set of occupations with their own training and
skills, career paths, and systems of recognition/
reward (Walsh, 1996). We follow a long tradition
of policy-oriented research which uses data
on employment in design occupations to map
the creative economy (e.g. Bakhshi, Freeman &
Higgs, 2013).

Table 2. Selected design-related occupations

Engineering, design
Core design Arts and Crafts Other

Building architecture Visual arts Product engineering Architectural drafting

Landscape architectre Sculpture Industrial engineering Civil engineering

Interior design Wood handicrafts Mechanical engineering Environmental

Industrial and Tailoring & dressmaking Materials engineering Geotechnical &
fashion design mining engineering
Graphic and Electronics engineering
multimedia design

Web design Electrical engineering

Designs Law and Practice 2019


Figure 2. Countries by design IP intensity (vertical axis) and design labour intensity (horizontal axis), 2011 and 2016

Notes: Design IP intensity equals
the count of designs in total
registered applications by a
country’s residents plus, for EU
countries, by its nationals at the
Design IP intensity

EUIPO, divided by the Value

DE Added (USD billions) of a country’s
50 CH
industrial sector. Design labour
intensity equals the total number
DK GB of persons employed in design-
DK related occupations divided by
SE JP GB the total employees (thousands)
AU AU in a country’s industrial sector.
NO Japanese data is from 2010 and
0 US US CA CA 2015 censuses. New Zealand data
is from its census of 2013.
Sources: IP data: WIPO IP Statistics
Databse (2018). Labour data:
50 100 150 200 250 Various (see Table 3 in Appendix).
Regional statistics: World Bank
Design labour intensity Open Data (2018).

Country in 2016 Country in 2011

Regression analysis suggests a positive relationship Figure 2 suggests that Australia is close to the
between design labour intensity and design IP expected level of design IP intensity given its level
intensity at the country level (Figure 2). Based on of design labour intensity. However, based on data
our data, countries can be broadly differentiated into from 2011 to 2016, Australia lags its international
two groups: peers for growth on both design attributes. Figure
2 illustrates this lag: from 2011 to end 2016, Australia
• Leaders are high in design IP intensity and high
and Japan (in purple) traversed less far than other
in design labour intensity.
countries along the horizontal axis (design labour
• Followers, in comparison, have small design intensity) and backward along the vertical axis
labour forces, relative to the size of their (design IP intensity).
industrial economies, and are low in design
IP intensity also. By way of comparison, Denmark and Sweden (in
yellow) experienced high growth on both design
Among Australia’s international peers, Switzerland
intensity measures, as to a lesser extent did the
(CH) is a leader, scoring higher than one standard
US. It is possible these countries can leverage their
deviation above the mean on both intensity measures.
gains to achieve a leader role.
Germany (DE) and the United Kingdom (GB) are
each above the sample mean on both measures. Switzerland is design labour-oriented in its growth.
It has experienced above-average growth in design
Australia, the US, and the Nordic countries—
labour intensity. At the same time, its cumulative
Denmark (DK), Sweden (SE) and Norway (NO)—are
annual growth rate in design IP intensity has
all classed as followers. However, within this group
decreased in recent years. The opposite is found
we observe fine-grained differentiation. Denmark
for the United Kingdom (GB), which has experienced
exceeds the expected level of design IP intensity,
high growth in design IP intensity, incommensurate
given the size of its design labour force. Norway
with its low growth in design labour intensity.
and Canada, by contrast, fall below the conditional
expectation for their design IP intensity.

Designs Law and Practice 2019

Figure 2. Countries by design IP intensity (vertical axis) and design labour intensity (horizontal axis), 2011 and 2016

Design IP intensity


United Kingdom
United States
2005 2010 2015 Source: WIPO IP Statistics
Datanase (2018); World Bank
Design labour intensity Open Data (2018).

In measuring design IP intensity at the country level, A recent upsurge in registrations at the UK’s national
we focus on a country’s residents’ filings at national IP office can be observed (Figure 3). This may be in
IP offices plus, for EU-countries, filings by nationals anticipation of the UK’s exit from the EU, following
at the EUIPO. We do this in light of recent evidence the referendum of 23 June 2016: UK design owners
showing that the introduction of the EU’s Registered may be seeking insurance against loss of protection
Community Design (RCD) system corresponded with under the RCD system. Figure 3 can be interpreted
decreases in filings at several European national as evidence that UK design owners, in significant
offices (e.g. Tucci & Peters, 2015; UKIPO, 2018). proportion, are using the UK and EU design
systems in tandem, rather than substituting national
registrations for RCD rights.

