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Sepsis and septic shock: current approaches to management

Kelly Thompson,1,2 Balasubramanian Venkatesh1,2,3,4 and Simon Finfer 1,2,5,6

The George Institute for Global Health, 2University of New South Wales, 5Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, and 6Malcolm Fisher
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, and 3The Princess Alexandra Hospital, University of
Queensland, and 4The Wesley Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Key words Abstract

sepsis, septic shock, critical care, intensive care
unit, infection. Sepsis, defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated host
response to infection, is recognised by the World Health Organization as a global
Correspondence health priority. Each year, 5000 of the 18 000 adults with sepsis treated in Australian
Simon Finfer, Division of Critical Care and intensive care units die, with survivors suffering long-term physical, cognitive and
Trauma, The George Institute for Global Health, psychological dysfunction, which is poorly recognised and frequently untreated.
Level 5, 1 King Street, Newtown, NSW 2042, There are currently no effective pharmacological treatments for sepsis, making early
Australia. recognition, resuscitation and immediate treatment with appropriate antibiotics the
Email: key to reducing the burden of resulting disease. The majority of sepsis, around
70–80%, is community acquired making emergency departments and primary care
Received 3 August 2018; accepted key targets to improve recognition and early management. Case fatality rates for sep-
28 September 2018. sis are decreasing in many countries with the reduction attributed to national or
regional screening and quality improvement programmes focused on early identifica-
tion and immediate treatment. The optimum approach to treating established sepsis
has been informed by high-quality, multicentre investigator initiated randomised tri-
als with much of the valuable data coming from National Health and Medical
Research Council-funded trials run from Australia. While early recognition and
improved management of the acute episode are important steps in reducing death
and disability from sepsis, a substantial reduction in the burden of sepsis-related dis-
ease requires action across the entire healthcare system. In this narrative review, we
provide a summary of current knowledge on epidemiology of sepsis and septic shock
and recommendations on the optimum approach to the management of these condi-
tions in adults.

Introduction and Torres Strait Islander Australians are fourfold

Sepsis, now defined as life-threatening organ dysfunc-
Survivors of acute sepsis episodes are at an increased
tion due to a dysregulated host response to infection,1
risk of death in the year following hospital discharge,6
was recently recognised by the World Health Organiza-
and over half of all survivors report reduced health-
tion as a global health priority.2 Sepsis causes or contrib-
related quality-of-life with physical and cognitive impair-
utes to up to half of all in-hospital deaths in the USA.3
ment impacting their ability to perform usual activities of
Globally, the population incidence of hospital-treated
daily living.7,8
sepsis in adults is estimated as 270 per 100 000, with
In May 2017, the World Health Assembly adopted a
overall mortality estimated at 26%. Without counting
resolution co-sponsored by Australia to improve the pre-
sepsis in children or occurring outside hospital, this
vention, diagnosis and management of sepsis worldwide.
equates to 19.4 million cases and 5.3 million deaths glob-
The resolution urges all United Nations member states to
ally each year.4 The most recent population-based esti-
adopt a national action plan for sepsis and to include the
mate of sepsis in Australia is 188 per 100 000 with
prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in national
hospital mortality at 17.1%. Case rates for Aboriginal
health system strengthening efforts.
In this narrative review, we provide a summary of
Funding: None. current approaches to the management of sepsis and
Conflict of interest: None. septic shock focusing on adults.

160 Internal Medicine Journal 49 (2019) 160–170

© 2019 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Sepsis and septic shock

Risk factors and diagnosis Table 1 Common sites of infection and causative microorganisms†

