Roel Keyfob Module - Installation and Operating Instructions

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The KEYFOB consists of a receiver/decoder module and a transmitter.

It is designed for arming and disarming of security systems, access control, home automation and
remote control applications.
The receiver/decoder module is connected on the keypad bus and is compatibile with Cerber
C612 control panel. In addition, it allows the connection of an external proximity card reader with
Wiegand protocol.
By presenting a proximity card to the reader, a user code is generated on the keypad bus. Control
panel permits arming/ disarming the sistem in accordance to the user’s acces rights.
The module is equiped with EEPROM memory, which can store 46 user codes. Each user code has 4
or 6 digits (according to control panel’s settings), wich are associated with the codes received from keyfob
trasmitter and proximity card reader.
The transmitter supplied with the receiver/decoder module has three buttons.
When activated, each button initiates a transmission of 66 bit code length, created by combining 32-bit
hopping code (over 4 billion possible combinations), 28 bit serial number and 6 information bits. The length of
the transmission eliminates the threat of code scanning and the code hopping mechanism makes each
transmission unique, thus rendering code capture and resend schemes useless.
There is a tamper switch on the receiver/decoder module, a loud buzzer for accoustic
confirmation, a low current open collector output (active low) to a lamp relay for external visual
confirmation and a led/buzzer low current output (active low) for the proximity card reader’s
confirmation signals.
The receiver/decoder module’s power supply is 8-15 Vcc, tipically wired from control panel’s AUX
In order to program the remote control Tx and/or proximity card to be associated to one user code,
the master has to enter in the user’s code programming/modifying procedure, and in the time of entering the 4
or 6 user code, has to press one of the TX buttons and/or present the proximity card to the reader. If the
remote control is already associated to a user, the module will not accept the command, in order not to
associate the same remote control and/or card to more than one user. After accepting the command, and
therefore the keyfob and/or the card is associated to the user code, no other keyfob or card will be accepted to
replace the old ones, until next time the master enters the same programming/modifying procedure, for that
user code. Deleting the user code, will result in erasing the keyfob and card code associated to that user,
therefore you can use the keyfob and/or the card to other users.


1) Arming the system/partition and actvation/deactivation of PGM3 and PGM4

Regular / away arming: Press first button for 1 second.
Activating/Deactivating PGM3: Press second button for at least 2.5 seconds.
Activating/Deactivating PGM4: Press third button for at least 2.5 seconds.
Visual and audio confirmation: 1 beep.

In a partitioned system, if the user has acces rights in both partitions, visual and audio confirmation: 2 beeps.
The user must press a button a second time, to choose the partition: first button for partition A, second
button for partition B, both first and second buttons for both partitions (A and B) or third button to cancel
selection. This feature is associated to the Away arming command, only.
After selection, visual and audio confirmation: 1 beep.
2) Disarming / deactivating an alarm
Press first button for 1 second.
In a partitioned system, the user must press a button a second time, to choose the partition : first button for
partition A, second button for partition B, both first and second buttons for both partitions (A and B) or
third button to cancel selection.
After selection, visual and audio confirmation: 3 beeps.
3) Activation / deactivation of PGM1 and PGM2 outputs or rounds
Press both second and third buttons for 1 second.
Then user must press a second time, to choose the PGM ouput: first button for PGM1, second button for
PGM2 and third button to start/finish guardian rounds.
After selection, visual and audio confirmation: 2 beeps.
4) Ambush
Press both first and second buttons for 1 second.

Connection diagram is the following:

C612 – KEYFOB MODULE Card Reader







Relays for connecting loads to outputs as the

limit of the current without relay is 50mA.




C612 - PCB

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