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News Article

Victims of bullying live with the consequences for decades,

study says
April 18, 2014 By Karen Kaplan
Victims of bullies suffer the psychological consequences all the way until middle age,
with higher levels of depression, anxiety and suicide, new research shows.
The immediate ill effects of bullying have been well documented, with experts
increasingly seeing it as a form of child abuse. Influential studies from Finland have made the
case that people who were bullied as kids continued to suffer as young adults – girls who were
bullied grew up to attempt and commit suicide more frequently by the age of 25, for instance,
and boys were more likely to develop anxiety disorders.
Now a trio of researchers has taken an even longer view. They examined data on
roughly 18,000 people who were born in England, Scotland and Wales during a single week in
1958 and then tracked periodically up through the age of 50 as part of the U.K.’s National Child
Development Study.
Back in the 1960s, when the study subjects were 7 and 11 years old, researchers
interviewed their parents about bullying. Parents reported whether their children were never,
sometimes or frequently bullied by other kids.
Fast-forward to the 2000s. About 78% of the study subjects are still being tracked at age 45,
when they are assessed for anxiety and depression by nurses. By the time they’re 50, 61% of
them remain in the study, and are asked to fill out a questionnaire that measures psychological
The researchers found that people who were bullied either occasionally or frequently
continued to suffer higher levels of psychological distress decades after the bullying occurred.
They were more likely than study subjects who were never bullied to be depressed, to assess
their general health as poor, and to have worse cognitive functioning. In addition, those who
were bullied frequently had a greater risk of anxiety disorders and suicide.
The consequences of bullying were economic as well. Study subjects who had been
bullied frequently had fewer years of schooling than their peers, the researchers found. Men in
this group were more likely to be unemployed; if they had jobs, their earnings were typically
Adults who were bullied as kids were more socially isolated too. At age 50, bullying
victims were less likely to be living with a spouse or a partner; less likely to have spent time
with friends recently; and less likely to have friends or family to lean on if they got sick. Overall,
they felt their quality of life was worse than people who hadn’t been bullied, and those who
had been frequent victims were less optimistic that their lives would get better in the future.
Overall, 28% of the people in the study were bullied occasionally as kids, and an additional 15%
were bullied frequently. Boys were more likely to be victims than girls.

“The findings are compelling in showing that the independent contribution of bullying
victimization survives the test of time,” the researchers concluded. “The impact of bullying
victimization is pervasive, affecting many spheres of a victim’s life.”

Explanation/ Justification
I’ve chosen this article about victims of bullying by Karen Kaplan because for me, it is a
perfect example of a news article who have an evaluative statement in nature. In this article, it
includes specific information and answers who, what, when where, and why that enables
strengths of an evaluative statement. It also uses data to compare data over the years and it
shows the impact on the victims of bullying. Having this kind of an article make the statements
clearer by showing the statistical data that are collected during 1960 until now.
Topic of interest
Extrajudicial Killings (EJK)

Paragraph or
An extrajudicial killing (also known as extrajudicial execution) is the killing
of a person by governmental authorities or individuals without the sanction of any
judicial proceeding or legal process. Duterte said in his state of the nation address
that data from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency shows that there were 3
million drug addicts 2 to 3 years ago, which he said may have increased to 3.7
million. On August 26, 2016, the official death total reached 2,000. Official records
from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency give the number of deaths from
July 2016 to November 2018 from the anti-drug campaign as 5,050. Human rights
groups have put the number of killings at 20,000, including vigilante-style killings.
Not all of the deaths under the anti-illegal drug campaign are EJK, some of them
are Deaths Under Inquiry (DUI), robberies, in gang fights, in ambushes, and etc. A
Social Weather Stations' (SWS) survey result released on Friday, March 1, said
78% or almost 4 out of 5 Filipinos are worried that they, or someone they know,
will be a victim of extrajudicial killings (EJK). The SWS survey, conducted
December 16 to 19, 2018, noted that this number was "up by 5 points from the
73% (from the survey conducted) in June 2017." However, a total of 4,279 drug
suspects have been killed in the government’s anti- illegal drug campaign since
2016. “These are the real numbers,” Presidential Communication Operations
Office (PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar.

I created an evaluative statement to introduce and to give everyone what is
EJK all about because lot of people often to hear that but confused about it and I
provided a lot of data and statistical survey that supports my composition.
K to 1 2 Senior High

The Philippine Government has partnered with the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
through the Senior High School Support Program (SHSSP) to support in the full implementation
of the Senior High School (SHS) Program of the K to 12 Basic Education reform.

Funded through a Results-based Lending (RBL) modality, this US$ 300 million1 support program
covers both the 2014-2015 preparatory phases and the 2016-2019 implementation phase of
the K to 12 reform, specifically the Senior High School Program. Through an RBL model,
drawdowns can only be made when pre-identified results or Disbursement-Linked Indicators
(DLIs) are accomplished or met.

Under this support program, the Department of Education (DepEd) will be implementing the
agreed DLIs while a focal unit established within DepEd will undertake monitoring- and support-
related responsibilities.

As of January 1, 2016, DepEd has achieved six (6) DLIs of the SHSSP. This covers all four (4) DLIs
for 2014 and two (2) for 2015. The corresponding total disbursement is US$ 30.83 million.


The Philippine Government has partnered with the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
through the Senior High School Support Program (SHSSP) to support in the full implementation
of the Senior High School (SHS) Program of the K to 12 Basic Education reform.

Funded through a Results-based Lending (RBL) modality, this US$ 300 million support program
covers both the 2014-2015 preparatory phases and the 2016-2019 implementation phase of
the K to 12 reform, specifically the Senior High School Program. Through an RBL model,
drawdowns can only be made when pre-identified results or Disbursement-Linked Indicators
(DLIs) are accomplished or met.

Under this support program, the Department of Education (DepEd) will be implementing the
agreed DLIs while a focal unit established within DepEd will undertake monitoring- and support-
related responsibilities.

As of January 1, 2016, DepEd has achieved six (6) DLIs of the SHSSP. This covers all four (4) DLIs
for 2014 and two (2) for 2015. The corresponding total disbursement is US$ 30.83 million.

Compare and Contrast

As you can see, they are both the same content but different context in text.
Intertextuality is the shaping of a text's meaning by another text. It is the interconnection
between similar or related works of literature that reflect and influence an audience's
interpretation of the text. Intertextual figures include: allusion, quotation, calque, plagiarism,
translation, pastiche and parody. Hypertext is simply a non-linear way of presenting
information. Rather than reading or learning about things in the order that an author, or editor,
or publisher sets out for us, readers of hypertext may follow their own path, create their own
order-- their own meaning out the material.

1. A cell phone with Internet access will help her do homework.
2. The program will improve infrastructure by repairing out-of-date roads, bridges, etc.
3. She will be safer with a cell phone because she can call 911.
4. Manny Pacquiao has generated approximately 19.6 million in pay-per-view buys and
$1.2 billion in revenue from his 24 PPV bouts
5. Jobs will be created by the new program.

1. But too much use of cell phones may cause headaches, decreased attention,
shortness of temper, sleep disorders and depression, mostly among teenagers
2. Yet the time consumed by the contractors will exceed to the time expected that the
projects will be finished and more government funds will be wasted.
3. However, as she walked the night on the road, a thief may get her cell phone and
run away.
4. Nevertheless, boxing ranks high as a dangerous sport and can obtain head injury,
body damage, eye injuries, and, etc.
5. On the other hand, they are only accepting applicants who have experience in that
field of work.

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