Sepsis results from the host response to infection, conse- Common infection Common microorganisms
quently the populations at highest risk are those at greatest
risk of contracting severe infections, these include the very Pulmonary‡ Pneumococcus, staphylococcus, atypical
young and the very old, and those with underlying non- infections, such as mycoplasma and legionella,
communicable diseases, such as diabetes, cancer and peo- viruses and Gram negatives
Abdominal§ Gram negatives such as Escherichia coli,
ple with disease or treatment-related immunosuppression.9
Klebsiella, anaerobic organisms, Enterococcus,
The definitions of sepsis and septic shock were Candida
updated in January 2016 with the goal of identifying Skin/soft tissue Streptococcus, methicillin-sensitive
patients at higher risk of adverse outcomes, specifically Staphylococcus aureus, Gram negatives
those needing treatment in an intensive care unit (ICU) Urinary Gram-negative bacilli, Enterococcus
or with a high risk of death.1,10 Previously, a diagnosis of Intravascular MRSA, Coagulase negative staphylococcus,
sepsis required the presence of infection accompanied by catheters Gram negatives
Central nervous Neisseria, pneumococcus, Gram positives
two or more systemic inflammatory response syndrome
(SIRS) criteria, and when accompanied by organ dys- Endocarditis MSSA, coagulase negative staphylococcus
function this was designated ‘severe sepsis’ (Box 1).11
The updated definition no longer considers the presence †Only one-third of patients with septic shock have positive blood cul-
tures. ‡In patients admitted with septic shock from the medical wards
of infection and SIRS to indicate sepsis, and instead the
or the emergency department, the sepsis is predominantly of pulmo-
diagnosis of sepsis requires an infection plus organ dys- nary origin. §In patients, admitted with septic shock from the operating
function indicated by an acute change in Sequential room, the sepsis is predominantly of abdominal origin. In immunocom-
Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA)12 of two points or promised patients, in addition to the above, opportunistic infections
more (Supporting Information Table S1). Thus, the old from fungi, pneumocystis must be considered. MRSA, methicillin-resis-
‘severe sepsis’ becomes ‘sepsis’ with the new definition tant Staphylococcus aureus; MSSA, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus
providing specific criteria to identify qualifying organ aureus.

dysfunction for the first time. The most severe form of

sepsis is septic shock, a state of circulatory failure that
occurs in a subset of patients with sepsis in whom circu-
Box 1 Sepsis and septic shock latory, cellular and metabolic abnormalities are associ-
ated with an increased risk of death.10 The diagnosis of
1992 definitions of sepsis and septic shock septic shock requires the presence of sepsis and hypoten-
sion requiring vasopressor therapy to maintain mean
• Suspected or confirmed infections AND
• Two or more systemic inflammatory response syndrome cri- arterial pressure (MAP) 65 mmHg or greater and a
teria of: serum lactate of greater than 2 mmol/L despite adequate
 Core temperature >38 C or <36 C fluid resuscitation. In settings where lactate measure-
 Heart rate >90 beats per min ment is not available, other indices of tissue hypoperfu-
 Respiratory rate > 20 breaths per min or a PaCO2 <
sion, such as oliguria, altered mental status (Glasgow
32 mmHg or mechanical ventilation for an acute process
 White blood cell (WBC) count of >12 × 109/L or < 4 × 109/L, Coma Scale of 13 or less) and delayed capillary refill,
or > 10% immature neutrophils may be used instead.10 While hyperlactaemia is not a
Septic shock specific sign of sepsis and is not part of the definition of
Sepsis with hypotension, despite adequate fluid resuscitation, sepsis, it is a valuable marker of disease severity and
along with the presence of perfusion abnormalities that may
remains an important component of many effective
include lactic acidosis, oliguria, or an acute alteration in men-
tal state screening programmes and treatment algorithms.13–15
2016 consensus definitions of sepsis and septic shock Common sites of infection and common microorgan-
(sepsis-3) isms are documented in Table 1.
• Suspected infection AND
• An acute change in SOFA score of ≥2 points consequent to The importance of screening, early
infection(see Table S1) recognition and early treatment
Septic shock
• Sepsis There are currently no licensed pharmacological treat-
• Hypotension requiring vasopressor therapy to maintain a ments for sepsis, but early recognition and treatment,
mean arterial blood pressure of 65 mmHg or greater
particularly early administration of effective antibiotics,
• Serum lactate level greater than 2 mmol/L after adequate
fluid resuscitation are associated with decreased mortality.16,17 While there
has never been, and likely never will be, a prospective

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Thompson et al.

