Qualifications Pack Secretary 28022017 V4

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1. Introduction and Contacts..…P1

2. Qualifications Pack……….……...P2
3. Glossary of Key Terms …………P3
4. OS Units……………………..…….….P5

 OS describe what 5. Annexure: Nomenclature for QP & OS. P41

individuals need 6. Assessment Criteria……………….P43
to do, know and
understand in
order to carry out
a particular job
role or function

 OS are
standards that
achieve when
functions in the
workplace, REFERENCE ID: MEP/Q0201
together with
specifications of ALIGNED TO: NCO- 2015/3341.9900
the underpinning
Brief Job Description: support the work of managers and company directors for
knowledge and
whom they are employed to undertake a variety of administrative, clerical and
managerial tasks. They often act as the manager's first point of contact and for
use shorthand and a steno machine to transcribe information .

Personal Attributes: This job requires the individual to have: basic computer
14 Management skills, listening skills, good interpersonal and communication skills with attention
House, Institutional, to details, analytical skills, time management and problem solving skills.
Area, Lodhi Road, New
E-mail: ceo@mepsc.in
Qualifications Pack for Secretary

Qualifications Pack Code MEP/Q0201

Job Role Secretary
Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0
Job Details

Sector Management, Drafted on 5/12/16

Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills
Sub-sector Office Management Last reviewed on 11/01/2017
Occupation Secretarial Next review date 11/01/2020

Job Role Secretary

Role Description support the work of managers and company directors for
whom they are employed to undertake a variety of
administrative, clerical and managerial tasks
NSQF level 4
Minimum Educational Qualifications 12th Standard Passed, preferably
Maximum Educational Qualifications N.A
Training (Suggested but not N.A.
Minimum Job Entry Age 18 years
Experience N.A
Applicable National Occupational Compulsory:
Standards (NOS) 1. MEP/N0201 Stenography/Shorthand
2. MEP/N0202 Application of computers
3. MEP/N0203 Operation & usage of various office
4. MEP/N0204 Managing routine office activities
5. MEP/N0205 Comply with industry and organizational
6. MEP/N0206 Demonstrate soft skills required for the
7. MEP/N0207 Maintain a healthy, safe and secure
working environment

Performance Criteria As described in the relevant OS units

Qualifications Pack for Secretary

Keywords /Terms Description

Core Skills/Generic Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning

Skills and working in today's world. These skills are typically needed in any
work environment. In the context of the NOS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.
Function Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the
sector, occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a person
or a group of persons. Functions are identified through functional
analysis and form the basis of NOS.
Job Role Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
employment opportunity in an organization.
Knowledge and Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify the
Understanding technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge
that an individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.
National Occupational NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Standards (NOS) context
Occupation Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of
functions in an industry.
Organisational Context Organisational Context includes the way the organization is structured
and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.
Performance Criteria Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard
of performance required when carrying out a task.
Qualifications Pack(QP) Qualifications Pack comprises the set of NOS, together with the
educational, training and other criteria required to perform a job role. A
Qualifications Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.
Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a
Code qualifications pack.
Scope Scope is the set of statements specifying the range of variables that an
individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have
a critical impact on the quality of performance required.
Sector Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar
businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the
economy whose components share similar characteristics and interests.
Sub-Sector Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the
characteristics and interests of its components.
Sub-functions Sub-functions are sub-activities essential to fulfil the achieving the
objectives of the function.
Technical Knowledge Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish
specific designated responsibilities.
Unit Code Unit Code is a unique identifier for a NOS unit, which can be denoted
with an ‘N’
Unit Title Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
should be able to do.

Qualifications Pack for Secretary

Keywords /Terms Description

NSQF National Skills Qualifications Framework

QP Qualification Pack
OS Occupational Standards

MEP/N0201 Stenography/shorthand



This unit is about taking shorthand notes and producing accurate and correct text in an
agreed format. It includes checking the content for accuracy, editing and correcting text as
necessary and storing both the text and the original shorthand notes safely and securely.

MEP/N0201 Stenography/shorthand

Unit Code MEP / N0201

Unit Title Stenography/Shorthand
National Occupational Standard

Description This unit covers the skills of taking shorthand notes and producing accurate and
correct text and agreed format. It includes checking the content for accuracy, editing
and correcting text as necessary and storing both the text and the original shorthand
notes safely and securely.
Scope This unit/tasks covers the following:
 shorthand skills- taking dictation & recording shorthand
 documentation from transcript
 knowledge & use of appropriate symbols
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Taking dictation/ To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to
writing in short hand PC1. take dictation using shorthand
PC2. input and format the text from shorthand notes
PC3. check content for accuracy, editing and correcting the text
Transcribing PC4. use of logograms ,grammalogues & contraction, with the use of tick ‘The’ and
shorthand punctuation marks and dictation use different input/output devices
documents PC5. use alternative forms of R & L, use of thick R And L
PC6. use of vowels: long & short vowels, dot & dash vowels, places of vowel,
following & preceding vowel and intermediate vowel
PC7. use of phraseography, logograms, grammalogues & contractions
PC8. present the text in the required format within agreed deadlines
Knowledge & use of PC9. use of abbreviated W, Semicircle Y, and Diaphone U
appropriate symbols PC10. use of downward H, Tick H and Dot H and upward SH
PC11. use of small circle for S & Z, use of S & Z with other stroke consonants
PC12. use of large circle for SW and their medially
PC13. use of initial small hooks (double consonants) R & L hooks, SHR & SHL
hooked strokes ,vowels and double consonants
PC14. use of curved hooked strokes i.e. F/V/TH
PC15. use of N & F/V small hooks, hooks And vowels ,circles and loop with finally
hooked strokes
PC16. use of prefixes/suffixes
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. your organization’s policies, procedures and priorities for your area of work
(Knowledge of the and your role and responsibilities in carrying out your work
company / KA2. the reporting procedure and follow up procedure if breakdown appears
KA3. importance of speedy disposal of work with maximum accuracy
organization and
KA4. the purpose of confidentiality and data protection
its processes) KA5. compliance to statuary requirements expected from employees

