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English This Way
Fourth Edition
Grade 1
Unit 1 Oral Communication Time Allotment: 24 days
Program Standard The students demonstrate mastery of basic skills in English language arts; communicate appropriately, fluently,
and accurately orally and write for a variety of purposes in different social and academic contexts at their level
while carrying out real-life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally literate and competent local,
national, and global citizen.
Grade Level Standards The students listen for comprehension, speak clearly, and use appropriate expressions in talking about oneself, fam-
ily, and other social context interactions.
Content Standards The students demonstrate understanding of polite greetings and leave-takings; expressions for gratitude, apology,
asking permission, and offering help; introductions.
Performance Standards The students demonstrate basic language skills using a variety of media and use these to learn varied content.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit

(Literature), F – WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)

Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will under- C1/F1 • Worktext Exercises C1a./F1 Study the The best greeting is
Appropriate Greetings stand that: Use appropriate • Quizzes given picture given with a smile.
in Varied Situation 1. We need to talk to expressions for • Assignments and write the
3 days people with cour- greetings • Pair Work and appropriate
tesy and politeness EN1OL-IIIa-1.5.1 Group Work greeting for
at all times. • Recitations the picture
2. Self-confidence • Performance Task
starts with know- G1/B1 • Unit Test G1/B1 With a partner,
ing and accepting Use common dramatize a
ourselves.. polite greetings in given situation
3. Different people varied situations using appro-
and different situa- confidently priate greet-
tions demand dif- EN1OL-IIIa-e-1.5 ings
ferent responses.
Students will keep con- G2 Practice politeness G2 Practice saying the
sidering that: by using appropri- greetings learned
1. How should we ate greetings in
talk to people? varied situations
2. How can we be ETW1VE-I-l.1
Lesson 2 more confident in A1/D1 Identify and A1/D1 a. Complete We show respect to
Polite Expressions relating with oth- use polite the story us- others by using polite
4 days ers? expressions in ing the cor- expressions.
3. How should we different situa- rect polite
relate to different tions: expression
people in different - Leave-takings A1/D1 b. Identify
situations? EN1OL-IIIb-1.5.2 the correct
- Expressions of expression
gratitude and to be used
apology based on
EN1OL-IIIc-1.5.3 the given

- Ask permission picture
- Offer help

G1/D2 Show the abil- G1/G2/D2

ity to express Role-play situa-
oneself tions using proper
EN1OL-IVa-j-1.2.9 expressions

G2 Be polite in
thought and ac-

G3 Recite a poem in G3 Memorize the

class poem “Please,
EN1OL-IVa-j-1.2.9 Thanks”
Lesson 3 A1 Talk about oneself A1 a. Fill in the • You must tell
Introducing Oneself and others blanks with information about
5 days EN2OL-IIIa-b - 1.17 the correct yourself and about
information others clearly and
A1 b. Fill in the confidently.
blanks to intro- • Do not offer
duce friends important informa-
tion to strangers.
G1 Introduce oneself G1 a. Do the Step-
and others confi- by-Step Inter-
dently view activity
EN1OL-IIIa-b - 1.17

G2 Be a good friend G2a./G1B.

ETW1OL-I-l.3 Complete the
“Get to Know
Me” chart

G2 b. Play a game
called “Getting
to Know You”

Lesson 4 A1/C1 Introduce A1 Fill in the blanks • Always use ap-

Making Introductions older persons with the correct propriate greetings
5 days and persons of name and polite expres-
authority sions when talking
EN1OL-IIIa-b - 1.17 C1 Observe how the to people.
characters in a TV • Mind your man-
show or movie ners and observe
introduce people social graces at all
to others times.
F1/G1 Show respect F1/G1 Make a short
for older dialogue for a
persons and given situation
persons of
Lesson 5 G1 Tell one’s complete G1 Form a group of • Speak confidently.
Using Live in, Live on, address three members • Believe in yourself.
and Live at ETW1OL-I-1.5 and give your ad-
7 days dress to your group

G2 Observe com- G2 Report about the

mon courtesies in group’s discussion
speaking on the importance
ETW1OL-I-l.5 of knowing where

someone lives

H1 Use live in, live on, H1 a. Fill in the

and live at blanks with in,
ETW1GA-I-l.5 on, or at
H1 b. Complete the
sentences by
writing in, on,
or at
H1 c. Check the box
of the sentence
that uses live in,
live on, or live at
H1 d. Draw a line
from the ex-
pression to the
correct picture
Unit 2 Sentence Sense Time Allotment: 15 days
Program Standard The students demonstrate mastery of basic skills in English language arts; communicate appropriately, fluently,
and accurately orally and write for a variety of purposes in different social and academic contexts at their level
while carrying out real-life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally literate and competent local,
national, and global citizen.
Grade Level Standards The students listen for comprehension, speak clearly, and use appropriate expressions in talking about oneself, fam-
ily, and other social context interactions.
Content Standards The students demonstrate understanding of sentences, phrases, subject, and predicate.
Performance Standards The students demonstrate basic language skills using a variety of media and use these to learn varied content.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit
(Literature), F – WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)

Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions

Lesson 6 Students will under- C1 Show willingness • Worktext Exercises C1 Match the sen- It feels good when you
Recognizing Sentences stand that: and happiness • Assignments tence to the do something for your
5 days 1. Each part is impor- in doing one’s • Pair Work picture that tells family.
tant to the whole. responsibilities at • Group Discussions about it.
2. Everyone has an home • Recitations
important role to EN1OL-IIIc - 1.17.1 • Performance Task
play in making ETW1VE-II-1.6 • Unit Test
family and com-
munity ties strong. H1 Recognize sentenc- H1 See how many
3. We are all responsi- es sentences can be
ble for the success, EN1G-IIIa-1.1 made by giving a
organization, and subject and an ap-
unity of our com- propriate predicate
4. Words and ac-
tions are powerful
instruments that
can inspire others
to do good.
Students will keep con- H2 Identify the parts H2 a. Identify if the
sidering that: of a sentence: the group of words
1. What makes some- subject and the is a subject or
thing whole or predicate a predicate
complete? ETW1GA-II-1.6 H2 b. Match the
2. What are your roles subject to its
and responsibilities appropriate
in the family? predicate
3. What are your roles
Lesson 7 and responsibilities G1 Talk about a topic G1 Talk about one’s Community helpers
Distinguishing in the community? of interest interest using mean- make community life
Sentences from 4. How can our ac- EN1OL-IVd-1.3.4 ingful sentences easy.
Nonsentences tions and words
2 days influence and help H1 Recognize simple H1 Rewrite simple
those who are in sentences sentences
need? EN1G-IIIa-1.1

H2 Distinguish H2 a. Identify the sen-
sentences from tences from the
nonsentences group of words
EN1G-IIIa-1.1 by shading the
sentences with
a crayon
H2 b. Identify wheth-
er the group
of word is a
sentence or a

H3/F1 Show appre- H3/F1 Talk about the

ciation to the drawings and
community rewrite the jum-
helpers bled words to
ETW1VE-II-1.7 form sentences
Lesson 8 F1 Show appreciation F1 Make a scrapbook We thank God for
Asking and Telling for animals and write an ask- creating animals for
Sentences ETW1VE-II-l.8 ing sentence and they are our friends.
8 days a telling sentence
about six animals
that can be found
in a zoo

H1 Distinguish telling H1 Identify whether

sentences from the sentence is a
asking sentences telling sentence or
EN1G-IIIc-1.3/ an asking sentence

H2 Give short answers H2 Check the box of

to asking sentenc- the correct answer

es to the asking sen-
ETW1GA-II-l.8 tence

H3 Ask simple ques- H3 Ask simple ques-

tions tions about each
EN1OL-IVf-1.17.2 picture
Unit 3 Nouns Time Allotment: 26 days
Program Standard The students demonstrate mastery of basic skills in English language arts; communicate appropriately, fluently, and
accurately orally and write for a variety of purposes in different social and academic contexts at their level while
carrying out real-life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally literate and competent local, -na-
tional, and global citizen.
Grade Level Standards The students listen for comprehension, speak clearly, and use appropriate expressions in talking about oneself, fam-
ily, and other social context interactions.
Content Standards The students demonstrate understanding of nouns, singular and plural nouns, common nouns and proper nouns,
and use of a and an.
Performance Standards The students demonstrate basic language skills using a variety of media and use these to learn varied content.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit
(Literature), F – WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)

Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions

Lesson 9 Students will under- F1 Show apprecia- • Worktext Exercises F1 Make a family tree Call people by their
Nouns stand that: tion for names of • Assignments names. because it is
6 days 1. Names give people, places, • Pair Work and the sweetest thing
persons, places, animals, and things Group Work to hear from another
animals, and things ETW1WC-III-l.9 • Recitations person.
identity. • Artwork
2. Being a Filipino is H1/F2 Name per- • Quiz H1 a. Encircle the
an important part sons, places, • Performance Task name of the
of my identity. animals, and • Unit Test picture
3. Through Filipinos’ things H1 b. Complete the
great contribu- ETW1GA-III-l.9a “Name Web”
tions, they are H1 c. / F2
becoming more Tell something
globally competi- about oneself
tive. by naming three
favorite persons,
places, and things
Students will keep con- H2 Group nouns as H2 a. Look at the
sidering that: persons, places, or picture and fol-
1. How important are things low the direc-
names to persons, ETW1GA-III-l.9b tions given
places, animals, H2 b. Write each
and things? noun under
2. Why is it important the correct
to identify yourself category
Lesson 10 as a Filipino? G1 Express enjoyment G1 Memorize and We learn as we enjoy
Singular and Plural 3. What contribu- in school recite the poem, which makes school
Nouns tions have Filipinos ETW1VE-III-l.10 “School” fun and exciting.
4 days made to the global
community? H1 Distinguish sin- H1 a. Color the
gular nouns from picture of the
plural nouns singular nouns
ETW1GA-III-l.10 yellow and the
plural nouns

H1 b. Study the pic-
ture and write
S for singular
and P for plural
H1 c. Encircle all the
nouns and
complete the
H1 d. Read a fairy
tale and list
down all the
nouns. Clas-
sify the nouns
as singular or
Lesson 11 F1 Show neatness F1 Copy the list Our work tells others
A and An in doing written of phrases and about us.
4 days exercise sentences in your
ETW1VE-III-l.11 notebook

H1 Differentiate the H1 a. Write a or an

use of a and an before the
EN2G-II-9.2 word under
the picture
H1 b. Classify nouns
that use a and

H2 Use a and an in H2 a. Write a or an

sentences to complete
EN2G-IIf-9.2 each sentence
H2 b. Write a or an

to complete
the paragraph

Lesson 12 H1 Form the plural of H1 a. Copy the There is always

The Plural Forms of nouns by adding -s words and something we should
Nouns or -es form their plu- be thankful for.
3 days ETW1GA-III-l.12a ral by adding -s
or -es
H1 b. Complete the
picture poem
that follows by
adding -s or -es
H2 Form the plural of H2 a. Change the
nouns ending with nouns ending
y with y to their
ETW1GA-III-l.12b plural form
H2 b. Fill in the an-
swer map

H3 Show gratitude for H3 a. Use the picture

God’s blessings clues to fill in
ETW1VE-III-l.12 each blank
with the cor-
rect noun
H3 b. Draw and color
the gifts one
has received
from God
Lesson 13 G1 Realize the impor- G1 Interview some We show respect when

Common Nouns and tance of knowing members of the we write proper names
Proper Nouns the names of com- community and correctly.
9 days munity helpers talk about the
ETW1VE-III-l.13 interview in class

H1 Differentiate com- H1 Write C for com-

mon from proper mon noun and P
nouns for proper noun

H2 Give proper names H2 a. Supply the

to common nouns proper nouns
ETW1GA-III-l.13b for the given
H3 Write proper H2 b./H3 a.
nouns correctly Fill in the
ETW1GA-III-l.13c organizer with
one’s favorite
H2 c./H3 b.
Complete the
story by filling
in the blanks
with the cor-
rect proper
or common

Unit 4 Pronouns Time Allotment: 17 days
Program Standard The students demonstrate mastery of basic skills in English language arts; communicate appropriately, fluently,
and accurately orally and write for a variety of purposes in different social and academic context at his or her level
while carrying out real-life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally literate and competent local,
national, and global citizen.
Grade Level Standards The students listen for comprehension, speaks clearly, and use appropriate expressions in talking about oneself,
family, and other social context interactions.
Content Standards The students demonstrate understanding of subject pronouns and demonstrative pronouns.
Performance Standards The students are able to engage in a variety of ways to share information and able to accomplish real-life tasks.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit
(Literature), F – WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)

Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions
Lesson 14 Students will under- G1 Show love and • Worktext Exercises G1 Tell about one’s Our family is our basic

Subject Pronouns stand that: care for the family • Quizzes parents or siblings community. Let us love
10 days 1. Substitutes help ETW1OL-IV-l.24 • Assignments and care for our family.
avoid repetition, • Pair Work and
but should not H1/C1 Use subject Group Work H1 a. Group each
replace original pronouns in • Artwork word under
message. place of nouns • Recitations the correct
2. Pronouns make EN2G-IV-a-b-4.2.1 • Performance Task subject pro-
things (number, • Unit Test noun
gender, and dis- H1 b. Box the word
tance) clearer and that will make
easier to under- the second
stand. sentence cor-
H1 c. Ring the cor-
rect pronoun
in the para-
Students will keep con- H1 d./C1
sidering that: Study the pictures
1. How do pronouns and check the
keep the original box of the correct
message of a sen- sentence
tence? H1 e. Identify the
2. Are pronouns nouns inside
effective words the puzzle
to show specific and write
number, gender, the nouns in
and distance? the columns
where they
Lesson 15 A1 Appreciate the A1 Fill in the blanks God made the things
This, That, These, and beauty of God’s to complete the around us beautiful.
Those creation prayer
7 days ETW1VE-IV-l.15