Cumulative annual growth rates in design IP intensity, 2011 to 2016

+6.5 % +4.5 %

United Kingdom Sweden

The UK’s design IP intensity has grown at a Sweden has experienced high levels of growth
strong cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR ) of in both design labour intensity and design IP
6.5 per cent. This was incommensurate with its intensity. Here, we define high growth as at a
low 0.2 per cent CAGR in design labour intensity. rate more than one standard deviation above the
mean mean).

–2.5 % –3.4 %

Australia Switzerland
Australia has lagged its peers for growth in Although a leader in static comparisons,
design economy. Australia’s design labour Switzerland’s growth in design IP intensity has
intensity increased at a below-average CAGR decreased in recent years. At the same time, its
of 0.6 per cent. Australia’s design IP intensity design labour force has increased in relative size.
actually decreased, with a CAGR of -2.5 per cent.

Designs Law and Practice 2019


To gain a better understanding of Australia’s system. This is despite dual protection under
position, we analysed the design intensity of copyright and designs law being available in
industries within Australia. Between 2005 and 2016, Australia for the visual features of two-dimensional
105 of 506 industries met our criteria as design IP products. Further research is needed to determine
intensive. Among that group, 43 industries were whether creative arts professionals are producing
“high” in design IP intensity. designs registered by other agents. Alternatively,
they may be oriented more toward the copyright
In some respects, the sectors in which Australians
system than registered designs.
focus are many and diverse. Based on 2005-16
filing data, the most design IP intensive industry in
Australia was the manufacture of polymers, with Design IP intensity at the industry level
application in products ranging from packaging
Design IP intensive industries are those which, in
to solar panels and mobile phones. In terms of
their design IP intensity, are above the average,
the absolute volume of designs registered at IP
for all industries that register designs (EPO/
Australia, clothing manufacturing ranked the highest
EUIPO, 2016; USPTO, 2012). We follow the UKIPO
among industries. Further, while the greatest
(forthcoming) in defining industries as “high” in
proportion of registrations were in manufacturing (67
design IP intensity if they are above the average
per cent), notable shares were also in wholesale and
for design IP intensity among design IP intensive
retail trade (9 per cent and 2 per cent, respectively).
industries. In constructing this measure, we
Generally, however, Australians tend to register calculated the number of registered designs
designs in a restricted set of product classes. These in an industry per thousand employees in an
can be characterised in various ways based on our industry. We used employment estimates from
analysis: as industries for which proximity to the market the Australian Census of Population and Housing,
confers advantages on local firms; or as industries with 2006, 2011 and 2016 (taking the industry’s
short design lifecycles, as discussed below. average value over this period).
The limited relevance of the designs system was
brought into focus by comparing design IP intensive Total registrations in three high performing
industries against those high in design labour industries for registered designs, 2011–2016
intensity. After controlling for industry size, we found
that large design labour forces are in clothing, and In Australia, 2,883 designs
jewellery manufacture and repair. Also design IP were registered by the Clothing
intensive, based on 2016 Census data, was the Retailing industry between
manufacture of furniture and wooden structural 2005 and 2017
fittings. These findings are commensurate with the
high design IP intensity of industries devoted to the
manufacture of clothing, furnishings and building-
1,662 designs were registered
within the Fabricated Metal Product
related materials.
Manufacturing n.e.c. industry
The seventh ranked industry in Australia for design
labour intensity was motion picture and video
production. Further, large numbers of designers (4 1,331 designs were registered by
020) are employed in the creative arts, representing firms operating in Rigid and Semi-Rigid
20 per cent of that sector’s workforce. We see little Polymer Product Manufacturing
indication that these designers use the designs