MEP/N0202 Application of computers

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

Knowledge KB1. use different types of documents that may be produced from shorthand and
the formats they should follow
KB2. the benefits of agreeing the purpose, format and deadline for the text
KB3. check for accuracy and correctness – including spelling, grammar and
punctuation – and the purpose of doing this
KB4. the different formats in which the text may be presented
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. read and interpret instructions, procedures, information and signs in the
SA2. read, understand and interpret various mails/memo/office orders/circulars
/letters and office instructions received from various sources
Writing Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. prepare proposals, feedback to higher authorities
SA4. correspond with other institutions/department
SA5. comprehend written instructions
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA6. summarize information so to communicate it clearly, concisely and
SA7. express statements, opinions or information clearly so that the receiver can
hear and understand
SA8. express ideas clearly through written document
SA9. respond appropriately to queries
SA10. communicate effectively to manager, supervisor and workers
B. Professional Decision Making
Skills The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. make decisions on the resources to be used for work
SB2. type of situations which require to be tackled by the individual or need to
pass on to the superiors
SB3. what sort of work decisions can be taken within the job responsibilities
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. how to accurately estimate time and effort required to complete a task
SB5. identify and organize systems and required resources
SB6. maintain adequate preparation time for scheduled meetings/deadlines
SB7. develop schedules and timetables with clear, specific milestones and
SB8. identify critical tasks
SB9. establish priorities systematically, differentiating between urgent, important,
and unimportant tasks
SB10. monitor & adjust priorities and/or eliminate tasks on an on-going basis

MEP/N0202 Application of computers

Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB11. importance of being patient and courteous with clients and vendors
SB12. being polite and courteous under all circumstances
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB13. how to avoid conflicts and solve them amicably
SB14. breakdowns and malfunction of equipment
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB15. to estimate the time taken to complete a work
SB16. to assess effort required to complete a work effectively
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB17. ability to concentrate on task at hand and complete it without errors

MEP/N0202 Application of computers

NOS Version Control

NOS Code MEP / N0201

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Management, Drafted on 5/12/16
Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills
Industry Sub-sector Office Management Last reviewed on 11/01/2017
Occupation Secretarial Next review date 11/01/2020

MEP/N0202 Application of computers


This unit covers the skills and competencies that you need, to operate a computer and use
a variety of office software packages to produce documents.

MEP/N0202 Application of computers

Unit Code MEP / N0202

Unit Title Application of computers
National Occupational Standard

Description This unit covers the skills and competencies that user/individual need to operate a
computer and office software packages to perform day- to- day activities at
Scope This unit/tasks covers the following:
 Identification of parts of computer and storage devices
 Operation of computers and its components
 Use of various computer software programs and applications

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Identification of To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to
various parts of PC1. identify & describe various parts of computers like CPU, keyboard, monitor,
computers and etc.
storage devices PC2. identify different types of storage devices e.g. portable hard disks, flash
drives, pen drives and CDs/DVDs (latest removable devices)
Operation of PC3. connect, turn on and off the computer properly and run computer
computer and related applications
components PC4. use different input/ output devices
PC5. connect and dismantle projector, cords, cables and input/output devices
Use of various PC6. view files, work with files and customize window
computer software PC7. use application of essential accessories such as notepad, WordPad,
programs & paintbrush, images, calculator, calendar, media players and sounds
applications PC8. use multimedia settings and applications of control panel
PC9. use word processing software to create and edit official documents and
reports (MS Word or equivalent)
PC10. use software to create and edit presentations (MS PowerPoint or equivalent)
PC11. use software applications to create, apply & modify formulas, generate
reports, maintain database & compile data(MS Excel or equivalent)
PC12. operate graphic packages e.g. MS Paint, PC Paintbrush etc.
PC13. use social media( Google +, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook)
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
B. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. the features, applications and uses of computer software/s in
(Knowledge of the use
company / KA2. importance of speedy disposal of work with maximum accuracy
organization and KA3. use of standard operating manuals and procedures for dealing with work
its processes) related to computer application
KA4. what records to be kept and to whom they need to be passed
KA5. the reporting procedure and follow up procedure if breakdown appears

MEP/N0202 Application of computers

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

Knowledge KB1. scope of minor and major breakdowns
KB2. methods of replenishment to run the equipment
KB3. the use and functionalities of various computer hardware components and
software packages
KB4. how to use keyboard shortcuts
KB5. the use of various social media platforms ( Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn ,
Skills (s)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA1. read and interpret instructions, procedures, information and signs at the
SA2. read, understand and use various keyboard shortcuts
SA3. read, understand and interpret various mails/memo/office orders/circulars
/letters and office instructions received from various sources
Writing Skills
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA4. organize, structure and present information
SA5. write grammatically correct emails, reports & letters
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA6. identify the nature, purpose and use of the information to be communicated
SA7. express statements, opinions or information clearly, so that the receiver can
hear and understand
SA8. listen and respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation
SA9. communicate effectively with managers, supervisors and workers
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. how to take information from the relevant sources and verify its accuracy and
SB2. the importance of taking sound decisions based upon a valid analysis of the
best available information.
SB3. how to identify and tackle situations individually or inform the seniors about
the same
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. the importance of accurately estimating time and effort required to complete
a task
SB5. how to develop simple to do list and prioritize tasks on the basis of importance
and urgency of tasks at hand
SB6. how to complete the tasks within the allocated time, requirements/standards
and resources
SB7. how to eliminate distractions and activities that do not support the
achievement of the objectives
SB8. how to develop schedules, timetables with clear & specific milestones within

