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What drugs will Caltex be testing for? What about prescription medication?

• Alcohol Certain over the counter and prescribed

• Cannabis medications contain:
• Cocaine
• Amphetamines and Methamphetamines • Opiates (including codeine)
• Includes Ecstasy, Speed, and Ice. • Amphetamines (incl. Pseudoephedrine)
• Opiates • Benzodiazepines

Includes Heroin, Morphine and
Codeine. If you are taking medication that contains these INTRODUCTION
How will tests be conducted?
substances you need to be aware that these
substances have the potential to affect your TO THE
Alcohol tests will be by breathalyser.
fitness for work. You must inform your manager
before commencing work so that appropriate
Drug tests will be conducted using a saliva
steps can be taken to ensure that no safety risk
Tests will be conducted in a private location
by trained professionals. You will be issued What if I still have questions?
with a form which will explain your rights and
responsibilities with regard to alcohol and Questions regarding the Caltex Drug and
drug testing. Alcohol policy should be directed to your
manager or supervisor.
What if I refuse to undertake an alcohol
or drug test? For information on how your medication may
impact your fitness for work contact Medvet
Refusing to undergo an Laboratories on their confidential toll free number
alcohol or drug test or 1800 633 838.
attempting to falsify results
is a breach of the Caltex Further information on drugs including alcohol
policy and may result in and their effects can be found at:
disciplinary procedures
being initiated
(employees) or refusal of
site entry (contractors,
Introduction to the Caltex Drug and Alcohol Policy
Why is Caltex introducing a Drug and What are the basic rules of the policy? When can I be tested?
Alcohol policy?
Individuals must not: Caltex will be conducting random alcohol and
Caltex is committed to providing safe drug testing at all of our safety critical sites
workplaces and systems by eliminating or, • possess, sell , distribute or take illegal such as aviation sites, depots, terminals
when this is not possible, minimising drugs; or and refineries.
conditions and work practices that may lead • be affected by alcohol or drugs to the
to personal injury. The use of illegal drugs extent that there is a risk to their safety or Anyone entering these sites may be subject to
and misuse of legal drugs, alcohol or other the safety of others; or a random alcohol and drug test.
substances can seriously threaten safety, • if tested for alcohol or drugs, return a
health and the environment. “Positive” test result, as specified in the Alcohol and drug tests may also be conducted
Drug and Alcohol Procedures. in the following circumstances.
Our policy on drugs and alcohol has been
established to eliminate or minimise this These obligations apply to Individuals: • if required by law;
safety threat. • where an accident or near miss occurs
• during Working Hours; and the company determines it
Who does the policy apply to? • at Work-Based social events; reasonable to establish whether alcohol
• when Individuals perform services or work or drugs may have been a contributing
The Drug and Alcohol Policy operates at for or on behalf of Caltex (including driving); factor;
Caltex and its subsidiaries *. • when Individuals visit Caltex sites and • where there is a reasonable suspicion
The policy applies to Employees, Contractors, premises; or that a person has drugs and/or alcohol- in
people performing work for or on behalf • at any time an Individual drives a their system equal to or exceeding de
of Caltex, those providing services to or company-owned vehicle. fined cut off levels;
for Caltex and visitors to Caltex sites. • where an individual seeks to return to
(collectively, “Individuals”). No Individual will be allowed to enter or remain work having previously registered a
 on a site or perform work when Caltex forms the Positive test result or informed the
,QFOXGHV&36VLWHVDQG&DOWH[RSHUDWHG view that a person’s behaviour may create a risk company that they had a drug or alcohol
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