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Name:________________________________ Reg#_____________________________________,
Note: encircle the correct option. In case of over writing or double marking the answer will be
considered incorrect.
1. Stoichiometry is the ________________chemistry that deals with the calculations involved in the
interconversion of matter during any physical or chemical change.
a. Qualitative b. quantitative c. both d. None
2. One gram-atom of any element contain the ______________of atoms.
a. same number b. NA c. 22.43 d. All
3. Avogadro’s number was experimentally determined by an ____________scientist, Amadeo
a. Korean b. Italian c. Swedish d. roman
4. Number of moles is equal to given mass divided by_____________.
a. Molecular mass b. formula mass c. both d. None
5. What is the mass of 0.5 moles of CaCO3. (Ca = 40)
a. 100g b. 50g c. 50dm3 d. 50amu
6. Magnesium react with oxygen molecules form___________ magnesium oxide.
a. Black b. pale white c. white d. brown
7. Molar volume of any gas at RTP is equal to___________.
a. 22.4dm3 b. 22.413 cm3 c. 0.00224m3 d. None
8. One dm = ____________
a. One liter b. 1000cm3 c. both d. All
9. The reagent which controls chemical reaction is called ___________reagent.
a. Excess b. limiting c. both d. theoratical
10. Actual yield is always less than theoretical yield.
a. percentage b. limiting c. both d. theoratical
11. What is the mass in grams of 5 moles of water?
a. 90gram b. 90mg c. 90kg d. None
12. The largest number of molecules are present in ____________.
a. 100gm of CaCO3 b. 36 g of H2O c. 40 gm of NaOH d. None
13. 1 atm =__________________.
a. 760 mm Hg b. 101325 Pa c. 14.7 psi d. All
14. Liquefaction of helium occurs____________.
a. below 2.17 K b. below 2.17 oC c. above 2.17 K d. None
15. Liquid ______________is used by dermatologists and by inseminator to freeze semen.
a. Chlorine b. florine c. nitrogen d. hydrogen
16. Liquid ___________is used for fuel of vehicles in the form of CNG.
a. Methane b. natural gas c. both A and B d. ethane
17. ____________molecules move randomly.
a. Gas b. solid c. hydrogen d. both A and C
18. The collision of gas molecules are______________.
a. Elastic b. inelastic c. perfectly elastic d. All
19. According to____________, force of gravity has almost no effect on gas molecules.
a. Charlas law b. KMT c. MOT d. boyle’s law
20. In___________, Charles gave the relationship between volume and temperature of a fixed mass of
gas at constant pressure.
a. 1788 b. 1787 c. 1887 d. 1662
21. The graph of Boyle’s law is ______________.
a. Hyperbola b. Isotherm c. Both d. straight line
22. The graph of Charle’s law is_____________.
a. Hyperbola b. Isotherm c. Both d. straight line
23. The value of R in SI system = _________________.
a. 8.3143 J mol-1 K-1 b. 8.3143 cal mol-1 K-1 c. 8.3143 J mol-1 K d. 8.3143 J mol-1 oC-1
24. According to ideal gas equation, d =_____________.
a. nRT b. IR c. PM/RT d. RT/PM
25. In_______________, Thomas Graham proposed the law of diffusion of gases.
a. 1877 b. 1829 c. 1729 d. 1662
26. NH3 combines with HCl and forms ____________smoke ring NH4Cl.
a. Black b. pale white c. white d. brown
27. One dm3 of oxygen at STP weighs___________.
a. 1.4384 g b. 22.4kg c. 1.4384 kg d. 1.4384 mg
28. The number of molecules in _________of N2 at STP = NA /22.414.
a. 22.4dm3 b. one dm3 c. one cm3 d. All
29. PV = nRT is an ____________gas equation.
a. Ideal b. non ideal c. Vander waal d. Both B and C
30. 800 cm3 of a gas at 400 torr pressure and 60 0C was heated until the volume of gas was 2000 cm3 at
the same pressure. What is the final temperature of the gas?
a. 832.5 K b. 150 K b. 150oC d. 832.5 oC

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