MEP/N0202 Application of computers

the given timeframes

SB9. the importance of identifying professional and personal priorities and
maintaining work life balance
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB10. importance of being positive, patient, courteous and customer friendly
under all circumstances
SB11. the positive and negative body language while dealing with customers
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB12. the importance of identifying problems at workplace and various means to
resolve the same
SB13. the breakdowns and malfunction of office equipment and to report the
issues to the concerned personnel
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB14. how to break down complex problems into single and manageable
components within his/her area of work
SB15. the streamlined approach to finding solutions
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB16. the importance of identifying various possible solutions to a problem using
given data and information
SB17. the importance of applying facts to reach to a logical solution to a
SB18. importance of being adaptable to change

MEP/N0202 Application of computers

NOS Version Control

NOS Code MEP / N0202

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Management, Drafted on 5/12/16
Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills
Industry Sub-sector Office Management Last reviewed on 11/01/2017
Occupation Secretarial Next review date 11/01/2020

MEP/N0203 Operation and usage of various office equipment


This unit is about using office equipment such as photocopiers, telephone, scanners,
faxes, binders, laminators, printers, A/V equipment and reporting the problems related to
the equipment and leaving the equipment ready for the next user.

MEP/N0203 Operation and usage of various office equipment

Unit Code SSC / N0203

Unit Title Operation & usage of office equipment
National Occupational Standard

Description This unit covers the skills and competencies that user/individual need to have in
to operate office equipment to perform day-to day office activities.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
 knowledge and usage of various office equipment - printer, photocopier,
scanner, projector, binder, laminator, telephone, A/V equipment etc.
 operate the machine for specific tasks
 basic troubleshooting activities

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to
PC1. locate and select the equipment ( printer, photocopier, scanner ,
binder , laminator , telephone, A/V equipment) and resources needed for
the task
PC2. understand the various parts and functions of the various office
equipment( printer, photocopier, scanner, projector, binder, laminator,
telephone, A/V equipment)
PC3. operate each equipment efficiently and use all its features &
Operation and usage of applications
various office equipment PC4. replenish material/supplies needed to run each equipment
PC5. inform/maintain about material/ supplies required for each equipment
to the appropriate person
PC6. record usage of material/ equipment
PC7. carryout minor maintenance and troubleshooting
PC8. understand the network issues with each equipment
PC9. know/inform and act on the appropriate channel of communication in
case of major breakdown
PC10. make sure the equipment is kept clean at all times, before loading,
while usage
PC11. find alternative means of completion of tasks within stipulated time in
case of such breakdown
PC12. make sure the equipment, resources and work area are ready for the
next user
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context (Knowledge of KA1. the different types of office equipment, their features and what they
the company / can be used for
organization and its KA2. how to choose equipment and resources that are appropriate for the
processes) task
KA3. use of standard operating manuals and procedures for dealing with

MEP/N0203 Operation and usage of various office equipment

work related to office equipment

KA4. the reasons for following standard operating procedures when
operating an equipment
KA5. the reporting procedure and follow up procedure if breakdown appears
KA6. importance of speedy disposal of work with maximum accuracy
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. cleaning and covering the equipment after office hours
KB2. scope of minor and major breakdowns
KB3. addressing minor even when external resources are required
KB4. methods of replenishment to run the equipment
KB5. sources of replenishment of supplies
KB6. data collection, analysis and documentation
KB7. how to connect any equipment
KB8. various parts/components of equipment
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA1. read and interpret instructions, procedures, information and signs at the
SA2. read, understand and use various keyboard shortcuts
SA3. read, understand and interpret various mails/memo/office
orders/circulars /letters and office instructions received from various
Writing Skills
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA4. organize, structure and present information
SA5. write grammatically correct emails, reports & letters
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA6. identify the nature, purpose and use of the information to be
communicated verbally
SA7. express statements, opinions or information clearly, so that the receiver
can hear and understand
SA8. listen and respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation
SA9. communicate effectively with managers, supervisors and workers
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. how to take information from the relevant sources and verify its accuracy
and reliability
SB2. the importance of taking sound decisions based upon a valid analysis of
the best available information
SB3. how to identify and tackle situations individually or inform the seniors
about the same

MEP/N0203 Operation and usage of various office equipment

Plan and Organize

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. the importance of accurately estimating time and effort required to
complete a task
SB5. how to develop simple to do list and prioritize tasks on the basis of
importance and urgency of tasks at hand
SB6. how to complete the tasks within the allocated time,
requirements/standards and resources
SB7. how to eliminate distractions and activities that do not support the
achievement of the objectives
SB8. how to develop schedules, timetables with clear & specific milestones
within the given timeframes
SB9. the importance of identifying professional and personal priorities and
maintaining work life balance
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB10. importance of being positive, patient, courteous and customer friendly
under all circumstances
SB11. the positive and negative body language while dealing with customers
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB12. the importance of identifying problems at workplace and various means
to resolve the same
SB13. the breakdowns and malfunction of office equipment and to report the
issues to the concerned personnel
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB14. how to break down complex problems into single and manageable
components within his/her area of work
SB15. the streamlined approach to finding solutions
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB16. the importance of identifying various possible solutions to a problem
using given data and information
SB17. the importance of applying facts to reach to a logical solution to a
SB18. importance of being adaptable to change

MEP/N0203 Operation and usage of various office equipment

NOS Version Control

NOS Code MEP / N0203

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Management, Drafted on 5/12/16
Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills
Industry Sub-sector Office Management Last reviewed on 11/01/2017
Occupation Secretarial Next review date 11/01/2020

MEP/N0204 Managing routine office activities


This unit is about managing day to day activities of the organization.

