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Taylor’s University

School of Architecture, Building & Design

Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Architecture

Architectural Design Project [ARC60108]

Tutor: Ms. Teh Beng Siang

Final Design Report

// Orang Muar Cultural & Innovation Center
Jalan Maharani, Jalan Abdullah , Muar

// Lim Peidi
Table Of Contents

01 Project Background
Project Aim
Project Objectives 04 Environmental & Technological Strategies
Environmental Strategies
Sustainability Concept
02 Site Investigations Material & Resources
Structural Concept
Site Introduction
Historical Background
Site Significant Issues
Urban Studies
Macro Site Analysis
05 Final Design
Site Plan
03 Design Strategies Floor Plans
Micro Site Analysis
Precedent Studies
Design Intention
Programme & Project Brief
Site Response
Spatial Programming
Project Background 01

This is a thematic studio based on the theme ‘ sustaining humanities’ architecture for people,
place and time. Designing for sustainability has been a fundamental issue for architects in our
time within a global and regional contexts. In line with the current discourse on sustainability,
it upholds the belief that architecture can create better places, that architecture can affect
society anf humanity, and it can have a role in making a place civilized by making a community
more liveable.

Understanding the site environment and targeted user group is the fundamental in designing
a site-reflected architecture. Hence, the proposed design project has to reflect the theme and
address the needs of required user group. In addition to the theme of sustaining humanities, the
module focuses on the development of integration with technology, environment and cultural
context in architectural design

The design project site is located in between Jalan Maharani and Jalan Abdullah along the
shophouses and sits beside a river.

Muar is like a transportation hub, where people come and go but nothing significant to attract
them to stay. The community in Muar are seggregated where Chinese, Malay and Indians are
located in different area and there are nothing much to be shared in between the ehnic groups.
Ironically, the “Bangsa Johor” mural in Tanjung Emas becomes one of the landmark in Muar
which does not reflect the real Muar.

Are we going to create a cultural centre for just one of the ethnic group? Or we are able to
make changes to the current community through architecture and forms a new culture in Muar ?

Hence, creating a cultural node is a notion to reflect the mural and to create a unique “Orang
Muar” culture which helps to build up a stronger community in Muar.
Project Aims

An eye capturing mural “Bangsa Johor” in Tanjung Emas, one of the landmark in Muar. A Malay
holding a phone, taking a selfie with one sikh man , two indian and chinese ladies but walking
pass the streets in this small little town, there’s no sign of different ethnic groups having activities
together. Cultural walk trail are more towards the chinese and jalan sisi night bazaar are mostly

Encapsulating different cultural activities of Muar within a “walled up” building, my C.I.C. is vis-
ualized to become a cultural node for the people from muar to resembles the memories and to
“stitch” people and activities together. This “stitching” culture is envisoned to bring up a whole
new culture in Muar which will formed an integrated culture between different ethnic groups
and establish “Orang Muar”

“Bangsa Johor, Orang Muar”

Project Objectives

1. To design spaces that will effectively show case and promote the culture of different ethnic
groups in Muar City.

2. To align design, which will create a positive impact to the immediate neighborhood (Jalan
Maharani, Jalan Abdullah, Sungai Bentayan & Back Alley), more engaging and inviting hence,
encourage people to stay and explore.

3. To respect and positively affect site and neighboring places with it is highly engaging de-
sign. Where in the designed public areas serves as a platform to engage people thru exhibi-
tion, workshop and other type of activities.

4. The Cultural & Innovation Centre can be an iconic image to the city and a cultural land-

5. Maximize usage of passive design such as natural ventilation and natural lighting
Site Investigation 02
Site Introduction

The project site is located in between Jalan Maharani and Jalan Abdullah. The site located at
the corner lot of the shophpuses and situated beside the river.
The site is granted with a view towards the transportation hub and Sungai Bentayan. It is also
situated in a strategic location, as it is a must passby area for people coming into Muar. The
existing pedestrian bridge connecting the transportation hub to the site allows connectivity in
between vehicular roads and at the same time drawing attention of the drivers.
The site has a gross floor area of 7095sqm and a total built up area of 1975 sqm.
Historical Background

