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Compra, Pat Anthony C.


Boy Abunda
Boy Abunda has been the “national chronicler” of Filipino celebrities’ lives for many
years (and counting). Now, it’s his turn to tell his life story. The King of Talk lets us
in on his colorful journey via his book, “It’s Like This (100+ Abundable Thoughts
That Will Make You Think and Rethink What You’ve Always Thought About Your

In it, he shares the lessons he picked up along the way to fame. So, his book could
very well be a “success manual.” Reading it could take you where you want to go.
Bravo, Tito Boy, for a life well-lived!
Here’s my chat with Tito Boy:

What prompted you to write a book? It’s like this (plug intended): I guess it comes to
a point when one has to tell his story. God arranged it. I just connived with Him, and
ABS-CBN Publishing Inc. cooperated.

What was the toughest part in the creative process of putting it together? The editing,
decision of what to let go and what to retain. The copyreading. The final text has five
grammatical and typographical errors, for which I take full responsibility. I beg for
clemency for the others I didn’t see.

If you could relive one chapter of your life, what would it be and why? My first seven
years in this world, when we lived in a remote barrio called Baruk in Can-Avid,
Eastern Samar. Nanay was posted there as a fledgling elementary-school teacher. It
was pure bliss. I didn’t need Wi-Fi to be happy.
Are there some stories in your life you’d rather be left untold? Yes, because they
would cause other people pain. Some stories of the past, mine, my family’s and my
friends’. I’m learning the hard way that, when you forgive, you must forget. No. 66
quote in my book is an example of this struggle to keep some stories untold.

On “Private Conversations with Boy Abunda,” I talked about Tatay being born out of
wedlock. Nanay was irked. She admonished me curtly, “Not everything [that’s] true is
for broadcast.” “I too have to deal with my personal demons,” I reasoned out. “Your
father was not a demon, he was a good man,” she retorted. I shut up and disintegrated
in front of my mother.

If you could sum up your book in one line, what would it be? “It takes some rain for
one to enjoy the rainbow!”

Name one celebrity whose biography you are most interested in. John Lloyd Cruz. I
love the way he navigates the rough seas of being a public figure. He is unmeasured,
conflicted, respectful, risqué and intensely brilliant. I adore the rawness of his beauty.

If you face your “magic mirror,” what would you like to tell yourself? You got to
where you are because Nanay, Tatay and all your ancestors fervently prayed for you.

If you were asked your standard “fast talk” questions, would it be sex or chocolates?
Lights on or off? I’d like to eat chocolates with the lights off, and have sex with lights
on. Let’s see which is messier

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