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Rubrics on Group Dynamic

Name: _________________ Teacher in Charge: ________________ Score: _______/20

Class: ________________ Topic: ___________________ Date: ___________

Criteria 5 (Highest) 4 3 2 (Lowest)
A. Work load is Each group member assumes an Each group member assumes an Some group members do One or two members do all the
distributed evenly equal amount of workload. equal amount of the work load. significantly more of the work than work for the project, while others
others. do nothing.
among group Each group member has Not all group members have an
members opportunity to be in control of or opportunity to take the lead on
take the lead on portions of the aspects of the project.
work done.
B. The group has a All members are comfortable and All members are comfortable and There is dissent around how group There is no clear decision making
reasonable, satisfied with means of making satisfied with the means of making decisions are made. Arguments process. Many key decisions
project decisions. project decisions. occur on occasion. simply are not made at all.
equitable and
effective means All group members have a voice in But, not all members have a voice Some members feel as if their Arguments are frequent.
of making project decisions, whether they are finally in the way those decisions are input into decisions is not valued.
decisions. made by the consensus of the made. Decisions may be hampered and Stalemates in project work occur
group as a whole, or a leader or prolonged by these difficulties. frequently.

Decisions are made rapidly and

C. Differing or Group seeks out different and Some members’ perspectives are The opinions and viewpoints of All group members have different
opposing opposing points of views from heard more frequently than others. some members, although voiced, perspectives and are not willing to
amongst its members. are consistently and deliberately listen to those of the other group
viewpoints are No attempt is made to draw out the ignored. members.
respected. The opinions and thoughts of all opinions and viewpoints of the
members are given a voice. more "silent" group members. Bickering and miscommunication
is frequent.
All alternative views are
considered impartially and
D. Group members Group members demonstrate Most of the group members Some of the group members have Several of the group members
display sensitivity insight concerning the feelings and show the ability to communicate difficulty in adjusting demonstrate an inability to work or
levels of knowledge of the other with persons of diverse knowledge communications to accommodate communicate with others of
to the feelings members and exhibit this insight and sensitivities. persons of diverse knowledge and differing knowledge and abilities.
and level of while communicating. sensitivities.
knowledge of Each respects the feelings of The members’ work reflects apathy
others in the Each one respects individual others. Members do little to encourage or callousness towards the feelings
group. differences and sensitivities of the respect in others for individual of others. As a result, group
others. differences. cooperation breaks down.
Rubrics on Interview
Name: _________________ Teacher in Charge: ________________ Score: _______/32+3 = 35

Class: ________________ Topic: ___________________ Date: ___________

Criteria 4 (Highest) 3 2 1 (Lowest) Ratin

A. Listening Answer reflected an explicit Answer reflected a general Answer reflected a partial Answer did not reflect an
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
Did the student question; question; May have missed a question; question or answered an
answer the detail; unasked question;
question that was
B. Speaking Spoke clearly and Spoke articulately most of Spoke in a somewhat Nervous; Incomplete
articulately; the time; nervous manner; thoughts, Not articulate;
Did the student
speak in an Was confident in knowledge; Used general words at times Lacked confidence in No use of professional
articulate manner instead of details; knowledge; language; Response riddled
and integrate Integrated professional with "um’s, uh's, er's, etc.";
professional language throughout the Integrated a good amount of Sketchy use of professional
language? response; No "um’s, uh's, professional language language; Many "um’s, uh's,
er's” etc." throughout response; Some er's, etc.”
"um’s, uh's, er's”;
C. Integrating Fully integrated knowledge, Integrated knowledge, Integrated some knowledge, Failed to integrate
content and experiences in content or experiences in a content or experiences; knowledge, content or
Did the student an organized, accurate and generally organized and experiences;
integrate detailed manner; accurate manner; Response was somewhat
knowledge, rambling or missing details; Inaccurate and/or incomplete
content and Engaged listener with unique Invited response from the responses;
experiences? answers; listener; Listener needed to clarify
responses; Listener was confused;
D. Expressing Recognized that opinions Did not recognize that Did not recognize that Did not recognize that
might be at odds with opinions might be at odds opinions might be at odds opinions might be at odds
Did the student listener’s; with listener’s; with listener’s; with listener’s;
express opinions
in a tactful and Identified that it was own Identified that response was Did not identify that response Did not identify that response
mature manner? opinion; own opinion; was own opinion; was own opinion;