1850s 1880s 1970s 2000s

The Sultan and Temenggong introduced Sultan Ismail Bridge was built to allow Influx of Chinese settlers results in the Outgoing of local youngsters for better job
Kangchu system and actively access from the North, bringing people demand of basic amenities which opportunities brings in a number of foreign
encouraged the Chinese leaders to set across the river to town which eventually forms the development of workers into town. The cultural identity of
up new gambier and pepper plantations eventually formlates a balanced ratio of Bandar Maharani as administrative and Muar town evolved due to influence of
along Muar river. Large sum of Chinese Malay and Chinese populations, with a trading hub to serve the growing popula- foreign culture
immigrants was brought into these small percentage of Indian population. tion. The esta blishment of ferry services
plantations to work as agricultural settlers Despite their differences, they are proud to across the river and the railway links the
and labourers. As a result, spice trade be collectively identified as Muarians suburbs to town brings in the Malay –
grows in popularity and attracts traders majority community in search of better
from India. opportunities.
Site Significant Issues

Contrast Transient

One of the site significant issue is the contrast between the two streets, Besides, as the site is located opposite the transportation hub, there are a
Jalan Maharani and Jalan Abdullah. lot of transient users at this area. People come and go and no attraction to
make them stop by.
Jalan Maharani is one of the busiest street in town and have lots of old
shophouses while walking down the streets. On the other hand, Jalan Abdul- Moreover, with the displacement of local youngsters and the increasing
lah has more modern buildings. These two streets not just having difference amount of foreign workers, will the local community be replaced by these
in street appearance but also contrasting with its happening. transient users?

Jalan Maharani has more happening and hogher density in both vehicular This constant evolving and fast pace situation makes the site lost its orifinal
and pedestrian while Jalan Abdullah is more quiet. Hence, the building ap- cultural indentity. Hence, programme of the Cultural and Innovation Center
pearance and activities to be placed at both streets need to be considered need to be well and careful considered during design to attract back the
while designng. local community.
Site Significant Issues
Site Analysis (S.W.O.T.)
S.W.O.T. analysis is used to analyze the internal environments, opportunities & threats that can be found and used to strengthen the design of
the building

Strength Weakness
- A must pass by area from Sultan Ibrahim Bridge into - Located at activity desired district where people stay
Muar here for short term
- Existing five-foot walkway and pedestrian path allows - High traffic intensity where traffic congested most of
accessibility of pedestrian to site the time
- Pedestrian bridge from transportation hub to sit

Opportunities Threats
- Rich of cultural activities which is scattered within the - The overhead bridge in front of the site interrupt the
confines of Muar allows the Cultural Innovation Center to be- visual focus towards the Cultural Innovation Centre
come a cultural node in Muar - Sungai Bentayan having unpleasant smell
- Located within the common area whereby the two dis-
tricts, residential & commercial meet
Site Significant Issues
Site Analysis (P.E.S.T.L.E.)
P.E.S.T.L.E. analysis is a framework of analysis used to analyze the external environments, opportunities and threats that can be found and used
to strengthen the project intention and objectives.

Political Technology
Malaysia has advance technology wihin the construction Muar is a small town which the technology is not that advanced
industtry. In recent years, BIM technology has been instroduced in this compared to big city such as Kuala Lumpur. With the aid of
field to manage and run the project to prevent any delays and it technology advancement, it allows to attract the visitors and improve
is able to analyse and detect risk during the planning phase of the the creation of cultural activities through various technology. On the
project. other hand, since Muar’s technology development will be improved,
will this technology affect the lifestyle in Muar?

Economical Legal

The site is located within the proximity of daily routines district where The site is located along the shophouses of Jalan Maharani and
a lot of trading happening especially along the shophouses. Jalan Abdullah and a 5’ walkway set back is required for the
Therefore, a constant flow of visitors from Jalan Maharani and Jalan building on level 1 and level 2. A 20 ft setback is required for
Abdullah towards the Cultural & Innovation Centre. On the other the building from level 3 onwards. Besides, the side facing Sungai
hand , Muar is a small town will low living expenses. Hence, the locals Bentayan and backlane for Jalan Maharani and Jalan Abdullah’s
may not spend money on attending classes or activities provided. shophosues also requires a 20ft setback. The building can only build
up to 5 floors according to Majlis Perbandaran Muar (MPM)’s
Social Environment
Cultural fragments as a result of the change in land-use and district. Muar town is lack of greenery. Although the local authorities took
The cultural activities scattered around Muar and makes the cultural initiatives by placing small potted plants along the road but there
activities cease to exist. Hence, the Cultural and Innovation Centre is not much impact towards the environment. Introducing green belt
act as a cultural node with complementing programmes to sustain the along the building and rooftop garden to the building creates an
cultures of Muar as an entity. . eco-friendlier environment by reducing the carbon footprint. The site
is next to the river hence it has possibility that the site will be
subjected to flood even though measures are taken to prevent flood
in the building.
Urban Studies

Why Muar needs a Cultural & Innovation Center ?

