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Indian J. Anaesth. 2007; 51 (1) : 28 - 31 INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, FEBRUARY 2007


Dr. Aditi A. Dhimar 1 Dr. Mamta G. Patel 2 Dr. (Mrs.) V. N. Swadia 3

Shivering is common problem faced by an anaesthesiologist during intraoperative as well as in postoperative period. Shivering occurs
during both general anaesthesia and regional anaesthesia, but it is more frequent and troublesome during regional anaesthesia. This
randomized, prospective study conducted in 60 ASA grade I, II, or III patients, was designed to explore the efficacy and potency
of Tramadol in comparison to Pethidine for control of shivering under regional anaesthesia. Patients received Tramadol or Pethidine
in a dose of I.V after the appearance of shivering. Disappearance and recurrence of shivering, as well as haemodynamics were
observed at scheduled intervals. Onset of disappearance of shivering was found at 1 minute in Tramadol group (T)( p < 0.05) and
at 3 minutes in Pethidine group (P)( p < 0.05 ). The complete disappearance of shivering took 5 minutes in T group while 20 minutes
in P group.Reccurence rate of shivering was 10% in T and 50% in P group patients respectively (p < 0.05). None of the patients
had any complications except nausea and vomiting (6.6% and 20% in group T and P respectively, p> 0.05). Thus Tramadol and
Pethidine were equally efficacious, but Tramadol was more potent with respect to control of shivering and its recurrence .It was
concluded that I.V Tramadol is qualitatively superior to Pethidine for control of shivering.
Keywords : - Shivering, Tramadol, Pethidine, Regional anaesthesia.

Introduction and are not practical in all the settings. Pharmacological

Regional anaesthesia is a safe and popular anaesthetic methods using various drugs like Pethidine, Clonidine,
technique for various surgeries. Around 40-60% of the Doxapram, Ketanserine, Tramadol, Nefopam etc. have
patients under regional anaesthesia develop shivering.1,2 been tried which are simple, cost effective and easily
available. Here we have compared Tramadol, a newer
Shivering can be very unpleasant and physiologically synthetic opioid with Pethidine, the gold standard drug for
stressful for the patients after enjoying the comforts of the treatment of shivering, in the quest for more safer and
modern anaesthetics. Mild shivering increases oxygen efficacious drug. We conducted this study to compare the
consumption to a level that is produced by light exercise, efficacy, potency, haemodynamics effects and complications
whereas severe shivering increases metabolic rate and or side effects of Tramadol with that of Pethidine for the
oxygen consumption up to 100-600%. It may induce arterial control of shivering.
hypoxemia, lactic acidosis, increased IOP and ICT and
interferes with ECG monitoring, pulse rate, B.P etc.3,4,5 Materials and methods
Shivering may be detrimental to the patients with low A prospective double blind randomized study was
cardiorespiratory reserves.6 It is uncomfortable to the conducted at Medical college and S.S G Hospital Vadodara.
parturients as well as to the operating room personnel, After obtaining approval from the ethical committee a
especially during regional anaesthesia.7 total of 60 patients from either gender, aged between
Various methods are available for the control of 20-60 yrs, of ASA PS I, II or III undergoing various
shivering during anaesthesia. surgeries under regional anaesthesia were taken for the
study. Sample size chosen for the study was based on assuming
Non-pharmacological methods using equipments to the power of 80%, ? value of 0.05 and statistically significant
maintain normothermia are effective but may be expensive difference between the two groups. Patients with fever,
thyroid disease, obesity, diabetes, drug allergy, compromised
1. M.D., Asst. Prof. cardiorespiratory conditions and patients on long term
2. M.D., Asst. Prof. phenothiazines and MAO inhibitors were excluded from the
3. MD., D.A., Prof. and Head study.
Dept. of Anaesthesiology,
Medical College and S.S.G.Hospital, Vadodara. After premedication in the form of inj. Atropine or
Correspond to : Glycopyrrolate I.V. Baseline preoperative axillary
Dr. Aditi A. Dhimar. temperature was noted in all the patients. Central neural
26, Shaishav colony, B/H Yash complex,
Gotri Road, Vadodara - 390021.
blockade (Spinal, Epidural And Combined Spinal and
(Accepted for publication on 08-12-2006) Epidural) or peripheral neural blockade was given according
[Downloaded free from on Saturday, March 9, 2019, IP:]


to the surgical procedures. Patients who experienced

Table - 3 : Demographic data ( Contd..)
shivering of grades as shown in the table 1 were enrolled
for the study. Tramadol Pethidine Z P
(N=30) (N=30)
Table - 1 : Shivering grades.
Axillary 36.1 + 0.3 36.2 + 0.4 0.05 >0 . 0 5 NS*
Grade 0 No Shivering. Temp ( o C )