Designs Law and Practice 2019

Product class specialisation by Certifications and renewals

resident and non-resident Within Australia, for a design owner to enforce
design filers their right in a registered design they must request
In Australia, slightly more than half of all registered that it be certified through a formal examination
designs applied for between 2005-16 were filed by process. Between 2005 and 2016, a total of 11 281
non-resident applicants. In registering designs, our designs were certified with IP Australia, accounting
analysis suggests, residents and non-residents tend for 15.9 per cent of all registrations. Of these, 3 931
to diverge in product class focus. (or 34.8 per cent) were filed by Australian residents,
representing 11.3 per cent of all resident filings. Non-
In terms of their overall number of filings in different
resident applicants certified designs at a volume
Locarno product classes, Australians focus
and percentage nearly double that of Australian
heavily in clothing, building units and construction
elements, furnishing, and tools/hardware. Non-
resident applicants, in contrast, focus strongly in There are several possible explanations for these
telecommunication and computing equipment differences. Non-residents may have developed IP
manufacturing, packaging, medical and laboratory practices that reflect norms in their home countries,
equipment, and machines not elsewhere classified. where legal action against infringement may be
relatively more common. This represents, we
Figure 4 illustrates the differences in product class
believe, a promising area for future research.
focus among resident and non-resident filers. It
identifies those classes in which there is the greatest Alternatively, it may be the case that non-residents
imbalance between residents and non-residents in focus in product classes for which enforcement
terms of their shares of a class’s total design filings of protection is relatively more important. We find
(“top contrasting” classes). Of those product classes that, in terms of their certification and renewal rates,
in which the focus of Australian and non-resident non-residents dominate in a larger share of the top
filers is most divergent, non-residents dominate contrasting product classes. A possible implication is
within a large share. We find this to be the case also that non-residents, compared to Australians, tend to
for certifications and renewals, as discussed below. focus in classes with longer design lifecycles.

Figure 4. Locarno classes of strongest contrasting focus for residents and non-residents (percentages), 2005–2016


90 16 20
Registered designs share (per cent)

70 62
60 77

40 84

20 38
10 23
14. Recording, 9. Packages 24. Medical & 15. Other 8. Tools & 6. Furnishing 25. Building 2. Clothing
telecom or and containers laboratory Machines Hardware
data equipment
Non-resident Australian

Source: IP Government Open Data (IPGOD), 2018

Designs Law and Practice 2019


Product class focus

To place our findings on Australia in context, we Similarly, across Canada and the US, the
examined design filing patterns across countries. telecommunication and computing equipment
Figure 5 uses a heat map to illustrate the Locarno product class (14) has provided a focus for both
classes of focus for resident and non-resident resident and non-resident filers. In the US, this class
design filers across national contexts. accounted for 16 per cent of resident design patents
and 24 per cent of non-resident design patents in
In the left panel of Figure 5, indicate a product 2016.
class’s share of the total registrations by residents at
selected national IP offices. In the right panel, rows The US is a major supplier of telecom equipment
of cells indicate a class’s share of total registrations into Australia, ranking as the third highest
by non-residents. In this heat map, cells in warm merchandise import into Australia from the US
gradations of colour (yellow to red) indicate high in 2015-2016 (DFAT, 2017). In Australia, we noted
values at least one standard deviation above earlier, designs in this product class are primarily
the mean. The mean and standard deviation are registered by non-residents.
calculated for the resident or non-resident group, Based on these findings, further research is
respectively. warranted to test for geographic clustering effects
Several of those product classes in which Australian on product class citations by resident and non-
residents tend to focus are, across national resident design owners. In a positive sense, the
jurisdictions, a focus of resident filers and not of non- dominance of non-residents in top contrasting
resident filers. This is the case for the manufacturing product classes is likely to reflect Australia’s status
of furniture (class 6) and building-related materials as an attractive market for products in which firms
(class 25). It is possible these are product sectors for from other countries specialise.
which proximity to the market confers competitive
advantage on local firms. In comparison, across
a substantial share of the countries studied, non-
residents appear to focus strongly in product
classes such as car manufacturing (class 12).

Based on IP data, alone, the conclusions that we

can draw is limited. Potentially, an implication of
the specialisation patterns that we observe is that
geographic proximity (or distance) between resident
and non-resident filers may help shape the extent
to which they converge (or diverge) in product class
focus. It is worth noting that in Australia, 20 per
cent of resident filings were in clothing manufacture
in 2016. In the same year, just 4 per cent of non-
resident registrations cited the same class. By
comparison, in Germany, Italy and the UK, clothing
has been the focus of both resident and non-
resident design filers (Figure 6).

