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Will the baby be a Girl or Boy ?

At conception, gender is determined by chromosome characteristics - and it will be the male

(or rather the male's sperm) that dictates whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.
Prior to conception, the unfertilized egg carries an X chromosome while the sperm can carry either
anX or a Y chromosome. The gender of the baby comes down to one simple event:

 If the sperm carrying an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, a girl will be conceived.
 If the sperm carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg, a boy will be conceived.

Details of Embryo genital development: Internal sex changes ¦ External sex organs

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Timing of Intercourse
Studies indicate that the sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have a longer life span than the
male sperm (with the Y chromosome).
Yet the male sperm appear to have a higher motility. Sperm motility is measured in two ways: percentage of sperm
exhibiting movement, and the quality of this movement, which is called the forward progression. Poor motility
means the sperm have a difficult time swimming toward the egg.
It is said that the sperm carrying the Y chromosome uses energy faster than the sperm carrying the Xchromosome.
The energy utilization is said to be due to the speed in which sperm swim. Supposedly, the Y sperm is speedy or
contains less mitochondria whereas the X sperm is slower or carries more mitochondria. Mitochondria are the
energy producing cellular components which are absolutely necessary for life. Sperm contain, and can only
produce, so much fuel for their journey.
If one sperm type swims faster than another, the consequence of that, of course, is faster arrival - but also faster
expiration. That said, if a woman knows her cycle and when she ovulates, the odds ofbaby gender prediction can
be in one's favor. Sperm can reach the fallopian tubes in about 20 minutes to 2 hours. Sperm are viable for about 4-7
days inside the woman.
Ovulation Dates ? - Use our Ovulation Planner with more baby gender prediction hints.
See some ways of gender prediction such as the Chinese gender chart or some old wives tales.

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At conception, the babies sex is determined by chromosome characteristics -

The genetic sex of a child is established at conception based on the 23rd pair of chromosomes it inherits from the
parent. The mother's egg contains an X chromosome, and the father's sperm will contain either
an X or Y chromosome. It is the male (or rather the male's sperm) that dictates whether the baby will be a boy or a

You want to have a Boy ?

It is believed that if intercourse takes place closer to ovulation, then the probability is greater that the child will be
male, due to the high motility (forward progression) and also the decreased life span of theY carrying sperm.
If you want a boy - aim for later intercourse before ovulation - say about 1 day before ovulation. Frequent
intercourse around the time of ovulation. Have your partner wear boxers. A male with a high sperm count is more
likely to have a boy.

You want to have a Girl ?

The sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have a longer life span than the male sperm, but
exhibit decreased motility. Therefore, intercourse that takes place earlier may provide increased probability of a
You want - a girl. You know you ovulate 14 days before your next cycle. You must deliver sperm no closer than 4
days before ovulation. This way, the Y carrying sperm will likely be expired and theX carrying sperm still viable.
When the egg is released at about 5 days after intercourse, theX carrying sperm will be in the fallopian tube waiting.
If an X chromosome sperm fertilizes the egg, agirl will be conceived.
The critical and perhaps not so obvious tip - don't repeat intercourse again for a week! Make sure fertilization is
with 'mature sperm'. To sum up: If you want a girl - aim for earlier intercourse before ovulation - at least 4 days
before you ovulate.

If you are trying for a boy or girl, the ovulation dates planner will also suggest some actions that may
influence the sex of the child, this is based on the scientific research of Dr Landrum
Shettles and David M. Rorvik, who published findings in a book called:
" How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby:
The Method Best Supported by Scientific Evidence." ISBN: 038548562X
More:- How to choose the sex of your baby books - Available in our Amazon stores NOW.
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Old wives tales about pregnancy

There are many old wives tales out there as to how to ensure that your baby is either a boy or a girl. Some are well,
a little odd, and some seem as though they may have a bit of truth to them. There is also some which are based on
medical fact, but just how true they are we do not know for sure.

Your baby is what you eat

If you want a boy:
Y chromosome sperm require a PH balance that is more alkalai than acidic. This means that you may need to adjust
your diet a little. Foods that are rich in potassium and sodium are ideal if you are trying to have a boy.

 Eat red meat and bananas, also peaches are recommended.

 Eat salty snacks such as: crackers and chips (but do not over do the salt).
 Nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and almonds are high in Potassium.
 Dads should drink plenty of sodas, preferably cola drinks.

If you want a girl:

In order to have the right PH balance in your body to ensure that the X chromosome sperm can reach the egg
successfully, you need to give them an environment that is acidic, focus on foods that are high in calcium and

 Eat lots of fresh fish, fruit and vegetables.

