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Content: Coordinated Functions of the Reproductive, Endocrine, and Nervous Systems

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of organisms as having
feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated by the nervous and
endocrine systems
Performance Standard: ---
Topic/Title: Parts and Functions of the Endocrine System
Grade Level: Grade 10
Time Allotment: 1 hour
Learning Competency: Describe the parts of the Endocrine System and their functions.

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

a. Identify the major glands in the body and their functions;
b. Locate the major glands in the body;
c. Appreciate the functions of the glands based from their

II. Subject Matter:

A. Lesson: Endocrine System

B. References: Science Learner’s Material pp 240-247
C. Materials:
a. Manila paper
b. Colored papers
c. Marker
d. Human Silhouette
e. Endocrine glands jigsaw puzzles
f. Situational pictures
g. Sticky notes
h. Crown
D. Concepts:
a. Endocrine System is composed of glands that secrete different
types of hormones that affect almost every cell, organ and
function of our body which is essential in regulating growth and
development, metabolism, and reproductive system and
b. Pituitary Gland stimulates growth, and controls the functions of
other glands. It is located in the brain.
c. Thyroid Gland regulates body metabolism and causes storage
of calcium in bones. It is located below the voice box.
d. Parathyroid Gland controls the calcium levels in the body and
normalizes bone growth. It is located in the in the dorsal of the
e. Thymus Gland enables the body to produce certain antibodies.
It is located in front of the heart.
f. Adrenal Gland prepares body for action, controls the heart rate
and breathing in times of emergency. It is located above the
g. Pancreas regulates blood sugar levels. It is located between
the kidneys.
h. Gonads (testes) control maturation and male characteristics.
i. Gonads (ovaries) influence female traits and support
reproductive functions.
E. Skills: Non-verbal Ability, Logical skills, Communication skills,
Reasoning skills, Critical Thinking skills
F. Values Integration: Teamwork, Camaraderie, Appreciation of the
Endocrine glands
III. Procedure



 “Good morning class.”  “Good morning Sir.”

 “Please all stand as we begin our prayer.”  Students stand up.

 “Let us be aware of the presence of God, in  “In the name of the Father, and of the Son
the name of the Father, and of the Son and and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Almighty
of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Almighty Father…” Father…”
 “Please pick up the pieces of dirt under and
 Picks up the dirt.
around your chair.”

 “You may now take your seats. Circulate the  Students take their seats and signs in on
attendance sheet.” the attendance sheet.


 “Let’s take a recap on the topic nervous

 “The basic unit of the Nervous System is
system. What is the basic unit of the
the nerve cell which is also called neurons.”
Nervous System?”
 “From the brain, it sends signal by sending
 “Very good. Now how can the brain
impulses carried by the neurons. The nerve
transport signal to the different parts of the
impulse is a combination of electrical
charge and a chemical reaction.”


 “The first picture depicts a picture of an

angry dog and when I saw it I remember
the time when I was walking on the road
and I saw a dog barking and running
towards me then I started running and my
heart was beating fast. After few seconds I
ran incredibly faster than my usual running
 “Very well said. Now what can you say or
remember about these pictures I am
 “The second one is a picture of a house
burning on fire that I have experienced long
before together with my family when just a
few houses ahead was a house on fire.
Then we started to panic and bring out the
refrigerator, television and other heavy
appliances with incredible strength than
 “Thank you very much for your participation.
Each of you will receive a sticky note
equivalent to 1 point. All of your shared
 “Endocrine system.”
experiences and other happenings and
changes in our body have something to do
with our topic today. What could it be?”
 At the end of the lesson, we, the students
 “Here are our objectives for today. Please must be able to a) identify the major glands
read.” in the body, b) locate the major glands in
the body and c) appreciate the importance
of the glands based from our experiences.


 “For our activity for this morning, let us

divide the class. There are 6 rows so there  Each group forms a circle around the tile
will be 6 groups.” (Places 6 tiles on the floor and decides for a leader
with the group number written on it)
 “Here are six tiles where you will place the
puzzle. Before we start the activity, for your
performance as a group, here are the
criteria for grading.
 Time Management – 20% 
 Completeness of the puzzle – 30%
 Neatness – 10%
 Oral presentation – 40%
 (Distributes a jigsaw puzzle of a gland in  Opens the jigsaw puzzle and prepares for
each group) solving it.
 Solves the jigsaw puzzle and pastes it in
 “The group who will be able to gain the
the human silhouette using the clues for its
highest point will be the winner.”
location in the puzzle.
 “Let us check if all of you pasted the glands
in their respective locations.” (Checks the 
correct placement of the glands)
 “All of you have done a great job but the first
 The winning group receives a 5-point sticky
group who pasted correctly receives an
note for each member


 “Good morning everyone. This is the work

 “May I call in the representative from the
of our group and we have formed an image
Group who got the pituitary gland to present
of the pituitary gland. It is located inside the
their work and describe what the image they
brain and it is very small compared to the
have formed from the puzzle was?”
size of the brain.”
 “Good morning everyone. This is the work
of our group. The image that we have
 “Nice job! Next group we have the thyroid
formed from the puzzle is said to be the
thyroid gland. It looks like a small butterfly
and it is located below the voice box.”
 “Good morning everyone. This is the work
of our group. The puzzle formed the image
 “Excellent! Next group is the parathyroid
of the parathyroid gland. It is located on the
thyroid gland and they look like small
pieces of marbles.”
 “Good morning everyone. This is the work
of our group. The puzzle formed the image
 “Good job! Next is the thymus.”
of the thymus. It is very small and it is
located near the heart.”
 “Good morning everyone. This is the work
of our group. This is the image that we
 “Very good! Next we have the adrenal
have formed from the puzzle and it is the
adrenal gland. It is located above the
kidney and it is a very small gland.”
 “Good morning everyone. This is the work
 “Nice job! And last but not the least is the of our group. We solved the puzzle and it
pancreas.” was a picture of a pancreas that is located
in the digestive system area between the
kidneys. It looks like a big chili pepper but
the texture is like the texture of an


