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Science 10

Write your answers on a different sheet of paper (1 whole)


_______________1. The science that studies Earth.

_______________2. The outer portion of the Earth.
_______________3. Rigid sections of the lithospehere that move as a unit.
_______________4. A boundary in which two plates move toward each other, causing one of the stabs of
the lithosphere to subduct beneath an overriding plate.
_______________5. Mountains formed in part by igneous activity associated with subduction of oceanic
lithosphere beneath a continent.
_______________6. A depression in the seafloor produced by subduction process.
_______________7. A series of ocean waves with very long wavelenghts caused by large-scale disturbances
of the ocean.
_______________8. A theory which suggests that Earth’s crust is made up of plates that interact in various
ways, thus producing earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes and other geologic features.
_______________9. The thick part of the Earth’s crust, not located under the ocean.
_______________10. The thin part of the Earths crust located under the oceans.
_______________11. A mass of molten rock formed at depth, including dissolved gasses and crystals.
_______________12. The first type of seismic waves to be recorded in a seismic station.
_______________13. Second type of eathquake wave to be recorded in a seismic station.
_______________14. A record made by a seismograph.
_______________15. A device used to record earthquake waves.


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If false, change the underlined words to make it correct.

__________1. Each plate is slowly but not continuosly moving

__________2. Divergent boundary is present when two plates collide.

__________3. Convergent boundary is formed when plates move apart, creating a zone of tension.

__________4. Transform fault is characterized by trench that are sliding past each other.

__________5. Faults give rise to several geologic features and events.


Draw the three types of plate boundaries.


Discuss the three types of plate boundaries.

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