Through the site analysis, we discover that Muar is a town with full of gem. The town itslef is full with interesting histories and
culture whcih is not given attention by the locals. Hence, a cultural and innoation center is needed to re-introduce these culture to
the local community.

Why a Cultural & Innovation Center needs Muar?

Muar town is a transition town for the people who are coming from Melaka or Johor Baharu to other town in Johor. As the site is
located at Jalan Maharani, a must pass by road in Muar, it increases the appearance of teh cultural and innovation centre to the
people and helps to promote the cultural market to the people.
Macro Site Analysis

Seggregation of Cultural Identity

Muar town is made up of 3 main races which are Malay, Chinese and Indian but through the land distribution and
landmark studies, we realise that the 3 different ethnic groups are active in their own area and there are no sign of
integration in between these ethnic groups.

With the seggregation of different ethnic groups, it made the cultural identity in Muar town itslef faded and not being
emphasised and given attention by both government and the local community itslef.

Hence, there is a need to implement a building where the heart of Muar town culture can be brought back to the area.
There is a need to come up with a cultural hub where different ethnic groups share and learn their culture together to
form a unique
“Muarian” cukture which can only be experienced and found in Muar town.
Design Strategies 03
Micro Site Analysis

Strategic Location Connectivity Across Site

Jalan Maharani as a must pass by road from Sultan Ibrahim Bridge Having landmarks such as bus terminal, school & Sungai Bentayan.
Connectivity among these landmarks is a big consideration while designing

Pedestrian Density Lack of Robustness

Pedestrian density at Jalan Abdullah is lower hence the activation of Lack of robustness in current cultural activity spot around Muar. How
Jalan Abdullah need to be considered while designing to activate the site to become a cultural spot?
Precedent Studies
Factory for London Artisan by Joanne Chen

Fully Utilizing the Site Spatial Arrangement

Engagement of building with the river maximizes the local The spaces inside the factory for artisan is designed by
and unique experience with site. hacing primary programme supported by secondary pro-
Muar C.I.C. is also designed through the study of site con- gramme. Similarly, the Muar C.I.C. has primary
text to allow localised experience to the users programme supported by secondary programme and
public realm

Transparency of Spaces
Each spaces are having visual connectivity between each other which subsequently
increases teh contact between each other. Muar C.I.C uses steel rack, steel rod and
glass as design elements to allow visual connectivity between spaces
Precedent Studies
Mexican Centre by Productora

Node Passive System

The Mexican Centre serves as a node for joining the Passive system are used to achieve human comfort on site.
landmark nearby and it also act as a central hub for the As the Muar C.I.C. is located near the river, passive system
users. For the Muar C.I.C., it serves as a node and hub for design elements are used to allow river breeze to enter
different races to come together and to the bulding to achive users’ comfort
promote the unique “Muar Culture”

Multi-usage feature
The stairs in Mexican centre is a feature that allows
separation of spaces and at the same time allows
circulation of space. In Muar C.I.C., the interactive learning
space is a multi-usage space where the users can personalize
the usage of space
Programme & Project Brief

teochew wooden clog malay songket weaving indian flower garland

chinese printing zapin lion dance

For this project, the cultural and innovation centre is used to “stitch” the different ethnic group
together. Looking back to the cultural history in Muar, there are a lot and various cultural
activities happening here naming chinese printing, malay zapin and indian flower garland.

These activities are among the significant activities for each ethnic group. Hence, these pro-
gramme are inserted to the cultural innovation centre to activate the interaction between
each and different cultural group.
Programme & Project Brief

In order to achieve “Orang Muar”, a common art is established among each ethnic group
naming craft art, food art and performance art.Each art spaces are formed by different
races’ studio whcih form a big space with a common space for each ethnic group to share
their art.

