Discipline in Applied and Social Science

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SOCIAL SCIENCES- Academic disciplines that study man, society, and politics

 The study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the
world around us.
Political Science

 Studies the state and its basic elements such as people, territory, government,
and sovereignty.

 The field that analyzes how individuals interact within society to address major
issues about the use of economic resources for production and the exchange of
goods and services.

 The study of population changes and trends, including migration from rural to
urban areas, urbanization ang human ecology, and population and its
relationship to development.


 Studies the world, its people, and its communities

 Study of interaction between people and their environments

 Studies the origins and the cultural and physical characteristics of human beings,
as well as the social norms that they observe


 The scientific study of language

 Studies the structure and functions of words, sentences, and other spoken
sounds and utterances

 Studies the past to better understand contemporary society and anticipate

changes and developments in the future.


 Studies the human mind and human behavior

 Examines how people think, act, and feel, with the end goal of creating
intervention programs that would help improve human behavior.


 Systematic study of society and social relations

 Seeks to understand how individuals relate with one another and how they
function in society.

 studies human cultures through the recovery, documentation, analysis, and

interpretation of material remains and environmental data, including
architecture, artifacts, features, biofacts, and landscapes.


A branch of study concerned with using and adapting abstract principles and theory,
which were derived from the various disciplines and in connection with concrete
problems, especially with a utilitarian aim.

Counseling – An open ended, face to face problem solving situation within

which a student with professional assistance can focus and begin to solve a
-Focuses on social change, problem solving in human
relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance justice.

Social work - Concerned with helping individuals, families, groups and

communities to enhance their individual and collective well-being.
Communication studies - Involves the sharing of symbols to create meaning
-Covers a number of topics , from face-to-face
conversations and mass media such as tv, radio, newspapers, the internet, social
media, and electronic mail.

Counselling vs. Counseling – What’s the Difference?

Counseling is a verb that means giving guidance or therapy. It can also be used as a
noun, where it refers to this guidance or therapy.

Counseling is an American English spelling.

Counselling is the British English spelling of the same word.


 It connotes many different activities- activities of school guidance counselors,

lawyers, insurance advisers, HR specialists, doctors, etc.
 Implicit in each of these uses is a definition of counseling as advice-giving which
involves expert who tells others what they ought to be doing.
 In reality, counseling is more than advice giving.
 Its emergence as a profession is rooted in the pioneering publication of Carl
Rogers, Counselling and Psychotherapy (1942).
 Rogers characterized counseling as a partnership in which counsellors help
clients better understand themselves, their problems, and their personal
resources for change.
 It includes activities that address the well-being of the individual not only in the
medical or clinical setting, but also in other settings such as education, business,
community, and family.
 Counseling is a normal and necessary activity which ensures the well-being of
the individual. A person who undergoes counseling should not be thought of as
being mentally ill.

Counseling - an interactive process characterized by a unique relationship between

the counselor and client, which leads to the client experiencing changes in one or more
of the ff. areas:

1. behavior- overt changes in the client’s actions, coping skills, decision-making

skills, interaction skills

2. beliefs – ways of thinking about oneself, the others, the world, or emotional
concerns relating to these perceptions

3. level of emotional distress – relates to uncomfortable

feelings or reactions to environmental stress.

Counseling – known as a helping profession which seeks to improve the client’s

mental health and well-being.

1. the counselor

2. the client – personal pain, help-seeking by choice, personal issues

3. the working alliance between them – counseling bond


PROCESS GOALS – objectives that must be achieved during the counseling sessions
and in the counselor’s office

-Considered instrumental in bringing about outcome goals


 Establishment of rapport between the counselor and client

 Creation of an environment where the client has trust and confidence in the


OUTCOME GOALS- the intended results of counseling

-described in terms of change in the client after the counseling

sessions and outside the counselor’s office.

Counseling leads to change in the client which can take several forms:

Behavioral change – easy to recognize because it is overt and observable

Ability to cope with the realities of life
Change in beliefs- ex. Improvement of the self-concept of clients, they begin to
deem themselves competent and worthy of being loved, a boost in the morale of
the client
Relief from emotional distress- clients are able to feel accepted and understood,
they can safely vent negative feelings about themselves, recover from the trauma
of the experience.
Ability to make important life decisions
Gibson and Mitchell identified the following counseling goals

1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and
development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness.

2. Preventive Goals – helps the client avoid some undesired outcome.

3. Enhancement Goals- enhance special skills and abilities.

4. Remedial Goals – assisting a client to overcome and treat an undesirable

5. Exploratory Goals- examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different
activities, etc.

6. Reinforcement Goals- helps client in recognizing, that what they are doing, thinking,
and feeling is fine

7. Cognitive Goals-involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive


8. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for
good health

9. Psychological Goals – aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning

emotional control, and developing positive self – concept.

