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Yojana – October 2018 – Women Empowerment

SEBI Gr A 2019 | RBI Gr B 2019 |NABARD Gr A 2019

Part I
Women Empowerment THEME

Empowering the Nation with Women-Led Development

Financial Empowerment and Encouraging Entrepreneurship

Empowering Tribal Women

Women, Health and Development

Role of Communication Media

Government Schemes & Policy Measures
Empowering the Nation with Women-Led Development
• Women make up half of India’s
• Over the years we have seen women
grow in public life – working in
offices, representing in international
sports, in bureaucracy, politics and
much more.
• These women are the role models for “To awaken the people, it is the
a country, which now echoes with the women who must be awakened.
slogan of ‘beti bachao beti padhao’. Once she is on the move, the
family moves, the village moves,
• In the workplace today, every fourth the nation moves”
worker in India is a woman. – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Steps in Empowering Women

Safety in Workplace


Encouraging Empowering
Entrepreneurship Motherhood
Increasing Gender Parity
• The first female fighter pilots have recently been appointed in the
Indian Air Force.
• India has been successful in achieving gender parity in school
education. Even in technical and professional education the
representation is significantly increasing.
• The literacy rate of women has risen from a mere 9% in 1951 to 65%
in 2011.
• Elected women representatives now make up about 46% of our
panchayat members
• Average life expectancy of women have risen from 31.7 years in
1950-51 to about 70 years in 2016.
Financial Empowerment
• Economic empowerment is central to
the overall empowerment of women,
and financial inclusion is an important
part of this
• The number of women with a bank
account has also increased
• Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana was
launched in 2015, under which small
affordable deposits are made in the bank
accounts of girls, with the benefit of
higher rate of interest.
Encouraging Entrepreneurship
• Under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana, the government has
provided credit to small entrepreneurs without collateral. 75% of
these loans have been given to women, with 9.81 crore women
entrepreneurs already benefitting from them under the scheme.

• Over 47 lakh SHGs have been promoted under the National Rural
Livelihood Mission (NRLM).

• Skill development is another key aspect for raising the potential of

our female workforce. Half of the certificates awarded under Pradhan
Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana have been given to women candidates.
Empowering Motherhood
• The paid maternity leave for working women to 26 weeks empowers
them as they need not fear loss of salary or job due to childbirth.

• In order to extend protection to the unorganised sector as well,

pregnant and lactating mothers are provided cash incentives under
the PM Matru Vandana Yojana.

• Having women in senior positions is a positive step in recognising the

merit of deserving women while also making organisations more
Safety in Workplace
• Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
and Redressal) Act, 2013 provides a safe and secure environment to
women at the workplace.
• The Ministry of Women and Child Development has also setup an
online compliant system for cases of sexual harassment at workplace
to make it easier for women to report and follow up on their
• 33% reservation for women in the police force is also being
• The Nirbhaya Fund is also being used to roll-out comprehensive plans
to make 8 major cities in the country safer for women and also
improve our forensic analysis abilities in cases of sexual assault.
Women-led development over women’s development
• The way forward lies in the conviction that we must have women-led
development rather than just women’s development.

• We need to push for affirmative policies which bring women on a

level playing field with others.

• To reach the yet unreached women across the country, ministry has
recently launched the Mahila Shakti Kendra scheme. Under this 3
lakh student volunteers are fanning out across the country to directly
reach women at village level with government schemes and services
for their empowerment.
Helping Women Gain Control of their Lives

• In recent years, the traditional roles of

women have undergone some changes
due to economic needs and
mainstream women’s contribution to
the overall growth and development
of society.
• Entrepreneurship development and
income generating activities are a
feasible solution for empowering
Government Initiatives
• Government seeks to bring women to forefront of India’s
entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing access to loans, markets &

• MSME Development Organisations (MSME-DO), the various State Small

Industries Development Corporations (SSIDCs), the nationalised banks
and even NGOs are conducting various programs including
Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDPs) to cater to the needs of
potential women entrepreneurs.