MEP/N0204 Managing routine office activities

Unit Code MEP / N0204

Unit Title
National Occupational Standard

Managing routine office activities

Description This unit is about managing day to day activities of the organization.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
 receiving and making call (telephone etiquette, record keeping)
 drafting reports/letters (formatting, salutations, closing)
 personal grooming (dressing, behavior)
 convening meeting (agenda, notice, follow up., venue arrangements, minutes,
 filling and record management (numbering, filling, indexing)
 email features and usage
 managing movement of paper/files

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Receiving & making To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to
phone calls PC1. attend to phone calls of various stakeholders and channelize them to
appropriate authority
PC2. greet callers/visitors and verify their details, following your organization’s
procedures over phone or face to face
PC3. comply with relevant standards, policies, procedures and guidelines when
dealing remotely with queries
PC4. listen carefully to callers/visitors and ask appropriate questions to
understand the nature of queries
PC5. summarize, and obtain confirmation of, your understanding of queries
PC6. express your concern for any difficulties caused and your commitment to
resolving queries
PC7. refer queries outside your area of competence or authority promptly to
appropriate people
PC8. access your organization’s knowledge base for solutions to queries, where
PC9. resolve queries within your area of competence or authority in line with
organizational standards
Personal grooming PC10. dress-up appropriately and neatly as per the corporate culture
PC11. maintain personal hygiene by keeping self-neat and clean in terms on nails,
hair style, teeth etc.
PC12. use the right behavior to strengthen codes which stress the value of poise,
grace and dignity
PC13. ensure visitors are positively engaged while maintaining decorum
Drafting PC14. prepare computer generated reports and letters
reports/letters and PC15. use accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation while drafting/formatting
emails reports/letters/emails
PC16. compose, format, forward/send and print email messages

MEP/N0204 Managing routine office activities

File management PC17. file documents and develop or modify filing practices
PC18. check the files for primary classification, series record, indexing or labeling
PC19. manage, record paper files/computer according to business and legal
PC20. track movement of files/records
Convene meeting PC21. coordinate, organize meetings
PC22. prepare draft notice, agenda and minutes of meeting
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. your organization’s standards, policies, procedures, guidelines and service
(Knowledge of the level agreements for dealing with queries and your role and responsibilities
company / in relation to these
organization and KA2. organizations profile, Its area of operation, and organizations statue
its processes) KA3. your organization’s management tools and systems for recording,
categorizing and resolving queries
KA4. where to refer queries outside your authority
KA5. who to seek advice and guidance from
KA6. standard tools, templates and scripts available for dealing with customer
KA7. the importance of keeping customers informed about timescales for progress
and resolution of customer queries
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. the hierarchy of communication
KB2. the organizational structure
KB3. different styles and approaches when working with customers
KB4. techniques for conveying concern and commitment
KB5. guidelines for handling over such communication
KB6. issues that may affect customer satisfaction and how to deal with these
KB7. alternative channels of communication
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA1. read and interpret instructions, procedures, information and signs at the
SA2. read, understand and use various keyboard shortcuts
SA3. read, understand and interpret various mails/memo/office orders/circulars
/letters and office instructions received from various sources
Writing Skills
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA4. organize, structure and present information
SA5. write grammatically correct emails, reports & letters
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA6. identify the nature, purpose and use of the information to be communicated
SA7. express statements, opinions or information clearly, so that the receiver can
hear and understand

MEP/N0204 Managing routine office activities

SA8. listen and respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation

SA9. communicate effectively with managers, supervisors and workers
B. Professional Decision Making
Skills The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. how to take information from the relevant sources and verify its accuracy and
SB2. the importance of taking sound decisions based upon a valid analysis of the
best available information.
SB3. how to identify and tackle situations individually or inform the seniors about
the same
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. the importance of accurately estimating time and effort required to complete
a task
SB5. how to develop simple to do list and prioritize tasks on the basis of
importance and urgency of tasks at hand
SB6. how to complete the tasks within the allocated time, requirements/standards
and resources
SB7. how to eliminate distractions and activities that do not support the
achievement of the objectives
SB8. how to develop schedules, timetables with clear & specific milestones within
the given timeframes
SB9. the importance of identifying professional and personal priorities and
maintaining work life balance
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB10. importance of being positive, patient, courteous and customer friendly
under all circumstances
SB11. the positive and negative body language while dealing with customers
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB12. the importance of identifying problems at workplace and various means to
resolve the same
SB13. the breakdowns and malfunction of office equipment and to report the
issues to the concerned personnel
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB14. how to break down complex problems into single and manageable
components within his/her area of work
SB15. the streamlined approach to finding solutions
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB16. the importance of identifying various possible solutions to a problem using
given data and information
SB17. the importance of applying facts to reach to a logical solution to a
SB18. importance of being adaptable to change

MEP/N0204 Managing routine office activities

NOS Version Control

NOS Code MEP / N0204

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Management, Drafted on 5/12/16
Industry Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills
Industry Sub-sector Office Management Last reviewed on 11/01/2017
Secretarial Next review date 11/01/2020

MEP/N0205 Comply with industry and organizational requirement


This unit is about knowing, understanding, and complying with the requirements of the

MEP/N0205 Comply with industry and organizational requirement

Unit Code MEP / N0205

Unit Title Comply with industry and organizational requirement
National Occupational Standard

Description This unit is about knowing, understanding and complying with the
requirements of the organizations.
Scope This unit/tasks covers the following:
 know and understand organizational standards
 know and understand industry standards
 general knowledge and awareness

