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Location CT Ratio Max Fault Current Relay Current Setting Load

A 400/5 7850 150% 500

B 400/5 4500 125% 400

C 200/5 2690 100% 170

D 100/5 1395 100% 60

All relays have Time Multiple Settings for the relays are in the range 0.1 to 1.0 in 0.1
steps and have standard inverse curves which comply with the following formula: t =
0.14 x TMS / (I 0.02 – 1), 300msec grading (safety) margin at all locations and assume
no protections to grade with beyond location D.

Relay D
Since D have no grade to coordinate with, so set TMS D = 0.1
t D = 0.14 x 0.1 / ((1395/100)0.02 – 1) = 0.2586
Doperate = 0.259 s = 259 ms
I D pickup = (100/100)*(5)*(100/5) = 100 A

Relay C
C to operate > t D + safety margin = (0.259+0.300) s = 0.559 s
TMS C = (0.559((1359/200)0.02 -1) / 0.14= 0.158
For step grading 0.1 say set TMS C = 0.2
I C pickup = (100/100)*(5)*(200/5) = 200 A

Relay B
t C = 0.14 x 0.2 / ((2690/200)0.02 – 1) = 0.525s
B to operate in > t C +SM = 0.525 + 0.300 = 0.825 s
TMS B = (0.825((2690/500)0.02 -1) / 0.14= 0.201
For step grading 0.1 say set TMS B = 0.3
I B pickup = (125/100)*(5)*(400/5) = 500 A

Relay A
t B = 0.14 x 0.3 / ((4500/500)0.02 – 1) = 0.935s
A to operate in > t B +SM = 0.935 + 0.300 = 1.235 s
TMS A = (1.235((4500/600)0.02 -1) / 0.14= 0.36
For step grading 0.1 say set TMS A = 0.4
t A = 0.14 x 0.4 / ((7850/600)0.02 – 1) = 1.061s
I A pickup = (150/100)*(5)*(400/5) = 600 A
so we get time grading for each relay is

1.061s 0.935s 0.525s 0.259s

600A, 0.4 500A, 0.3 200A, 0.2 100A, 0.1

Sensitivity check

We need to check the relay can protect the fault on own line and also provide backup
protection of the adjacent line up to 50 % of the fault level. So the sensitivity of each
relays are:

Relay Relay Fault at the 50 % fault Fault at 50 % Sensitivity

pickup end of the at the end the end of Fault at
protected of the next the end of
line protected line the next
line line
A 600 4500 2250 2690 1345 OK
B 500 2690 1345 1395 697,5 OK
C 200 1395 697,5 NA NA OK

Relay A set at 600 A < 1345 A, Relay B set at 500 A < 697,5 A so the sensitivity of
each relays are OK.

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