Grade 1 Mild fasciculations of face or neck, ECG disturbances in Shivering grade 2.27 +0.449 2.3 + 0.466 0.914 >0 . 0 5 NS*
absence of voluntary activity of arms.
Duration of 2.22 + 0.81 2.08 + 0.82 0.316 >0 . 0 5 NS*
Grade2 Visible tremors involving more than one group of muscle. Surgery (hrs)

Grade3 Gross muscular activity involving the entire body, bed shaking * N S = Statistically not significant.

The onset of disappearance of shivering was found at

All the patients who experienced shivering were
around 1minute and 3 minutes in Group T and Group P
randomly divided into Group T and Group P. Group
respectively. Regarding the disappearance of shivering in
T received 1% Tramadol in a dose of 1 mgkg -1and Group
both the groups ,we found a statistically significant difference
P received 1% Pethidine in a dose of 1 mgkg -1. All the
as shown in the table-4 and graph-1. Stoppage of shivering
patients were assessed for shivering grades, its disappearance,
occurred earlier in Group T in comparison to Group P
haemodynamic status, and complications if any. Patients
(P<0.001) as shown in Table 4.
were observed at intervals of 1 min till 5 mins, and thereafter
at 10,20, 30, 45,and 60mins.Pulse rate, B.P, SPO 2 ,
Table – 4 : Control of shivering
Respiratory rate, and temperature were noted immediately
after regional anaesthesia, and also during shivering, TIME Tramadol Pethidine Z P
(Minutes) (N=30) (N=30)
and thereafter the drug administration at regular
intervals. Recurrence of shivering was also noted and an 1 16(53.33%) 1(3.33%) 5.15 <0.05 *S
additional dose of either Tramadol or Pethidine in a dose 3 27(90%) 7(23.33%) 7.05 <0.05 *S
of 0.5 mgkg -1 .was given in respective groups. Statistical
5 30(100%) 16(53.33%)
analysis was done by EPI infoversion 6.04 January 2001
software package using unpaired student ‘ t’ test and chi 10 30(100%) 25(83.33%)
square test. 20 30(100%) 30(100%)

Results 30 30100%) 30100%)

In our study, both the groups were comparable with 40 30(100%) 30(100%)
regards to age, weight, gender, and ASA physical status. 50 16(53.33%) 21(70%)
(table 2).
60 27(90%) 23(76.66%)

Table - 2 : Demographic data. *S = Statistically significant

Tramadol Pethidine Z P Haemodynamically there was no significant difference

(N=30) (N=30) found between the two groups as shown the Table-5.
Age(Yrs) 36.86±13.79 37±13 0.04 >0 . 0 5 NS* Table - 5 : Haemodynamics.
Sex( M:F) 19: 11 21:9 - >0 . 0 5 NS* Tramadol Pethidine Z P
(N=30) (N=30)
Weight (Kgs) 48.33±8.33 46.6±6.34 1.20 >0 . 0 5 NS*
Pre Mean BP 118.6+ 10.94 119.0+ 13.0 0.660 >0 . 0 5 NS*
ASA PS (I:II) 14:16 13:17 - >0 . 0 5 NS*
shivering Mean PR 83..93 + 7.05 85..0 + 7 . 0 0.020 >0 . 0 5 NS*
* N S = Statistically not significant.
During Mean BP 117.8+ 10.42 117.0+ 10.0 0.159 >0 . 0 5 NS*
There was no significant difference found in the
shivering Mean PR 8 8 . 2 3+ 7.67 90..0 + 6 . 4 1.696 >0 . 0 5 NS*
duration of surgery, axillary temperature as well as
shivering grades at the start of study between the two Post Mean BP 118.93+ 11.37 119.0 + 9.7 0.610 >0 . 0 5 NS*
groups (Table 3). shivering Mean PR 85.0 + 7.04 85.0 + 7.01 0.209 >0 . 0 5 NS*