1. Adolescent identity, concerns, teen-parent relationships, peer relationships
2. Anxiety
3. Anger management
4. Children’s concerns within the family unit, sibling relationships, school
experiences, peer relationships
5. Depression
6. Family of origin dynamics and issues
7. Gender: identity, sexuality, homosexuality
1. Relationships: personal and interpersonal dynamics
2. Sexual abuse recovery
3. Seniors: challenges, limitations, transitions
4. Singles: single, single through divorce or being widowed
5. Spirituality
6. Stress management
7. Workplace stress and relationships
8. Young adult: identity, relationships, vocation


1. Marital and relational dynamics

2. Extended family relationships

3. Fertility issues

1 . Adolescent and child behaviors within family dynamics

2. Adult children

3. Divorce and separation issues and adjustment

4. Family dynamics: estrangement, conflict, communication

5. Family of origin / extended family issues

6. Life stages and transitions

7. Parenting patterns: blended, single, co-parenting families.

Types of Counseling

Directive Counseling is the process of listening to a member’s problem, deciding with

the member what should be done, and then encouraging and motivating the person to
do it.

Nondirective Counseling or client-centered counseling is the process of skillfully

listening to counselee, encouraging the person to explain bothersome problems, and
helping them to understand those problems and determine courses of action. This type
of counseling focuses on the member rather than on the counselor as a judge and
advisor; hence, it is “client-centered.”

Core Values of Counseling - The core values of the counselor are a set of
attitudes and skills which have a special regard for the integrity, authority and
autonomy of the client and are firmly based on the counselor having total respect for
universal human rights and for the person and cultural differences.

ETHICAL PRINCIPLES - Application of the ethical principles may provide

sufficient scope and information to either clarify the dimensions of the problem or even,
formulate an acceptable action to address an ethical dilemma.

five (5) ethical principles considered relevant to counseling:

Respect for Autonomy

1. Respect for Autonomy- The freedom of clients to choose their own direction –
respecting that the client has the ability to make choices free from the
constraints of others. The role of the counselor is to acknowledge client
autonomy and to respect this right.
2. Non-maleficence - This term means to do no harm. It is a concept derived from
the medical profession. Autonomy relates to the individual client, non-
maleficence refers to the abilities of the counselor. Counselors have a
responsibility to avoid utilizing interventions that could or have the potential
to harm clients.
3. Beneficence - Considered the responsibility to do good and to contribute to the
welfare of the client (Forester-Miller and Davis 1996). The counsellor is
expected to do the best for the client and if unable to assist, to offer alternatives
as appropriate.
4. Justice - Justice means to act in a fair or just manner. It is expected that
counselors will act in a non-discriminatory manner to individuals or groups.
Forester-Miller and Davis (1996) suggest that although justice instructs
counselors to act fairly it does not mean treating all individuals the same rather
it relates to equity. It is the counselor’s ability to acknowledge inequity and
apply intervention to suit.

5. Fidelity- This principle deals with the trust relationship between the counselor
and their client. The interests of the client are placed before those of the counselor
even if such loyalty (towards the client) is inconvenient or uncomfortable for the

- A client needs to be able to trust that the words and actions of the
counselor are truthful and reliable. The counselor however, does not need to share
every fleeting thought or reaction.

Counsellors acknowledge client autonomy and respect this right unless it interferes
with the autonomy of others.

Non-maleficence is the principle of ‘do no harm’ in which counsellors do not undertake

and actively avoid activities that could be detrimental to clients.

Beneficence involves doing good both within the counselling relationship and as a
member of the greater community.

Justice entitles client to treatment based on fairness and equity. The counsellor acting a
manner that is non-discriminatory.

Fidelity is based on trust within the client-counsellor relationship.

 Guidance counselors
 Human resource development specialist
 Career counselors
 Marriage counselors
 Psychiatrists
 Child counselors
 Adult counselors
 Geriatric counselors
 Clinical psychologists
Professional counselors may also work as:
Textbook writers
HR development specialist
Curriculum designers
Community organizers
Administrators of health care facilities
Mentors of aspiring counselors
Insurance advisors
Life coaches
Travel counselors
Public relations officers
undergraduate/graduate degrees:
 Psychology
 Counseling
 Social Work
 Human Resource Management
 Behavioral Sciences

Republic ACT 9258 – professionalized the practice of guidance ang counseling in

the Philippines

-Basis for creating the Board of Guidance and Counseling, which

administers the licensure exam for counselors.

Professional Counselors
1. SCHOOL COUNSELORS – help students deal with hindrances in their

- play an important role in crisis intervention following traumatic events

(violent incident or death of a teacher or classmate )
- Help students better navigate the stress that they experience and prevent
these from interfering with their academic performance.

2. CAREER COUNSELORS – help clients prepare for the start of their

professional lives, adjust to changes in the workplace, and succeed in their

-Usually found in school as well as in public and private organizations

-Provide consulting, coaching, and counseling for clients who want to

explore their interests and make choices that will improve their careers

-Consider factors: personality, aptitude, interests and behavior in

helping clients choose careers that will make them happy

-Work in career centers and recruitment firms to match candidates with

the right job opportunities.