randomised trial of early versus late antibiotics for sepsis, triage from 29.3 to 52.2% and was associated with a
observational data support their immediate administra- decrease in mortality from 19.3 to 14.1%, there was also
tion. The original influential data came from Kumar’s a significant reduction in the time patients spent in an
group in Canada16 and have recently been confirmed by ICU.13 Similar programmes are now being implemented
a study of the New York State Department of Health in Queensland and Victoria.13,19,20 Achieving similar
Database.17 In the New York study, risk-adjusted in- improvements for the 20% of patients who develop sep-
hospital mortality was 28% in patients in who antibiotic sis in hospital is challenging as it requires the education
treatment was delayed 12 h compared with 23% in of the entire clinical workforce, an enormous and ongo-
patients who received antibiotics within 1 h, represent- ing, but not impossible commitment. The feasibility and
ing a 22% increase in relative risk of death. Taken results of this approach have been documented at the
together, these studies suggest that the relative risk of Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre where a whole of hos-
death from sepsis or septic shock may increase by pital nurse-led sepsis pathway produced significant
between 4 and 8% for each hour of delay in administer- improvement in time to diagnosis and treatment of sep-
ing effective antibiotics. sis associated with reduced rates of ICU admission,
The majority, approximately 80%, of hospital-treated reduced post-sepsis length of stay and reduced sepsis-
sepsis arises in the community and presents to emer- related mortality.21 Improvements are more likely if sep-
gency departments, with the remaining 20% occurring sis education can be incorporated into systems designed
in patients already hospitalised for another reason.18 This to recognise and respond to deteriorating patients as
makes routine screening targeting early recognition and mandated by the Australian Commission on Safety and
treatment in emergency departments an attractive strat- Quality in Health Care’s National Safety and Quality
egy to reduce the number of deaths and such pro- Health Service Standard.22 This approach entails training
grammes have proven effective in Australia and in other members of rapid response teams to recognise sepsis and
countries.13,17 The New South Wales ‘Sepsis Kills’ pro- to treat it as a time critical medical emergency. Such rec-
gramme focused on recognition of risk factors, signs and ognition is widespread in some national healthcare sys-
symptoms of sepsis, resuscitation with rapid administra- tems, notably in the UK, but not yet across Australia.
tion of fluids and antibiotics and referral to senior clini- Systematic screening is recommended by the Surviv-
cians and teams. Using the slogan RECOGNISE, ing Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Man-
RESUSCITATE, REFER, the programme increased the agement of Sepsis and Septic Shock,15 and by the UK
proportion of patients receiving antibiotics within 1 h of National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and

Principles: If suspected infection, screen for sepsis. If hypotensive, shocked or increased lactate, commence fluid and vasopressor resuscitation

Immediate Monitor haemodynamic and
organ function
Ongoing Screen for Sepsis using Assess organ function - Heart rate
local screening tool: - Heart rate - Blood pressure
- qSOFA/SOFA - Blood pressure - Arterial oxygen saturation Other supportive therapies as required
- NEWS - Arterial oxygen saturation - Respiratory rate
- SEPSIS KILLS - Respiratory rate - Mental status
Recognise Suspected or confirmed infection
- Mental status - Temperature
- Serum lactate Mechanical Ventilation
- Urine output
- Serum Lactate - Lung protective ventilation strategy (see text)

Renal Replacement Therapy

- If indicated for fluid overload or metabolic
1st 2nd derangement, (severe uraemia, hyperkalemia,
Obtain blood cultures Administer antibiotics Measure Lactate acidosis) (see text)
- All patients - All patients - To determine illness
- Prior to first dose - Broad spectrum severity / diagnose
antibiotic - Follow local guidelines septic shock Nutrition
- Two sets, aerobic for empiric therapy - Commence enteral feeding early (see Table 2)
and anaerobic
Resuscitate Glucose control
All within 1 hour
(if haemodynamic Administer intravenous crystalloids Commence Vasopressors - Maintain blood glucose < 10 mmol/L (see Table 2)
instability or - Normal saline or buffered salt solution - MAP target 65 mmHg
increased lactate) - Up to 30 ml/kg over 3 hours - Noradrenaline, first line
- Albumin, if failure to respond to crystalloid - Vasopressin/epinephrine Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
- (NEVER administer hydroxyethyl starch) if needed - unfractioned heparin or low-molecular-weight
heparin (see Table 2)

Blood Transfusion
- If Hb<70 g/L (see Table 2)
Administer intravenous corticosteroids
- Consider 200 mg hydrocortisone per day if Minimise sedation
If shock persists hypotension / shock persists > 4 hours despite
Early mobilisation when stabilised
fluid resuscitation and vasopressor support

Figure 1 Flow diagram for the management of a patient with suspected sepsis.

