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6 1 F r e n c h Te x t

Slang and Instant Messaging


By Talk in French
# French English
1 MDR Short for: Mort de rire. It means ‘dying of laughter’. Just like LOL
in English.
2 EXPDR Short version of Explosé de rire or Sort of similar to ROFL (rolling on the
‘exploding with laughter’. floor with laughter) in English.
3 C Short for C’est. It means: “it’s”.
4 C Ca Short for C’est ça. Means: “that’s it”.
5 CT stands for C’était. This means “it was”.
6 G J’ai. Means “I have”
7 GT Shorthand for J’étais or “I was”
8 QQ1 Short for “quelqu’un”. Meaning: someone.
9 QQC Short for “quelque chose”. It means: something
10 tt Short for “tout”. All/everyone.
11 A+ à plus tard. Means “see you” or its English version
12 ++ à plus tard. See you later. Like the English version: C
13 A12C4 à un de ces quatre. See you one of these days.
14 12C4 un de ces quatre. One of these days.
15 A TT à tout à l’heure. Talk to you later. Similar to TTYL.
16 Je re je reviens tout de suite. Same as BRB or Be right back in English.
17 a2m1 À demain. See you tomorrow (c u tmrw)
18 Auj Aujourd’hui. It means “today”
19 ALP À la prochaine. See you.
20 BIZ bisous, bises. Kisses. Similar to X, XX or XO in English.
21 Cki ? on se connaît ? Do I know you?
22 J’y go je dois partir. Same as GTG or “got to go”
23 AMA à mon avis. In my opinion. Similar to IMO in English.
24 AMHA à mon humble avis. In my humble opinion. Similar to IMHO in
25 AMS à mon sens. “as I understand it”
26 C1Blag c’est une blague. Just kidding. Same as J/K in English.
27 RSTP réponds, s’il te plaît. Used to ask someone to text/reply back.
28 PEH pour être honnête. Just like TBH (to be honest). Use this
when stating your opinion or thoughts on
a matter.
29 Cc Coucou. Hey/ hi!
30 slt Salut. Hi!
31 Bjr Bonjour. Hello
32 Bsr Bonsoir. Good evening
33 MDA Merci d’avance. Thanks in advance.
34 Mci Merci. Thanks. Similar to thx.
35 Pk Pourquoi. Why
36 STP S’il te plaît. Please. Similar to the shortened “pls”.
37 Dsl Desolé. Sorry.
38 DAC d’accord. Alright Similar to OK.
39 b1sur bien sûr. of course
40 ENTK en tout cas. Anyway.
41 Pr toi pour toi. For you. Same as 4u.
42 DDD abbreviation for demande de discus- which means request for discussion or
sion “we need to talk”
43 ASV âge, sexe, ville. Similar to ASL in English which is used in instant mes-
saging to ask the age, sex, and location.
44 Bcp beaucoup. a lot.
45 bi1to Bientôt. Soon
46 CB1 c’est bien.. that’s good
47 CAD c’est-à-dire. that is. same as i.e. which is used to list
or enumerate some points.
48 CPG c’est pas grave. it’s no big deal/ not a problem.
49 DQP dès que possible. as soon as possible (ASAP)
50 FDS fin de semaine. Weekend
51 JTM or Je t’M je t’aime. I love you
52 JMS jamais. Never
53 TJS toujours. Always.
54 JSG je suis génial. I’m doing good.
55 KDO cadeau. Gift
56 QDN Quoi de neuf? “What’s new?”
57 TLM Tout le monde. Everyone
58 RDV Rendez-vous. Catch up.
59 RAF Rien à faire, ‘Nothing to do’
60 V1 Viens. Come.
61 OKLM Au calme = (Not the airline com- Au calme here means no pressure /
pany KLM). “chill”. Used by youngsters mostly.
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