Lifestyle (For Discussion)

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Lifestyle – the way a person

lives in a daily basis

Healthy lifestyle - is one
which helps to keep and
improve people's health and
Unhealthy lifestyle - will lead
to obesity, diabetes and heart
Steps to Healthy Lifestyle
- Get active for an hour or
more each day
- Minimize the use of
gadgets and be more active
- Choose water as drink
- Eat fruits and vegetables
- Eat fewer snacks and
choose healthier alternatives
Active recreation - is defined
as activities engaged in for
the purpose of relaxation,
health and wellbeing or
enjoyment with the primary
activity requiring physical
exertion, and the primary
focus on human activity.
Techniques to Minimize
Risk of Injuries in Doing
Active Recreation
- Stretching
- Warm-up
- Hydration
- Cool down

Assignment: In a group of
5-10 members perform 10
exercises with counting 1-
16. Wear sports attire:
Jogging pants, rubber shoes
white shirt. Bring water,
extra shirt and face towel.

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