* N S = Statistically not significant

BP= Blood pressure. PR= Pulse rate
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The recurrence of shivering was observed infusion of cold i.v fluids, direct effect of cold anaesthetic
approximately after 50 minutes and the incidence of solution upon the thermosensitive structures of spinal cord
(7,9). Shivering may represent an inappropriate programmed
recurrence was 50% in Pethidine group while only in 10%
in Tramadol group as shown in Table-6. thermal response to rise in body temperature.9 Even local
anaesthetic introduced into the extradural space might modify
Table – 7 : Recurrence and complications. environmental thermal clues, with resultant inappropriate
thermal responses to false information.10 Shivering increases
Tramadol Pethidine oxygen requirement by 100-600%, causes arterial hypoxemia,
(N=30) (N=30) Z P
lactic acidosis, increase in BMR, I.O.P, ICT, and may
Recurrence 3(10%) 15(50%) 8.207 <0.05 S* prove detrimental to patients with low cardiorespiratory
reserve. The parturients experienced it to be uncomfortable
Nausea and
vomiting 2(6.66%) 6(20%) 1.298 >0 . 0 5 NS* after enjoying the benefits of modern anaesthesia.
*NS= Statistically not significant Various nonpharmacological and pharmacological
*S= Statistically significant methods have been used to prevent body heat loss.
Nonpharmacological methods like electrical heaters, forced

S air warmers, blankets, radiant heat, and warming the

H operating room suite. The use of warm local anaesthetic
I 2.5

V solutions or warming of i.v fluids are also effective to

reduce shivering. 11,12 Pharmacological methods using
I Ketanserine Nefopam, Pethidine, Alfentanyl, Doxapram,
1.5 Gr-T
Tramadol, Clonidine etc have been tried and compared by
Gr-P many studies. These drugs are used effectively when
clinically indicated and they are easily available to all
A centers and prove to be practical in the many settings.
In our study we have compared recently introduced
S synthetic opioid Tramadol with Pethidine, which was gold
0 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 30 45 60
standard for control of shivering. Tramadol a synthetic
opioid agonist prevents shivering by inhibiting the reuptake
Time in Minutes of norepinephrine and serotonin, hence activating the
descending inhibitory spinal pathways. It also modulates the
Graph - 1 : Profile of Shivering and its Control
activity of nucleus median raphe acting centrally on the m
opioid receptors predominantly with minimal effects on
After repeating the drug shivering had disappeared k and d receptors where as Pethidine acts mainly through
completely. Complications like nausea and vomiting occurred opioid receptors namely k? receptors. The mechanism of
in 20% in Pethidine group while only 6.66% in Tramadol action of Tramadol is different from that of Pethidine.
group. However the difference is statistically Tramadol has minimal effect on k? receptors. The
insignificant.(P> 0.05). antishivering effect of Tramadol is mediated via serotonergic
or noradrenergic receptor or both.6,13 Pethidine controlled
Discussion shivering better than Fentanyl and Morphine.14 Therefore
Regional anaesthesia including central neural blockade we undertook a study to compare a newer agent with a
and peripheral nerve blockade is a safe and popular technique time-tested drug.
for various surgeries. Around 40-60% of the patients under
In our study we observed that shivering disappeared
regional anaesthesia develop shivering, though it is found
by 1 minute in case of Tramadol and 5 minutes in case of
commonly after general anaesthesia. 8 The probable
Pethidine and in comparison to earlier study, shivering
mechanism under regional anaesthesia could either be a
reduced significantly at 1 minute after Tramadol but the
result of decrease in core body temperature or misinformation
dose was 2 mgkg -1.3 Furthermore, the complete disappearance
from receptors.9 The factors causing decrease in core body
of shivering took 10 minutes in Tramadol group and
temperature include, sympathetic block causing peripheral
20 minutes in Pethidine group. However in our study the
vasodilation, increased cutaneous blood flow resulting in
complete disappearance of shivering occurred by the end of
increased heat loss through skin, cold operating room, rapid
5 minutes in case of Tramadol and 20 minutes in Pethidine
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group. Earlier studies have showed better results with References

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