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1. Get Organized. In this step, the CIP team should be

organized their plans in order that the project plan succeed.
2. Talk with Costumers. In this step, after the CIP team
organized their plans they must conduct a survey in order
to facilitate the needs of the costumers.
3. Walk the Process. In this step, after organizing, and
making a survey what are the needs. The CIP team should
identify what are the procedures in order to continue the
4. Identify Priority Improvement Area. In this step, the CIP
team should cooperate each to work together what is their
ideas continue the project plan.
5. Do Root Cause. In this step, the CIP team should
determine the reasons to identify the point of the problem.
6. Develop Solutions. In this step, after determining the
causes of the problems. The CIP teams should generate
their appropriate solutions to address what are the needs.
7. Finalize Improvement Plan. In this step, after gathered all
root causes and developing solutions the CIP team should
finalize their developed solutions.
8. Pilot Solution. In this step, the CIP team should have an
experimental trial that can help to improve the plan.
9. Roll Out Solutions. In this step, the CIP team should
introduce their finalized solutions what has been trialed.
10. Check Progress. In this step, the CIP team should
monitor the progress of the plan in order to standardize and
do the plan for the next.

Prepared by: JOYCEL E. DOTIMAS

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