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48. Crashing is used in critical path method 51.

An electric field can deflect

(a) X-rays
( a) T o r educ e t he e st i mat e d t ime fo r
finishing the task by adding resources (b) Neutrons

( b) To t he project crash due to lack of (c) . ce-

resources • particles

( c) When t he • task becomes a crit ical (d) 7-rays


( d) W he n t he s la c k be c o me s z e r o 52. Coulomb's law in MKS units is

q1 q2
(a) r2
., 49. In ABC analysis, the 'C' items are those which Er2
(c) .47r,er2
(a) Small percentage of closing inventory
value (d) 4
ch .q2
7tqi q2
(b) S ma l l p er c e nt a ge o f t o t a l a nnu a l 6r2
consumption value

(c) High percentage of • closing inventory 53. Which of t he following represent s the Gauss
value law in a homogeneous isotropic medium ?

(d) H i g h p e r c e nt a g e o f t o t a l a n n u a l ( a) f D . ds = p.dv
consumption value

( b) V.11=D
5 0 . I n g e ner at ing a nd l ink i ng t he m at er ia l ( c) V.J=p r
requirements planning (MRP) record of items,
which of the following details are used ? ( d) V E = 0 54: Which of the following •

(a) Master product ion schedule (MPS), equations specify. Kirchhoff-'s current law ?
Explosion process and Inventory status

(b) Explosion process, Bill of mater ial (a) • 'T7' = o

(BOM) and Lead time offsetting
(b) J=aE
(c) Master product ion schedule (MPS),
(c) D= £E
Explosion process, Inventory status, Bill
o f mat er ia l ( BOM) and Lead t ime (d) EV=IER
(d) Inventory status, Bill of 'Material (BOM)
and Master production schedule (MPS)

(b) qiq2


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