 Green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are good sources of magnesium.
 Dairy products, milk, yogurt and cheese are calcium rich.
 Eat Pumkin seeds, Sunflower seeds and Sesame seeds.

Old wives tales and Sex

If you want a boy:

 The woman should stay horizontal after sex, as this gives the boy sperms a better chance of reaching the
cervix than the girl sperms.
 Make love standing up, or use the rear entry position.
 Focus on the males pleasure during love making.

If you want a girl:

 Make love in the missionary position, or with the woman on top.

 Focus on the female's sexual pleasure.

Other old wives tales on determining the sex of your baby include:

 Make love on a quarter moon if you want a boy.

 Make love on a full moon if you want a girl.
 Make love on odd days for boys and even days for girls.
 The more dominant sex in the relationship will produce offspring of the same sex.

There is no 100% guarantee that you will be able to conceive a boy or a girl using these methods, but it could
increase your chances significantly. No matter what gender your child ends up being, the important thing is that
they are healthy. It is fun to try and naturally select the gender of your future child, but at the end of the day there
are many different factors that will ultimately decide their sex.

What Is The Best Time Of The Day To Conceive A Boy Baby? Is The
Morning Best?
Posted by admin on July 28, 2011 · Leave a Comment
By: Sandy Dean: I often hear from people who want for me to help them point point the best day and time to try to
conceive the baby gender that they want. They are often trying to point point the exact date and time, right down to
the hour. I recently heard from a someone who asked me, in part: “We are trying to conceive a boy baby. I have
been told and have read that boy sperm are weaker. And I had a friend suggest that because of this, I should try to
conceive in the morning since a man is said to have a higher sperm count in the morning. She also said that she’d
heard that men have higher quality sperm after a good night’s sleep and after abstaining from sex for the hours that
they are asleep. Is all of this true? Is having sex first thing in the morning optimal if you’re trying to conceive a boy
baby? Or does it matter at all?” I will discuss this more in the following article.
From my research on this topic, I’ve found that the idea that sperm counts are higher in the morning is accepted by
most. Men undergoing fertility treatments or testing are often asked to give the sperm sample in the morning.
However, having a higher sperm count really does not directly affect the ratio of those same sperm. What I mean by
this is that while you may get more X and Y sperm produced in the morning (and therefore might have a slightly
better chance of getting pregnant,) the presence of more sperm chromosomes does not change the fact that you will
likely have the same 50 / 50 ratio of X’s to Y’s or boy producing sperm to girl producing sperm. Sperm count can be
very important if you having fertility issues or having trouble getting pregnant, but it isn’t as important as it relates to
baby gender.
As to the theory of having higher quality sperm in the morning, this is more controversial. Most agree that abstaining
from sex for 2 -3 days before trying to conceive can give you higher sperm counts and better quality sperm. But the 6
– 8 hours of sleep that many of us get doesn’t even approach the suggested 48 -72 hour time frame. And while you
may benefit from higher quality sperm (since it’s true that Y or boy sperm tend to be more weak,) this still doesn’t
address the ratio of that same sperm as I mentioned above.
And, the ratio of the sperm matters quite a lot when you are trying to choose your baby’s gender. If you want a boy
baby, your true goal is to make absolutely sure that the sperm that are trying to fertilize the egg contains much more
boy producing sperm than girl producing sperm. This alone increases your chances of getting the boy that you want.
But, you should not stop there. Because another thing that greatly affects whether you get a boy or a girl is your
vaginal PH. An acidic one is detrimental to those Y’s that you’ve been trying so hard to encourage. Trying to coax
the Y’s into an acidic environment (where they will only weaken or wither and die) doesn’t make much sense and is
counter to what you need to be doing.
So my answer to this question would be that it’s perfectly fine to have sex in the morning in an attempt to conceive a
boy as long as you have also checked your PH and you know that it is alkaline rather than acidic. In my view, you
are better off having sex in the evening with an alkaline PH than having sex in the morning with an acidic one.
(Granted, most people aren’t able to drastically change their PH levels from morning to night.)
The final point I’d like to make is this. When we discuss timing regarding conceiving a boy or a girl, we aren’t talking
about the time of day. We are talking about the time of the month – as it relates to your ovulation and fertility cycle.
You want to conceive after ovulation happens because this ensures the health and vitality of those weaker boy sperm
that we’ve been talking about. To me, the timing as it relates to ovulation is much more important than timing is it
relates to what the clock says first thing in the morning. So having sex in the morning for a boy baby is fine. But
having sex in the morning with an alkaline PH and after ovulation has occurred is much better.
I know that this can be confusing. If you’d like to read more about this process and see it explained step by step,
check out (for a boy baby) or (for a girl baby)
The Science Behind Having a Baby Boy: X and Y Chromosomes
Many couples yearn to have both a baby boy and a baby girl in their families. Both boys and girls
can bring much joy into the home. This article is about how to conceive a baby boy, so you can add
more color to to your family—though, of course, the most important thing is not your baby's gender,
but his or her health and the happiness of the family. Those factors can never be replaced.