Designs Law and Practice 2019

Figure 5. Share of total filings, by applicant group, in Locarno product classes, 2016

1 Foodstuffs 0

2 Articles of clothing and haberdashery 20

3 Travel goods, cases, parasols and personal belongings, not elsewhere specified 2

4 Brushware 0

5 Textile piece goods, artificial and natural sheet material 1

6 Furnishing 9

7 Household goods, not elsewhere specified 4

8 Tools and hardware 7

9 Packages and containers for the transport or handling of goods 6

10 Clocks and watches and other measuring instruments, checking and signalling instruments 1

11 Articles of adornment 2

12 Means of transport or hoisting 8

13 Equipment for production, distribution or transformation of electricity 5

14 Recording, telecommunication or data processing equipment 2

15 Machines, not elsewhere specified 2

16 Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus 0

17 Musical instruments 0

18 Printing and office machinery 0

19 Stationery and office equipment, artists' and teaching materials 1

20 Sales and advertising equipment, signs 1

21 Games, toys, tents and sports goods 4

22 Arms, pyrotechnic articles, articles for hunting, fishing and pest killing 1

23 Fluid distribution equipment, sanitary, heating, ventilation and air−conditioning equipment, solid fuel 5

24 Medical and laboratory equipment 2

25 Building units and construction elements 9

26 Lighting apparatus 3

27 Tobacco and smokers' supplies 0

28 Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, toilet articles and apparatus 1

29 Devices and equipment against fire hazards, for accident prevention and for rescue 0

30 Articles for the care and handling of animals 1

31 Machines and appliances for preparing food or drink, not elsewhere specified 0

32 Graphic symbols and logos, surface patterns, ornamentation 0

99 Other 0

Designs Law and Practice 2019

Resident applicants Non-resident applicants

ed re
ed re

IP k

ly y
IP k

ly y

Ca alia
Ca alia

Sw apo

UK en
Sw apo

I ta a n
UK en

EU mar
I ta a n

De da
EU mar
De da

NZ ay
NZ ay


No a
No a












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al 1 1 1 1 3 2 10 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 48 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

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d 4 6 8 5 3 5 5 6 10 2 4 4 6 8 7 1 4 2 0 4 5 8 5 0 2 4

e 7 6 5 4 1 2 4 6 13 4 8 6 6 5 6 5 4 4 7 3 5 3 3 4 10 4

s 6 4 5 6 2 6 7 11 14 7 4 4 6 10 9 5 5 1 3 6 8 14 8 0 4 4

s 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 1 6 4 12 3 23 0 3 4

nt 2 1 10 4 7 14 4 3 2 28 4 6 2 1 4 1 3 0 8 1 4 0 8 4 2 1

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y 5 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 6 2 1 2 3 3 2 0 3 2 0 5 3 2 2 0 3 5

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s 1 0 2 2 4 2 5 3 1 2 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 0 12 1

s 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

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g 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0

el 5 7 3 5 2 3 5 3 7 5 3 2 4 6 7 3 4 1 7 5 6 4 3 17 2 5

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er 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
Sw ore

EU rk
Ca lia
De ada
Sw ore

No ea

ng Z


EU rk


Ca lia
De da

No ea


ng Z

er O


Si N



Si N











Designs Law and Practice 2019

Figure 6. Design labour intensity of ISIC industries across national contexts (percentages), 2016