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Organizational To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to
standards PC1. describe the organizational standards
PC2. implement organizational standards in the work performance
PC3. motivate others to follow them
Industry standards PC4. describe the industry standards
PC5. align industry standards with the organizational standards
General knowledge & PC6. explain political, social, economic, & geographical work
awareness environment
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. office procedures and regulations
(Knowledge of the KA2. reporting to the supervisors or higher authority
KA3. knowledge of organizational standards
company /
KA4. administrative and clerical procedures
organization and its

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

Knowledge KB1. required typing speed
KB2. importance of complying with the procedures and time lines
Skills (S)
C. Core Skills/ Generic Reading Skills
Skills On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA1. read and interpret instructions, procedures, information and
signs at the workplace
SA2. read, understand and use various keyboard shortcuts
SA3. read, understand and interpret various mails/memo/office
orders/circulars /letters and office instructions received from
various sources
Writing Skills
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA4. organize, structure and present information
SA5. write grammatically correct emails, reports & letters

MEP/N0205 Comply with industry and organizational requirement

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA6. identify the nature, purpose and use of the information to be
communicated verbally
SA7. express statements, opinions or information clearly, so that the
receiver can hear and understand
SA8. listen and respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation
SA9. communicate effectively with managers, supervisors and workers
D. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. how to take information from the relevant sources and verify its
accuracy and reliability
SB2. the importance of taking sound decisions based upon a valid
analysis of the best available information.
SB3. how to identify and tackle situations individually or inform the
seniors about the same
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. the importance of accurately estimating time and effort required
to complete a task
SB5. how to develop simple to do list and prioritize tasks on the basis
of importance and urgency of tasks at hand
SB6. how to complete the tasks within the allocated time,
requirements/standards and resources
SB7. how to eliminate distractions and activities that do not support
the achievement of the objectives
SB8. how to develop schedules, timetables with clear & specific
milestones within the given timeframes
SB9. the importance of identifying professional and personal priorities
and maintaining work life balance
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB10. importance of being positive, patient, courteous and customer
friendly under all circumstances
SB11. the positive and negative body language while dealing with
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB12. the importance of identifying problems at workplace and
various means to resolve the same
SB13. the breakdowns and malfunction of office equipment and to
report the issues to the concerned personnel
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB14. how to break down complex problems into single and
manageable components within his/her area of work
SB15. the streamlined approach to finding solutions

MEP/N0205 Comply with industry and organizational requirement

Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB16. the importance of identifying various possible solutions to a
problem using given data and information
SB17. the importance of applying facts to reach to a logical solution to
a situation/problem
SB18. importance of being adaptable to change

MEP/N0205 Comply with industry and organizational requirement

NOS Version Control

NOS Code MEP / N0205

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Management, Drafted on 5/12/16
Industry Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills
Industry Sub-sector Office Management Last reviewed on 11/01/2017
Secretarial Next review date 11/01/2020

MEP/N0206 Demonstrate soft skills required for the job


This unit covers how you should demonstrate your professional skills.

MEP/N0206 Demonstrate soft skills required for the job

Unit Code MEP / N0206

Unit Title Demonstrate soft skills required for the job
National Occupational Standard

Description This is unit is about demonstrating good verbal and written communication skills
at workplace.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
 receiving and channelizing communication
 self-development
 decision making
 attention to detail
 analyzing figures & numbers
 interpersonal skills

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Receiving and To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to
channelizing PC1. ensure instructions and workflows are channelized in the desired
communication manner to the appropriate person
PC2. liaise and communicate effectively with all concerned parties, giving
regular updates to those required on your work progress
PC3. respond appropriately to letters and queries
PC4. correspond through writing in vernacular language/ basic English,
precisely, with content and structure desired
PC5. obtain advice and guidance from appropriate people to develop
knowledge, skills and competence
PC6. co-ordinate with all the team members and colleagues
PC7. communicate politely
PC8. keep appropriate records to monitor your work
PC9. organize and store important notice or letters
PC10. set a realistic work plan by allocating estimated time frames to each
activity to aid planning and costing
PC11. prioritize and establish work according to its importance
PC12. differentiate between relevant/ important and supporting elements of
Self-development PC13. perform own duties effectively
PC14. take responsibility for own actions
PC15. be accountable towards the job role and assigned duties
PC16. take initiative and innovate the existing methods
PC17. focus on self - learning and improvement
Attention to detail PC18. identify the objectives of task at hand and various means to achieve the
PC19. complete the task at hand without errors
PC20. proofread and correct documents and reports

MEP/N0206 Demonstrate soft skills required for the job

Analyzing figures and PC21. read, analyse, understand and interpret the data into meaningful
numbers information
PC22. convert the given information into charts, graphs and statistics using
appropriate softwares
PC23. apply functions and formulas using calculator and appropriate
PC24. use the existing data points to generate required reports for business
Interpersonal skills PC25. agree with team members to be contacted for specific purposes
PC26. ensure that the team members receive the required information on
PC27. encourage others to share information and knowledge within the
constraints of confidentiality
PC28. respect views and opinions of other team members
PC29. manage conflicting situations at workplace
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context (Knowledge of KA1. ensure work is aligned with the organizational standards
the company / KA2. how to report to supervisor or higher authority about any grievances
organization and its faced
processes) KA3. the nature of business calls / letters / notices and respond
KA4. company’s documentation policy
KA5. how to follow guidelines, procedures and pre described formats for
writing letters/ replies/ notes
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. the hierarchy of communication
KB2. the organizational structure
KB3. specific formats for communication
KB4. how to pick up the basic grammar of the language
KB5. how to use the correct terms as appropriate for the situation
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA1. read and interpret instructions, procedures, information and signs at the
SA2. read, understand and use various keyboard shortcuts
SA3. read, understand and interpret various mails/memo/office
orders/circulars /letters and office instructions received from various
Writing Skills
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA4. organize, structure and present information
SA5. write grammatically correct emails, reports & letters
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