3. CHILD ABUSE COUNSELORS – help victims of child abuse rebuild their

psyche, trust others and gain happiness
-Use their training to identify, analyze and treat specific
symptoms of child abuse
-Provide necessary therapy to help child overcome his/her
-They may have private clinic/offices and may also be
employed in schools,colleges, or universities.

4. CHILD COUNSELORS – provide counseling services for children,

adolescents, and their families

- Clinical psychologist and child psychiatrists can also be considered child

-Assess children for specific issues eg. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity D
Disorder (ADHD) and autism
-Provide counseling for children with behavioral, social, emotional issues
-Use their training to help families identify and treat issues in children (
weight disorder, anger management problems, social anxiety )
-May have private clinics or be employed in schools or hospitals.

5.GERIATRIC COUNSELORS– provide counseling services to senior

citizens and their families

-Help senior citizens live a more fulfilling and comfortable life

-The families of senior citizens take part in the counseling process to help
them better understand the issues of the elderly
-Often hired by agencies and organizations that serve the elderly :
hospitals, homes for the aged, retirement homes, independent living
communities, long-and-short-term care facilities
-May also have their private clinics
6.DEPRESSION COUNSELORS – help people who deal with mental,
emotional, and physical issues arising out of depression
- usually psychiatrist who do not only perform counseling but also prescribe
appropriate medical treatment
-Encourages the family to give the client support toward reaching full
-Work in hospitals and private clinics, government embassies hire to assist
foreigners who are having difficulty adjusting to their new environment and
experiencing “culture shock’
counseling, coaching services to help minimize mental health issues and
promote mental health in communities
-Help bridge the gap between the people and the institutions and agencies
that provide access to mental health facilities and services
- Provide debriefing sessions for victims of disasters
-Employed by the government to serve in marginalized communities.
8.LEGAL COUNSELORS– usually lawyers who rehabilitate inmates and
help them adjust to their incarceration
-Provide counseling to inmates about to be freed to help them become
better citizens of the community
-Usually work in prisons and correctional facilities, in local communities to
resolve interpersonal conflicts, in foreign embassies who help citizens going
through difficult times ( deportation or divorce )
9.GRIEF COUNSELORS – help people cope with the loss that usually
follows the death of a loved one
-Help survivors of disasters and calamities cope with their losses
-May have private offices or they can make their services available to
communities victimized by natural and man-made disasters, or in hospitals
10. HOSPITAL COUNSELORS – help patients develop a positive
view of their confinement
-Can be social workers providing assistance to indigent patients by linking
them with charitable institutions
-Hospital counselors with doctorate degree can assume the position of
clinical supervisors or other jobs in hospital administration
11. DRUG ABUSE COUNSELORS – may be hired in inpatient or
outpatient facilities
-In inpatient facilities, counselors assist bin the care of high risk patients
battling substance abuse
-In outpatient facilities, counselors are hired to provide treatment during
the day while patients are allowed to return to their work at night
-Also serve as detox specialist or crisis workers in a detoxification center,
where people dealing with substance abuse first head for recovery
-Also found in private clinics or in NGOs helping people facing drug
abuse .
monitor people temporarily living in foster cate facilities, including those that
house troubled or at-risk youth . Boys Town – example ( Philippines)
combining mental health counseling and Christian beliefs in their practice
Often work in religious environment such as church
Ex. Priests and nuns – counsel clients who are troubled not only in their faith
but also with other issues like domestic abuse or violence, separation.


 Individual Assessment - Seeks to identify the characteristics and
potential of every client ; promotes the client’s self-understanding and
assisting counselors to understand the client better
 Individual Counseling - Considers as the core activity through which
other activities become meaningful. It is a client –centered process that
demand confidentiality. Relationship is established between counselor
and client.
 Group Counseling and Guidance - Groups are means of providing
organized and planned assistance to individuals for an array of needs.
Counselor provides assistance through group counseling and group
 Career Assistance -Counselors are called on to provide career planning
and adjustment assistance to clients.
 Placements and Follow–Up -A service of school counseling programs
with emphasis on educational placements in course and programs.
 Referral - It is the practice of helping the clients find needed expert
assistance that the referring counselor cannot provide.
 Consultation - It is the process of helping a client through a third party
or helping system improve its service to its clientele.
 Research - It is necessary to advance the profession of counseling; it can
provide empirically based data relevant to the ultimate goal of
implementing effective counseling.
 Evaluation and Accountability - Evaluation is a means of assessing the
effectiveness of counselor’s activities.
 Accountability is an outgrowth of demand that schools and other tax-
supported institutions be held accountable for their actions.
 Prevention - This includes promotion of mental health through primary
prevention using a social – psychological perspective.