Secondary industries


De a

Sw y










5 Mining of coal and lignite 3 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 5
6 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 11 6 11 15 0 4 30 0 10
7 Mining of metal ores 5 4 0 0 0 4 0 4 4
8 Other mining and quarrying 3 3 1 2 0 4 0 0 1
9 Mining support service activities 5 3 7 0 0 4 6 6 3
10 Manufacture of food products 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
11 Manufacture of beverages 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 2 1
13 Manufacture of textiles 7 7 3 8 7 3 9 6 3
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 23 19 5 37 28 1 11 14 4
15 Manufacture of leather and related products 4 9 0 1 0 1 0 0 3
16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture 16 3 2 15 12 1 3 4 4
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 3 3 2 4 0 2 2 3 3
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 8 7 5 20 0 4 7 6 5
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 5 4 6 0 0 2 21 3 6
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 2 3 4 1 0 1 2 7 3
21 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 5 4
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 8 3 4 6 0 1 2 1 3
23 Manufacture of other non−metallic mineral products 2 4 4 4 0 4 2 3 3
24 Manufacture of basic metals 3 4 3 6 0 5 2 3 3
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 2 3
26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 8 14 17 16 10 16 14 14 15
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 7 9 12 12 7 12 3 13 7
28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 8 8 11 10 11 11 7 9 7
29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi−trailers 10 5 5 6 12 12 3 10 4
30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 24 13 7 14 9 11 6 22 12
31 Manufacture of furniture 26 22 9 29 28 3 13 9 20
32 Other manufacturing 9 14 9 11 5 5 9 10 8
33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 4 5 2 7 0 4 4 3 1
35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 7 9 15 13 4 9 9 11 5
36 Water collection, treatment and supply 7 4 5 7 0 12 5 5 1
37 Sewerage 2 2 6 3 0 5 3 2 2
38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 1
39 Remediation activities and other waste management services 1 2 5 15 0 0 0 0 2
41 Construction of buildings 4 2 7 7 12 0 5 3 2
42 Civil engineering 6 3 7 6 4 0 5 3 2
43 Specialized construction activities 2 2 1 3 8 6 3 1 1

Sw y














Designs Law and Practice 2019

Tertiary industries

Ja ny

US n
De a

Sw y










0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 1 46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 49 Land transport and transport via pipelines
2 2 2 0 0 1 2 1 1 50 Water transport
1 1 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 51 Air transport
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 53 Postal and courier activities
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 55 Accommodation
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 Food and beverage service activities
6 7 4 8 1 13 3 9 5 58 Publishing activities
4 8 1 8 0 7 4 5 5 59 Motion picture, video and television production, sound recording and music publishing
3 3 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 60 Programming and broadcasting activities
2 5 1 2 0 10 8 2 3 61 Telecommunications
6 9 5 3 5 47 4 13 4 62 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
2 3 3 2 0 2 3 5 4 63 Information service activities
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 64 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 65 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 66 Activities auxiliary to financial service and insurance activities
1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 0 68 Real estate activities
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 69 Legal and accounting activities
3 6 5 4 0 18 3 4 4 70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities
40 36 39 31 45 40 31 44 35 71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
3 10 17 40 6 13 22 14 11 72 Scientific research and development
19 8 5 9 11 1 8 16 6 73 Advertising and market research
21 22 4 27 17 25 20 18 7 74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities
0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 75 Veterinary activities
1 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 0 77 Rental and leasing activities
1 1 0 1 0 5 1 1 1 78 Employment activities
1 1 1 3 0 1 0 1 1 79 Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities
0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 80 Security and investigation activities
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 81 Services to buildings and landscape activities
0 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 1 82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
1 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 1 84 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 85 Education
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 Human health activities
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 Residential care activities
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 Social work activities without accommodation
9 15 2 30 16 1 4 5 4 90 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
1 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 91 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
1 1 3 0 0 0 1 4 0 92 Gambling and betting activities
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 94 Activities of membership organizations
7 9 1 12 19 2 2 5 2 95 Repair of computers and personal and household goods
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 96 Other personal service activities

Sw y

De a













Sources: Various (see Table 3 in Appendix). Notes: Cells in warm gradations of colour (yellow to red) indicate high values at least one
standard deviation above the mean, calculated for the resident or non-resident group, respectively.
Designs Law and Practice 2019

Design labour intensity

We also assessed the design labour intensity of In Japan, 28 per cent of designers in its design
industries across national contexts (Figure 6). Design workforce are in computing and most of these are
labour intensity is measured here as the number of concentrated in programming and consulting. These
persons in an industry employed in design-related designers are employed in the tertiary sector (the
occupations, as a share of the industry’s total right panel of figure 6), which is not typically design
workforce. IP intensive (EPO/EUIPO, 2016).

Unsurprisingly, the architectural and engineering A broad range of countries (Australia, Canada,
services industry (ISIC code 71), which encompasses France, Germany and Norway) are design labour
specialised design services, is design labour intensive in clothing and in furniture manufacturing
intensive across countries. Australia is comparatively (ISIC codes 14 and 31). Relatively fewer countries
design labour intensive also in advertising and (e.g. Germany and Japan) are design labour
market research (code 73). Based on prior research intensive in industries such as motor vehicle
(EPO/EUIPO, 2016), we would not expect these manufacturing (ISIC code 29).
service industries to be highly design IP intensive.
However, they may influence a country’s overall
design innovation via their supply chain linkages into
the secondary sector of the economy (industries in
the left panel of Figure 6) (Bahkshi & McVittie, 2009).