C1/H1/W1 C1 a./H1 a.
Use this, that, Answer questions
these, and those based on the pic-
correctly tures
EN2G-IVc-d-4.2.3 C1 b./H1 b.
Box the correct
pronoun based on
the picture
C1 c./H1 c./W1
Search for images
that illustrate the
correct use of this,
that, these, and
H1 d. Encircle the
letter of the
correct re-
sponse based
on the situa-
H1 e. Complete the
sentences by
filling in the
correct words
H1 f. Complete the
and draw a
picture based
on the given

Unit 5 Verbs Time Allotment: 26 days
Program Standard The students demonstrate mastery of basic skills in English language arts; communicate appropriately, fluently, and
accurately orally and write for a variety of purposes in different social and academic context at their level while car-
rying out real-life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally literate and competent local, national,
and global citizen.
Grade Level Standards The students listen for comprehension, speak clearly, and use appropriate expressions in talking about oneself, fam-
ily, and other social context interactions.
Content Standards The students demonstrate understanding of action verbs, be verbs, the simple present tense of verbs, the simple
past tense of regular verbs, and the simple past tense of irregular verbs.
Performance Standards The students are able to engage in a variety of ways to share information and able to accomplish real-life tasks.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit
(Literature), F – WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)

Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions

Lesson 16 Students will under- A1/C1 Stay active and • Worktext Exercises A1/C1 Complete each Staying active keeps
Action Verbs stand that: healthy • Quizzes statement you healthy.
5 days 1. Daily routines build ETW1VE-V-l.16 • Assignments based on the
good habits. • Pair Work and picture
2. Good habits help Group Work
us reach for our H1/C2/G1 • Artwork H1 a./C2
dreams. Recognize action • Recitations Match the picture
3. People who love verbs • Performance Task to the correct ac-
and care for us will EN1G-IVa-e-3.4 • Unit Test tion verb
support us achieve H1 b./G1
our dreams. Choose a partner
and say each verb
in the Verb Alpha-
bet with matching
Students will keep con- H2 /F1 Use action H2 a. Color the verb
sidering that: verbs in sen- that will make
1. How do we build tences the sentence
good habits? EN2G-IIIh-3.4 correct.
2. How can good H2 b./F1
habits be helpful? Use the given
3. What role do our verbs in a sentence
families play in
Lesson 17 becoming who we F1 Write a short para- F1/F2/F3 Thank God for your
Be Verbs want to be? graph about one’s Write a story about family.
4 days family one’s family

F2 Talk about one’s

family truthfully

F3 Appreciate the
members of one’s

H1/C1 Recognize and H1 a. Fill in the

use be verbs in blanks by
sentences copying verbs
EN2G-IIIh-3.4 from the story
H1 b. Encircle the
correct form of
the verb in the
H1 c./C1 a.
Give the correct be
verb to use with
each picture
H1 d. Identify the
sentence with
the correct be
H1 e./C1 b.
Complete the
sentence using the
correct be verb
Lesson 18 H1 Use the simple H1 Read the para- We say “thank-you” to
The Simple Present present tense of graph and answer the members of our
Tense of Verbs verbs the questions that family who do things
5 days EN3G-IIe-f- follow for us.

H2 Distinguish the use H2 a. Match the

of the base form subjects with
and s form of verbs their correct
ETW1GA-V-l.17a predicates

H2 b. Write the
sentence that
describes the

H3 Form the s form of H3 a./H4

verbs Study the given
ETW1GA-V-l.17b picture and shade
the box of the cor-
rect answer

H4 Use time expres- H3 b./H5

sions for the simple Complete the sen-
present tense of tences using the
verbs correctly correct form of the
ETW1GA-V-l.17c verb
H5 Appreciate the
things one does for
his or her family
Lesson 19 A1/C1/H1 A1/H1 a. We learn from what we
The Simple Past Tense Use regular verbs Check sentences do. Past experiences
of Regular Verbs in the simple past that show what teach us things.
6 days tense the character did
EN3G-IId-f-3.2 during his vacation

C2/H2 Use time C1/H1 b.