Expressed opinions in a Expressed opinions in a Expressed opinions in an Expressed opinions in a

highly tactful and mature generally tactful manner; open, but unprofessional biased, or inappropriate
manner; manner; manner;
E. Body Language Body language conveyed Body language conveyed Body language was difficulty Body language conveyed
eagerness to respond; interest in responding; to interpret disinterest and/or extreme
Did the student’s nervousness;
body language Sat in upright and alert Sat in an upright manner; Sat upright at times, but
convey interest manner; Seemed natural and Seemed fairly natural most slouched at others; Slouched or moved
and facilitate the at ease; of the time; nervously throughout the
responses Extraneous movements interview;
detracted from response;
F. Gestures Gestures fully facilitated and Gestures were appropriate Gestures were somewhat Gestures were not evident or
enhanced the responses; and added to effectiveness limited, unnatural and/or stiff; were exceptionally
Did the student’s of the response; distracting to the listener;
gestures seem Hand and facial movements Hand and/or facial
natural and were natural, timed Hand and facial movements movements were timed
facilitate the effectively and emphasized were generally natural and inappropriately or were
responses? key points; timed to emphasize key distracting;
G. Eye Contact Sustained, appropriate and Appropriate, fairly consistent Intermittent or inconsistent Limited or no eye contact;
natural eye contact; and natural eye contact; eye contact; Seemed disengaged with
Did the student’s topic and/or listener;
eye contact seems Conveyed interest in the Generally conveyed interest Conveyed non-interest in the
natural and topic and the listener; in the topic and listener; topic and/or listener;
facilitates the Showed confidence in
responses? interacting with the listener; Showed generally good Did not seem confident of
levels of confidence in interactions with the patient;
interacting with listener;
H. Professional Dressed in a highly Dressed in a professional Dressed in a casual, but not Dress was inappropriate
professional manner (suit, manner (skirt/blouse, dress necessarily professional and/or unkempt;
Did the student sport coat, tie, dress); pants/blouse, shirt and tie); manner (Revealing blouse,
dress in a open collar/no tie);
professional Neat and well-groomed; Generally neat and well-
manner? groomed; Fairly neat;
Rubrics on Written Report
Name: _________________ Teacher in Charge: ________________ Score: _______/24+1 = 25

Class: ________________ Topic: ___________________ Date: ___________

Criteria 4 (Highest) 3 2 1 (Lowest) Ratin

A. Organization Information is presented Information is logically Information is scattered Details and examples are
in effective order. ordered with paragraphs and needs further not organized, are hard to
and transitions. development. follow and understand.
Excellent structure of
paragraphs and
transitions enhances
readability and
B. Quality of Supporting details are Some details don’t support Details are somewhat Unable to find specific
Information specific to topic and the report topic. sketchy. details.
provide the necessary
C. Introduction Introductory paragraph is Introductory paragraph is Introductory paragraph is Introductory paragraph is
clearly stated, has a clearly stated with a focus. vague. not apparent.
sharp, distinct focus and
enhances the impact of
the report
D. Conclusion Concluding paragraph Concluding paragraph Concluding paragraph is Concluding paragraph is
summarizes and draws a follows and summarizes only remotely related to the not apparent.
clear, effective conclusion the report discussion and report topic.
and enhances the impact draws a conclusion.
of the report.
E. Grammar & No spelling or Fewer than 3 grammatical Three to five grammatical Numerous grammatical
Spelling grammatical errors. or spelling errors. or spelling errors. and/or spelling errors.
F. Bibliography All resources are cited All resources are cited, but Some resources are cited Resources not cited in
and appear with correct formatting isn’t correct. but not all. Not formatted paper or proper format not
formatting. correctly. used.
Rubrics on Documentary
Name: _________________ Teacher in Charge: ________________ Score: _______/20

Class: ________________ Topic: ___________________ Date: ___________

Criteria 1 (Lowest) 2 3 4 (Highest) Ratin

A. Content The documentary is not accurate Students create an accurate Students create an accurate Students create an original,
and not an appropriate length. documentary but it does not cover documentary that adequately accurate and interesting
the topic the issue in an covers the topic in an appropriate documentary that adequately
appropriate length of time. length of time. covers the topic in an appropriate
length of time.
B. Fair Use The documentary does not follow Most of the documentary is the The documentary follows fair use The documentary follows fair use
fair use practices. original work of the group for most audio and images that are for all audio and images that are
members, but some material is included. included.
Text, audio and/or images are used used without permission or in
without permission and/or in violation of copyright. All text is the original work or is All text is the original work of the
violation of copyright. used with permission. There are group members or is used with
some minor issues with copyright permission.
and fair use.
C. Collaboration with Rarely listens to, shares with, and Often listens to, shares with, and Usually listens to, shares with, and Almost always listens to, shares
Peers supports the efforts of others in the supports the efforts of others in the supports the efforts of others in the with, and supports the efforts of
group. Often is not a good team group but sometimes is not a good group. others in the group.
member. team member.
Does not cause problems in the Tries to keep people working well
group. together.
D. Technical Tone, voice, graphics, and visual Tone, voice, graphics, and visual Tone, voice, graphics, and visual Tone, voice, graphics, and visual
Production images rarely convey interest or images frequently convey interest images frequently convey interest images convey interest and
enthusiasm. or enthusiasm. and enthusiasm. enthusiasm.

The presentation is unclear and/or Most of the presentation is clear The presentation is clear and loud The presentation is clear and loud
not loud enough to be heard. and loud enough to be heard. enough to be heard. enough to be heard.