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Sepsis and septic shock

Death. A variety of screening tools are used around the resuscitation, vasodilatation affecting both the venous
world, for example, the National Early Warning Score in capacitance vessels and the arterial resistance vessels is
the UK,22 the Sepsis Kills pathway in NSW13,22 and tools treated with vasopressor agents, and sepsis-related myo-
based on the SIRS criteria and markers of organ dysfunc- cardial dysfunction may require specific inotropic
tion in other countries. The recent working group on agents.23
sepsis definitions suggested a new screening tool, the Protocols and algorithms for the management of
quick SOFA score.1 The quick SOFA assigns one point sepsis-related hypotension are the focus of ongoing
for each of hypotension (systolic blood pressure ≤ research. A landmark trial published in 2001 suggested
100 mmHg), tachypnoea (respiratory rate of ≥22 per that ‘Early Goal Directed Therapy’ (EGDT), a protocol
minute) and altered mental status (Glasgow Coma Scale based around using central venous oxygen saturation as
score of 13 or less) and is suggested as a simple way to a resuscitation target during the first 6 h of treatment,
identify patients with suspected infection who are likely would significantly reduce mortality.24 Patients ran-
to have a prolonged stay in intensive care or to die in domly assigned to EGDT received more intravenous
hospital. Regardless of the screening system used, fluid, blood transfusions and inotropes in the first 6 h of
improved outcomes will only result if sepsis is identified treatment than those assigned to ‘usual care’. Mortality
and treated with minimum delay. was 46.5% with usual care and 30.5% with EGDT. As
Figure 1 outlines initial screening and management the study was conducted in a single hospital in the USA
priorities for patients with sepsis and septic shock. and open label it was considered at high risk of bias, and
subsequently the protocol was tested in three large
multi-centre trials in the USA, the UK and in Australia
Management of patients with
and New Zealand, and all three reported no benefit from
established sepsis
Not all commentators agree with the Surviving Sepsis
Haemodynamic management
Campaign Guideline recommendation to commence
Treatment and resuscitation of patients with sepsis and sep- intravenous fluid resuscitation of sepsis-induced hypo-
tic shock should commence immediately and immediate perfusion at a rate of 30 mL/kg over 3 h,15 and currently
priorities are the identification and control of the source the bundle is under review because of concerns that its
infection, and its treatment with appropriate antibiotics. uncritical application may be harmful.29 In response to
Infections for which urgent source control is indicated the EGDT trials, more restrictive approaches to fluid
include abscesses amenable to percutaneous or surgical resuscitation are currently being evaluated in rando-
drainage, ischaemic bowel, gastrointestinal perforation, mised controlled trials (RCT).30 While it is not possible to
some infections of the biliary or urinary systems, necrotis- make firm evidence-based recommendations on indivi-
ing soft tissue infection and infected implanted devices. dualising fluid therapy, it is common sense and good
Haemodynamic management of sepsis related hypo- practice to review repeatedly individual patients and pre-
tension should commence immediately. The 2018 scribe fluid resuscitation based on repeated assessment of
update of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines ongoing need. There is widespread agreement that fluid
introduced the ‘Hour-1 Bundle’ which recommends resuscitation should commence with a crystalloid solu-
treatment with intravenous fluids, measurement of tion, either normal saline or a buffered salt solution,
serum lactate concentration as a marker of illness sever- such as Hartmann’s solution or PlasmaLyte. For patients
ity, administration of vasopressors, obtaining blood cul- who fail to respond to crystalloid resuscitation albumin
tures and administering broad-spectrum antibiotics, all can be added, although the evidence of its benefit
within the first hour.14 Ideally, such treatment will be remains equivocal.31,32 Hydroxyethyl starch should not
carried out or supervised by senior or experienced clini- be used as it increases the risk of acute kidney injury and
cians recognising that even with optimal treatment septic death.33 A restrictive approach to blood transfusion is
shock carries a high risk of death. safe and transfusing when haemoglobin concentration
Septic shock is now defined as sepsis accompanied by falls below 70 or 90 g/L results in equivalent mortality
hypotension requiring vasopressor therapy to maintain a and morbidity.34
MAP of 65 mmHg or greater and a serum lactate of Initial MAP target for patients with septic shock who
greater than 2 mmol/L despite adequate fluid resuscita- require treatment with vasopressors should be 65 mmHg.
tion. Sepsis-induced hypotension results from different In a trial comparing target MAP of 65–70 mmHg and
pathological processes that require different treatments. 80–85 mmHg mortality outcomes were the same while
Hypovolaemia from intravascular volume loss due to those assigned the higher target received more vasopres-
increased vascular permeability requires fluid sors and had a higher risk of atrial fibrillation. In the