Although scientific studies have shown varying results, these methods have been practiced for
hundreds of years throughout many different cultures, from Indian to Chinese to European. So
though these three methods are not a 100 percent guarantee, there is a lot of history behind them
suggesting that they can help increase your chances of conceiving a baby boy.

Without going into too much technical detail, let me briefly explain how these methods work:

There are two kinds of sperm, the Y sperm and the X sperm. Only one sperm will fertilize the egg; if
it is a Y sperm, the child will be a baby boy; if it is an X sperm, the child will be a baby girl.

Thus, baby planning revolves around increasing the odds that either a Y or an X sperm will reach the
egg first.

The ways Y and X sperm behave is very similar to the ways men and women behave. What do I
mean by this? You see, Y sperm, like most guys, move very quickly but lack endurance. X sperm, on
the other hand, move more slowly, are more patient, and generally live longer.

In order for you to conceive a baby boy, baby planning tries to increase the chances of the Y sperm
reaching the egg first by giving them a head start through diet, ovulation planning, and even
intercourse position.

These methods are completely natural, and Dr. Landrum Shettles, a pioneer of in vitro fertilization
techniques, conducted a series of experiments in the sixties that led him to the same
recommendations wives tales have been telling for generations. The New York Times wrote of Dr.

In the 1960s, he became convinced by various experiments that the timing of conception within the
menstrual cycle and the acidity or alkalinity of the female reproductive tract helped determine a
baby's sex.

He published his findings in medical journals and in a book, ''How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby,''
written with David M. Rorvik. Operating under the theory that male-chromosome sperm move faster
and die sooner, while female-chromosome sperm move slower and live longer, the book lays out
instructions on the timing of intercourse—three days before ovulation for a girl, the day of ovulation
for a boy—and offers advice on sexual positions.

The book has sold more than a million copies since its publication in 1970. Although his technique is
treated with skepticism by some authorities, Dr. Shettles claimed a success rate of at least 75
The Three Steps to Conceive a Baby Boy Naturally
1. Diet

Foods rich in potassium and sodium will help you maintain an alkaline cervical discharge, which is more amenable for
conceiving a baby boy.

A woman's diet is extremely important in baby planning because the correct internal acidity is
theorized to help the Y sperm move faster and live longer. The Y sperm requires an environment
that is more alkaline in nature; in other words, the PH level of the cervical discharge of a woman's
body needs to be less acidic.

One thing that helps determine the PH level of cervical discharge is the food that you eat. If you want
to increase the chances of conceiving a baby boy, you need to include in your diet foods that are rich
in sodium and potassium, such as pickles and bananas. Orgasms are also said to help the cervical
discharge become more alkaline.

2. Ovulation Planning
To increase your chances of having a baby boy, plan to conceive as close as possible to ovulation.

This is pretty straight forward. As explained above, the Y sperm does not live as long as the X
sperm. This means that insemination should happen as close to ovulation as possible to have a
baby boy. Track your ovulation period so that you can know when is the right time to "do it" with your
partner. As a rough rule of thumb, your ovulation period occurs about 16 days after the first day of
your last menstrual flow. You can also buy an ovulation kit to determine when the best time to have
a baby boy would be.

3. Intercourse Position

The third step is to actually give the Y sperm a head start in reaching the egg. Again, the Y sperm
generally moves faster than the X sperm but cannot live as long as the X sperm does, so getting the
sperm as close to the egg as possible gives the Y sperm an advantage.
During intercourse, use positions that allow deep penetration so that the Y sperm is able to reach the
egg as quickly as possible.

Foods That Improve Sperm Quality

Posted on June 22, 2011by yuan ade sukma, MD

What foods should I eat to improve my sperm quality?

Before we continue, we should know first about How is sperm quality
measured? The World Health Organization identified five factors to assess sperm
quality. All five are necessary for the best chances of conception:
 Number of sperm cells
 Concentration of sperm
 Sperm Motility
 Speed
 Morphology
For more information about normal parameters of sperm quality and what affects it you
might want to check Sperm Disorders, Causes, and Treatments, with Video
So, what foods should i eat to improve my sperm quality? There are many studies that
suggest eating foods rich in :

 Zinc has been shown to increase number

of sperm and sperm motility by 80% to 200% by aiding testosterone synthesis.
Coupled with amino acids like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine, zinc should increase
ejaculate volume significantly. Good sources of zinc is oysters. Bananas, avocado and
almond or other nuts are also rich in zync.