• SIDBI has been implementing two schemes for women entrepreneurs

namely, Mahila Udyam Nidhi and Mahila Vikas Nidhi.
Some More initiatives

Start-up India Stand-up India

Support to Training and Employment Trade related Entrepreneurship

Programme for Women (STEP) Assistance and Development (TREAD)

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana Science for Equity Empowerment and
(PMKVY) Development (SEED)

NITI Ayog launched Women

Mudra Yojana for women
Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP)
Short Note on Initiatives

Startup India is a flagship initiative launched by the Government of India on 16th January, 2016 to
build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and startups in the country which will drive
economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities.

Standup India scheme was launched on 5th April, 2016 to facilitate bank loans from Scheduled
Commercial Banks (SCBs) between Rs.10 lakh to Rs.1 Crore to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or
Scheduled Tribe (ST) and one woman per bank branch for setting up a greenfield enterprise in
trading, services or manufacturing sector.

Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP) Scheme was initiated to provide
skills that give employability to women and to provide competencies and skill that enable women to
become self-employed/entrepreneurs.
Short Note on Initiatives

Trade Related Entrepreneurship Development Assistance Scheme (TREAD) envisages economic

empowerment of women, which has a provision of Govt of India Grant upto 30% of Loan/credit
sanctioned subject to maximum ceiling of 30 Lakhs to NGOs as appraised by Lending Institutes/Banks
for undertaking capacity building activities such as Training, counselling, establishment of new SHGs etc.

Science For Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED) has the broad objectives of providing
opportunities to motivated scientists and field level workers to take up action oriented and location
specific projects aiming towards socio-economic upliftment of poor and disadvantaged sections of the
society through appropriate science and technology interventions especially in the rural areas.

NITI Aayog launched the Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP), on the occasion of International
Women’s Day and the initiative is aimed at building an ecosystem for women across India to realize their
entrepreneurial aspirations, scale-up innovative initiatives and chalk-out sustainable, long-term
strategies for their businesses.
Short Note on Initiatives

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) enables large number of prospective youth, which
also includes tribal, for taking Short Term Training (STT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
through accredited and affiliated training partner/training centers.

Mudra Yojana Scheme launched by the Government of India is trying its very best to improve the
status of women by providing loans and encouraging them to start new ventures and thereby
empowering them by providing a financial security of individual income.

Women Transforming India Awards was initiated which invites stories of exceptional women
entrepreneurs who are breaking the glass-ceiling and challenging stereotypes through businesses,
enterprises and initiatives that Provide innovative solutions to address key developmental challenges
and/or Impact communities within a sector.
Empowering Tribal Women

• Scheduled Tribes (ST) Community

constituted around 8.6 per cent of the
total population as per Census 2011.

• Tribal women have always enjoyed a

significant place in the social structure.

• The population of tribal women is

5.19 crores which is 49.7% of the total
tribal population.
Present Status vis-à-vis key indicators
• Sex ratio which has been a matter of
concern for the population as a whole
has shown improvement from 978 to
990 females per 1000 males in the
period from 2001 to 2011 as far as tribal
community is concerned.

• The literacy rates among STs remain

below the national average of 73%. The
female literacy at 49% compares poorly
to 69% among the male counterparts in
tribal communities.
Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) was constituted in 1999 with a

mission to enhance the socio economic status of the tribal population,
preserving their dignity and culture besides working towards bridging
gaps in Human Development Indices (HDI) of tribals vis-à-vis other
social groups.
Key Focus Areas for Policy Intervention

Access to Quality Schemes for Economic

Right to Forest Produce
Education Development
Access to Quality Education
• One of the flagship interventions of MoTA, the Eklavya Model
Residential Schools, focuses on improving access to quality

• More than 50% of students in these schools are girls and they have
performed exceptionally over the years in academics, sports and
extra-curricular fields. Same is the case with Ashram schools where
the focus is on ST girls.

• Support is also given to NGOs to run schools in districts having low

literacy among ST girls under the scheme of “Strengthening
Education among ST Girls in Low Literacy Districts”.
Schemes for Economic Development
• The National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development
Corporation is an apex organisation under Ministry of Tribal Affairs
for economic development of STs.

• Corporation is having an exclusive scheme for economic development

of ST women titled “Adivasi Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana”.