On the job the individual needs to be able to:

SA6. identify the nature, purpose and use of the information to be

MEP/N0206 Demonstrate soft skills required for the job

communicated verbally
SA7. express statements, opinions or information clearly, so that the receiver
can hear and understand
SA8. listen and respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation
SA9. communicate effectively with managers, supervisors and workers
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. how to take information from the relevant sources and verify its accuracy
and reliability
SB2. the importance of taking sound decisions based upon a valid analysis of
the best available information.
SB3. how to identify and tackle situations individually or inform the seniors
about the same
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. the importance of accurately estimating time and effort required to
complete a task
SB5. how to develop simple to do list and prioritize tasks on the basis of
importance and urgency of tasks at hand
SB6. how to complete the tasks within the allocated time,
requirements/standards and resources
SB7. how to eliminate distractions and activities that do not support the
achievement of the objectives
SB8. how to develop schedules, timetables with clear & specific milestones
within the given timeframes
SB9. the importance of identifying professional and personal priorities and
maintaining work life balance
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB10. importance of being positive, patient, courteous and customer friendly
under all circumstances
SB11. the positive and negative body language while dealing with customers
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB12. the importance of identifying problems at workplace and various means
to resolve the same
SB13. the breakdowns and malfunction of office equipment and to report the
issues to the concerned personnel
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB14. how to break down complex problems into single and manageable
components within his/her area of work
SB15. the streamlined approach to finding solutions
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB16. the importance of identifying various possible solutions to a problem
using given data and information

MEP/N0206 Demonstrate soft skills required for the job

SB17. the importance of applying facts to reach to a logical solution to a

SB18. importance of being adaptable to change

MEP/N0206 Demonstrate soft skills required for the job

NOS Version Control

NOS Code MEP / N0206

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Management, Drafted on 5/12/16
Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills
Industry Sub-sector Office Management Last reviewed on 11/01/2017
Occupation Secretarial Next review date 11/01/2020

MEP/N0207 Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment


This unit is about monitoring your working environment and making sure it meets
requirements for health, safety and security.

MEP/N0207 Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment

Unit Code MEP/N0207

Unit Title Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment
National Occupational Standard

Description This unit is about monitoring your working environment and making sure it meets
requirements for health, safety and security.
Scope This unit/task covers the following emergency procedures:
 illness
 accidents
 fires other reasons to evacuate the premises
 breaches of security

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Maintain health, safety To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
and security measures PC1. comply with your organization’s current health, safety and security
during all activities policies and procedures
PC2. report any identified breaches in health, safety, and security policies and
procedures to the designated person
PC3. identify and correct any hazards that you can deal with safely,
competently and within the limits of your authority
PC4. report any hazards that you are not competent to deal with to the
relevant person in line with organizational procedures
PC5. follow your organization’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and
PC6. identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and
security to the designated person
PC7. complete any health and safety records legibly and accurately
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context (Knowledge of KA1. legislative requirements and organization’s procedures for health,
the company / KA2. safety and security and your role and responsibilities in relation to this
organization and its what is meant by a hazard, including the different types of health and
processes) safety hazards that can be found in the workplace
KA3. how and when to report hazards
KA4. limits of your responsibility for dealing with hazards
KA5. your organization’s emergency procedures for different emergency
situations and the importance of following these
KA6. the importance of maintaining high standards of health, safety and
KA7. implications of any non-compliance related to health, safety and security
impacting individuals and the organization

MEP/N0207 Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

Knowledge KB1. different types of breaches in health, safety and security and how and
when to report these
KB2. evacuation procedures for workers and visitors
KB3. how to summon medical assistance and the emergency services, where
KB4. how to use the health, safety and accident reporting procedures and the
importance of these
KB5. government agencies in the areas of safety, health and security and their
norms and services
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA1. read and interpret instructions, procedures, information and signs at the
SA2. read, understand and use various keyboard shortcuts
SA3. read, understand and interpret various mails/memo/office
orders/circulars /letters and office instructions received from various
Writing Skills
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA4. organize, structure and present information
SA5. write grammatically correct emails, reports & letters
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
On the job the individual needs to be able to:
SA6. identify the nature, purpose and use of the information to be
communicated verbally
SA7. express statements, opinions or information clearly, so that the receiver
can hear and understand
SA8. listen and respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation
SA9. communicate effectively with managers, supervisors and workers
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. how to take information from the relevant sources and verify its accuracy
and reliability
SB2. the importance of taking sound decisions based upon a valid analysis of
the best available information.
SB3. how to identify and tackle situations individually or inform the seniors
about the same
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. plan and organize the work to meet health, safety and security
SB5. the importance of accurately estimating time and effort required to
complete a task
SB6. how to develop simple to do list and prioritize tasks on the basis of
importance and urgency of tasks at hand

MEP/N0207 Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment

SB7. how to complete the tasks within the allocated time,

requirements/standards and resources
SB8. how to eliminate distractions and activities that do not support the
achievement of the objectives
SB9. how to develop schedules, timetables with clear & specific milestones
within the given timeframes
SB10. the importance of identifying professional and personal priorities and
maintaining work life balance
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB11. importance of being positive, patient, courteous and customer friendly
under all circumstances
SB12. the positive and negative body language while dealing with customers
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB13. the importance of identifying problems at workplace and various means
to resolve the same
SB14. the breakdowns and malfunction of office equipment and to report the
issues to the concerned personnel
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB15. how to break down complex problems into single and manageable
components within his/her area of work
SB16. the streamlined approach to finding solutions
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB17. the importance of identifying various possible solutions to a problem
using given data and information
SB18. the importance of applying facts to reach to a logical solution to a
SB19. importance of being adaptable to change