 Follow the policies and procedures of the institutions they are affiliated with
 Expected to be highly organized and exhibit integrity


 Take responsibility for their own actions

 Value the commitments they have made with clients and other parties


 Demonstrate compassion
 Aware and sensitive to the various cultural and personal background of clients


 Think and act like professionals

 Members of professional organizations for guidance counselors


 Able to relate well with different types of people, groups, communities

 Maintain productive and respectful relationships with clients, peers, supervisors,
professionals from other disciplines


 Able to clearly communicate ideas, feelings, information through verbal, non-

verbal, written skills
 Uses professional terms and concepts appropriately and clearly in discussions
and case reports
 Listens and is empathetic toward others
 Respects, show interest in other cultures, experiences, values, points of view.,
goals, desires, fears of other people
 Effectively uses verbal and non-verbal c communication


 Open to working with professionals from other related disciplines (social work
and psychology)
 Recognize the contributions of other disciplines in the development of
counseling practices.
 display critical scientific thinking and apply scientific methods in their practice
 Evaluate the methodologies of studies and the scientific basis of their findings


 Apply the concepts of informed consent and confidentiality in their practice

 Value morality in their work, honesty and integrity
able to observe client’s facial expression, body language, social interactions
during counseling sessions to give them clues to their client’s attitudes and


 Analysis to problem-solving skills

 Reasoning skills enable to see connections between issues that seem unrelated to
each other


 Note-taking applications, medical software, spreadsheets and word processing



Hospitals. To assist patients overcome various psychological and behavioral

issues, while others may specifically focus on the rehabilitation of a hospital
Inpatient or Outpatient Detoxification Centers. To provide care
of high-risk patients battling substance abuse.
Mental Health Facilities & Agencies. To assist a local population,
interact with community leaders, and bridge the gap between support services
found in surrounding areas.
Residential Care Facilities. To provide assistance to troubled or at-risk
youths, autistic children, or people with mental or physical disabilities.
Halfway Houses. To guide patients or residents in need of help
transitioning back to a societal environment, their family, their community,
and/or entering the workforce.
Geriatric-Related Facilities. To serve the elderly population, such as
hospitals, assisted living communities, senior community centers, retirement
homes, independent living communities.
Correctional Facilities and/or Prisons. To provide individual and
group therapy for individuals who are jailed, or living in a correctional facility.
Retail Businesses. To improve company-customer relationships, as well
as designing and conducting training programs.
The Educational System. To better navigate the stresses of growing up
and successfully completing their studies, counselors play an important role at
all levels of the school system.
Career Centers. To advise students making future decisions regarding
higher education and/or making career plans.
Religious Institutions. To provide combining traditional mental health
counseling with the Christian faith and work in private practice and/or
religious work environments, such as a church.


Army Mental Health Specialist. They are mental health professionals
that are partly responsible for the mental and emotional well-being of Army
soldiers. These professionals are specifically trained to treat soldiers suffering
from a variety of mental disorders, both on an inpatient and an outpatient
Career Counseling. They use their training to identify, analyze, and treat
specific symptoms of child abuse and they provide crucial therapy to help the
child overcome their awful ordeal.
Child Counseling. They perform assessments for specific issues such as
ADHD and autism and they also offer counseling services for children with
behavioral, social, or emotional issues.
Community Counseling. They provide therapy, consulting, and coaching
to people who are having issues in a community setting. These counselors are
well-versed in the makeup of their community and they try to help clients
understand their relationship to that community and help identify and treat
issues and problems that arise out of the community setting.
Conflict Resolution Careers. They consider counseling as the art and
science of resolving disputes in healthy and mutually agreed-upon ways.
Couples Counseling. They are specifically tasked with helping couples of
all ages lead happy and healthy relationships.
Crisis Intervention. They provide assistance and resources for people
who cannot provide for themselves during a critical event.
Depression Counseling. They are specifically trained to deal with the
mental, emotional, and physical issues that can arise out of depression. They
try to drill down to the root cause of the depression and help clients identify
steps they can take to overcome the depression.
Domestic Violence Counseling. Their training helps them identify
certain adverse effects of domestic violence and they can then help the patient
slowly work to treat and combat those effects. They provide an important
therapy for clients in need of understanding of their trauma and someone to
listen to their issues.
Grief Counseling. They are licensed therapists who help people cope with
the grief and sense of loss that usually follows the death of a loved one, a
particularly emotional divorce, or another tragic life experience.
Guidance Counseling. They provide young adults with career advice and
help people of all ages adjust socially to the school environment.Marriage and
Family Counseling. They help many couples and families work out their
differences and difficulties.
Multi-Cultural Counseling. They are relatively new type of counseling
that focuses on helping culturally diverse individuals adapt and get along with
each other.
Pastoral Counseling. They are psychologically trained ministers of faith
who are responsible for tending to the physical and emotional needs of their
followers or congregations.
Rehabilitation Counseling. They are responsible for treating patients
with physical, mental, or emotional issues so that they can live as
independently as possible.
School Counseling. They are responsible for all aspects of their students’
educational life from academic achievement to social adjustment to even career
selection and development.
Spiritual Counseling. They deal with clients who have suffered spiritual
trauma or dissatisfaction and they help these patients get in touch with their
spirituality, understand what is afflicting them, and overcome or deal with that
Substance Abuse Counseling. They have psychological and
physiological training that helps them understand emotional and mental issues
of substance abuse as well as the physical ones.
Transformational Coaching. They offer an alternative form of mental
and physical healing that focuses on self-improvement, spiritual healing, and
deeper life satisfaction.
Suicide Counseling. They are trained to identify motivations behind
suicidal thoughts and help the patients deal with those motivations so they can
gain more self-confidence and self-worth.

Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines is now recognized as a profession
and as such, it carries with it certain responsibilities and expectations.
The role of the Guidance Counselor is significant in the lives of people. The
nature of his work demands competence, excellence, integrity, trust, and
service. He must be guided by recognized ethical standards, which define his
functions and responsibilities and which provided guidelines for his practices
as Guidance Counselor.

Article I
General Ethical Principle
Article I
Section 1. Observance of Principles. – Guidance Counselors shall observe
the following basic and general principles:
1.1 Abide by the ethical principle laid down by the
Guidance and Counseling Profession.
1.2 Not misuse the professional relationship for profit, power, or prestige, or
for professional gratification nor consonant with the welfare of his

1.3 Realize that his professional time and effort are fully, faithfully,
conscientiously, and truthfully devoted to the accomplishment and
improvement of the guidance and counseling profession.

1.4 Grow professionally and keep abreast with current trends in guidance
work through continuing professional education and affiliate himself with
reputable and recognized local, national and international guidance

Article II
Relationship with Counselee
Article II

Sec. 2. Counselor’s Relationship with Counselee.– Counselors shall establish

and maintain good relations with their counselees and, accordingly, shall:

2.1 Respect the personhood and integrity of the person with whom he works.
2.2 Recognize individual differences.

2.3 Clarify his role to the Counselee.

2.4 Esta2.5 Explain results of tests and other diagnostic tools in a comprehensive and
constructive manner.

2.6 Give information about the Counselee only to person who can be of help to the
Counselee and is done only with the approval of the Counselee and/or his parents or
guardian. When revelations may result in possible harm to the Counselee or to someone
else, or may endanger the community of the country, he must report the facts to
appropriate authorities and take emergency measures to prevent any untoward event
or harm to Counselee.blish professional relationship with the Counselee.

2.7 Recommend a referral when it is indicated that the Counselee does not benefit from
the guidance relationship, but assume responsibility for the welfare of the Counselee
until the guidance responsibility is assumed by the person whom the Counselee has
been referred.

Article III
Relationship with the Community

Sec. 3. Counselors’ Relationship with Community.– Guidance Counselors shall

establish and maintain good relations with their community, and, accordingly, shall:

3.1 Establish a relationship between the community and the guidance program in a
manner that is beneficial to both.
3.2 3.2 Show sensible regard for and ethical recognition of the social code and moral
expectations of the community in which he works and strives to elevate the
understanding of its social and cultural traditions.
3.3 Attend to the needs, problems, aspirations, and human resources of the community
in order to enable him to give relevant service responses, and to develop a
wholesome community spirit.
Article IV
Relationship with Colleagues in the Profession
Sec. 4. Guidance Counselors’ Relationship with their Peers. Guidance
Counselors shall establish with their colleagues, and, accordingly, shall:
4.1 Initiate peer relations and maintain high standards of professional competence
in the guidance and counseling discipline.
4.2 Keep relationships on a professional level by refraining from petty personal
4.3 Consult colleagues as a matter of professional courtesy, when planning to
initiate a professional activity likely to encroach upon his colleagues’ recognized
academic disciplines or researches.
4.4 Give accurate information and avoid any misrepresentation or unclear
4.5 Hold responsible for proper permission from and adequate recognition of
authors and publishers of counseling and testing instruments which he uses and
sees to it that psychological tests are administered only by professionally-trained
and competent guidance personnel under his direct supervision.
Article V
Research and Publications
Sec. 5.Guidance Counselors’ Attitude on Research and Publications. –
Guidance Counselors shall undergo research and publications and, accordingly,
5.1 Undertake research to contribute to the achievement of the Guidance and
Counseling profession.
5.2 In conducting research, adhere to the highest standards of research
5.3 In reporting results of researches, reveal the identity of the subjects of research
only with the permission of the subjects concerned and only for professional
5.4 Acknowledge the source of his ideas and material in his research as well as in
his publications, and recognize divergent opinions from responsible person.
Article VI
Miscellaneous Provisions

Sec.6. Administrative Penalties. – Any registered and licensed Guidance

Counselor who violates any provision of this Code shall be administratively liable
under Sec. 24, Art. III of R.A. No. 9258 and Sec. 24, Rule III of Board Resolution No.
02, Series of 2007, the “RR of R.A. No. 9258”.