• Apart from this, schemes like Minimum Support Price to Minor

Forest Produce (MSP to MFP) and support to tribal artisans by Tribal
Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited
(TRIFED) also benefit the ST women largely.
Right to Forest Produce

Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition

of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, provides for full and unrestricted
participation of women at all levels. The right conferred shall be
registered jointly in the name of both the spouses.
Other Related Schemes / Initiatives

National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) was established by amending Article 338 and
inserting a new Article 338A in the Constitution through the Constitution (89th Amendment) Act, 2003.

Van Dhan Scheme is an initiative of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and TRIFED and seeks to improve tribal
incomes through value addition of tribal products. The scheme will be implemented through Ministry of
Tribal Affairs as Nodal Department at the Central Level and TRIFED as Nodal Agency at the National Level.

Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for ST Students is a Central Scheme to providing fellowship to
Scheduled Tribe students for pursuing higher studies such as M.Phil and Ph.D.
Other Related Schemes / Initiatives

Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for ST students scheme covers professional, technical as well as non-
professional and non-technical courses at various levels including correspondence courses covering
distance and continuing education.

Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana (VKY) aims at creating enabling environment for need based and outcome
oriented holistic development of the tribal people. This process envisages to ensure that all the intended
benefits of goods and services under various programmes/schemes of Central as well as State
Governments actually reach the target groups by convergence of resources through appropriate
institutional mechanism.

Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India, (TRIFED), under the Ministry of Tribal
Affairs, is engaged in marketing development of tribal products including art and craft items. TRIFED has
been marketing tribal products through its own shops called "TRIBES India" and through the outlets of
the state emporia on consignment basis.
In Pursuit of Inclusive Growth in India

• In India, adult women’s primary role

is as homemaker with low numbers in
gainful employment which has been
further declining during a period of
high economic growth.

• Inappropriate allocation of talent and

human capital impacts growth rate of
GDP. In improving women’s
participation by 10% points, India
could add $ 700 billion by 2025.
Some Troubling Indicators

• The already low female labour force participation rate (FLFPR) in

India is declining further when compared to any other region in the
• Aspirations and need for employment are still high among women
with unemployment rates (UR) being higher than men.
• India Human Development Survey (IHDS-2) for 2011-12 shows that
both individual and family constraints exist for labour market work.
• Female Work Participation Rate (FWPR) declines with education and
slightly increases at very high levels; and more in metros followed by
non-metro cities.
• Women in Northern states have lower FWPR compared to southern
Determinants of FWPR (Female Work Participation Rate)

Easier access to transportation would enable

Factors like family roles and societal norms

limited time spent by men in sharing the domestic help or presence of informal support from
household work other family members improves FWPR

Better responsiveness of the state to crime rates and

gender norms in the household and the community
sexual harassment

higher reported confidence in police/ judiciary and

crime rates and sexual harassment
lower reported crime.

female political representation promotes female

reservation in government jobs
Meeting the Challenges of Gender Empowerment
• Governments and UN agencies have
been working on programmes and
policies to achieve women’s equality
and empowerment.
• However, development processes have
led to growth without equitable
distribution and prosperity alongside
rising gender inequality.
• World Bank has suggested that
empowerment of women should be a
key aspect of all social development
Taking Gender Empowerment Seriously
• If gender empowerment is to be attained, women’s voices need to
be heard in a broad range of decision making forums, from
households to national parliaments.
• There must be space for women to voice their needs and challenge
gender norms in their community – individually and collectively
without fear.
• Women’s vulnerability to discriminatory social norms can inhibit
women’s effective participation in social, economic and political
• Therefore, programmes that target women and girls should include
elements of social learning and practice.
SHGs: Micro-Credit and Micro-Empowerment
SHGs emerged in the late 1980’s and early 90’s as a strategy to address
poverty and gender-based discrimination faced by women in the
developing world.
Role of SHGs
• SHGs work for group solidarity, self-help and awareness through
democratic functioning. Collective savings has been a pathway to find
alternatives for their gradual economic and social advancement.

• SHG framework allows women to acquire the preliminary social

abilities of negotiation and decision-making while they are engaged
in community level actions.

• They often transgress their household boundaries and engage in

collective activities such as alcohol banning, indigenous seed saving
practice, organising campaigns for maternal health and safe
immunisation, and marketing Non-timber forest products.
Thank You! Happy Learning!




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