MEP/N0207 Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment

NOS Version Control

NOS Code MEP / N0207

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Management, Drafted on 5/12/16
Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills
Industry Sub-sector Office Management Last reviewed on 11/01/2017
Occupation Secretarial Next review date 11/01/2020

Qualification Pack for Secretary


Nomenclature for QP and NOS

Qualifications Pack
9 characters
[ABC]/ Q 0101

[Insert 3 letter code for SSC] QP number (2 numbers)

Q denoting Qualifications Pack Occupation (2 numbers)

Occupational Standard

An example of NOS with ‘N’ 9 characters

[ABC] / N 0101

[Insert 3 letter code for SSC] OS number (2 numbers)

N denoting National Occupational Standard Occupation (2 numbers)

Qualification Pack for Secretary

The following acronyms/codes have been used in the nomenclature above:

Sub-sector Range of Occupation numbers

Training & Assessment 0101-0140
Office Management & Professional Skills 0201-0240
Entrepreneurship 0301-0340
Non-Teaching Segment - Education Sector 0401-0440

Sequence Description Example

Three letters Industry name MEP

Slash / /

Next letter Whether QP or NOS Q/N

Next two numbers Occupation code 01

Next two numbers OS number 01

Back to top…

Qualification Pack for Secretary


Job Role : Secretary

Qualification Pack : MEP/Q0201
Sector Skill Council : Management & Entrepreneurship and Professional Skills Council (MEPSC)

Guidelines for Assessment

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill
Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its
importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills
Practical for each PC.
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created
by the SSC.
3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each
candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every
student at each examination/training center based on this criteria.
5. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 50% in every NOS.
6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible to take
subsequent assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack.

Assessment Assessment Criteria for outcomes Marks Allocation


Total Out Theory Skills Practical

marks of
PC1. take dictation using shorthand 11 1 10
1.MEP/N0201 PC2. input and format the text from shorthand 7 2 5
(Stenography/ PC3. check content for accuracy, editing and 5 2 3
Shorthand) correcting the text
PC4. use of logograms ,grammalogues & 7 2 5
contraction, with the use of tick ‘The’ and
punctuation marks and dictation use different
input/output devices
PC5. use alternative forms of R & L, use of thick 7 2 5
R And L
PC6. use of vowels: long & short vowels, dot & 6 1 5
dash vowels, places of vowel,following &
preceding vowel and intermediate vowel

Qualification Pack for Secretary

PC7. use of phraseography, logograms, 6 1 5

grammalogues & contractions
PC8. present the text in the required format 6 1 5
within agreed deadlines
PC9. use of abbreviated W, Semicircle Y, and 6 1 5
Diaphone U
PC10. use of downward H, Tick H and Dot H and 6 1 5
upward SH
PC11. use of small circle for S & Z, use of S & Z 6 1 5
with other stroke consonants
PC12. use of large circle for SW and their 6 1 5
PC13. use of initial small hooks (double 6 1 5
consonants) R & L hooks, SHR & SHL hooked
strokes ,vowels and double consonants
PC14. use of curved hooked strokes i.e. F/V/TH 6 1 5
PC15. use of N & F/V small hooks, hooks And 6 1 5
vowels ,circles and loop with finally hooked
PC16. use of prefixes/suffixes 3 1 2
100 20 80
2. MEP/N0202 PC1. identify & describe various parts of 7 2 5
computers like CPU, keyboard, monitor, etc.
(Application of PC2. identify different types of storage devices 10 3 7
computers) e.g. portable hard disks, flash drives, pen drives
and CDs/DVDs (latest removable devices)
PC3. connect, turn on and off the computer 7 2 5
properly and run computer applications
PC4. use different input/ output devices 7 1 6
PC5. connect and dismantle projector, cords, 7 1 6
cables and input/output devices
PC6. view files, work with files and customize 7 2 5
PC7. use application of essential accessories 10 5 5
such as notepad, WordPad, paintbrush, images,
calculator, calendar, media players and sounds
PC8. use multimedia settings and applications of 5 2 3
control panel
PC9. use word processing software to create and 10 2 8
edit official documents and reports (MS Word
or equivalent)

PC10. use software to create and edit 10 2 8

presentations (MS PowerPoint or equivalent)

Qualification Pack for Secretary

PC11. use software applications to create, apply 10 2 8

& modify formulas, generate reports, maintain
database & compile data(MS Excel or equivalent)
PC12. operate graphic packages e.g. MS Paint, 5 3 2
PC Paintbrush etc.
PC13. use social media( Google + Twitter, 5 3 2
LinkedIn, Facebook)
Total 100 30 70
3. MEP/N0203 PC1. locate and select the equipment ( printer, 7 2 5
photocopier, scanner , binder , laminator ,
telephone, A/V equipment) and resources
needed for the task
(Operate basic PC2. understand the various parts and functions 10 3 7
office of the various office equipment( printer,
photocopier, scanner, projector, binder,
laminator, telephone, A/V equipment)
equipment) PC3. operate each equipment efficiently and use 7 2 5
all its features & applications
PC4. replenish material/supplies needed to run 7 1 6
each equipment
PC5. inform/maintain about material/ supplies 7 1 6
required for each equipment to the appropriate
PC6. record usage of material/ equipment 7 2 5
PC7. carryout minor maintenance and 10 5 5
PC8. understand the network issues with each 10 5 5
PC9. know/inform and act on the appropriate 10 2 8
channel of communication in case of major
PC10. make sure the equipment is kept clean at 10 2 8
all times, before loading, while usage
PC11. find alternative means of completion of 10 2 8
tasks within stipulated time in case of such
breakdown make sure the equipment, resources
and work area are ready for the next user
PC12. make sure the equipment, resources and 5 3 2
work area are ready for the next user
Total 100 30 70
4.MEP/N0204 PC1. attend to phone calls of various 4 1 3
stakeholders and channelize them to
appropriate authority
Managing PC2. greet callers/visitors and verify their 4 1 3
routine office details, following your organization’s procedures
activities over phone or face to face
PC3. comply with relevant standards, policies, 4 1 3

