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YES. I strongly assert that BOL has every right to be accepted in Cotabato City or in any of the
proposed territorial jurisdiction of the Bangsamoro government to be. As we may have been aware of,
the Bangsamoro Organic Law has been into a lot of ups and downs- or mostly downs. It has undergone
into a lot of enormous waves for a very long time. Since the administration of Gloria Arroyo with its early
version the Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain (MOA- AD), to P-Noy’s administration
changing its name into Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) and today, in Duterte’s administration with its new
name Bangsamoro Organic law. After a lot of evolutions and revisions, finally we can somehow see a good
end to it. This great toll of the Moro leaders must come to a peaceful and compromising solution with the
national government. Finally, with President Duterte approving the BOL, the right to self determination
of the Bangsamoro people and the people of Mindanao can now be given to them. Wherein the
grievances, sentiments and demands of Muslims in the region can be finally addressed.

We must understand that the approved BOL is an excellent law that will benefit not just the
Muslim people but also the indigenous ones including the Christians or Catholics living in in the region.
Highlighted in this organic law is the power given to the Bangsamoro government where it is granted fiscal
powers which is 75% of the national internal revenue will solely belong to Bangsamoro government while
25% would be given to the national government. BOL also has its exclusive power over some areas,
including budgeting, administrations of justice, agriculture, customary laws, creation of sources of
revenue, disaster-risk reduction and management, economic zone, ancestral domain, grants and
donations, human rights, local government units, public works, social services, tourism and trad, and
industry. There will be enrichment of the natural resources and the rehabilitation and reconstructions of
the damaged and affected areas because of wars. These gives a big chance and possibilities for the
Bangsamoro government to progress and develop its internal and external governance of the people and
the region as a whole.

Now that the BOL has been approved, five months from now, plebiscites will take place whether
Cotabato City will vote for ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to be a part of the Bangsamoro government. If it is a ‘Yes’ then
Cotabato will become the capital of the new government that would replace ARMM and become
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). And if Cotabato City would become a
part of this new government then it will increase its status in every aspect including its economy, security,
governance, and developments. It will benefit not only the place but including its people. If one would
consider this without any doubts, criticism and speculations, just trust that this is all for the betterment
of everything an everyone in Mindanao, then you will see sooner or later that our choice was right. Voting
for YES is worth the try.

The Bangsamoro Organic Law is the only solution to end conflicts and wars in Mindanao. Wherein
the old wounds and scars would finally start to mend and heal. The long agonizing struggle of the Muslim
people in Mindanao will finally stop. No more wars, battles or fights. No more lost lives, no more
orphaned, and no more displacements. No more gunshots, bombs or cries. Instead, there will be laughter,
smiles and the singing of the birds freely flying in the sky. As a Cotabateno, I say “YES” to Bangsamoro
Organic Law.

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