 “Now that you have pictured out the glands

and their locations, please look under your
 “Sir, I have a picture under my chair!”
chair if there’s a piece of paper with a
 “Each picture depicts the function of a
gland. Who got the picture labeled  “Me Sir.”
 (Stands in front of the class and shows the
 “Please stand in front, show the picture to
picture) “The picture contains images of a
the class and try to interpret what is in the
person from being a child to becoming an
picture and the function of the gland based
adult. Therefore, the function of the pituitary
from the picture.”
is for the growth of a human being.”
 “How about yourself? Do you think you have
 “Yes Sir I before I am very small but now
grown enough through the help of the
the increase in height is obvious with me.”
pituitary gland?”
 “Very good. Next is the thyroid gland. Who
 “Me Sir.”
got the picture of the thyroid gland?”
 (Stands in front of the class and shows the
picture) “The picture is about a person who
 “Please come forward and present your is eating then he decided to go running
ideas.” then after a while he got tired and sweats a
lot. It could mean that the thyroid gland has
something to do with metabolism.”
 “Yes I eat and use up the food I ate to do
 “How about yourself? Do you experience
work and in return I sweat and get tired all
this scenario everyday?”
the time.”
 “Very good. Next is the parathyroid gland.
Who got the picture of the parathyroid  “Me Sir.”
 (Stands in front of the class and shows the
picture) “These are pictures of milk and
 “Please come forward and present your
bones. Maybe parathyroid gland has
something to do with controlling calcium
levels and bone growth.”
 “How about yourself? Will you compare your
 “My bones got larger and bigger as time
bones when you were still a child and your
pass by.”
bone today that you are an adolescent?”
 “Very good. Next is the thymus gland. Who
 “Me Sir.”
got the picture of the thymus gland?”
 (Stands in front of the class and shows the
picture) “The picture is about two persons.
 “Please come forward and present your One who is sick and then it turns to be a
ideas.” person in good condition. I think the thymus
gland fights diseases or produces
 “How about yourself? Did you experience  “Yes Sir. I had once zit all over my body but
having disease or zit and then you healed after few days it disappeared and my
after?” feelings got better after.”
 “Very good. Next is the adrenal gland. Who
 “Me Sir.”
got the picture of the adrenal gland?”

 “Please come forward and present your  (Stands in front of the class and shows the
ideas.” picture) “The picture depicts people running
and carrying heavy loads because the fire
approaches them. It could mean that the
adrenal gland is responsible for the fight or
flight situations.”
 “There was a fire in our barangay last year
 “How about yourself? Have you
and I also experienced the adrenaline rush
encountered frightening or alarming
when I surprisingly lifted a heavy
situations like in the picture?”
 “Very good. Next is the pancreas gland.
 “Me Sir.”
Who got the picture of the pancreas gland?”
 (Stands in front of the class and shows the
 “Please come forward and present your picture) “The pictures are sugar and blood
ideas.” which might mean that the pancreas
controls the blood sugar in our body.”
 “Very good. Next are the gonads. Who got
 “Me Sir.”
the picture of the gonads?”
 (Stands in front of the class and shows the
 “Please come forward and present your picture) “The picture has something to do
ideas.” with the changes in the body when it enters
the puberty stage.”


 The next activity is the Mr./Ms. Q&A of

Grade 10 – Einstein. Every student who can
answer my questions will receive a sticky
note with the point corresponding to the
 Yes Sir!
level of question. The student with the
highest number of points for the day will be
the daily winner of the segment. Are you
now ready class?
 First question, which gland of the endocrine
and nervous system controls the other  Pituitary gland Sir.
glands in the body?
 The thyroid gland is located below the
voice box and its function is to regulate
 Very good. You will receive a sticky note.
body metabolism while the parathyroid
Next question, how will you differentiate
gland is located on the dorsal aspect of the
thyroid and parathyroid glands in terms of
thyroid gland or it is on the neck and it
location and function?
functions by controlling calcium levels in
the body.
 Very good. You will receive a sticky note.
Next question, if a person’s blood sugar
 Pancreas Sir.
level becomes unstable, what glands might
be involved in the problem?
 Very good. You will receive a sticky note.
Next question, how important is the thymus  It enables the body to produce antibodies
gland in keeping your body free from that fights foreign materials or infections.
 Very good. You will receive a sticky note.  The child will acquire diseases since she
Next question, what might happen to a cannot produce antibodies to fight
person born without a thymus gland? infections.


 “Good job everyone. Those who recite will

receive a sticky note. Please get your
 Answers the quiz:
ballpen and answer the quiz I’m about to
give for 5 minutes.”
 “Pass your papers and then copy your
 Copies the assignment.

 “Goodbye class.”  “Goodbye Sir.”


1. What is a hormone?
2. Enumerate the different hormones secreted by all the glands discussed in the previous

Prepared by:

Laurenz L. Cadag
Student Teacher
Pilar National Comprehensive High School

Noted by:

Mrs. Mildred Bautista

Cooperating Teacher
Pilar National Comprehensive High School

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