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To the public eyes, Steve Jobs was a legend.

He was by far the most respected and known tech

entrepreneur of his time. And people fancied him the same way they love Apple products. But Jobs
was almost always more than what met the eyes. He fell short in many ways. Like any businessperson
out there, Steve made terrible mistakes, maybe even worse.

Mistake #1

He was Perhaps the Most Popular Bully of His

The level of Job’s pride was immeasurable. He was a diehard bully who would often look
down on those under him. If he found anyone at fault, he would question his or her
intelligence without a second thought. He would not just flaunt the rules of business, he
would also bark at anyone under him.

Arrogance is a dirty game at its best. Combined with pride, they are a business, reputation,
and relationship killer. Don’t be a jerk, because being a jerk and feeling high don’t make a
good businessperson or a good leader.
Mistake #2

He Never Communicated the Goals and

Expectations of His Company
Steve Jobs always saw everything as obvious. He didn’t quite understand why people he
worked with didn’t “get it”. He expected people to understand the goals and expectation of
his company without any communication. As a result, influential people left the company.
Rob Johnson couldn’t stay any longer, and Allison Johnson didn’t have the guts to be patient
with Jobs.

You should spend time with your members of staff, and make sure you help them understand
the goals of your company. Unlike Steve, don’t fire people outright for faults that are
definitely your own. The more speak your goals and make your company understood, the
more your business will grow.
Mistake #3

He Failed to Invest in Training His Staff

It is hard to understand how you can run a business without training your employees and
investing in them. But that’s how Steve Job ran his “thing”. In fact, he fired outright any
employee who didn’t “perform”. And everyone who worked with him wondered why he
based all of his decisions solely on instincts.

Making decisions from off of the top of your head is difficult. Even the gifted visionary
struggles with it sometimes. It is, therefore, important to invest in your employees so that
they can become the next successful tier of tomorrow’s business leaders.
Mistake #4

He Never Provided or Bothered to Receive

Feedback from Staff
Steve Jobs was the worst listener, an intricate virtue only his employees knew best. From
being nicknamed a ‘barker’ to ‘a cold shoulder giver’, Jobs wasn’t the kind that could give
and receive feedback. For him, the latest tech trends and his guts were the two big principles
of business.

If you can’t pay more attention to your employees, then why go ahead and hire them, in the
first place? If you haven’t been listening to your employees, this is probably the best time to
change your approach. They must be part of the decision making process of your company.
Mistake #5

He was a Leader Who Built Walls and Blocked

Apple had a terrible culture. You can call it the dangerous cult of secrecy. Programmers and
designers worked separately. And they never had the chance to see the product. Worse,
anyone who let information out was Apple’s biggest foe. And he/she faced the wrath of
losing employment at Apple.

Eventually, people do get tired of not being included in the development process. If you want
to become a successful business, then inclusion must be in your list of business strategies.

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