Sec.7. Separability Clause. – If any part of this Code is declared

unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining provision/s or part/s thereof not
affected thereby, if separable, shall continue to be valid, enforceable, and

This Technical Standards of Good Practice considers the changing

circumstances in which Guidance and Counseling is now being delivered – changes
in the range of issues and levels of need presented by clients; professional growth
in levels of expertise from practitioners, ongoing continuing education programs;
and the accumulated experience of the Guidance and Counseling Profession
Association over four decades.
Guidance and Counseling practice is found in various settings. The diversity of
settings oftentimes may have a practitioner working alone or two or more
practitioners providing Guidance and counseling services within an institution
(school, community, industry, private counseling clinic, hospital, counseling center,
and hospice). Modes of delivery services vary from one setting to more than one.
Thus, practitioners are faced with the challenge of responding to diverse clients in
diverse settings and helping them effectively.
The term “practitioner” refers to anyone providing professional Guidance and
Counseling services as mandated by Republic Act No. 9258 (The Guidance and
Counseling Act of 2004) and the Implementing Rules and Regulations attached to
this Law. Professional Guidance and Counseling services rendered for free or for a
fee must be delivered only by licensed professionals. The term “client” as a generic
term refers to the recipient of any of these services. Terms “practitioner” and
“client” may have alternative names in the practice setting as terminology varies
according to context and custom.


All clients are entitled to a standard of practice from practitioners in Guidance
and Counseling. Standards of good practice require professional competence; good
relationships with clients and colleagues; and commitment to and observance of
professional ethics.
Good quality of practice requires competently-delivered services that meet the
client’s need by practitioners who are appropriately supportive and accountable.
1. Practitioners should give careful consideration to the limitations of their
training and experience and work within these limits, taking advantage of available
professional support. If work with clients requires the provision of additional
services operating in parallel with guidance and counseling, the availability of such
services ought to be taken into account, as their absence may constitute a significant
2. Good practice involves clarifying and agreeing to the rights and responsibilities
of both the practitioner and client at appropriate points in their working
3. Dual relationships arise when the practitioner has two or more kinds of
relationship concurrently with a client, for example, client and trainee,
acquaintance and client, colleague and supervisee. The existence of a dual
relationship with a client is seldom neutral and can have a powerful beneficial or
detrimental impact that may not always be easily foreseeable. For these reasons,
practitioners are required to consider the implications of entering into dual
relationships with clients, to avoid entering into relationships that are likely to be
detrimental to clients as they are accountable to clients and colleagues for any dual
relationship that may occur.
4. Practitioners are encouraged to keep appropriate records of their work with
clients. All records should be accurate, respectful of clients and colleagues and
protected from unauthorized disclosure. Practitioners should take into account
their Guidance and Counseling Act (Republic Act 9258), the Code of Ethics, and
any other legal requirements.
5. Clients are entitled to competently-delivered services that are periodically
reviewed by the practitioner. These reviews may be conducted, when appropriate,
in consultation with clients, supervisors, managers, or other practitioners with
relevant expertise.


6. All practitioners must have regular and on-going continuing education in view
of professional development. Managers/directors, coordinators/supervisors,
educators, researchers and providers of counseling services including volunteers in
counseling centers and various settings are required to review periodically their
need for professional and personal growth and to upgrade their skills, knowledge,
and competencies.
7. Regularly monitoring and reviewing one’s work is essential to maintaining
good practice. It is important to be open to appraisals and assessments and be
conscious in considering feedbacks from colleagues. Responding constructively to
feedbacks helps to advance the practice.
8. Practitioners should be conscientiously aware of any legal requirements
concerning their work and be legally accountable for their practice.


9. The practice of Guidance and Counseling depends on gaining and honoring the
trust of clients. Keeping trust requires an attentiveness to the quality of listening
and respect offered to clients, culturally appropriate ways of communicating that
are courteous and clear, maintaining respect for privacy and dignity, and careful
attention to client’s consent and confidentiality.
10. Clients should be adequately informed about the nature of the services being
offered. Practitioners should obtain a written and informed consent from their
clients and respect a client’s right to choose as to whether to continue with or
withdraw from the services.
11. Practitioners should ensure that services are normally delivered on the basis of
the client’s explicit consent. Reliance on implicit consent is more vulnerable to
misunderstandings and is best avoided unless there are sound reasons for doing so.
Practitioners should be accountable to clients, colleagues and the profession if they
override a client’s known wishes.
12. When clients pose a risk of causing serious harm to themselves or others, the
practitioner should be alert to the possibility of conflicting responsibilities between
those concerning their client, significant others, and society. Consultation with a
supervisor or experienced practitioner is strongly recommended, whenever this
would not cause undue delay. In all cases, the aim should be to ensure for the client
a good quality of care that is as respectful of the client’s capacity for self-
determination and trustworthiness as circumstances permit.
13. Working with young people requires specific ethical awareness and
competence. The practitioner is required to consider and assess the balance between
young people’s dependence on adults and their progressive development towards
independent living. Working with children and adolescents requires careful
consideration of issues concerning their capacity to give consent to receiving any
professional service independent of parental consent and the management of
confidences disclosed by these clients.
14. Respecting confidentiality is a fundamental requirement for keeping trust. The
professional management of confidentiality concerns the protection of personally
identifiable and sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure. Disclosure
may be authorized by client’s written consent or the law. Any disclosures should be
undertaken in ways that best protect the client’s trust. Practitioners should be
accountable to their clients and to their profession for management of
confidentiality in general and particularly for any disclosure made without their
client’s consent.
15. Practitioners should be willing to respond to their client’s requests for
information about the way they are working and any assessment that they may
have done. This professional requirement does not apply when imparting this
information would be detrimental to the client or inconsistent with the counseling
or psychotherapeutic approach previously agreed with the client. Clients may have
legal rights to this information and this must be taken into account.
16. Practitioners must not abuse their client’s trust in order to gain sexual,
emotional, financial or any other kind of personal advantage. Sexual relations or
any other type of sexual activity or sexualized behavior with clients are prohibited.
Practitioners should exercise caution before entering into personal or business
relationships with former clients and should be accountable if the relationship
becomes detrimental to the client or to the profession.
17. Practitioners should not allow their professional relationships with clients to be
prejudiced by any personal views they may have about lifestyle, gender, age,
disability, race, sexual orientation, beliefs, or culture.
18. Practitioners should be clear about any commitment made with the clients and
colleagues and honor these commitments.