expressions Write a sentence
for the simple about the picture
past tense of
verbs correctly H1 c. Complete the
ETW1GA-V-l.19 story by writ-
ing the correct

past tense of
the verbs
H1 d. Complete the
words based
on the letter

C2/H2 Form the past

tense of the
given verb
based on the
F1/G1 Tell others F1/G1 Interview one’s
about what a sibling or best
friend/sibling friend about
did in the past what he or she
week did the past
EN1OL-IVa-j-1.1 week

G2 Be thankful for past G2 Share about some

experiences lessons a friend
ETW1OL-V-l.19 learned from past
Lesson 20 A1 Being helpful in A1 Read a paragraph Helping each other
The Simple Past Tense the family about being helpful makes us a family.
of Irregular Verbs ETW1VE-V-l.20a
6 days
C1/F1/H1 C1/F1/H1 a.
Use irregular verbs Cut five pictures
in the simple past that show action,
tense then write a sen-

EN3G-IIe-f- tence about each
H1 b. Choose the
word from the
box that will
complete the

H2 Form the past H2 Fill in the blank

tense of common with the past tense
irregular verbs of the verb in the
EN3G-IId-f-3.2 parentheses

H3 Show patience in H3 Memorize the past

memorizing target tense of irregular
words verbs
Unit 6 Adjectives Time Allotment: 16 days
Program Standard The students demonstrate mastery of basic skills in English language arts; communicate appropriately, fluently, and
accurately orally and write for a variety of purposes in different social and academic context at their level while car-
rying out real-life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally literate and competent local, national,
and global citizen.
Grade Level Standards The students listen for comprehension, speak clearly, and use appropriate expressions in talking about oneself, fam-
ily, and other social context interactions.
Content Standards The students demonstrate understanding of adjectives, synonyms, antonyms, cardinal numbers, and ordinal num-
Performance Standards The students are able to engage in a variety of ways to share information and able to accomplish real-life tasks.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit
(Literature), F – WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)

Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions

Lesson 21 Students will under- C1 Show appreciation • Worktext Exercises C1 Give words that God created
Adjectives stand that: for the beauty of • Written Quiz describe the things everything good. Let
7 days 1. God’s creation is God’s creation • Assignments in the picture us take care of the
beautiful, colorful, ETW1VE-VI-I.1 • Pair Work and things he made.
and diverse. Group Work
2. Taking care of D1 Name synonyms • Recitations D1 a. Use another
God’s creation is and antonyms • Performance Task adjective in
my gift to myself EN2V-IIIc-13.1/d-13.2 • Unit Test place of the
and to God. underlined
3. Prioritizing actions word in each
will help me keep sentence
my commitment D1 b. Complete the
to be a friend to puzzle with
God’s creation. the synonym
or antonym of
the given word
Students will keep con- H1 Recognize and H1 a. Complete the
sidering that: use adjectives in sentences us-
1. What makes God’s sentences ing the words
creation amazing? EN1G-IVf-j-5 in the box
2. Why should I H1 b. Fill in each
protect God’s crea- blank with an
tion? appropriate
3. How can we help adjective.
Lesson 22 protect God’s crea- C1 Appreciate animals C1/C2 Study the pic- The persons, animals,
Cardinal Numbers tion? ETW1VE-VI-l.20a ture of a day at and objects you see
2 days 4. Why is listing pri- the zoo are all part of God's
orities important? C2 Thank God for his creation.
gift of creation

H1/F1 Understand H1 a. Write how

cardinal num- many per-

bers as adjec- sons, places,
tives animals, or ob-
ETW1GA-VI-l.22 jects are there
in each picture
H1 b./F1
Write a short
sentence for each
drawing using
cardinal adjectives

H2 Spell cardinal H2 a. Spell out the

numbers one to number of the
ten correctly correct cardi-
ETW1GA-VI-l.22b nal adjective
H2 b. Follow the
H2 c. Write a cardi-
nal adjective
on the things
one has at
Lesson 23 A1 Accept defeat A1/A2 Read a story Acceptance that we
Ordinal Numbers graciously about a friend- don’t always win in
7 days ETW1VE-VI-l.23b ly competition everything shows
A2 Practice sports-
manship in a
sports event

B1/C1 Follow simple B1 Listen carefully as
directions the teacher gives
EN1LC-IVg-h.3.6 step-by-step direc-
tions on how to do

H1 Distinguish ordinal C1/H1 Read and

numbers from follow the
cardinal numbers instructions
ETW1GA-VI-l.23b given

H2 Use ordinal num- H2 a. Give the cor-

bers as adjectives rect ordinal
ETW1GA-VI-l.23a number based
on the given
H2 b. Color the
box of the
that correctly
describes the
order where
each object is
H2 c. Identify if
the sentence
describes the
map correctly


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