 Vitamin A has been shown to enhance sperm production and

affect overall sperm quality. Good sources of Vitamin A are carrots, milk, chicken,
fish oils, butter, cheese, eggs, and liver. Deficiencies in vitamin A in men have been
linked to lowered fertility due to sluggish sperm,

 Vitamin Cis another important nutrient that has been shown

to improve sperm production and the motility of sperm cells. Good sources of
Vitamin C are strawberries, oranges, broccoli, and kiwi fruit. According to
practitioners, Vitamin C decreases sperm abnormalities and increases sperm
number and quality. Vitamin C plays an especially important role in protecting the
sperm’s genetic material (DNA) from damage. Ascorbic acid levels are much
higher in seminal fluid than in other body fluids, including the blood.

 Vitamin E is found in almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts,

peanut butter, peanuts, spinach, and broccoli. vitamin E is easy to find in food.
studies show that men who have increased levels of vitamin E in their diet, have
higher fertilization rates and better sperm motility than men who don’t have high
levels of vitamin E.
 Selenium is an antioxidant that can prevent chromosome
breakage (a problem linked to both birth defects and miscarriages). Garlic is rich in
selenium and therefore is a must for a fertility diet. Selenium and vitamins C and E
can improve both your sperm cells’ production and their motility (swimming action)

 L-Arginineis shown to double sperm and semen in recent

studies; sperm health and activity also increase. Good sources of arginine include
dairy products, beef, pork, granola, oatmeal, and nuts. Preliminary research
indicates that taking L Arginine over a period of months helps boost sperm count,
according to the University of Michigan Health System website. But in men with
extremely low natural sperm count, L Arginine seems to be little or no help.

 L-Carnitine is found in high concentrations in healthy sperm.

Proven to significantly increase the percentage of highly motile sperm. This
compound is biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. L-
Carnitine plays a powerful role in sperm formation, sperm maturation, and the
maintenance of sperm quality. Beef is where you find high doses of L-carnitine, and
there are small amounts in asparagus, and leafy greens. It is found in trace amounts
from some select nuts and seeds.
 Lycopene is the most common carotenoid in the human body
and a very potent antioxidant. Lycopene has been shown to increase sperm quality.
Fruits and vegetables that are high in lycopene include tomatoes, watermelon, pink
grapefruit, pink guava, papaya, and red bell pepper. Armand Zini, MD, associate
professor of surgery at McGill University in Montreal, addressed this issue during
the 2004 meeting of the American Dietetic Association (ADA). He reported that
oxidative damage is linked to male infertility, as is a low semen lycopene level.

 Dont forget to drink enough WATER!. Dehydration is the

number one cause of poor sperm production. Sperm components is mostly from
water. Try to eat at least 8 glass of water a day.
How To Do It All In One Easy Step
When you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes five servings of fruit and
vegetables, two to three servings of dairy and protein products plus about five to six
servings of grains, you automatically take in all the vitamins and minerals you need you
need to produce healthy and high quality sperms every day. It is not recommended to
eat the same menu over and over, instead well balanced diet is the key to maintain
maximum benefit of every nutrients in food.
Beside foods, what should I do?
Other important lifestyle changes can also help increase sperm count, such as:

Exercise. Regular exercise will help reduce stress, and also improve your overall health
but be careful. Excessive exercise can cause harm, as can certain exercises that may
negatively impact the testicles, such as bicycling.
Enough rest. Make sure you sleep adequately about 6-8 hours a day to give the body
enough time to regenerate itself, including sperm.
Ejaculating less often. The more often a man ejaculates, the less dense the semen
will be. Maintain a gap of three days between ejaculations.
Try to eat organic foods. Some studies suggest a connection between chemical
fertilizers and pesticides with both male and female infertility.
Early morning/afternoon ejaculation. It is believed that sperm levels are often
highest in the morning, due to the peak testosteron level in the blood.
Lose any excess weight, which tends to cause testosterone/estrogen imbalances
What I Should NOT do?
Sperm quality also can be reduced by a number of factors.

Smoking definitely can lower sperm quality as can Excessive drinking/alcohol or

drug use.
Avoid to highly stressing work or job, as stress can increase the amounts of free
radicals in your body and therefore decrease your sperm quality.
Too frequent ejaculation can also slow sperm production, so try to wait 2-3 days
between ejaculations.
Tight underpants, bathing in hot water for too long, and prolonged periods
of sitting/ bicycling as these things have all been shown to lower sperm quality.
Anabolic steroid use and zinc deficiency have also been linked to low sperm

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