//Primary Programme //Secondary Programme

Craft Art Studio Community Courtyard

Food Art Studio Common Dining Compound
Performance Art Srtudio Bridge Gallery
Common Dancing Space
Site Response

The skyline of Jalan Maharani is studied in order to respect the site building height while designing. Besides, the scale and propor-
tion of the old shophouses is stuided and grids are established according to the shophouse width.

In order to respect the street facade, the fenestration scale and proportion are studied and continued to the building facade to
have a continuity throughout the street.
Site Response

At Jalan Abdullah, the grid established is continued from Jalan Maharani to the street. Scale and proportion of the street facade is
also studied to allow visual continuity of the users along the street.
Spatial Programming
Spatial Programming

The spaces are formed by establishing the layers and grids through
facade studies. Then, spatial configurations are formed as a guideline to
study on the relationship between each spaces
Spatial Programming

Different activation of public realm is

studied and applied at each floor to cre-
ate a different experience for every ethnic
group to activate the interaction in between
in the building
Spatial Programming

Design strategies are applied in the design to achieve the comfortbility of the users &
“Orang Muar” concept
Spatial Programming
Environmental & Technological Strategies 04
Environmental Strategies

Orientation of building facing North - West and South - East avoids direct sunlight to the

Sunlight Exposure
The site lacks of urban shelter and therefore the building directly receives sun ray from sunrise
and sunset throughout the day. Moreover, the concentrated activities of traffic in the surround-
ing creates an urban heat island and threatens the thermal comfort of users in the site

Wind Orientation
The direction of wind flow in the site is most prominent from North to South. In order to achieve
thermal comfort viacool the internal temperature of the building while avoiding excessive
intake of sunlight and brings in the sea breeze from the river, orientation of the building and
allocation of openings had to be considered upon design process

Green Belt
Green belt along the building filter the smell from Sg. Bentayan and extend the ecosystem to
the river
Environmental Strategies

Cross Ventilation Stack Ventilation

The basement is designed to have openings facing North and South to The stack effect within the structure of th ebuilding was achieved with
allow wind to flow through and in order to achieve satisfying thermal vertical voids or air-wells to enhance the ventilation od air within the
comfort in its interior while avoiding excessive heat from the sun. The building. As sea breeze of air flows from the North, with the help of
allocation was also considered in relation to the functionality of the the orientation of the building, the air leas to the central void, rising up
basement function - basement garden as well. through the change of temperature whereby the hot air gets replaced
with newly flown cool air from outside again
Sustainability Concept

The orientation of the building determines on the site elements to maximize

the advantage of natural ventilation and natural sunlight in the building. The
orientation of the building facing North-West and South-East avoids the direct
sun ray from sunrise and sunset into the spaces. The wind from the North brings
in the sea breeze as well as the smell from the river. Hence, a green belt is
needed around the building to filter out the smell of the river before reaching
to the spaces in the building. Besides, the double skin facade made of steel
perforated mesh helps to reduce the sunray into the building and at the same
time allows wind to flow through the building. This constant cycle of ventilation
will reduce the reliance if air-conditioners which as a result reduce the energy
usage of the building
Material & Resources
White Concrete
White concrete helps to coold own the interior Steel Perforated Mesh
spaces. The reflectivity of light of the white con- The steel perforated mesh is used as the facade of the building
cret reduces the excessive light into the building as it does not add in any visual weihght for the building and
which reduces the energy cost. provides aesthetic to the building facade

Timber used in parts of the building to give
warmth to certain spaces and help to reduce the
energy needed during constrcution

Steel Structure
Steel strcuture is used for its
ability of larger span and
aesthetic beauty. It gives a lighter
appearance for the whole
Structural Concept

Section A - A’
Structural Concept

Section B - B’
Structural Concept

Full Wall Height Section

Structural Concept

Detail A
Structural Concept

Detail B
Final Design 05
Jalan Maharani

Jalan Abdullah
Site Plan
Scale 1 : 400
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan
Third Floor Plan Basement Plan
Sungai Bentayan Elevation
Scale 1 : 200

Jalan Maharani Elevation

Scale 1 : 200
Back Alley Elevation
Scale 1 : 200

Jalan Abdullah Elevation

Scale 1 : 200
Section A - A’
Scale 1 : 200
Section B - B’
Scale 1 : 200
/ lim peidi

Final Design Report

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