Our analysis also reveals some fine-grained

specialisation. For example, we found that design
IP generation by the US in computing corresponds
to substantial design labour inputs. In the US,
designers working in the manufacture of computing,
electrical and optical equipment (ISIC code 26)
comprised 7 per cent of the US’s total design
workforce in 2016. These designers represented
15 per cent of all employees in the computer
manufacturing industry.

However, there is some indication that the US’s

design workforce is changing in structure. Between
2011 and 2016, the design labour intensity of
computer manufacturing grew at a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.4 per cent. In the
same period, a 28.3 per cent CAGR was observed
in the design labour intensity of Information service
activities (ISIC 63 e.g. web applications, online
media, data processing services). Designers appear
to be exiting computer manufacturing, as design
labour in online services grows apace.

Designs Law and Practice 2019


Figure 7. Countries by design IP intensity and the cross-industry concentration of design labour

Notes: Design IP intensity equals
the count of designs in total
registered applications by residents
plus, for EU countries, by nationals
at the EUIPO, divided by the Value
Design IP intensity

40 Added (USD billions) of a country’s

industrial sector.
Sources: IP data: WIPO IP Statistics
Databse (2018). Labour data:
Various (seTable 3 in Appendix).
AU Regional statistics: World Bank
20 Open Data (2018).


.05 .10 .15 .20 .25

Concentration of design workforce across industries

Labour distribution and policy effects of policy on registrations. The interplay

factors between industry and institutional factors
complicates the task of identifying how policy affects
Figure 7 suggests that countries where design registrations. It has long been the case that design
labour is more highly concentrated across industries legal standards have evolved to reflect the nature
are more highly design IP intensive. and interests of industry within a country (Bentley,
Changes in the structure of a country’s design 2018). Industries representing a high proportion
workforce may not only affect design registrations of a country’s design labour force, or those that
within that country; they may also come to impact on are highly design labour intensive, may have
non-resident registrations within Australia. disproportionate influence in shaping design legal
standards. If they manage this in a way that supports
Policy questions around designs law include
their interests, this could affect registrations.
whether and how to protect virtual designs. These
include graphical user interfaces, screen icons Perhaps a more general question to be considered,
and other design types implemented via software based on the findings from this research, is how
on screens. Given changes in the US’s design extensively a designs system nurtures investment
workforce (section 6), and the US’s status as the across the design community at large. It is
largest source of non-resident design filings in worth emphasising that 20 per cent of resident
Australia, virtual designs may become a strong design registrations in Australia are in clothing
future focus in Australia for registered designs. manufacturing. This is an industry, we find, that is
highly design labour intensive. Yet, of Australia’s
We present in Figure 8 three graphs in which
design workforce, design employment in clothing
countries are plotted by design IP intensity and
production represents less than a one per cent
design labour intensity. Countries are differentiated
vis-a-vis key design legal standards. These graphs
are suggestive but inconclusive regarding the

Designs Law and Practice 2019

The design labour concentration index
This report presents findings from a joint research
project undertaken by IPRIA and IP Australia’s Office The design labour concentration index is a
of the Chief Economist. It offers novel findings measure of how concentrated a country’s core
regarding the scope of design activity within design workforce is across industries. The index
Australia and how Australia compares in this to its is constructed by identifying the percentage
international peers. The study is designed as an of a country’s core design workforce in each
input into IP Australia’s Designs Review Project. It industry. The core design workforce consists of
highlights the need for Australia to accelerate the all employees in core design occupations. We
growth of its design economy if Australia wants use the Herfindahl-Hirschman (H-H) index to
to transition to a more innovative economy that measure how concentrated design labour is at
leverages the value of design in its products. the country level. The index gives greater weight
in determining a country’s value to industries with
a high share of a country’s total design workforce.