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study, randomisation was stratified by presence or mortality from superinfection.43,44 Studies in the late
absence of chronic arterial hypertension, and in their 1990s consistently demonstrated that treatment with
electronic supplement, the authors report a reduction in lower doses of corticosteroids, typically hydrocortisone
use of renal replacement therapy in patients with in a dose of 200 mg per 24 h, results in more rapid rever-
chronic arterial hypertension assigned to the high MAP sal of shock.45 Concomitant with these findings was the
group. This raises the possibility that individualising observation that patients with a reduced cortisol
treatment by targeting a MAP of 80–85 mmHg in such response to an exogenous corticotropin stimulation test
patients may improve some outcomes though a recent with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) (‘nonre-
systematic review of vasopressor blood pressure targets sponders, also termed ‘relative adrenal insufficiency’)
in critically ill adults with hypotension did not support a had a higher mortality in severe sepsis. Two RCT pro-
higher MAP target.35–37 duced divergent results on the efficacy of corticosteroids
Patients requiring vasopressors or ongoing fluid resus- in reducing mortality, although both lacked the statistical
citation should be treated in an ICU and undergo inva- power to demonstrate a clinically significant reduction in
sive vascular monitoring. Noradrenaline is the most mortality.46,47
commonly used vasopressor in Australian critical care Recently, two large-scale RCT have added substantial
practice and RCT support its use. In patients with sepsis, new data to inform opinion regarding the role of cortico-
noradrenaline with dobutamine produced equivalent steroids in the treatment of septic shock.48,49 The
outcomes to adrenaline used alone. Adrenaline use Australia-based ADRENAL trial investigated the role of a
results in a transient treatment-related lactic acidosis continuous infusion of 200 mg/day of hydrocortisone
which, although not harmful, interferes with assessment compared with placebo in critically ill patients with septic
of response to resuscitation. Historically, dopamine was a shock; it reported no difference between groups with
popular inotrope and vasopressor, but its use is associ- respect to short or longer term mortality, but patients
ated with a nonsignificant increase in mortality and sig- assigned to hydrocortisone had earlier shock reversal, lib-
nificantly greater risk of cardiac arrhythmias. Owing to a eration from mechanical ventilation, reduced frequency
recent noradrenaline shortage, some hospitals in the of blood transfusion and earlier discharge from intensive
USA were forced to use other vasopressor agents, most care.48,50 The APROCCHS trial (n = 1241) examined the
commonly phenylephrine patients with septic shock effect of 200 mg per day of hydrocortisone given as four
admitted to these hospitals at the time of the noradrena- 50 mg doses, combined with oral fludrocortisone com-
line shortage had higher in-hospital mortality,38 provid- pared to placebo and reported improved mortality in the
ing further support for the use of noradrenaline as the steroid group, coupled with earlier shock reversal and
first line agent. earlier liberation from mechanical ventilation.49 Meta-
Vasopressin can be added to norepinephrine if analyses, including the results of these two trials, have
required to achieve the target MAP although in two RCT concluded that low dose corticosteroids produce either
its use did not reduce mortality.39,40 Selepressin, a selec- no or a very small reduction in short term mortality, but
tive vasopressin 1a receptor agonist,41 and synthetic use is associated with more rapid resolution of shock,
human angiotensin II,42 are both effective vasopressors and shorter ICU stay.51,52 Currently, the Surviving Sepsis
but do not have proven advantages compared to nor- Campaign guidelines recommend against the use of low-
adrenaline. Adding levosimendan, a calcium-sensitising dose corticosteroids if fluid resuscitation and vasopressor
inotropic agent with other properties, to standard care therapy are adequate in restoring hemodynamic stability.
did not reduce organ dysfunction or mortality but was If hemodynamic instability persists despite adequate fluid
associated with more adverse effects. resuscitation and vasopressor therapy, intravenous
hydrocortisone can be added at a dose of 200 mg per day.
The results from these recent RCT are likely to reinforce
the role of steroids in septic shock and change the recom-
There is an established biological rationale for the mendation in future clinical practice guidelines.
administration of adjunctive corticosteroids in the man-
agement of patients with septic shock. Corticosteroids act
through two mechanisms: immune modulation and car- Adjunctive therapies
diovascular modulation. Evidence from RCT in the late
Anti-inflammatory and immune stimulation
1980s demonstrated that high-dose methylprednisolone
(30 mg/kg), although effective in reversing shock, did
not reduce mortality in sepsis and that treatment with The original rationale for treating sepsis with corticoste-
high dose corticosteroids was associated with increased roids was that sepsis was an uncontrolled inflammatory