19. All practitioners are encouraged to share their professional knowledge and
practice in order to benefit their clients and the public.
20. Only qualified doctoral-degree holders are to teach the doctoral program
courses in Guidance and Counseling.
21. Practitioners who provide counselor education and training should have
professional continuing education, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies to
be effective teachers, facilitators and trainers.
22. Practitioners involved in teaching and training must update their syllabi,
modules, curricular programs and courses periodically to be relevant and be within
the prescribed Guidelines of RA 9258, the Implementing Rules and Regulations,
and the Commission of Higher Education (CHED).
23. Internship and practicum courses should be done in diverse settings to enhance
the skills, knowledge and competencies of Guidance and Counseling students.
24. Curricular programs, training courses, learning modules, and seminar programs
should be evaluated in terms of contents, strategies or techniques, implementation
process, and the expected output to ensure total effectiveness.
25. Practitioners should always be fair, accurate, and honest in their assessment of
their students.
26. A written consent is required from clients if they are to be observed, recorded,
or if their personally-identifiable disclosures are to be used for training purposes.
27. Practitioners must serve as role models for professional behavior.


28. Practitioners are responsible for clarifying responsibility for the work with the
29. Counselors, guidance specialists, guidance mentors, supervisors, and trainers
may receive supervision/consultative support independently.
30. Supervisors and managers have a responsibility to help practitioners acquire
professional competencies, maintain and enhance further the guidance and
counseling practice for the clients’ welfare.
31. Practitioners give due credit to clients or supervisees for their contributions to
research and scholarly projects through co-authorship, acknowledgment or other
appropriate means, in accordance with such contributions.


32. Guidance Counselors are committed to fostering research that will inform and
develop the guidance and counseling practice. Practitioners are encouraged to
support research undertaken on behalf of the profession and to participate actively
in relevant research work.
33. Researches should be undertaken with rigorous attentiveness to the quality and
integrity both of the research itself and of the dissemination and application of the
research results, if appropriate.
34. Articles and researches for publication must be peer-refereed.
35. Responsibility and accountability as well as intellectual honesty in doing
research by the Practitioner should be upheld and observed respectively at all
36. The rights of research participants should be carefully considered and protected.
The rights include the right to freely give an informed consent, and the right to
withdraw at any point.
37. The research methods used should comply with the standards of good practice
in guidance and counseling, Code of Ethics, and RA 9258.
38. Practitioners acknowledge other researchers who have contributed significantly
to the research and/or publication, and those who have done previous work on the
39. Research work should be presented in for a, conventions, and conferences for
public dissemination.


40. Practitioners should select standardized psychological tests that meet the
purposes for which they are to be used and that are appropriate for their intended
41. Practitioners must have the professional knowledge, skills, and competencies in
test administration, test interpretation, and preparing reports.
42. Practitioners should interpret test scores based on appropriate norms.
43. Practitioners should examine and understand the specimen sets, test booklets,
manuals, directions, answer sheets, scoring templates, and score reports before
administering and assessing.
44. Practitioners should take into account any differences in test administration
practices or the client’s familiarity with the test items.
45. In selecting tests, practitioners should use tests that are culturally-fair in terms
of gender, ethnic background, religion, race, and handicapped conditions.
46. Practitioners should be aware of client’s limitations in understanding language
usage and technical terminology.
47. Practitioners should ask the consent of a parent or a guardian of a minor before
giving an assessment tool and explain the purpose for this.
48. Practitioners should comply with the test administration, test scoring, and test
interpretation procedures as prescribed in the Test Manual.
49. Practitioners should inform the client of the assessment results in a manner that
is clearly understood.
50. A copy of the psychological report stamped with the word CONFIDENTIAL
may be provided by the practitioner to the client.
51. Practitioner should use assessment data by taking into account various factors
and characteristics of the client being assessed that might affect the practitioner’s
judgment or reduce the accuracy of interpretation.
52. Practitioners do not base assessments, recommendations, or test results that are
outdated for the current purpose.
53. Practitioners make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity or security of
tests and other assessment techniques.


