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Winchester Elementary PTA General Meeting

September 17, 2014

This meeting was called to order by Sara at 6:35 PM

In attendance:
Tammy Gregorczyk, Tracey Lichon, Crystal Richardville, Sara Bedient, Kathy Schmidt, Kathy Brachmann,
Becky Becker, Ed Bedient, Sarah Koziol, Marty Culliton, Jessica Colburn, Denise Pikuzinski, Ali Majchrowicz,
Brenda Litke, Michelle Ellis, Alycia Schaub, Tina Bacon, Kimberly Celotto, Melissa Held, Cori Zagara, Lynn,
Szalczewski, Kelly Brodnicki, Ann Marie Reidy

Review of June 2014 Minutes

1st Kelly, 2nd Tammy

Report of the Treasurer

 Review of budget sheet for new members
 Open House had a budget of $700, actually spent $541.66 and had $318 made through ticket sales
(for hot dog roast/ice cream)
 Tracey needs receipts if shopping for school events. Tax exempt form available as well.
 Approved 1st Marty 2nd Ed
 Passed around. From Open House and kindergarten orientation. Talk of displaying in school
lobby with school calendar.
Executive Committee Reports
 Membership: At 45 members now. Goal is 270. Flyers to be sent home and to teachers
regarding membership. Had many people join at kindergarten orientation and Open House.
Working on discount sheet for PTA members for local businesses. Jessica offered to ask local
businesses to be part of this discount program.
 Fundraising: Cookie dough sale in progress. Prizes ordered with cookie dough so they can
be delivered together. Delivery date to be determined. Spring candy and candle sale later in
the year.
 Box Tops: Monthly contest for classes. They are collected each month at Read and Lead.
Winner announced the following Tuesday. Goal for the year is $1500. Last year $877 was
collected. Talk of a display in the cafeteria with a picture of the winning class for the month
and graph of results.
 Spirit Wear: Order form will be sent home next week.

School Report
 292 students enrolled, 24 new students this year
 Speed Habiting was a success last week. This week is Mission Possible where classrooms
are working on their mission statements.

 Literacy Leader Breakfast: Volunteers to help students who need help with reading.
Grandparents, Rotary members, etc. 4 people joined so far. Sept. 24 at 2pm is the
orientation for the volunteers
 Room Parent Meet and Greet scheduled for Sept. 25 at 3:45pm. Need to come to PTA
meetings. Teachers will be contacting parents by Friday. See Sara if not picked but would
like to help with another classroom.
 Read and Lead Friday 9/26 followed by a picnic outside at 11:30. PTA and Room Parents
will be recognized as the Leaders of the Month. Students will march around the school and
place footprints they made in the auditorium to celebrate Winchester’s 75th year. This will be
followed by a video in the aud and a movie later on. Students are encouraged to wear spirit
wear this day.
 Winchester is the host for the upcoming DPC (District Parent Council) meeting. Will be
held in the board room of West Elementary at 7pm. 1-2 reps are needed to attend the
meetings. See Crystal if interested.
 A PTA update to be added to Kathy Brachmann’s letter on Winchester web page each month.
 Leadership jobs are being announced a little each day. The goal is for children to have 2
leadership jobs per year.
 Bus Driver Breakfast: Monday morning
 Fall Fest: Kim will be the chair of event. Need volunteers
 Book Fair
 Red Ribbon Week: Kelly will chair
 Vendor Fair: Nov. 14 at Winchester Community Church. 24 tables paid for as of today.
Looking for a rep from Scentsy, Mary Kay, Avon, or other crafts or services. Need
volunteers as well. Contact Jessica Colburn or Chris Evans to reserve a table or volunteer to
New Business
 Field trips are being reduced to 1 per grade this year due to transportation costs. Discussion
of bringing organizations into the school instead of sending the children out. (Example
given: Civil War Reenactment at school, etc)
 Plan to sell membership at Fall Fest and the Vendor Fair.
 21st Century Committee meeting Thursday 7pm at the board room of West Elementary. No
public comments allowed at the meeting. An informational meeting is Monday at 7pm at
East Middle School.
 Next PTA meeting is Oct. 8 at 6:30pm

Adjourn: 7:38 PM 1st Marty 2nd Becky

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