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Name: Sharmaine Moleño Date of interview: July 24,2019

Year/ Section: STVEP 9-2 Name of entrepreneur: Antonio Junas

Name of business: KAL MERCHANDISING

1. How did the idea for your business come about?

 It was just my plan, which is when I was in college I already plan this business, with
the help of my friends and Family.

2) What was your key driving? Force to become entrepreneur?

 It’s hard work, and there are challenges around every corner. My chance of success
increases with access to the business knowledge and guidance of experienced

3) How did you come up with the name of your company?

 Well as I said lately, with the help of my family and friends we have plan to choose
the name KAL its because it suits for sale merchandise

4) How did you raise funding for your venture?

 Well, I start it in a small business which is I pursue to have this business right now.

5) How did you build a successful base?

 I study hard and ask for a ideas for my families

6) How do you market tour business and which tactics have been most successful?

 Well, I decided to have a facebook account and put up my business in online, and
that was successfully very good idea

7) What kind of culture exist in your business, how did you establish it?

 A culture that mostly people used it, and it is merchandise

8 ) What is your favorite aspect of an entrepreneur?

 My favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur is believe in your self, ready to face

problems and confident.

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