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Sepsis and septic shock

response to infection and the anti-inflammatory effects Renal replacement therapy and cytokine
of corticosteroids would improve outcomes. This same removal
rationale spawned a multitude of clinical trials targeting
Septic shock is the most common cause of acute kidney
the pathways and mediators of sepsis, including endo-
injury in the ICU accounting for approximately half of all
toxin, toll-like receptors, tumour necrosis factor α, inter-
acute kidney injuries and is associated with the highest
leukins, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, platelet
mortality.59 Renal replacement therapy may be indicated
activating factor, proteases, nitric oxide and others. None
of these trials has resulted in a licensed and effective for the treatment of uraemia, fluid overload and the met-
pharmaceutical for the treatment of sepsis, probably in abolic derangement, such as severe hyperkalemia, that
part because some of the agents tested are ineffective, accompanies acute kidney injury. Renal replacement
but also probably because of flaws in patient selection therapy, given almost exclusively as continuous veno-
and trial design.53 venous haemodiafiltration in Australian ICU, lowers
In developed healthcare systems, relatively few patients temperature and often lowers vasopressor requirements.
die rapidly of fulminant sepsis that is unresponsive to Early use of renal replacement therapy is theoretically
efforts at resuscitation, most deaths result from multiple attractive as it may limit organ injury and fluid overload
organ failure and occur days or weeks after the onset of and remove inflammatory mediators responsible for the
sepsis. In addition, patients who survive sepsis are at clinical manifestations of sepsis.59 To date, there are no
increased risk of being readmitted to hospital and suffer- compelling data that strategies to remove cytokines, or to
ing further episodes of infection and sepsis.6,54,55 These use more intensive renal replacement therapy,60–63
observations and basic science research suggest that improve outcomes for patients with septic shock.
immunosuppression contributes significantly to delayed Other management recommendations for patients
sepsis mortality,56 and agents that stimulate immunity, with sepsis and septic shock are closely aligned with the
such as Interleukin-7 and checkpoint inhibitors, may be general management of critically ill patients and are
beneficial in reducing sepsis mortality and morbidity.57,58 documented in Table 2.

Table 2 General management of the critically ill patient with sepsis and septic shock

Mechanical ventilation Target tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg ideal bodyweight. If sepsis-related acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) target
tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg ideal bodyweight and plateau airway pressure of 30 cm H2O. In intensive care units (ICU)
experienced in the practice, ventilate patients with severe ARDS in the prone position for 16 h each day.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) may reduce mortality in patients with very severe ARDS, such
patients should be referred to an ECMO retrieval service.
Venous thromboembolism Pharmacologic prophylaxis using unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin is recommended in the
prophylaxis absence of contraindications to the use of these agents. Non-pharmacological prophylaxis recommendations
include; anti-embolism stockings and consideration of passive and early mobilisation, where appropriate.
Nutrition Early initiation of enteral feeding using trophic/hypocaloric or full enteral feeding is recommended in patients who can
tolerate enteral feeding. Early feeding should be commenced within 48 h and feeding goals met ideally within 72 h of
admission to the ICU. If enteral feeding is not fully established within a week, parenteral supplementation should be
Glucose control Blood glucose should be managed using a protocolised approach with commencement after two consecutive levels
are >10 mmol/L. The target of blood glucose level is 6–10 mmol/L. Measurement should be conducted every 1–2 h
until values and insulin infusion rates stabilise, then every 4 h thereafter in patients receiving insulin infusions.
Sedation and analgesia Continuous or intermittent sedation should be minimised in mechanically ventilated patients. Common approaches
include implementation of nurse-directed protocols, administration of intermittent sedation, and daily sedation
interruption. Short-acting sedatives including propofol and dexmedetomidine may result in improved outcomes.
Other pain, agitation and delirium guidelines provide additional detail on implementation of sedation management
for mechanically ventilated patients with sepsis and septic shock.
Positioning and early Elevate bed head between 30 and 45 for mechanically ventilated patients. Regular pressure area care as per unit
mobilisation specific guidelines. Active and early mobilisation should commence as soon as the patient is stable enough to
participate. While, to date, no studies have found improvements in short- and long-term mortality active early
mobilisation may improve mobility status and muscle strength, with several larger multicentre trials underway.
Agreement on treatment Sepsis is common in elderly patients and in patients with serious underlying medical conditions and unlimited
goals interventions will not be appropriate for all patients. Limitations to treatment may include both withholding and
withdrawing life sustaining treatments when these will no longer produce an outcome acceptable to the individual
patient. Agreement on treatment goals should whenever possible be informed by the patient’s pre-stated wishes
either to family or close friends or in legal documents such as advance directives or living wills.