Composition and technical Composition and technical Composition and technical Composition and technical
production absent or distract from production sometimes distract from production usually enhance the production enhance the topic.
the topic. the topic. topic.
E. Research The documentary failed to prove is The documentary shows little The documentary contains few Well researched with sufficient
claim evidence of research. facts but needs more evidence to evidence to give a complete
add credibility of the case account of the event.
It does not include facts from the
case that support the limitation of
human justice and the like.
Rubrics on Role Play
Name: _________________ Teacher in Charge: ________________ Score: _______/25

Class: ________________ Topic: ___________________ Date: ___________

Criteria 5 (Highest) 4 3 (Lowest) Rating

A. Quality of Content Chapter content is accurately portrayed as Chapter content is accurately portrayed as Chapter content is not accurately portrayed.
either effective or ineffective. either effective or ineffective.
Incomplete coverage of the topic. A student
Complete coverage of the topic. A student Adequate coverage of the topic. A student who wanted to develop this skill would not
could develop multiple aspects of the skill would need to do more research to develop find this presentation to be effective.
with this resource. this skill.
B. Quality of Scenario Scenario was realistic, class-appropriate, Scenario was realistic and class- Scenario was not realistic, inappropriate for
well-developed. appropriate, class, or poorly developed.

Scenario clearly incorporated course Course concepts could be identified. Scenario failed to incorporate course
concepts. concepts.
C. Organization Presentation was well-organized. Presentation was fairly well-organized. Presentation was not well-organized.

The transitions between the role-plays and The transitions between the role-plays and The transitions between the role-plays and
the narrator and other presentation the narrator and other presentation the narrator and other presentation
components flowed smoothly. components flowed smoothly at most components were poor.
D. Impact Presentation fully engaged the student Presentation engaged the student Presentation failed to engage the student
audience. audience. audience.

Presentation would be helpful to students in Presentation may provide some helpful Presentation would not be helpful to
developing skills. information to students. students.

Presentation would be easy for students to Students who follow the advice in the Presentation would be difficult for students
learn from. presentation could develop skills with to use.
additional research.
Students who follow the advice in this
presentation would be effective.
E. Presentation Skills All presenters spoke with appropriate eye Most presenters spoke with appropriate eye None of the presenters spoke with
contact, volume, tone, use of pauses, and contact, volume, tone, use of pauses, and appropriate eye contact, volume, tone, use
gestures. gestures. of pauses, and gestures.

All presenters were well-prepared and Most presenters were well-prepared and None of the presenters appeared prepared
spoke with confidence. spoke with confidence. or confident.
Rubrics on Debate
Name: _________________ Teacher in Charge: ________________ Score: _______/20

Class: ________________ Topic: ___________________ Date: ___________

Criteria 4 (Highest) 3 2 1 (Lowest) Rating

A. Organization and Completely clear and orderly Most clear and orderly in all Most clear and orderly in all Unclear in most parts
Clarity: presentation parts parts

Viewpoints and
responses are
outlined both clearly
and orderly.

B. Use of Arguments: Most relevant reasons given Most reasons given: most Most reasons given: most Few or no relevant reasons
in support relevant relevant given
Reasons are given to
support viewpoint.

C. Use of Examples and Many relevant supporting Many examples/facts given: Many examples/facts given: Few or no relevant
Facts: examples and facts given most relevant most relevant supporting examples/facts

Examples and facts

are given to support

D. Use of Rebuttal: Many effective counter- Some effective counter- Some effective counter- No effective counter-
arguments made arguments made arguments made arguments made
Arguments made by
the other teams are
responded to and
dealt with effectively.

E. Presentation Style: All style features were used All style features were used, All style features were used, Few style features were
convincingly most convincingly most convincingly used; not convincingly
Tone of voice, use of
gestures, and level of
enthusiasm are
convincing to

Rubrics on Return Demonstration

Criteria 5 (Advanced) 4 (Very Good) 3 (Average) 2 (Needs Improvement)
A. Safety Took preventive measures before Reacted to safety issues Remembered 50% of the safety Forgot the majority of safety rules;
treating the victim immediately when needed rules remembered after treating the
B. Identifying the Described accurately what the Identified what the scenario was to Took too much time to explore Attempted to identify the scenario
Situation scenario was to the victim; the victim in a timely manner possible scenarios that the victim the victim is in
distinguished surrounding is in; did not draw correct
resources quickly conclusions as to injury
C. Performance Identified the problem/s and was Showed 75% proper technique/s Showed 50% proper technique/s Showed some of the proper
able to show at least 90% of the techniques; many steps were
technique/s missed
D. Empathy to Reassured the victim throughout Reassured victim with a calm voice Spoke to victim and showed some Spoke very little to either
Victim time spent with him/her compassion conscious or unconscious victim;
lack of compassion
E. Language Communicated medical terms Did well in wording the identified Able to communicate to a fellow Used very little first responder
easily at all times problem and solutions were clear rescuer vocabulary
with appropriate key words
F. Self-Assessment Was able to see that it went well Noted what went right in the Focused only on what he did Did not see any positive nor any
and reflect on the areas which scenario and what improvements wrong, was able to correct the areas for improvement
need improvement are needed for future use error in hindsight

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