Qualification Pack for Secretary

procedures and guidelines when dealing

remotely with queries
PC4. listen carefully to callers/visitors and ask 4 1 3
appropriate questions to understand the nature
of queries
PC5. summarize, and obtain confirmation of, 5 2 3
your understanding of queries
PC6. express your concern for any difficulties 5 2 3
caused and your commitment to resolving
PC7. refer queries outside your area of 5 2 3
competence or authority promptly to
appropriate people
PC8. access your organization’s knowledge base 5 2 3
for solutions to queries, where available
PC9. resolve queries within your area of 5 2 3
competence or authority in line with
organizational standards
PC10. dress-up appropriately and neatly as per 5 2 3
the corporate culture
PC11. maintain personal hygiene by keeping 5 2 3
self-neat and clean in terms on nails, hair style,
teeth etc.
PC12. use the right behavior to strengthen codes 5 2 3
which stress the value of poise, grace and dignity
PC13. ensure visitors are positively engaged 5 2 3
while maintaining decorum
PC14. prepare computer generated reports and 5 2 3
PC15. use accurate grammar, spelling and 5 2 3
punctuation while drafting/formatting
PC16. compose, format, forward/send and print 5 2 3
email messages

PC17. file documents and develop or modify 5 2 3

filing practices
PC18. check the files for primary classification, 5 2 3
series record, indexing or labeling

PC19. manage, record paper files/computer 4 2 2

according to business and legal requirements
PC20. track movement of files/records 3 2 1
PC21. coordinate, organize meetings 4 2 2
PC22. prepare draft notice, agenda and minutes 3 2 1
of meeting
Total 100 40 60

Qualification Pack for Secretary

5. MEP/N0205 PC1. describe the organizational standards 25 20 5

(Comply with PC2. implement organizational standards in the 15 10 5

Industry and work performance
organizational PC3. motivate others to follow them 12 10 2
requirements) PC4. describe the industry standards 23 20 3
PC5. align industry standards with the 13 10 3
organizational standards
PC6. explain political, social, economic, & 12 10 2
geographical work environment
Total 100 80 20
6 .MEP/N0206 PC1. ensure instructions and workflows are 4 2 2
channelized in the desired manner to the
appropriate person
(Demonstrate PC2. liaise and communicate effectively with all 4 3 1
soft skills concerned parties, giving regular updates to
required for those required on your work progress
the job)
PC3. respond appropriately to letters and 3 2 1
PC4. correspond through writing in vernacular 5 2 3
language/ basic English, precisely, with content
and structure desired
PC5. obtain advice and guidance from 3 2 1
appropriate people to develop knowledge, skills
and competence
PC6. co-ordinate with all the team members and 4 2 2
PC7. communicate politely 3 2 1
PC8. keep appropriate records to monitor your 4 2 2
PC9. organize and store important notice or 4 2 2
PC10. set a realistic work plan by allocating 4 2 2
estimated time frames to each activity to aid
planning and costing
PC11. prioritize and establish work according to 4 3 1
its importance
PC12. differentiate between relevant/ important 4 2 2
and supporting elements of information
PC13. perform own duties effectively 4 2 2
PC14. take responsibility for own actions 4 2 2
PC15. be accountable towards the job role and 3 2 1
assigned duties
PC16. take initiative and innovate the existing 3 2 1
PC17. focus on self - learning and improvement 3 2 1

Qualification Pack for Secretary

PC18. identify the objectives of task at hand and 3 2 1

various means to achieve the same
PC19. complete the task at hand without errors 3 2 1

PC20. proofread and correct documents and 3 1 2

PC21. read, analyze, understand and interpret 4 2 2
the data into meaningful information
PC22. convert the given information into charts, 3 1 2
graphs and statistics using appropriate softwares
PC23. apply functions and formulas using 3 1 2
calculator and appropriate softwares
PC24. use the existing data points to generate 2 1 1
required reports for business
PC25. agree with team members to be contacted 3 1 2
for specific purposes
PC26. ensure that the team members receive 4 2 2
the required information on time
PC27. encourage others to share information 3 2 1
and knowledge within the constraints of
PC28. respect views and opinions of other team 3 2 1
PC29. manage conflicting situations at workplace 3 2 1
Total 100 55 45
7. MEP/N0207 PC1. comply with your organization’s current 10 9 1
health, safety and security policies and
Maintain a PC2. report any identified breaches in health, 10 9 1
healthy, safe safety, and security policies and procedures to
and secure the designated person
working PC3. identify and correct any hazards that you 20 18 2
environment can deal with safely, competently and within the
limits of your authority
PC4. report any hazards that you are not 20 15 5
competent to deal with to the relevant person in
line with organizational procedures
PC5. follow your organization’s emergency 10 5 5
procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently
PC6. identify and recommend opportunities for 15 12 3
improving health, safety, and security to the
designated person
PC7. complete any health and safety records 15 12 3
legibly and accurately
Total 100 80 20


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