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Table 3 Major investigator-initiated trials and consensus statements informing the management of sepsis and septic shock

Trial name or Population Design or description Interpretation and implications for clinical practice
first author

Kumar 2006 Patients with septic shock (N = Multicentre retrospective cohort Risk of death increased by 8% for each hours delay in
2731) study administration of antibiotics. Antibiotics should be
administered within 1 h of diagnosis or strong suspicion of
Seymour 2017 Patients with sepsis at Multicentre retrospective cohort Completion of mandated - hour sepsis ‘bundle’ associated
149 hospitals in New York state study with reduction in risk adjusted mortality with reduction
(N = 49 331) attributable to earlier administration of antibiotics
Burrell 2016 Emergency department patients Multicentre retrospective cohort Introduction of the Sepsis Kills programme was associated
included in the New south Wales study with significant increase in proportion of patients receiving
‘Sepsis Kills’ database (N = antibiotics and commencing 2nd litre of intravenous within
13 567) first hour of diagnosis of sepsis. These practice changes
were associated with significant reduction in mortality.
Finfer 2011 Patients treated in mixed medical Multicentre blinded RCT of 4% Overall albumin and saline both appropriate fluids but
and surgical and specialty ICU in albumin versus saline for fluid albumin may result in lower mortality in patients with sepsis
Australia and New Zealand – resuscitation in ICU and septic shock
subgroup of patients with sepsis
and septic shock (N = 6997)
ALBIOS trial 2014 Patients with severe sepsis in Multicentre blinded RCT Administering albumin to maintain serum albumin
100 ICU in Italy (N = 1818) crystalloid plus 20% albumin to concentration does not reduce mortality in patient with
maintain serum albumin ≥30 g/L sepsis, reduced mortality in septic shock subgroup
versus no albumin
6S Trial 2012 Patients with severe sepsis in ICU Multicentre blinded RCT 6% Hydroxyethyl starch should not be given to patients with
in Scandinavia (Denmark, hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.42) sepsis – increased risk of death, use of renal replacement
Norway, Finland, Iceland) (N = vs ringer’s acetate for fluid therapy and renal failure
804) resuscitation in ICU
Rochwerg 2018 Patients with sepsis/septic shock Systematic reviews and Corticosteroids possibly result in a small reduction in
and randomly assigned to meta-analyses mortality, reduce duration of shock and duration of
Rygård 2018 corticosteroids or not (N = treatment in ICU. Might increase neuromuscular
10 194 sepsis; N = 7297 septic complications.
Holst 2014 Patients with septic shock Multicentre RCT of two No difference in outcomes – safe to use conservative
(N = 1005) transfusion thresholds approach to transfusion in patients with septic shock
comparing <70 versus <90 g/L
Iwashyna 2010 Survivors of severe sepsis from Prospective long-term cohort Sepsis survivors had 10% increase in prevalence of moderate
the US Health and Retirement study to severe cognitive impairment, and significantly more new
Study (N = 516) physical impairment than survivors of non-sepsis
ADRENAL 2018 Patients with septic shock Multicentre RCT of continuous No difference in 90-day all-cause mortality. Patients in the
(N = 3800) 200 mg/day hydrocortisone or hydrocortisone group had faster resolution of shock,
placebo infusion for 7 days shorter duration of the initial episode of mechanical
while in ICU ventilation and were less likely to receive blood
APPROCHS 2018 Patients with septic shock Multicentre RCT of 90-day all-cause mortality was lower among those who
(N = 1241) hydrocortisone (50 mg IV bolus received hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone than among
every 6 h) and fludrocortisone those who received placebo
(50 μg tablet daily via NG tube)
for 7 days compared with
matched placebo
Rhodes 2016† Patients with sepsis and septic Consensus evidence-based Comprehensive evidence review focused mainly on initial
shock guidelines for the management resuscitation and care in the ICU
of sepsis and septic shock in

†Rhodes 2016 provides comprehensive evidence-based guidelines (Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines) for managing patients with sepsis and sep-
tic shock. While this is not a major investigated initiated trial, it is included as it is a valuable resource for clinicians and researchers. ICU, intensive care
unit; RCT, randomised controlled trial.

