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Luces, Maritonie A.


Aguinaldo’s mistake in those days following his blitz up El Camino Real (the King’s Highway)
which ran from Cavite to Intramuros, was misplaced trust. On June 12th, Aguinaldo had declared
our Independence. On July 4, 1898, he refused to attend the American celebration of their
independence. He was invited as General Emilio Aguinaldo, not President Emilio Aguinaldo.

Aguinaldo was the first to proclaim Philippine Independence and later proclaimed the Philippine
Republic. This made (albeit for a short time) the Philippines the first Republic in all of Asia.
Beyond that historical footnote, Aguinaldo also gave the Philippines the two main symbols of
our country - the Philippine national flag and our national anthem.

On June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo displayed the Philippine flag and played the Philippine national
anthem. The flag was predominantly red, white and blue: colors he chose to intentionally copy
the colors of the American flag. The Americans refer to their flag as the “red, white and blue”.
The Filipino flag was known as the “red, white and blue with the sun shining through”.

The first national anthem actually had no lyrics. This was because Aguinaldo emulated the
Spanish national anthem, the Marcha Real, which to this day still does not have any official
words. Our first national anthem was also a march, then called the Marcha Filipina Magdalo,
later changed to the March Nacional Filipina. Later, lyrics would be added after the Filipinos
saw the Americans singing their national anthem. Jose Palma, a Filipino poet and brother of
Rafael Palma, the first UP president, then wrote the lyrics of the anthem in Spanish; later
translated to Tagalog.

We wonder how many people remember we owe both symbols to Aguinaldo.We have long been
an admirer of Aguinaldo. During the Presidency of Diosdado Macapagal, we worked to change
our independence day to June 12th from July 4th. He was a fighter who fought for what he
believed in, and he believed in a free and democratic Philippines. And if his trust was misplaced
with whom he allied and trusted, we believe this reflects more on them than it does on him. In
his speech proclaiming the Republic of the Philippines on January 23, 1899, he said: “And thus,
in the same manner as God helped weak America in the last century when she fought against
powerful Albion (England)…He will also help us today in the identical undertaking…there is
here finally, a national spirit, which unites and brings together all Filipino hearts into a single
been “sold” to the United States in the 1898 Treaty of Paris for $20 million.There is a true story
that shows how humble and sincere Emilio Aguinaldo was to the last years of his life. On his
91st birthday, the Philippine Historical Association presented him with a certificate making him
an honorary member. He told them that he could not accept the honor as he was not a historian.
Only after he was told that he was not being honored for writing history but for making it did he
agree to accept.

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