Figure 8. Countries differentiated by design legal standards

Design IP intensity

50 CH


0 US

50 100 150 200 250

Design labour intensity
Non−substantive examination Substantive examination

Designs Law and Practice 2019

Design IP intensity




0 CA

50 100 150 200 250

Design labour intensity
10 year protection term 15 year protection term
20 year protection term 25 year protection term

Design IP intensity



0 CA

50 100 150 200 250

Design labour intensity
12 month grace period 6 month grace period No grace period

Designs Law and Practice 2019



For data on intellectual property (IP), we use data the survey microdata, for all EU member states.
from Intellectual Property Government Open Data However, since Eurostat flags or suppresses cells
(2018), administered by IP Australia, data from the that it considers problematic we have where
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) IP possible favoured alternative sources.
Statistics Database, and data from national registries
For our UK analysis, we used 2011-2012 data from
accessed via the DesignsView website. The WIPO
the Annual Population Survey (APS), as in prior
data include designs registered at national offices
research (Pratt et al., 2015). Aggregates from the
and those registered in national jurisdictions under
APS were accessed through QUT’s Creative Industry
the Hague Agreement. This introduces some risk of
Faculty Digital Media Research Centre. France’s
counting overlapping registrations.
national statistics agency provided us with microdata
An alternative approach is to focus on European- from its Continuing Employment Survey.
level data from the EUIPO only approach alongside
For the US analysis, we rely on the Bureau of
other regional data such as from the USPTO (e.g.
Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment
Filitz et al., 2015; Tucci & Peters, 2015). However,
Statistics (OES). The OES is a biannual survey of
this approach overlooks filings at European national
200,000 businesses. As such, it lacks coverage
offices and would not provide sufficient coverage or
of self-employed workers (a population that may
detail in respect of our sample countries.
encompass a meaningful share of design workers).
We use labour force surveys and national census Design employment figures for the US presented
data in studying design labour. Census data has the in this study should be considered conservative
advantage of complete enumeration. In providing estimates. We make use also of the 2011 Canadian
census data, national statistics agencies typically National Household Survey (NHS). Administered as
suppress cells with small values which might a voluntary supplement to Canada’s 2011 Census
otherwise compromise anonymity for individuals. It survey, the NHS was sent to over 30% of Canadian
is common for the suppression threshold to be set households with a response rate of 68.6 per cent.
at three—values are removed, or rounded, in cells
indicating that less than four people within a certain
occupation were employed in a given industry. In
the case of Germany’s Microcensus, the suppression
threshold is set at 5,000, resulting in a substantial
loss of precision. The figures for Germany that we
present within this report comprise conservative
estimates of design employment in that country.

For those countries not covered using census data,

we rely on large-scale labour force surveys. Data
for Finland, Italy and Switzerland came from the
EU’s Labour Force Survey (EU LFS), a large sample
survey administered by Eurostat. The EU LFS covers
between 0.2 and 3.3 percent of households in
EU member countries. Eurostat provided us with
a series of occupation-by-industry data, based on

Designs Law and Practice 2019

Table 3: Datasets


Labour datasets

1. Australian Census of Population and Housing, 2006, 2011, 2016

2. Canadian Census of Population, 2016

3. Canada’s Annual Household Survey, 2011

4. Denmark’s Register-based Labor Force Statistics, 2011–2016

5. Eurostat Labor Force Survey, 2011–2016

6. France’s Continuing Employment Survey, 2011–2016

7. German Microcensus, 2012–2016

8. Japanese Population Census, 2010, 2015

9. New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings, 2013

10. Norway’s Central Population Register, 2015, 2016

11. Swedish Occupational Register, 2011, 2016

12. UK’s Annual Population Survey, 2010–2012

13. US BLS Occupational Employment Statistics, 2010–2016

IP datasets

15. WIPO IP Statistics Database (2018)

16. National design registries, 2011–2016

17. Intellectual Property Government Open Database (2018)

Regional statistics and firm data

18. World Bank Open Data (2018)

19. OECD.stat (2018)

20. Australian Business Registration database (2019)

Designs Law and Practice 2019


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Bentley, L. 2018. The design/copyright conflict in the United Kingdom: A history. In Derclaye, E. (eds), The
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Designs Law and Practice 2019


Many thanks to our project contributors:

Christine Black

Jennifer Bowen Smith

Michael Campbell

Garcia Valero Francisco

Mark Hart

Peter Higgs

Richard Hoad

Ben Hopper

Michal Kazimierczak

Janice Luck

Neha Prashar

Sam Ricketson

Ray Hind

Stephen Roper

Andrew Shannon

Kimberlee Weatherall

Beth Webster

Jannette Yeung


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