54. Only degree-granting institutions offering CHED-approved Guidance and
Counseling programs are regulated to have review centers and classes for licensure
purposes, and must be approved by the Professional Regulation Commission
55. Review classes shall be handled only by competent masters and doctoral degree
holders in Guidance and Counseling.
56. A member of the Professional Regulatory Board of Guidance and Counseling
(PRBGC) may serve as lecturer in Review Centers of institutions offering CHED-
approved Guidance and Counseling programs only two years after his/her term in
the PRBGC.


57. Practitioners have a responsibility to monitor, and maintain their fitness and
update their competencies to practice at a level that enables them to provide
effective service. If their effectiveness becomes impaired for any reason, including
health or personal circumstances, they should inform and talk to their immediate
supervisor regarding the situation. Results of consultation with supervisor and
experienced colleagues will help the practitioner to make the appropriate decision.
58. Attending to the practitioner’s well-being is essential to sustaining good
practice. Practitioners have a responsibility to themselves to ensure that their work
does not become detrimental to their health or well-being by ensuring that the way
they undertake their work is as safe as possible and that they seek appropriate
professional support and services when the need arises.
59. Practitioners are entitled to be treated with proper consideration and respect
consistent with Standards of Good Practice.


60. Practitioners have a responsibility to protect clients when they have good
reason for believing the client’s well-being is at risk.
61. If matters cannot be resolved, practitioners should review the grounds for
concerns and evidences available and have appropriate consultation.
62. If practitioners are uncertain as what to do, their concerns should be discussed
with an experienced colleague or supervisor provided they strictly follow the
guidelines in keeping trust.
63. Practitioners are strictly encouraged to ensure that their work is adequately
covered by insurance for professional indemnity and liability.


64. Professional relationships should be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect and
65. Practitioners should endeavor to attain good working relationships that enhance
effective services to clients at all times.
66. Practitioners should treat all colleagues fairly and foster equal opportunity.
67. Practitioners should maintain their professional relationships with colleagues
and not be prejudiced by their own personal views about a colleagues lifestyle,
gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, beliefs, or culture.
68. Practitioners should refrain from undermining a colleague’s relationship with
clients by making unjustified or unsustainable comments.
69. All communications between colleagues about clients should be on a
professional basis.


70. Practitioners should respond promptly and appropriately to any written
complaint received from their clients.
71. Practitioners should endeavor to remedy any harm they may have caused their
clients and to prevent any repetition.
72. Practitioners should discuss, with their supervisor, manager or other
experienced practitioner(s), the circumstances in which they may have harmed a
client in order to ensure that the appropriate step will be taken to mitigate any
harm and to prevent any repetition.
73. If practitioners consider that they have acted in accordance with good practice
but their client is not satisfied that this is the case, they may use independent
dispute resolution including seeking a second professional opinion, mediation, or
conciliation, whichever is both appropriate and practical.


74. The practitioner is responsible for learning about and taking into account the
different protocols, conventions, and customs that can pertain to different working
contexts and cultures.
75. All routine referrals to colleagues and other services should be discussed with
the client in advance and the client’s consent obtained both to making the referral
and also to disclosing information to accompany the referral.
76. Reasonable care should be taken to ensure that (a) the recipient of the referral is
able to provide the required service; (b) any confidential information disclosed
during the referral process will be adequately protected; and (c) the referral will be
likely to benefit the client.
77. Prior to accepting a referral the practitioner should give careful consideration to
the appropriateness of the referral; (b) the likelihood that the referral will be
beneficial to the client; and (c) the adequacy of the client’s consent to the referral.
78. If the referring party is professionally required to retain overall responsibility
for the work with the client, it is professionally appropriate that said referring party
be provided with brief progress reports. Such reports should be made in
consultation with clients and not normally against their explicit wishes.


79. Practitioners are responsible in clarifying in advance to the client the terms on
which their services are being offered including the client’s financial obligations
and/or other reasonably foreseeable costs or liabilities.
80. All information about services should be honest, accurate, devoid of
unjustifiable claims, and be consistent with maintaining the professional standing
of Guidance and Counseling.
81. Particular care should be taken in maintaining the integrity of presenting
qualifications, accreditation, and professional standing.


82. Practitioners make their Guidance and Counseling services accessible to all
regardless of their client’s socioeconomic status or inability to pay such professional
fee. In this case, no client should be turned away or refused by the practitioner for
monetary reason. Foundations may be tapped via networking.
83. Practitioners render voluntary or pro bono services in the community utilizing
their knowledge and expertise in their field of specialization.
84. Practitioners have the responsibility to do advocacy in Guidance and
Counseling via print media, film, TV, radio, and cyber technology.


85. Conflicts of interest are best avoided, provided they can be reasonably foreseen
in the first instance and prevented from arising. In deciding how to respond to
conflicts of interest, the protection of the client’s interests and maintaining trust in
the practitioner should be paramount.
86. Practitioners who own any business entity must refrain from engaging in any
business activity under a Guidance Organization’s name where such personal
interest is highly placed.

S.Y 2019-2020

Jona Marie Belleza

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