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Sepsis and septic shock

Table 3 provides a list of important research that has Pharmacogenomics is a rapidly evolving field in the
informed the current clinical management of sepsis and area of sepsis with the ultimate goal of identifying which
septic shock. patients are likely to benefit from or be harmed by partic-
ular drug treatments; as yet this research has produced no
General intensive care management tangible clinical benefits for the management of sepsis.
Patients with respiratory failure requiring positive pres-
sure mechanical ventilation should have target tidal vol- Longer term morbidity and increased
umes of 6 mL/kg ideal bodyweight. For adult patients healthcare resource use of sepsis survivors
with sepsis-related acute respiratory distress syndrome
Although mortality from sepsis and septic shock remains
(ARDS), a ventilation strategy targeting a tidal volumes
unacceptably high, it is decreasing around the world
of 6 mL/kg ideal bodyweight and a plateau airway pres-
making the long-term effects suffered by the increasing
sure of 30 cm H2O results in lower mortality than allow-
number of survivors sufficiently important to be labelled
ing larger tidal volumes and a higher plateau pressure.64
a hidden public health disaster. Compared with matched
A restrictive approach to fluid administration is also ben-
controls survivors suffer physical, psychological and cog-
eficial.65 In ICU experienced in the practice, ventilating
nitive impairments, use more healthcare resources and
patients with severe ARDS in the prone position for 16 h
are more likely to die in the years following sepsis.6,7,54
each day significantly reduced mortality.66 A recent trial
Risk factors for post-sepsis morbidity likely include
lends further support to the contention that extracorpo-
poorer pre-existing health status, the severity and dura-
real membrane oxygenation (ECMO) reduces mortality
tion of the acute sepsis episode and treatment-related
in patients with very severe ARDS,67 such patients
factors, including timeliness and treatment-related
should be referred to specialist ECMO centres who offer
harm.72 Strategies to minimise the long term effects of
an ECMO retrieval service as safe transport requires
sepsis may not differ from those needed for other survi-
ECMO to be established at the referring hospital.
vors of serious critical illness.73 Current accepted strate-
gies during ICU treatment include early mobilisation.74
and minimising sedation.75 The optimum management
Personalised medicine
strategies after ICU and hospital discharge remain to be
Clinicians treating patients with sepsis recognise marked elucidated but likely involve increasing awareness
inter-patient variability in response to treatment, and it among the many specialists and general practitioners to
is clear that genetic factors play an important role in sus- whom patients with post-sepsis morbidity may present.
ceptibility to sepsis and response to treatment. A land-
mark study of Danish adoption records reported that
adopted children whose biological parent had died
before the age of 50 from an infective cause had a five- While acute case fatality rates of sepsis are decreasing,
fold increase in the relative risk of death from infection. the ageing population and increasing incidence, together
There was no corresponding increase in risk of death with greater appreciation that sepsis is followed by lon-
from sepsis if it was the adoptive parent who died from ger term physical, psychologic and cognitive impairment,
the same cause.68 Since then, many studies have sought means that sepsis poses an increasing public health prob-
to understand the genetic basis of sepsis.69 lem. While early recognition and improved management
The development of sepsis-specific biomarkers and of the acute episode will pay dividends, a substantial
molecular diagnostics for the assessment of the host reduction in the burden of sepsis-related disease requires
response and for pathogen detection is the subject of action across the healthcare system. Optimum strategies
ongoing research and success would likely result in to manage the acute episode are well developed and
improved patient outcomes. Around 180 distinct mole- based on evidence from high quality and large scale
cules have been proposed as potential biomarkers of sep- multi-centre clinical trials. Strategies to prevent and treat
sis, given its biological complexity a panel of multiple sepsis sequelae are less well developed and should be a
biomarkers may be the best risk stratification tool.70,71 priority for future research.

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Supporting Information
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site:
Table S1. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score.

170 Internal Medicine Journal 49 (2019) 160–170

© 2019 Royal Australasian College of Physicians

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